Page 37 of Dark Carousel

  Charlotte looked carefully around her, scanning for people, for enemies, for anyone in the vicinity that might witness her shifting. She'd practiced shifting often because she loved that she could do it. Loved that she could fly. Loved that she could always touch her children and know they were safe. Liv was still in the ground healing. Charlotte, Tariq and Val took turns giving her blood, but then sent her back to sleep. Charlotte wasn't quite as good at that as the other two, so she made certain Tariq reinforced the command.

  "That's good, Charlotte. You've got scanning down very well," Blaze said.

  Charlotte sent her a quick grin. "I love being Carpathian. I've been working on Emeline, telling her all the benefits. She seems interested."

  Blaze exchanged a smile with her. "I'm happy that she's letting you into her life."

  "It's slow. She doesn't like me in her house. She likes to sit outside on the porch with me, but she always comes out when I visit, which is every night now. Genevieve comes with me most times."

  "She's still getting headaches," Blaze said, her voice expressing worry.

  Charlotte understood. She knew Emeline was getting the headaches, but she had indicated that Vadim had left her in peace since the attack on the compound. No one knew if he'd given up on acquiring her, or if he was too far out at sea to reach her. Tariq didn't believe Vadim would give up, but like all of them, for Emeline's sake, they hoped so.

  "I know. And the headaches are bad. When I visited her before we left for the club, she was in tears. I asked her to allow Tariq to help ease them. She hesitated but then agreed, which is so rare for her I almost fell over. I'm hoping that means she's coming to accept Tariq and Maksim into her life as brothers."

  Blaze nodded. "She's definitely more comfortable with them. Thank you for being so kind and patient with her. I love her as a sister and seeing her so broken has been really hard, especially when I've been unable to do anything about it."

  Charlotte sent her a conspiratorial grin. "Between you, Genevieve and me working on her, we'll get her to come over to the dark side."

  The two laughed together, and then Charlotte did one of her favorite things. She put the picture of an owl in her head, paying attention to the smallest detail, just as Tariq had taught her. She couldn't wait to work with Liv on shifting. She knew the child would love it. It was getting easier the more she practiced and when Liv was awake, she planned on the two of them practicing everything together.

  In moments she was spreading wings and stepping off the roof of the nightclub. Tariq, as a rule, would never have let her go by herself, not even with Blaze, but Maksim had persuaded him. Charlotte knew he would know she was up to something and he wouldn't waste any time coming home.

  The two owls made their way through the night to the compound. She loved flying and she took the longer route, flying over part of the city, looking down on the lights. Cities could be beautiful, lit up as they were. Then she was over the lake and the water gleamed under the moon. It was a cold but very clear night and stars were out. Perfect. A perfect night.

  Her little owl settled on the back of Liv's green dragon and she shifted right there, so she was sitting on its back. She's fine. She whispered the reassurance. The green color had dimmed without Liv's interaction. Although she found it strange that a rock dragon would be worried or sad without the child, she believed it was so. She's coming to you soon. When she does, I expect you to take good care of her. To entice her to stay in their world. She was certain when Liv rose from the soil, the terrible things that had been done to her would be with her worse than ever. She'd been taken from the safety of her home. What would it take to make her feel safe again?

  Like Tariq and Val, she worried that conversion wouldn't be enough for Liv to stay with them. The child had been so traumatized and when she woke and had to face what she'd done--allowing the enemy into their compound--she would feel more guilt. She wasn't responsible, but she wouldn't see it that way. Charlotte intended to find a counselor for the children, one maybe among the Carpathian people so Tariq would give his consent without reservation.

  Danny was the first to spot her. He'd come to accept her a lot faster than she'd anticipated. She was certain that was due to Amelia. He gave her a quick grin. "Bella and Lourdes are going to freak when they see you. Lourdes wants you to take them for a ride on the dragons."

  She sighed. Of course the two little ones had learned the dragons could fly. They had been told in no uncertain terms by Tariq that they couldn't fly without an adult. Genevieve was not comfortable flying on the back of a stone dragon so she adamantly refused to take the two girls.

  "You'll take them." Danny made it a statement, grinning at her, knowing she rarely refused the little ones. He clearly wanted to fly as well. "I'll call Amelia. She's with Genevieve over by the swings."

  Charlotte could hear the delighted squeals of the two little girls as Amelia and Genevieve pushed them on the swings. She loved that sound. Normal. Tariq and Charlotte were trying to give the children as much normal as possible. They'd let them have a couple of days off from their studies and then gone right back to their normal routine.

  "Have you checked on Liv?" Danny asked as he moved away from the dragons in the direction of the play yard.

  "Of course. She's fine. Tariq said another couple of days. He's being overly cautious, but we're hoping it helps heal her mind as well."

  "I can't wait to see her. Amelia cried when she didn't think I was looking. She's worried about her."

  "I'll talk to her," Charlotte reassured him.

  "Bella! Lourdes! Amelia! Charlotte's here. We're going to fly." He bellowed it across the distance.

  Charlotte winced and exchanged a grin with Blaze, who was sitting on the orange dragon. "He's a boy," she explained.

  Blaze nodded, her smile widening. "I got that."

  The children came running, Genevieve trailing after them at a much more sedate pace.

  "Want to come flying with us, Vi?" Charlotte asked, sliding off the green dragon to sit on the blue one. She leaned down to help Lourdes on as the blue dragon extended his wing to the child.

  Genevieve gave an unladylike snort and shook her head.

  Blaze sat behind Bella on the red dragon. Bella continually petted the neck of her dragon, talking seemingly without taking a breath. The dragon turned its head almost backward to rub along Bella's lap. She giggled and leaned down to kiss the massive wedge-shaped head.

  Danny all but leapt on the brown dragon, something he'd clearly practiced because he was very good at it. Still, like the girls, he rounded the dragon's neck with his arms and leaned down to whisper in the stone animal's ear.

  Amelia was graceful as her orange dragon politely extended its wing to her. She swung her leg over and then rubbed and scratched at the scales just like her dragon preferred.

  Come fly with us, Charlotte said to the green dragon. When it didn't respond she played her trump card, using her firmest voice. You are wasting away without Liv. You need to be in excellent health to carry her on your back during flight. She'll be with you in a couple of nights and I'm not about to take a chance that you might be too weak to carry her.

  The green dragon raised its head and glared at her. She had to keep a smile from her face. Instead she turned away from the creature and signaled to the blue dragon that they were all ready. Immediately he extended his wings and flapped them ferociously, stepping out away from the others to give himself room to take off. Then they were airborne and Lourdes was laughing, pressing back against Charlotte. The child's eyes were bright with wonder as they flew over the lake and skimmed the water.

  Behind them came the others, Blaze and Bella, Danny and Amelia. And the riderless green dragon. They spent an hour riding the dragons in the sky, careful to stay away from populated areas, but between Blaze and Charlotte they shielded the sight from any watchers.

  Good practice for you, Blaze said. You learn so fast.

  She was learning to fight as well. She didn't ever wan
t to face a vampire, but she was certain it was inevitable, given that she was lifemate to a hunter and this would be their lives. Watching the children grow. Keeping them safe. Educating them. Teaching them how to fight vampires.

  She loved spending time with the children. Tonight she wanted them worn-out. Genevieve was in on the surprise for Tariq, although she hadn't given them details. She blushed, thinking about Genevieve rolling her eyes and fanning herself. She knew. But along with Danny and Amelia, they were all willing to help her.

  The children were back inside the house, and Genevieve and the two teenagers had brought out board games, pizza and snacks as well as movies. The movies were all in 3-D, something Danny particularly loved, so he was willing to watch animated children's shows with Bella and Lourdes.

  Blaze left to visit with Emeline, and Charlotte walked to the main house. She knew Tariq would first visit Liv before he came looking for her, so she started at the entrance to the basement and left a trail of rose petals. Everywhere she stepped she left the soft, red petals. At the door she took off her blouse and watched the material float to the floor to land on top of the petals.

  Something about seeing the way her blouse landed on the rose petals tightened her nipples in anticipation. She could feel them, so sensitive, pushing against her lacy bra with every step she took. She'd thought about this all night, prepared for it, and that had made her burn for him most of the evening.

  She left more of a trail, and then her beautiful stiletto heels were off, first one and then a few steps later the other. She kept walking across the yard, out in the open air, under all those beautiful stars.

  Blaze had taught her how to shield and she'd practiced over and over for this night. She wanted to give Tariq something special. He never shirked responsibility. He always saw to her in bed, never asking for much for himself. He was bossy in the bedroom, but it was all for her, for her pleasure. She wanted to give him this night.

  More rose petals, and this time her jeans landed across the path. Another enticement. Now she was walking barefoot in her lacy pale peach bra and matching thong. The thong was already wet. Just the thought of Tariq following that trail made her slide her hands down her body, following the path his would take first.

  I would see to your breasts first. Cup them. Hold them out to me.

  He was there but she couldn't see him. She halted and looked around.

  Do as I tell you, sielamet. Don't stop walking. Continue on your path. I love to see you walking and I cannot wait to see what you do next.

  Behind her? In front of her? She took a deep breath and started toward her destination once more, waving her hand to continue the flow of rose petals. Her bra landed on a particularly thick pile of petals, the red showing through the lace. The night air hit her bare skin and her nipples felt as if they were on fire. Every step increased the need burning between her legs.

  Cup your breasts for me.

  She'd never felt sexier in her life. She loved his voice. So mesmerizing. The truth was, she'd do anything for him. She wanted to give him every single thing he wanted. She wanted to be his woman in every way possible. She slid her palms up her body to her breasts, cupping them as he'd asked. Imagining him in front of her, watching as she lifted and held them out to him.

  Thumbs on your nipples, Charlotte. Brush back and forth while you continue walking.

  She was very glad she'd shed her heels. She almost hadn't, because it was sexy walking in them in just her thong and bra, but she might have stumbled. Her body was on fire. In need. Weeping for him. She did as he asked and with each brush of her thumb across her sensitive, tight nipples, her sex clenched and spasmed.

  She kept walking and when she was close to the carousel, the large one in the yard, the one Tariq had carved and put together on a platform, she shed her panties, letting them fall to the ground as she stepped onto the platform.

  She heard a soft rustle behind her, but she didn't hesitate; she reached for the wild-looking horse and turned her finger in a circle so the platform began to rotate. Only then did she look over her shoulder as she stood on the horse's back, hand on the pole, her hair flowing as the carousel turned and the music began to play.

  He stood on the platform in his dark gray suit, looking so gorgeous her heart beat triple time. Her discarded thong was in his hand and he pressed it to his nose, inhaling her scent. That was so sexy she nearly fell off the horse, her heart thudding and her pulse beating double time in her swollen clit.

  She began to climb the pole, moving to the music, letting it take her, letting her body move sensuously in a promise to him. She moved with a slow, deliberate undulating motion, her hips thrusting one way and then another, her breasts swaying in invitation.

  She gave herself to him. Just him. A private dance for the man she loved. Then he was with her, on the opposite side of the pole, moving in time to the music, his hands skimming her body as she danced for him. A touch. His fingers drifting over her breast. His hand cupping her mound and sliding away. A brush against the inside of her thigh.

  His clothes drifted to the platform floor, and she caught the pole, shimmied to the top and turned upside down. Slowly, like a sensuous snake she began her descent. Sliding down past his chest, she flicked her tongue at his enormous cock. It strained toward her, reaching for her mouth. She took the offering and heard his moan.

  Licking and sucking, she let the carousel move her up and down, sliding her mouth over him in a tight suction and then sliding almost away. His hand moved up her thigh, rested there, just at her entrance. So hot. He filled her mouth with velvet and steel. His taste was addicting. She danced her tongue and took him deeper as the horse rode high, so that she had to nearly swallow him to keep her mouth over him. Then the horse dropped and she went back up.

  His hand caught her head, fingers tightening in her hair. She loved that. His silent command only made her hotter. She took him as deep as she was able, feeling him swell, feeling the heat of his essence rising. She drank him down, and then gently laved at him, not wanting this to end, but loving that she'd given it to him.

  When she lifted her head, her heart stuttered in her chest. She was looking at the predator--her predator--and he was wholly focused on her as if he might devour her. His eyes gleamed. His thick chestnut hair flowed wildly around him. He caught her to him, one hand on the pole, the only thing anchoring them to the carousel. She was still upside down, and he pushed her head against his still-hard cock while he yanked her legs up and around his neck so that her mound was tight against his mouth. The fingers of his hand dug into her left cheek.

  He nuzzled her, and she nearly came apart. She didn't have to shave because he simply removed all hair, not wanting any barriers between his mouth and his prize. He used his wicked tongue to lap at her, taking his time, treating her like his favorite dessert. He knew exactly what he was doing and everything that she liked. He was relentless, not allowing her to climax, but driving her up over and over until in desperation, she latched on to his erection again, enveloping his heavy cock with her mouth to keep from screaming and begging.

  His taste always undid her, but he was so wicked she could barely keep sucking. The fire grew and grew until she thought she might simply burn up. Then his teeth raked her clit and her body dissolved. Fragmented. Threw her into the starlit sky, where she floated in a kind of bliss. So good. So perfect.

  He caught her around the waist with both hands and turned her, so that she was facing him. He lifted her over his pulsing shaft, all the while balancing on the back of the horse as it rode up and down to the music, as the carousel spun in a wide, lazy circle. She felt the broad head of his cock at her entrance, and then, as the carousel horse went up, he crouched on its back and slammed her down hard as he stood, driving into her, filling her. It was brutal. It was invasive. It was perfect.

  He took her to the beat of the music. Every stroke sent fire racing through her, spreading until her veins were molten lava and her core was so hot it felt volcanic. He
sent her over the edge twice, but kept going until she thought she was too sensitive to continue. He didn't stop. She loved that he didn't stop. That for once he shed his control and was wild and uninhibited, taking her ruthlessly. Still . . . she was so far gone, she was afraid she might spontaneously combust.

  I can't take it.

  You can take it. Feel me inside you, where I belong.

  How could she not feel him? He'd taken her over. Her mind. Her heart. Her soul. Her body belonged to him. His hands had gone to her bottom now, lifting and pressing down, each movement harder than the last. Still he continued and it built again, that terrible, wonderful fire that only he could give her. Her breath came in ragged sobs, hitching in time to the music, and then he leaned into her and sank his teeth into her neck.

  Her core convulsed around his cock, milking and squeezing in demand. He swelled, hotter, bigger. And then jet after jet of scorching seed filled her as her body dragged his very essence from him. Their orgasms went on for what seemed an eternity, rocking them both, and they rode it out together, Charlotte holding on to him with everything she had. All the while the carousel kept spinning around.

  "I love you, Charlotte," Tariq whispered in her ear. He kissed her neck, used his tongue to soothe the sting where he'd bitten her. "So much."

  "I love you, too."

  "I think I'll need a surprise like this every few days."

  She rubbed her face against his chest and then turned it up for his kiss. "I'm very inventive," she said when he lifted his head.

  "My gain."

  "You're always inventive." She squirmed over his cock, remembering how he had placed her in the bed when they'd woken, her arms above her head and her legs spread wide. Once in position, she hadn't been able to move. He'd had his way with her, and she didn't think she'd ever recover from that one.

  "It's good that we both are." He kissed her again.

  She buried her fingers in his wealth of hair. "I love this, Tariq. Our strange life. Vampires and puppets aside, being Carpathian is wonderful and being with you is a gift without comparison. I love our children and our weird family of ancient hunters, Emeline, Genevieve and Maksim and Blaze."