Page 12 of Bang Bang

  “Hmm.” Ax drew slow circles with his fingertips down the center of my back until he hit the sensitive area where I’d gotten my tattoo done. “I like my name on you.”

  I shivered.

  “Maybe like isn’t a strong enough word.” His fingers tickled around the flesh and then moved back up my arms, tugging at my dress a little harder. “Love. I love my name on your body.”

  Ax’s fingertips danced across my arms and moved to my collarbone as he moved back around to face me. “I’m going to need you to do something for me.”

  His eyes were dark, his mouth wet, like he’d been running his tongue along his lips imagining mine rather than his.

  “What?” A breathless whimper escaped me as his sensual smile nearly knocked me over.

  He tilted his head and leaned in, his wet lips touching the outside of my ear. “I’m going to need you to spread.”


  “A proper search.” He laughed softly. “I want to be thorough. You are my wife… after all. Don’t want you hiding any… weapons.”

  With a jerk he kicked my feet apart. The fabric around my thighs gave way, ripping all the way up to my hips.

  He knelt in front of me. All muscle and elegant grace. He slipped off my heels and then ran his hands up my calves, then my thighs. His eyes glimmered with heat as his hands finally braced my hips and then finished the rip of my dress all the way up the sides of my body.

  The dress fell to the floor next to my feet.

  Ax’s gaze traveled from my legs up… he shook his head. “Not good enough.”

  I had the sudden urge to cover my naked body.

  “Searching.” He gripped my hips tighter. “Not good enough.” He bestowed a kiss on one hip and then the other then slowly grazed my body with his as he stood. “Bedroom. Now.”

  “Right now?” I squeaked feeling unsure about my body, about him, about what we were about to do.

  “Stop thinking…” Ax’s mouth met mine tenderly. “And let me love you.”

  I nodded. It was a small shy nod, but it may as well have been a blazing sign and a pep rally. He lifted me into his arms and carried me into the room.

  I didn’t have time to register how beautiful it was, how warm I felt in his arms, because in an instant, I was on the bed.

  And he was hovering over me.

  “Three tries.”


  “Three tries.” He climbed on top of me and pushed my body down. “I get three tries to make you scream with pleasure… and if my name doesn’t cross those lips then I’m not doing good enough.”

  “Three is hardly necessary — Oh, my gosh, what are you doing?”

  Ax slid down my body, his lips pausing at my belly button. “Why, I’m doing my damndest to make you scream.” Before I could stop him, he was licking, torturing, kissing every single place he could find. His fingers following his mouth, then at times his mouth following his fingers. Time stopped existing — I stopped existing. With a cry I about fell off the bed as a wave of bliss hit me.

  “Damn, no name.” Ax said, though it sounded muffled, I was officially no longer present in the room. His mouth found my foot. I almost kicked him. He laughed; his tongue swirled up my calf.

  “No more, I can’t take it.” I heard myself saying.

  “You can. You will.” And then I lost focus again as his hands cupped my breasts, his lips teased my neck. I lost the ability to control my own body; it rose and fell with his touch.

  “Ax—” His mouth covered my scream. And then he was filling me. The pain was small, minute compared to what I thought it would be. I’d always thought my wedding night would be tame, awkward. Plain.

  This experience — the feeling of my body surrounding him — was anything but plain.

  I was on fire.

  “Two down… I get one more try.” He said against my lips, our tongues tangled as he moved, slowly, the pressure increased. I wasn’t sure if I could breathe let alone scream.

  He moved differently.

  And I’d been wrong.

  I could most definitely scream.

  So I did.


  “I’m not sure I heard my name,” Ax panted.

  “Axton.” Mind and body spent, I cupped his face lightly. “I love you, Axton.”

  “I love you, too.” He kissed me almost violently and then slowly pulled away and lay down next to me. “I think I’m going to have to search you again.”

  “I think I’m going to have to let you.”

  “Let me?” he taunted, “Beg me is more like it.”

  “Careful, your Abandonato ego is showing.”

  “Admit it… you wouldn’t want me any other way.”

  I turned, glanced at his beautiful face, strong jaw. The man was gorgeous. “You’re right… I wouldn’t.”

  “I can do this all night, Ames.”

  I burst out laughing. “Me too. But I want Chinese first.”

  “I want you first.”

  “You had me.”

  “I want you second and third too.”

  “Ax…” I groaned. “Feed me.”

  “Fine.” He jolted up from the bed and held out his hand. “But in order for me to concentrate on using chopsticks I’m wrapping you in a towel.”


  “But first we shower… so I can… you know… explore some more.”

  “Okay, Christopher Columbus, whatever you say.”

  “Bite your tongue, that man was a Spaniard.” He winked. I took his hand and for the first time in five years…

  Felt at peace in what should have been a war-filled future.

  “You kept the picture of us.” Ax whispered a few minutes later, interrupting my thoughts. “Why?”

  Amy ducked her head into my shoulder.

  “Nope, none of that…I want to know.”

  I lifted my head so I could see into his questioning eyes. “Things don’t matter to me. People do. You do. Even as a kid I somehow knew that the most important possession I would ever have—would be your smile, the memory of you. Everything about you was so…perfect. You were my rock. I knew if I had you, had your picture, your smile, that everything would be okay.”

  Ax shuddered, “And I lied to you, abandoned you, I—“

  “—Loved me.” I pressed my fingertips against his mouth, “You loved me, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

  “I do.” Ax sighed and kissed my forehead. “Love you more than words can ever truly describe.”

  “I know.” My heart was full. My life was owned, altered, by a made man, by a man who in many stories is the monster, but my life wasn’t a story. What I was living was real. And my monster, just so happened to be my hero. “I love you too, Ax.”

  Want more mafia? Check out the reading order to the Eagle Elite series. All books can be read as stand alone but are enjoyed better if you read them in order. I wrote this novella to introduce readers to the series mid series. I know some people don’t like playing catch up so here you go. The next book Enforce is Elite from Nixon and Chase’s POV. The book following that is Ember, Phoenix’s book. Elite will be available in stores this October. Elect this December.

  Elite (Forever Romance)

  Elect (Forever Romance)

  Entice (Now Available)

  Elicit (Just released)

  Bang Bang (Stand alone novella)

  Enforce (December 15)

  Ember (January 2015)

  Elude (July 2015)


  Eagle Elite Book 1

  from Forever Romance


  WHOEVER TOLD ME life was easy—lied. It’s hard. It sucks. The crazy thing is—nobody has the guts to admit the truth. Everyone, and I mean everyone, has a secret. Everyone has a story that needs to be told. Hurt is everywhere; as humans we practically drown in its essence, yet we all pretend like it doesn’t exist. We make believe that everything is fine, when really, everything within us screams in outrage
. Our soul pleads for us to be honest at least once in our lives. It begs of us to tell one person. It forces us to become vulnerable to that one person, and the very second that we do, everything seems better.

  For a moment, life isn’t as hard as it seems. Effortless. It’s effortless, and then the gauntlet falls.

  When I met Nixon I had no idea what life had in store for me. In my wildest dreams, I could have never imagined this.

  “Everything…” He swallowed and looked away for a brief second before grabbing my hand and kissing it. “Everything is about to change.”


  “I CAN FEEL YOU breathing down my neck, Trace.” Grandpa gripped the steering wheel and gave me a weak smile before he reached back and patted my hand.

  Yup, patted my hand.

  As if that’s going to make me feel any less nervous.

  I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to concentrate on the excitement of my situation, not the fear. I refused to be scared just because it was new.

  I mean, sure, I’d never ridden in an airplane before last night, but it wasn’t as if I was freaking out…yet.

  I missed my dogs and everything about our ranch in Wyoming. When my ailing grandma suggested I enter the contest, I obeyed to make her happy—anything to distract me from her illness. Besides, it’s everyone’s dream to go to Eagle Elite, but your chances of getting in are slim to none. One company did a study and said your chances were only slightly higher than that of your body morphing into the body of a whale.

  Guess that made me a big, giant, fat whale, because I got in. I’m pretty sure the company did it as a joke, but still.

  Out of millions of applicants, they drew my number, my name. So fear… it really wasn’t an option at this point. Going to Eagle for my freshman year of college meant that I was basically set for life. I would be placed in a career, provided for in every way possible. Given opportunities people dreamt of.

  Sadly, in this world, it’s all about who you know, and my grandpa, bless his heart—all he knows is the ranch and being a good grandpa. So I’m doing this. I’m doing it for me and I’m doing it for him.

  “Is that it?” Grandpa pointed, snapping me out of my internal pep talk. I rolled down my window and peered out.

  “It…uh, it says E.E. on the gate,” I mumbled, knowing full well that I was staring at a steel gate that would have made any prison proud. A man stepped out of the small booth near the entrance and waved us down. As he leaned over the car I noticed a gun hidden under his jacket. Why did they need guns?

  “Name,” he demanded.

  Grandpa smiled. He would smile. I shook my head as he proceeded to give the guard the speech, the same one he’d been giving all our neighbors for the past few months. “You see my granddaughter, Trace.” He pointed at me. I bit my lip to keep myself from smiling. “She got into this fancy school, won the annual Elite lottery! Can you believe it? So I’m here to drop her off.” How did Grandpa always stay so completely at ease all the time? Maybe it was because he was always packing a gun, too, but still. He and Grandma were the coolest grandparents a girl could ask for.

  I swallowed the tears burning at the back of my throat. It should have been him and Grandma here with me, but she died of cancer about six months ago, a week after I found out about the school.

  They were my world, Grandpa and Grandma. Being raised by your grandparents isn’t all that bad, not when you have or had grandparents like mine. Grandpa taught me how to ride horses and milk cows, and Grandma could bake the best apple pie in the state. She won at every state fair using the exact same recipe.

  My parents died in a car crash when I was really young. I don’t remember much except that the night they died was also the night I met my grandparents for the first time. I was six. Grandpa was dressed in a suit. He knelt down and said something in Italian, and he and Grandma took me away in their black Mercedes. They moved their whole lives for me, saying it wasn’t good for a little girl to live in the city. Chicago hadn’t seemed that bad to me, at least from what I remember. Which wasn’t much.

  I gave Grandpa a watery smile as he reached across the console and grasped my hand within his large worn one. He’d sacrificed everything for me, so I was going to do this for him, for Grandma. It may sound silly, but as an only child I felt this immense need to take care of him now that Grandma was gone, and the only way I could see myself doing that was getting a good job and making him proud. I wasn’t sure about his retirement, or about anything, and I wanted to be. I wanted to take care of him, like he took care of me. He was my rock, and now it was my turn to be his.

  Grandpa winked and squeezed my hand again. He was always so perceptive. I could tell he knew I was thinking about Grandma because he nodded his head and pointed at his own heart, and then pointed at mine as if to say, She’s in your heart. She’s in mine. We’ll be okay.

  “You aren’t from around here, are you?” The man interrupted our exchange and directed the question at me.

  “No, sir.”

  He laughed. “‘Sir’? Hmm… I have to say I like the sound of that. All right, you check out. Drive straight down the road for one-point-five miles. Parking is on the right and the dorms will be directly in front of the parking lot. You can drop her off there.”

  He slapped the top of the car and the gate suddenly opened in front of us.

  My heart was in my throat. Large trees lined the driveway as Grandpa drove the rental toward the dorms.

  Nothing in my life had prepared me for what I was seeing. The buildings were huge. Everything was built in old stone and brick. I mean, I’d seen pictures, but they did not even come close to reality. The dorms looked like ritzy hotels.

  Another security guard approached the car and motioned for Grandpa to turn it off. My mouth gaped open as I stepped out of the car and leaned my head way back so I could look up at the twelve-story building.

  “New girl’s here,” came a voice from behind me. I flipped around and my mouth dropped open again.

  “So squeaky clean and innocent. Like a little lamb. Right, Chase?” The guy tilted his head. Dark wavy hair fell across his forehead; he had a lip piercing and he was dressed in ripped jeans and a tight t-shirt.

  I backed away, like the little lamb/whale that I was.

  My grandpa stepped forward protectively, reaching inside his jacket, probably for the gun that was usually present. I’m sure he was just trying to freak the guys out. “A welcoming committee? This place sure is nice.” Anyone could see the guys standing in front of us were not here to welcome us and certainly weren’t part of any committee, but Grandpa was making a point, marking me as his to protect. I stepped behind him and swallowed at the dryness in my throat.

  “Is there a problem?” Grandpa asked, rolling back his sleeves. Whoa. Was my seventy-two-year-old grandpa going to get in a rumble or something?

  The guy with the lip ring stepped forward and then squinted his eyes in Grandpa’s direction. “Do I know you?”

  Grandpa laughed. “Know many farmers out in Wyoming?”

  The guy scratched his head, giving me a lovely view of his golden tanned abs as his hand reached above his head. I swallowed and grabbed my grandpa’s arm.

  The guy named Chase smirked and hit the other guy on the back. He glared in my direction and then stepped right up to me, reaching out to lift my chin, closing my gaping mouth.

  “Much better,” he whispered. “We’d hate for our charity case to choke on an insect on her first day.” His eyes flicked to Grandpa’s and then back to mine before he walked away.

  His friend joined him and they disappeared behind the dorm. I could feel my face was heated with embarrassment. I didn’t have much experience with guys. Okay, it was safe to say my first and only kiss had been with Chad Thomson and it had been awful. But still: something about those guys warned me they weren’t good news.

  “I don’t like those boys. They remind me of… Well, that doesn’t matter.” Grandpa scratched his head t
hen went to the trunk of the car to pull out my few things. I was still trying to get over the fact that I had embarrassed myself when someone walked up to us with a clipboard.

  “No parents allowed in the dorms. Sorry. Rules.” She popped her gum and winked at my grandpa. Was she flirting with him? What the hell kind of school was this? The guys had piercings and treated people like dirt, and the girls flirted with old men?

  My grandpa shot me a concerned look and sighed, placing his hands against the rental car as if trying to brace himself for the emotional turmoil of the day. “You sure you’ll be okay here?”

  I sighed heavily and looked up at the intimidating building. I needed to do this for him, for us. It was why I had applied.

  Taking a deep breath, I stepped away from him and gave them both my most confident smile. “I’ll be fine, Grandpa, but I’ll miss you so much.” Warm tears streamed rapidly down my face as I stepped into his embrace.

  “I have some things for you. I know…” Grandpa coughed and wiped at a few of his own stray tears. “I know she would have liked you to have them, Trace.”

  Wordlessly, he walked away from me and pulled a small box from the back of the car, then returned and handed it to me. “Don’t open it until you’re in your dorm. Oh, sweetheart, I’m going to miss you so much.”

  I hugged him again and closed my eyes, memorizing the way his spicy scent filled my nostrils with all the comforts of home. “I’ll miss you more.”

  “Not possible,” he said with a hoarse voice. “Not possible, sweetheart.”

  He released me and folded some cash into my hand. I looked down into my clenched fist, where a few hundred dollar bills were rolled with a rubber band. “I can’t take this.” I tried to give it back, but he put his hands up and chuckled.

  “Nope, your grandma would roll over in her grave if she knew I was dropping you off at some fancy school without an emergency fund. You keep it. You hide it in your pillow or something, okay?”