Page 25 of Burnt Offerings

Chapter 46~47


  Water lapped at the last few steps. The basement had turned into a lake. Wren's flashlight passed over the dark water like a tiny searchlight. The water was a solid blackness, holding all its secrets close and quiet. A coffin floated about ten feet from the stairs, bobbing gently in the dark, dark water.

  Even over the wheezing and whoosh of my own breathing, I could hear the water lapping. There was the sound of wood rubbing together like boats tied up at a dock. I pointed, and Wren's light followed my hand. Two coffins were bumping against one another near the far wall.

  "Three coffins visible, but there should be four more. One for the guardian, one for the vamp on the stairs, and two more. "

  I took that last step into the water. Even through the suit I could feel the liquid like a distant coolness, a liquid weight lapping at my ankles. The feel of the water was enough to speed my breathing, send my heart pounding in my throat.

  "You're going to hyperventilate," Wren said. "Slow your breathing. "

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, counting to make it slower. A count of fifteen, then another breath.

  "You okay?" he asked.

  "What's going on?" Fulton asked.

  "Nothing," Wren said.

  "I'm okay," I said.

  "What's happening?" Fulton said.

  "We're missing four coffins. Two could have sunk, but we still have two missing. Just wondering where they are," I said.

  "Be careful down there," he said.

  "Like a virgin on her wedding night," I whispered.

  Someone laughed. Always good to be amusing.

  I tried stomping on the next step, knee-deep in water, and my feet went out from under me. I was suddenly sliding down the steps, only my grip on the banister keeping me from going under. I sat in water up to my chin, feeling stupid and scared. A combination I'm not fond of.

  Wren came to stand over me, light sliding over the water while he helped me to my feet. I needed the help. I raised the Browning dripping wet into the light.

  "Will your gun work now?" he asked.

  "I could fire it underwater and it would still work," I said. It still amazes me how many people think a little water ruins a gun. You have to clean it really well afterwards but during the shooting, water is fine. The days of having to keep your powder dry are long past.

  I eased down the remaining steps and slid slowly down into the cool water. My breathing grew ragged. Fuck it, I was scared. Flat-footed in the water, I could have gone for the flashlight in one of the pockets, or I could have slid the shotgun out of the bag across my back. But before I started changing guns, I'd let Detective Tammy get down here with her gun to cover me. I still didn't know how good she was, but it was better than nothing.

  The water slid around my upper chest, not quite armpit depth, but almost. I slid very carefully out into the water, more swimming than walking, gun held two-handed and ready. Or as ready as you can be half-floating in a borrowed astronaut suit.

  I didn't like the fact that we were missing two coffins with vamps inside them. They probably just sank, but my gut was tense, waiting for hands to slide over my ankles, and yank me under. My foot brushed something solid, and I couldn't breathe for a second. My foot scooted against it. Paint can maybe. I guess even vamps have crap in their basement just like the rest of us.

  "I've got some debris over here," I said.

  "You sound like a real fireman," Wren said.

  "Coffin?" Detective Tammy asked from the stairs. She slid into the water last.

  "No, just a can of some kind. "

  The coffin had almost floated to me. No effort. I put a hand out to touch it, keeping it floating gently in the small waves. "When Wren and Tucker get up to the coffin, I'm going to back off. Cover me while I pull out the shotgun. "

  "You got it," Tammy said. She had her flashlight and gun in two hands, one above the other, so the light moved with the barrel of her gun. She was sweeping the water for movement. Just seeing her do that made the tension in my shoulders ease a bit.

  "Don't open the coffin until I'm ready," I said. I had a moment to realize that I wasn't worried about my breathing. The suffocating closeness had receded under the pure adrenaline rush of being chest-deep in water with vampires all around. I could be phobic later, after we survived.

  Wren and Tucker took either end of the coffin. Even they were having trouble moving in the water in full suits. "I'm going for the shotgun now, Reynolds. "

  "You're covered," she said.

  I backed off and swung the bag around. I had a moment to decide whether to try to put the Browning back in a pants pocket or in the bag where the shotgun was now. I chose the bag. I kept the bag in front though, where I could put a hand in if I needed the gun. I swung the shotgun around, settling the butt of it against my shoulder. I braced myself as much as I could in the water and said, "Open it. "

  Tucker steadied it, and Wren swung the lid back. He crossed my line of fire while he did it. "You've crossed my line of sight, Wren. "


  "Move to your right," I said.

  He did it without any more questions but that one delay could have been enough to get him hurt or dead. The vampire lay on her back, long hair spread around her pale face, one hand clasped on her chest like a sleeping child.

  "Okay to move her?" Wren asked.

  "Stay out of my line of fire and you can do anything you want," I said.

  "Sorry," he said. Even over the mikes he sounded embarrassed.

  I didn't have time to soothe his ego. I was too busy watching for vamps. I kept my attention mainly on the one in the open coffin, but I had no peripheral vision in the suit. My hearing was cut in half or more. I felt totally unprepared.

  "Why aren't our crosses glowing?" Reynolds asked from just behind me.

  "They don't glow around dead bodies," I said.

  Wren and Tucker were having trouble getting the body into the bag. Wren finally threw the body across one shoulder and Tucker started squirming the legs into the bag. The vampire lay utterly limp across Wren's back. Her long hair trailed into the water, turning black as it absorbed the water. When they slid her the last bit into the bag, I got a glimpse of her death-pale face, strands of wet hair clinging to it, like a drowning victim.

  Tucker zipped the bag and said, "There's water in the bag. I don't know how to avoid it. "

  Wren got the body as balanced as he could and started for the stairs. "This is going to take a long time with just two of us carrying," he said.

  Fulton's voice came over the radios. "We've got two more suits, Ms. Blake. Is it safe to send more men down?"

  "Speaking as one of the sacrificial lambs," I said, "yeah. Why should we have all the fun?"

  Wren got to the stairs and started climbing up, one hand on the banister. He tried to do the little stomping routine like we did on the way down and nearly fell back into the water. "I'm just going up the stairs. If they collapse, try not to leave me buried until my air runs out. "

  "Do our best," I said.

  "Thanks," he said, sarcasm traveling just fine over the mikes.

  Tucker had isolated one of the other coffins. Reynolds slogged over to steady it while Tucker got the lid. She didn't have enough height to swing it back nicely like Wren had. She just shoved. The lid fell back smacking the other coffin with a loud, echoing thunk. The sound made the tips of my fingers tingle.

  "Shit," Reynolds breathed.

  "Everything okay?" Fulton asked.

  "Yeah," I said, "just a little case of nerves. "

  "You okay down there, Tucker?" he asked.

  "It was me," Reynolds said. "Sorry. "

  The second vamp was male with short brown hair and a sprinkling of freckles still clinging to his white skin. He was over six foot. He was going to be even harder to bag.

  Tucker came up with the idea of dragging the coffin to the
stairs and using the stairs to help leverage the body. Sounded good to me. The bottom of the stairs wasn't in sunlight, so the vamp shouldn't mind.

  Reynolds and Tucker had dragged the coffin to the foot of the stairs by the time Wren came back down. He laid an unzipped bag over the length of the body. "If Reynolds and Tucker steady the coffin, I think I can just roll him into the bag. "

  "Sounds like a plan to me," Tucker said. She stepped lower in the water.

  Reynolds looked to me, and I said, "Sure. " She moved to the other side of the coffin, her gun not pointed at anything anymore, flashlight held beam-down into the water like a distant golden ball of light in the dark pool.

  Wren leaned in over the body to roll it on its side. "You're in my line of sight again, Wren," I said.

  "Sorry," he said, but his arms were half under the body, rolling it. He didn't move out of the way.

  "Move, dammit," I said.

  "I've almost got him in the bag. "

  The vampire's head spasmed. It happens sometimes even in their "sleep," but I didn't like it now. "Drop him and step back Wren, now. " My cross and Reynolds's cross flared to life like two small white suns.

  Wren did what I asked, but it was too late. The vampire turned on him, mouth wide, fangs straining. It bit into the suit with a loud hiss of released air. They were too close to trust the shotgun. "Reynolds, it's yours," I said.

  Wren screamed.

  Reynolds's gun made sparks in the near darkness. The vampire jerked back from Wren, a hole in its forehead. But it wasn't dead, not even close. Revenants don't die that easy. I fired into that pale face. The face exploded into blood and bits of meat; small heavy pieces rained down into the water with soft plops. It fell back against the raised coffin lid, head gone, hands still spasming in the white satin interior. Legs kicking. Wren fell to his butt on the stairs.

  Tucker was saying, "Wren, Wren, answer me. "

  "I'm here," he said, voice hoarse. "I'm here. "

  I came two careful steps closer on the water-covered stairs and put another shell in the vampire's chest, blowing a hole in it and the coffin lid behind it. I pumped another shell in the shotgun and said, "Up the stairs, now!"

  I knelt by Wren, hand under his arm, the other full of shotgun. Over the ringing in my ears from the guns I heard Tucker say, "Something brushed my leg. "

  "Out, now!" I tried to force them up the stairs with my voice. I dragged Wren to his feet and pushed him up the stairs. He didn't need much urging. When he reached sunlight, he turned back, waiting for the rest of us.

  Reynolds was almost with us. Two wet, dripping arms came up on either side of Tucker.

  I yelled, "Tucker!"

  The arms closed and she was suddenly airborne, backwards, under the water. It closed over her like a black fist. There'd never been anything to shoot at.

  Her voice was crystalline over the radio, breathing so ragged it hurt to hear it. "Wren! Help me!"

  I slid down the steps, falling into the water, letting the blackness close over me. My cross flared through the water like a beacon. I saw movement but wasn't sure it was her.

  I felt movement in the water seconds before arms grabbed me from behind. Teeth tore into the suit, hands ripping the helmet off like wet paper. It rolled me in the water, and I let it. I let its eager hands carry me around until I shoved the shotgun against its chin and fired. I watched its head vanish in a cloud of blood by the glow of my cross. I still had the breathing mask on, which was why I wasn't drowning.

  Tucker's screams were continuous now. Her screaming was everywhere, in the radio, in the water, echoing and constant.

  I stood up, the remnants of the suit sliding down my body. I lost some of the echoes of Tucker's screams. The water was conducting the screams like an amplifier.

  Reynolds and Wren were both in the water. A bad idea. He was struggling towards something, and I saw it. Tucker's Haz-Mat suit was floating on the other side of the basement. He threw himself into the water trying to swim to her. Reynolds was trying to stay with him, gun in hand. Her cross was blindingly bright.

  I yelled over the radio, "Everyone out! Out, dammit, out!" No one was listening.

  Tucker's screams stopped abruptly. Everyone else screamed more. Everyone but me. I went quiet. Screaming wouldn't help. There were at least three vamps down here with us. Three revenants. We were going to die if we stayed down here.

  The vampire exploded out of the water in front of me. The shotgun fired before I realized I'd done it. The vampire's chest exploded, and it grabbed for me anyway. I had time to jack another shell in, but not to fire. At moments like this the world goes too fast and too slow. You can't stop anything from happening, but you can see it all in excruciating detail. The vampire's fingers dug into my shoulders, painfully tight, holding me still while he reared back to strike. I had a glimpse of fangs framed by a dark beard. My cross's glow was almost frantically bright, highlighting the vampire's face like a Halloween flashlight. I fired the shotgun straight up under the chin, no time to brace, just to pull the trigger. The head exploded in a red rain all over my face mask. I was blinded by blood and thicker things. The recoil of the shotgun sat me down in the water. I went under without knowing if the thing was still coming or if it was dead.

  I struggled to the surface. The water had streaked the face mask clean of blood, but heavier things clung to it, so I was still blind. I jerked the mask off my face. losing the radio but gaining my vision.

  The vampire was floating in front of me, not face down, or face up. Faceless. Goody.

  When Reynolds's gun fired, the shots sounded strange, and I realized I was deaf in the ear I'd fired the shotgun next to. The vampire's body reacted to the bullets, staggering, but not stopping. She was hitting it full middle body like they teach you on the range.

  I yelled, "Head shot. "

  She raised the gun, and the gun clicked empty. I think she was going for extra ammo in a pocket when the thing jumped her and they both vanished into the water.

  I slid out of what remained of the suit. Even with the taped joints it slipped off me like a shed skin. I exchanged hands to keep the shotgun ready and dived into the water. Swimming was faster, and if there was anything to catch, I'd caught it by now. The cross lit my way like a beacon. But it was Reynolds's cross that I swam for. That was my beacon.

  I had seconds to reach her or it was all over. I had a sense of movement a second before the last vamp slammed into me. I turned, starting to point the shotgun at it, and it grabbed the gun. I think it was just grabbing anything, but it tore the gun from my hand and grabbed for me.

  She was almost pretty with her long pale hair streaming behind her like a mermaid straight out of a fairy story. The cross made her skin glow as she reached for me. I had a knife ready and shoved it up under her chin. It slid in easily but didn't reach the brain. It wasn't a killing blow, not even close. She stood in the water, hands clawing at the knife. I don't think it was pain. She just couldn't open her mouth enough to feed.

  I shoved the second blade under her ribs, up into her heart. Her body shuddered, eyes impossibly wide. Her mouth opened enough for me to see my knife blade impaling her. She screamed wordlessly and hit me with the back of her hand. The only thing that kept me from being airborne was the water. It absorbed some of the shock. I fell backwards, and the water closed over me. I had a second of floating, then I tried to breathe, got a mouthful of water and staggered to my feet, coughing, falling down as soon as I stood. I got my feet under me and felt something warmer on my face than water. I was bleeding. My vision was going grey with little white flowers in it.

  The vampire was still coming for me with my last two knives in its body. There was no more screaming from across the room. I couldn't see that far, but it could only mean one thing. Reynolds, Wren, and Tucker were gone.

  I was backing up in the water. I tripped over something and went down, water pouring over me. It was harder to get up
this time, slower. I'd tripped over the Haz-Mat suit, and the bag with the Browning in it. My vision was full of holes. It was like watching the vampire through a strobe light. I closed my eyes, but the white flowers ate the back of my eyelids. I let myself sink into the water and found the bag by my foot. Was I holding my breath, or had I just stopped breathing? I couldn't remember. I got the Browning out without opening my eyes. I didn't need to see to use it.

  She grabbed a handful of my hair and dragged me to the surface. I fired as I came up, blowing holes in her body like a zipper until I came to that pale face. She put a hand out, over the muzzle of the gun, and that delicate hand blew into bits of bone, a bloody stump. I fired into that face until it was a red ruin and I was deaf in both ears.

  The vampire fell backwards into the water, and I slid to my knees. The water poured over me. I tried to push to the surface again and couldn't. I think I got one last mouthful of air, then the grey and white spots were everywhere. I couldn't see the glow of the cross or the black water. When darkness swallowed my vision, it was smooth and perfect. I had a moment of floating, a dim thought that I should be scared, then nothing.


  I woke up on the grass where Caroline and I had been sitting. Vomiting water and bile, feeling like shit, but alive. Alive was good. Almost as good was Detective Tammy Reynolds standing over me, watching the EMTs work on me. Her arm was taped to her side, and she was crying. Then nothing, like someone changed the channel, and I woke up to a different show.

  Hospital this time, and I was afraid I'd dreamed Reynolds, and that she was really dead. Larry sat in a chair by my bed, head back, asleep or knocked out on painkillers. I took his presence as a sign I hadn't hallucinated Reynolds. If his sweetie had been dead, I didn't think he'd be sitting here, at least not asleep.

  He blinked awake, eyes unfocused, from drugs I think. "How are you?"

  "You tell me. "

  He smiled, tried to stand and had to take a deep breath before he could do it. "If I wasn't hurt, I'd be out helping Tammy rescue vamps right now. "

  Something tight in my chest loosened. "She is alive, then. I thought I'd dreamed it. "

  He blinked at me. "Yeah, she's alive. So is Wren. "

  "How?" I asked.

  He grinned at me. "A vampire known as the Traveler seems able to inhabit bodies of other vamps. Says he's a member of their council and he's here to help. Says you enlisted his aid. " Larry was watching me very closely, the painkillers sliding away from his eyes as he tried to will me to tell the truth.

  "That's essentially it," I said.

  "He took over the body of the vamp attacking Tammy and Wren. He saved them. She shoved her arm into the vamp's mouth, and it's broken, but it'll heal. "

  "What about Wren?"

  "Okay, but he's pretty broken up over Tucker. "

  "She didn't make it," I said.

  He shook his head. "She was torn up, nearly yanked in half. All that was holding her together was the Haz-Mat suit. "

  "So you didn't have to stake her," I said.

  "The vamps did the job themselves," he said. "They got Tucker's body up but not the vamps you did in. They're still down there. "

  I looked at him. "Let me guess, it caved in--didn't it?"

  "Not five minutes after they pulled Tucker's body out, and laid you on the grass, the whole thing went. The vamp body that the Traveler was using started to burn. I've never seen one of them burn before. It was impressive and scary. The rubble covered the vamp. They couldn't dig him out until dark because that would have exposed him to sunlight again. He dug his own way out while they were still getting started. "

  "He attack anyone?" I asked.

  Larry shook his head. "He seemed pretty calm. "

  "You were there?"

  "Yep. "

  I let it go. No sense worrying over what might have happened if the vamp had clawed his way to freedom pissed. I also found it very interesting that the Traveler couldn't stand the sunlight, and Warrick could. Surviving sunlight, even dim sunlight, was the rarest of talents among the walking dead. Or maybe Warrick was right. Maybe it was God's grace. Who was I to know?

  "Is it my imagination or are you just moving better, with less pain?" I asked.

  "It's been another twenty-four hours. I'm starting to heal. "

  "Excuse me?" I said.

  "You've been out for over a day. It's late Sunday afternoon. "

  "Shit," I said. Had Jean-Claude met with the council without me? Had the "dinner," whatever it was, already happened? "Shit," I said again.

  Still frowning, he said, "I've got a message from the Traveler for you. Tell me why you suddenly look so scared and I'll give it to you. "

  "Just give it to me, Larry, please. "

  Still frowning, he said, "The dinner is postponed until you feel well enough to attend. "

  I settled back against the pillows and couldn't keep the relief off my face, my body.

  "What the hell is going on, Anita?"

  Maybe it was the concussion. Maybe it was the fact that I didn't like to lie to Larry face to face. Whatever it was, I told him truth. I told him all of it. I told him about Richard and the marks. He knew about that, but not what I'd discovered recently. I left out a few things, but not much. When I was done, he sat back in the chair looking stunned.

  "Well, say something. "

  He shook his head. "Sweet Mary Mother of God, I don't know where to start. Jean-Claude had a press conference last night with the Traveler at his side. They talked about vampire and human unity in the face of this awful event. "

  "Whose body did the Traveler use?" I asked.

  Larry shivered. "That is one of the creepiest vamp powers I have ever seen. He used some vamp from Malcolm's Church. Malcolm was at the press conference. too. The Traveler used his powers to help rescue the other vamps, including Malcolm. "

  "Who acted as intepreter while the sun was up?" I asked.

  "Balthasar, his human servant. "

  "Balthasar as a public servant, that is creepy," I said.

  Larry frowned. "He told me he had a thing for men with red hair. Was he kidding?"

  I laughed, and it made my head hurt. I was suddenly very aware of a growing headache, as if it had been there all the time, just masked by drugs. Modern chemistry, there is no substitute.

  "Probably not, but don't worry. You're not on the menu. "

  "Who is?" Larry asked.

  "I don't know yet. Has Dolph found out who's behind the bombings and stuff?"

  "Yes. " He said that one word like it was enough.

  "Tell me or I will get out of this bed and hurt you. "

  "It was Humans First. The police raided their headquarters earlier today, got most of the leaders. "

  "That is wonderful. " I frowned, which hurt, then closed my eyes and said, "How did Humans First know where all the monsters were? They hit private homes, secret daytime lairs. They shouldn't have known where everyone was. "

  I heard the door open a moment before Dolph's voice said, "The vampires had a traitor in their midst. "

  "Hey, Dolph. "

  "Hey, yourself. Good to see you awake. "

  "Good to be awake," I said. "What traitor?"

  "Remember Vicki Pierce--and her little scene at Burnt Offerings?"

  "I remember. "

  "She had a boyfriend that was with Humans First. She gave him up when we questioned her a second time. "

  "Why'd you bring her in?"

  "Seems she got paid for her little acting assignment. We threatened to charge her with assault and attempted murder. She folded like a cheap card table. "

  "What does little Miss Blue Eyes have to do with a vampire traitor?"

  "She's been dating Harry, the bartender and part owner of Burnt Offerings. "

  I was confused. "Then why stage the scene at his business? Why give himself grief?"

  "Her human boyfriend wanted to pay her to d
o it. She didn't want him to know she was seeing Harry. Harry went along with it because he thought it would look funny if his place was the only vamp-owned business not hit by the fanatics. "

  "So Harry knew what she was using the information for?" I said. I was finding it hard to believe that any vamp would do it, let alone one as old as Harry.

  "He knew. He took his cut of the money," Dolph said.


  "When we find him, we'll ask. "

  "Let me guess. He's vanished. "

  Dolph nodded. "Don't tell your boyfriend, Anita. "

  "The vampires may be your only hope of catching Harry now. "

  "But will they turn him over to us or kill him?"

  I looked away, not meeting his eyes. "They're going to be pretty pissed. "

  "I can't blame them for that, but I want him alive, Anita. I need him alive. "


  "We didn't get every member of Humans First. I don't want them out there with some new nasty surprise waiting. "

  "You have Vicki. Won't she tell you?"

  "She asked for a lawyer, finally, and now she's suddenly developed amnesia. "

  "Damn. "

  "We need him to tell us if there's one last big nasty coming our way. "

  "But you can't find him," I said.

  "That's right. "

  "You don't want me to tell Jean-Claude. "

  "Give us twenty-four hours to locate Harry. If we fail, then you can put out a vampire all-points. Before they kill him, try to get information from him. "

  "You say that like I'll be there when he dies," I said.

  Dolph just looked at me.

  I met his eyes this time. "I don't kill for Jean-Claude, Dolph, no matter what the street says. "

  "I wish I believed that, Anita. You don't know how much I wished I believed that. "

  I lay back against the pillows. "Believe what you like, Dolph. You will anyway. "

  He walked out then without another word, as if what he wanted to say was too painful, too final. Dolph kept pushing against us, against me. I was beginning to worry that he was going to keep pushing until he pushed us apart. We'd be working together but we wouldn't be friends. The headache was getting worse, and it wasn't just the drugs wearing off.