Page 18 of Burnt Offerings

Chapter 34


  The phone rang, and I jumped. Now that the danger was over, I could be jumpy. I went into the kitchen and picked up the phone. Before I could even answer, I heard Dolph's voice. "Anita, you okay?"

  "The police grapevine is even faster than I thought," I said.

  "What are you talking about?"

  I told him what I'd told the 911 operator.

  "I didn't know," Dolph said.

  "Then why did you want to know if I was okay?"

  "Nearly every vampire-owned business or house in the city was hit about the same time this morning. They fire-bombed the Church of Eternal Life, and we've had one-on-one hits on non-vamps all over the city. "

  Fear rushed through me like fine champagne, useless adrenaline with nowhere to go. I had a lot of friends that were undead, not just Jean-Claude. "Dead Dave's, has it been hit?"

  "I know Dave resents being kicked off the force after he. . . died, but we take care of our own. His bar's got a uniformed guard until we find out what the hell is going on. We got the arsonist before he could do more than smoke up an outside wall. "

  I knew that only the bad vamps were at the Circus, but Dolph didn't. He might find it strange if I didn't ask. "The Circus?"

  "They defended themselves against a couple of arsonists. Why didn't you ask about the love of your life, first, Anita? Isn't he home?"

  Dolph asked like he already knew, which could mean he knew or it could mean he was fishing. But I was pretty sure the council flunkies wouldn't have told the whole truth. Half-truth, it was. "Jean-Claude stayed over last night. "

  The silence this time was even thicker than before. I let it build into something thick and unpleasant enough to choke on. I don't know how long we listened to each other breathe, but it was Dolph who broke first. "Lucky for him. Did you know this was coming?"

  That caught me off guard. If he thought I'd held out on something this big, no wonder he was pissed at me. "No, Dolph, I swear I had no idea. "

  "Did your boyfriend?"

  I thought about that for a second. "I don't think so, but I'll ask him when he gets up. "

  "Don't you mean when he rises from the dead?"

  "Yeah, Dolph," I said, "that's what I mean. "

  "You think he could have known about all this shit and not told you?"

  "Probably not, but he has his moments. "

  "Yet you still date him. . . I just don't understand that, Anita. "

  "If I could explain it so that it made sense to you, Dolph, I would, but I can't. "

  He sighed. "You got any ideas why someone's hitting all the monsters today?"

  "You mean, why monsters or why this date?" I asked.

  "Either," he said.

  "You've got some suspects in custody, right?"

  "Yes. "

  "They haven't talked. "

  "Only to ask for a lawyer. A lot of them ended up dead like yours. "

  "Humans Against Vampires, or Humans First, maybe," I said.

  "Would either of them hit shifters?"

  My stomach clenched into a nice tight knot. "What do you mean?"

  "A man walked into a bar in the loop with a submachine gun with silver ammo. "

  For a minute I thought Dolph meant the Lunatic Cafe, Raina's old restaurant, but it wasn't an openly lycanthrope hangout. I tried to think what was up there that was openly shifter. "The Leather Den?" I made it a question.

  "Yeah," he said.

  The Leather Den was the only bar in the country, to my knowledge, that was a hangout for sadomasochistic gay men who happened to be shapeshifters. It was a triple threat to any hatemonger. "Geez, Dolph, if it wasn't happening with everything else, I'd say it could be almost any right-wing fruitcake. Did you get the machine gunner alive?"

  "Nope," Dolph said. "The survivors ate him. "

  "Bet they didn't," I said.

  "They used teeth to kill him, Anita. That's eating him in my book. "

  I'd seen shapeshifters eat people, not just attack them, but since most of those were illegal kills, i. e. murders, I let Dolph win the fight. He was still wrong, but hard to show him my proof without getting people in trouble.

  "Whatever you say, Dolph. "

  He was quiet for long enough that I had to say, "You still there?"

  "Why do I think you're holding back on me, Anita?"

  "Would I do that?"

  "In a heartbeat," he said.

  His asking about the date had triggered some vague memory. "There is something about today's date. "

  "What is it?" he asked.

  "I don't know--something. Do you need me to come in?"

  "Since almost all this shit is preternatural-related, every uniform and his K9 is asking for us. So yeah, we need everybody in the field today. They've been hitting the monster isolation wards of most of the major hospitals. "

  "Jesus, Stephen," I said.

  "He's all right, they all are," Dolph said. "A guy with a 9mm tried for them. The cop at the door got hit. "

  "He all right?" I asked.

  "He'll live. " Dolph didn't sound happy, and it wasn't just the hitter or a wounded cop.

  "What happened to the shooter?" I asked.

  He laughed, an abrupt, harsh sound. "One of Stephen's 'cousins' threw him up against a wall so hard, his skull cracked. Nurses say the shooter was about to put a round right between the uniform's eyes when he was. . . stopped. "

  "So Stephen's cousin saved the cop's life," I said.

  "Yeah," Dolph said.

  "You don't sound happy about that. "

  "Leave it alone, Anita. "

  "Sorry. What do you want me to do?"

  "The detective in charge is Padgett. He's a good cop. "

  "No small praise coming from you," I said. "Why do I hear a 'but' coming?"

  "But," Dolph said, "he gets freaked around the monsters. Someone needs to go down there and hold his hand so he doesn't get carried away with the murderous shapeshifters. "

  "So I'm a babysitter?"

  "It's your party, Anita. I can send someone else. I thought you'd want this one. "

  "I do, and thanks. "

  "Don't stay all day, Anita. Make it as quick as you can. Pete McKinnon just called me to ask if he could borrow you. "

  "Was there another arson?"

  "Yes, but it wasn't his firebug. I told you they bombed the Church of Eternal Life. "

  "Yeah. "

  "Malcolm is in there," he said.

  "Shit," I said. Malcolm was the undead Billy Graham, founder of the fastest-growing denomination in the country. It was the vampire church, but humans could join. In fact, they were encouraged. Though how long they stayed human was debatable.

  "I'm surprised his daytime retreat was that obvious. "

  "What do you mean?"

  "Most master vamps spend a lot of time and energy hiding their daytime address so that shit like this doesn't happen to them. Is he dead?"

  "You are amusing as hell today, Anita. "

  "You know what I mean," I said.

  "No one knows. McKinnon's going to call you with more details. Hospital first, then his scene. When you get done there call me. I'll figure out where to send you next. "

  "Have you called Larry?"

  "You think he's up to this much solo action?"

  I thought about that for a second. "He knows his preternatural stuff. "

  Dolph said, "I hear a 'but' coming. "

  I laughed. "We have worked together too damn long. Yeah, but he's not a shooter. And I don't think that's going to change. "

  "A lot of good cops aren't shooters, Anita. "

  "Cops can go twenty-five years and never clear leather. Vampire executioners don't have that luxury. We go in planning to kill things. The things we're planning to kill know that. "

  "If all you have is a hammer, Anita, every problem begins to look like a nail. "

  "I re
ad Massad Ayoob, too, Dolph. I don't use my gun as the only solution. "

  "Sure, Anita. I'll call Larry. "

  I wanted to say, "don't get him killed," but I didn't. Dolph wouldn't get him killed on purpose, and Larry was a grownup. He'd earned the right to take his chances like everyone else. But it hurt something inside of me to know he'd be out there today without me as backup. They call it cutting the apron strings. It feels more like amputating body parts.

  I suddenly remembered why today's date was important. "The Day of Cleansing," I said.

  "What?" Dolph said.

  "The history books call it the Day of Cleansing. The vampires call it the Inferno. Two hundred years ago the Church joined forces with the military in Germany, England, oh, hell, almost every European country except France--and burned out every vampire or suspected vampire sympathizer in a single day. The destruction was complete and a lot of innocent people went up in the flames. But the fire accomplished their goal, a lot fewer vampires in Europe. "

  "Why didn't France join with everyone?"

  "Some historians think the King of France had a vampire mistress. The French Revolutionaries put out propaganda that the nobility were all vampires at one point, which wasn't true of course. Some say that's why the guillotine was so popular. It kills both the living and the undead. "

  Somewhere during the mini-lecture I realized that I could ask Jean-Claude. If he missed the French Revolution, it wasn't by much. For all I knew, he'd fled the Revolution by coming to this country. Why hadn't I thought to ask? Because it still freaked me out that the man I was sleeping with was nearly three hundred years older than I was. Talk about a generation gap. So sue me if I tried to be as normal in some areas as possible. Asking my lover about events that happened when George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were still alive was definitely not normal.

  "Anita, are you all right?"

  "Sorry, Dolph, I was. . . thinking. "

  "Do I want to know about what?"

  "Probably not," I said.

  He let it go. Not more than a handful of months ago Dolph would have pushed until he thought I'd told him everything about everything. But if we were going to stay co-workers, let alone friends, some things were best left unsaid. Our relationship couldn't survive full disclosure. It never had, but I don't think Dolph understood that until recently.

  "Day of Cleansing, okay. "

  "If you talk to any vampires, don't call it that. Call it the Inferno. The other phrase is like calling the Jewish Holocaust a racial cleansing. "

  "You've made your point," he said. "Remember while you're out there doing police work that you're still on someone's hit parade. "

  "Gee, Dolph, you do love me. "

  "Don't push it," he said.

  "Watch your own back, Dolph. Anything happens to you, Zerbrowski's in charge. "

  Dolph's deep laughter was the last thing I heard before the phone clicked dead. I don't think in the nearly five years I'd known Dolph that he'd ever said goodbye on the phone.

  The phone rang as soon as I put it down. It was Pete McKinnon. "Hi, Pete. Just got off the phone with Dolph. He told me you wanted me down at the main branch of the Church. "

  "He tell you why?"

  "Something about Malcolm. "

  "We've got nearly every human member of his Church screaming for us to make sure their big cheese didn't get toasted. But we opened the floor up to check on some vamps on the west side and they weren't in coffins. Two of them went up in smoke. If we let Malcolm get cooked, trying to save him. . . Let's just say I don't want to do the paper work. "

  "What do you want me to do?" I seemed to be asking that a lot lately.

  "We need to know if it's safe to leave him alone until he can rise on his own, or if we need to figure out how to rescue him. Vampires can't drown, can they?"

  I thought the last was a strange question. "Except for holy water, vamps don't have any problem with water. "

  "Even running water?" he asked.

  "You've been doing your homework. I'm impressed," I said.

  "I'm big into self-improvement. What about running water?"

  "To my knowledge, water isn't a deterrent, running or otherwise. Why do you ask?"

  "You've never been to a building after a fire, have you?" he asked.

  "No," I said.

  "Unless the basement is airtight, it'll be full of water. A lot of water. "

  Could vampires drown? It was a good question. I wasn't sure. Maybe they could, and that was why some of the folklore talked about running water. Or maybe it was like saying that vampires could shapechange, not true at all. "They don't always breathe, so I don't think they'd drown. I mean, if a vampire woke with his coffin underwater, I think they could just not breathe and get out of the water. But, truthfully, I'm not a hundred percent sure. "

  "Can you tell if he's okay without going down there?"

  "Truth is, I'm not sure. I've never tried anything like that. "

  "Will you try?"

  I nodded, realized he couldn't see it, and said, "Sure, but you're second on my list, not first. "

  "All right, but hurry. The media is all over this thing. Between them and the Church members, we are not having a good time. "

  "Ask them if Malcolm is the only vamp down there. Ask them if the basement is steel-reinforced. "

  "Why would it be?"

  "A lot of the basements where vamps sleep have concrete ceilings reinforced with steel beams. The church's basement doesn't have any windows, so it could mean that the lower area was specially designed with vamps in mind. I think you'd need to know that even if you decide to open the floor up. "

  "We do. "

  "Take some of the bitching faithful aside and ask them questions. You need to know the answers either way, and it'll at least give them the illusion that something's happening until I can get there. "

  "That is the best idea I've heard in two hours. "

  "Thanks. I'll be there as soon as I can, promise. " I had a thought. "Wait, Pete. Does Malcolm have a human servant?"

  "A lot of the people here have vampire bites. "

  "No," I said. "I mean a true human servant. "

  "I thought that was just a human with one or two vampire bites. "

  "So did I once," I said. "A human with just a couple of bites is what the vamps call a Renfield, as in the character from the novel Dracula. " I'd asked Jean-Claude what they called them before the book came out. He'd said, "slaves. " Ask a silly question.

  "What's a human servant, then?" Pete asked. It reminded me of Dolph.

  "A human who's bound to the vampire by something called marks. It's sort of mystical and magical shit, but it gives the servant and the vamp a tie that we could use to see if Malcolm is okay. "

  "Can any vampire have a servant?"

  "No, only a master vampire, and not even all of them. I've never heard of Malcolm having one, but he could if he wanted to. Ask the faithful, though I think if he had one, the servant would be yelling louder than the rest. It's still worth a shot. If you solve it before I get there, call. Dolph says there's plenty of other shit to go around. "

  "He's not kidding. The city is going nuts. So far we've managed to contain the fires to just a few buildings, but if the crazies keep this up, it's going to get out of hand. There's no telling how much of the city could go up. "

  "We need to know who's behind this," I said.

  "Yes, we do," Pete said. "Get here as soon as you can. " He sounded so sure I could help. I wished I was as certain. I wasn't sure I could do shit in broad daylight. I'd been told once that the only reason I couldn't raise the dead at high noon was that I thought I couldn't. I was about to put it to the test. I still didn't think I could do it. Doubt is the greatest enemy of any magic or psychic ability. Self-doubt is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  "I'll be there as soon as I can. "

  "Great. I won't lie. I'm relieved that somebody with vampi
re experience is going to be on-site. The cops are starting to get some training on how to handle the preternatural, but no one trains firemen for this kind of shit. "

  It had never occurred to me that firemen have to deal with the monsters almost as much as the police. They don't hunt them down, but they enter their houses. That can be just as dangerous, depending on if the monster in question realizes you're there to help or not.

  "I'll be there, Pete. "

  "We'll be waiting. See ya. "

  "Bye, Pete. "

  We hung up. I went for my shoulder holster and a different shirt. The shoulder holster would chafe with just a tank top on.