The queen looked at the girl, and saw what she was searching for: the same look that she had seen in her stepmother’s eyes, and she knew what manner of creature this girl was.

  “We had been led to believe,” said the tallest dwarf, “that when you woke, the rest of the world would wake with you.”

  “Why ever would you think that?” asked the golden-haired girl, all childlike and innocent (ah, but her eyes! Her eyes were so old). “I like them asleep. They are more . . . biddable.” She stopped for a moment. Then she grinned. “Even now they come for you. I have called them here.”

  “It’s a high tower,” said the queen. “And sleeping people do not move fast. We still have a little time to talk, Your Darkness.”

  “Who are you? Why would we talk? Why do you know to address me that way?” The girl climbed off the bed and stretched deliciously, pushing each fingertip out before running her fingertips through her golden hair. She smiled, and it was as if the sun shone into that dim room. “The little people will stop where they are, now. I do not like them. And you, girl. You will sleep too.”

  “No,” said the queen.

  She hefted the spindle. The yarn wrapped around it was black with age and with time.

  The dwarfs stopped where they stood, and they swayed, and closed their eyes.

  The queen said, “It’s always the same with your kind. You need youth and you need beauty. You used your own up so long ago, and now you find ever more complex ways of obtaining them. And you always want power.”

  They were almost nose to nose, now, and the fair-haired girl seemed so much younger than the queen.

  “Why don’t you just go to sleep?” asked the girl, and she smiled guilelessly, just as the queen’s stepmother had smiled when she wanted something. There was a noise on the stairs, far below them.

  “I slept for a year in a glass coffin,” said the queen. “And the woman who put me there was much more powerful and dangerous than you will ever be.”

  “More powerful than I am?” The girl seemed amused. “I have a million sleepers under my control. With every moment that I slept I grew in power, and the circle of dreams grows faster and faster with every passing day. I have my youth – so much youth! I have my beauty. No weapon can harm me. Nobody alive is more powerful than I am.”

  She stopped and stared at the queen.

  “You are not of our blood,” she said. “But you have some of the skill.” She smiled, the smile of an innocent girl who has woken on a spring morning. “Ruling the world will not be easy. Nor will maintaining order among those of the Sisterhood who have survived into this degenerate age. I will need someone to be my eyes and ears, to administer justice, to attend to things when I am otherwise engaged. I will stay at the centre of the web. You will not rule with me, but beneath me, but you will still rule, and rule continents, not just a tiny kingdom.” She reached out a hand and stroked the queen’s pale skin, which, in the dim light of that room, seemed almost as white as snow.

  The queen said nothing.

  “Love me,” said the girl. “All will love me, and you, who woke me, you must love me most of all.”

  The queen felt something stirring in her heart. She remembered her stepmother, then. Her stepmother had liked to be adored. Learning how to be strong, to feel her own emotions and not another’s, had been hard; but once you learned the trick of it, you did not forget. And she did not wish to rule continents.

  The girl smiled at her with eyes the colour of the morning sky.

  The queen did not smile. She reached out her hand. “Here,” she said. “This is not mine.”

  She passed the spindle to the old woman beside her. The old woman hefted it, thoughtfully. She began to unwrap the yarn from the spindle with arthritic fingers. “This was my life,” she said. “This thread was my life . . .”

  “It was your life. You gave it to me,” said the sleeper, irritably. “And it has gone on much too long.”

  The tip of the spindle was still sharp after so many decades.

  The old woman, who had once been a princess, held the yarn tightly in her hand, and she thrust the point of the spindle into the golden-haired girl’s breast.

  The girl watched as a trickle of red blood ran down her breast and stained her white dress crimson.

  “No weapon can harm me,” she said, and her girlish voice was petulant. “Not any more. Look. It’s only a scratch.”

  “It’s not a weapon,” said the queen. “It’s your own magic. And a scratch is all that was needed.”

  The girl’s blood soaked into the thread that had once been wrapped about the spindle, the thread that ran from the spindle to the raw wool in the old woman’s hand.

  The girl looked down at the blood staining her dress, and at the blood on the thread, and she said only, “It was just a prick of the skin, nothing more.” She seemed confused.

  The noise on the stairs was getting louder. A slow, irregular shuffling, as if a hundred sleepwalkers were coming up a stone spiral staircase with their eyes closed.

  The room was small, and there was nowhere to hide, and the room’s windows were two narrow slits in the stones.

  The old woman, who had not slept in so many decades, said, “You took my dreams. You took my sleep. Now, that’s enough of all that.” She was a very old woman. Her fingers were gnarled, like the roots of a hawthorn bush. Her nose was long, and her eyelids drooped, but there was a look in her eyes in that moment that was the look of someone young.

  She swayed, and then she staggered, and she would have fallen to the floor if the queen had not caught her first.

  The queen carried the old woman to the bed, marvelling at how little she weighed, and placed her on the crimson counterpane. The old woman’s chest rose and fell.

  The noise on the stairs was louder now. Then a silence, followed suddenly by a hubbub, as if a hundred people were talking at once, surprised and angry and confused.

  The beautiful girl said, “But –” and now there was nothing girlish or beautiful about her. Her face fell and became less shapely. She reached down to the smallest dwarf, pulled his hand-axe from his belt. She fumbled with the axe, held it up threateningly, with hands all wrinkled and worn.

  The queen drew her sword (the blade’s edge was notched and damaged from the thorns), but instead of striking, she took a step backwards.

  “Listen! They are waking up,” she said. “They are all waking up. Tell me again about the youth you stole from them. Tell me again about your beauty and your power. Tell me again how clever you were, Your Darkness.”

  When the people reached the tower room, they saw an old woman asleep on a bed, and they saw the queen, standing tall, and beside her, the dwarfs, who were shaking their heads, or scratching them.

  They saw something else on the floor also: a tumble of bones, a hank of hair as fine and as white as fresh-spun cobwebs, a tracery of grey rags across it, and over all of it, an oily dust.

  “Take care of her,” said the queen, pointing with the dark wooden spindle at the old woman on the bed. “She saved your lives.”

  She left, then, with the dwarfs. None of the people in that room or on the steps dared to stop them or would ever understand what had happened.

  mile or so from the castle, in a clearing in the Forest of Acaire, the queen and the dwarfs lit a fire of dry twigs, and in it they burned the thread and the fibre. The smallest dwarf chopped the spindle into fragments of black wood with his axe, and they burned them too. The wood chips gave off a noxious smoke as they burned, which made the queen cough, and the smell of old magic was heavy in the air.

  Afterwards, they buried the charred wooden fragments beneath a rowan tree.

  By evening they were on the outskirts of the forest, and had reached a cleared track. They could see a village across the hill, and smoke rising from the village chimneys.

So,” said the dwarf with the brown beard. “If we head due west, we can be at the mountains by the end of the week, and we’ll have you back in your palace in Kanselaire within ten days.”

  “Yes,” said the queen.

  “And your wedding will be late, but it will happen soon after your return, and the people will celebrate, and there will be joy unbounded through the kingdom.”

  “Yes,” said the queen. She said nothing, but sat on the moss beneath an oak tree and tasted the stillness, heartbeat by heartbeat.

  There are choices, she thought, when she had sat long enough. There are always choices.

  She made one.

  The queen began to walk, and the dwarfs followed her.

  “You do know we’re heading east, don’t you?” said one of the dwarfs.

  “Oh yes,” said the queen.

  “Well, that’s all right then,” said the dwarf.

  They walked to the east, all four of them, away from the sunset and the lands they knew, and into the night.

  Books By Neil Gaiman from Bloomsbury


  Illustrated by Chris Riddell

  Fortunately, the Milk . . .

  The Graveyard Book


  Odd and the Frost Giants

  Short Stories

  M is for Magic

  Picture Books

  Illustrated by Dave McKean

  Crazy Hair

  The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish

  The Wolves in the Walls

  Illustrated by Charles Vess


  Blueberry Girl

  Illustrated by Gris Grimly

  The Dangerous Alphabet

  Illustrated by Adam Rex

  Chu’s Day

  Chu’s First Day at School

  Graphic Novels

  Illustrated by Dave McKean

  Signal to Noise

  The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Mr Punch


  Illustrated by P. Craig Russell


  The Graveyard Book: Volume One

  The Graveyard Book: Volume Two

  Bloomsbury Publishing, London, New Delhi, New York and Sydney

  This story first appeared in Rags & Bones: New Twists on Timeless Tales,

  published in 2013 by Little, Brown

  First published in Great Britain in October 2014 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

  50 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DP

  This eBook edition first published in Great Britain in 2015

  Bloomsbury is a registered trademark of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

  Text copyright © Neil Gaiman 2013, 2014

  Illustrations copyright © Chris Riddell 2014

  The moral rights of the author and illustrator have been asserted

  All rights reserved

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or

  transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying

  or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

  ISBN 978 1 4088 5964 3 (Print)

  ISBN 978 1 4088 6853 9 (eBook)



  Neil Gaiman, The Sleeper and the Spindle

  (Series: # )




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