Piobracht au Donuil-dhu, Piobrachet au Donuil, Piobrachet agus S'breittach Feacht an Innerlochy.

  The war-tune of Donald the Black, The war-tune of Black Donald, The pipes and the banner Are up in the rendezvous of Inverlochy.

  The military road connecting the chains of forts, as it is called, andrunning in the general line of the present Caledonian Canal, has nowcompletely opened the great glen, or chasm, extending almost acrossthe whole island, once doubtless filled by the sea, and still affordingbasins for that long line of lakes, by means of which modern art hasunited the German and Atlantic Oceans. The paths or tracks by which thenatives traversed this extensive valley, were, in 1645-6, in the samesituation as when they awaked the strain of an Irish engineer officer,who had been employed in converting them into practicable militaryroads, and whose eulogium begins, and, for aught I know, ends, asfollows:

  Had you seen but these roads before they were made, You would have heldup your hands and bless'd General Wade.

  But, bad as the ordinary paths were, Montrose avoided them, and ledhis army, like a herd of wild deer, from mountain to mountain, and fromforest to forest, where his enemies could learn nothing of his motions,while he acquired the most perfect knowledge respecting theirs from thefriendly clans of Cameron and M'Donnell, whose mountainous districts henow traversed. Strict orders had been given that Argyle's advance shouldbe watched, and that all intelligence respecting his motions should becommunicated instantly to the General himself.

  It was a moonlight night, and Montrose, worn out by the fatigues ofthe day, was laid down to sleep in a miserable shieling. He had onlyslumbered two hours, when some one touched his shoulder. He looked up,and, by the stately form and deep voice, easily recognised the Chief ofthe Camerons.

  "I have news for you," said that leader, "which is worth while to ariseand listen to."

  "M'Ilduy [Mhich-Connel Dhu, the descendant of Black Donald.] canbring no other," said Montrose, addressing the Chief by his patronymictitle--"are they good or bad?"

  "As you may take them," said the Chieftain.

  "Are they certain?" demanded Montrose.

  "Yes," answered M'Ilduy, "or another messenger should have brought them.Know that, tired with the task imposed upon me of accompanying thatunhappy Dalgetty and his handful of horse, who detained me for hourson the march at the pace of a crippled badger, I made a stretch of fourmiles with six of my people in the direction of Inverlochy, and theremet with Ian of Glenroy, who had been out for intelligence. Argyle ismoving upon Inverlochy with three thousand chosen men, commanded by theflower of the sons of Diarmid.--These are my news--they are certain--itis for you to construe their purport."

  "Their purport must be good," answered Montrose, readily and cheerfully;"the voice of M'Ilduy is ever pleasant in the ears of Montrose, and mostpleasant when it speaks of some brave enterprise at hand--What are ourmusters?"

  He then called for light, and easily ascertained that a great part ofhis followers having, as usual, dispersed to secure their booty, he hadnot with him above twelve or fourteen hundred men.

  "Not much above a third," said Montrose, pausing, "of Argyle's force,and Highlanders opposed to Highlanders.--With the blessing of God uponthe royal cause, I would not hesitate were the odds but one to two."

  "Then do not hesitate," said Cameron; "for when your trumpets shallsound to attack M'Callum More, not a man of these glens will remain deafto the summons. Glengarry--Keppoch--I myself--would destroy, withfire and sword, the wretch who should remain behind under any pretencewhatsoever. To-morrow, or the next day, shall be a day of battle to allwho bear the name of M'Donnell or Cameron, whatever be the event."

  "It is gallantly said, my noble friend," said Montrose, grasping hishand, "and I were worse than a coward did I not do justice to suchfollowers, by entertaining the most indubitable hopes of success. Wewill turn back on this M'Callum More, who follows us like a raven todevour the relics of our army, should we meet braver men who may be ableto break its strength! Let the Chiefs and leaders be called together asquickly as possible; and you, who have brought us the first news of thisjoyful event,--for such it shall be,--you, M'Ilduy, shall bring it toa joyful issue, by guiding us the best and nearest road against ourenemy."

  "That will I willingly do," said M'Ilduy; "if I have shown you paths bywhich to retreat through these dusky wilds, with far more readiness willI teach you how to advance against your foe."

  A general bustle now prevailed, and the leaders were everywhere startledfrom the rude couches on which they had sought temporary repose.

  "I never thought," said Major Dalgetty, when summoned up from a handfulof rugged heather roots, "to have parted from a bed as hard as astable-broom with such bad will; but, indubitably, having but one manof military experience in his army, his Excellency the Marquis may bevindicated in putting him upon hard duty."

  So saying, he repaired to the council, where, notwithstanding hispedantry, Montrose seemed always to listen to him with considerableattention; partly because the Major really possessed military knowledgeand experience, and often made suggestions which were found ofadvantage, and partly because it relieved the General from the necessityof deferring entirely to the opinion of the Highland Chiefs, and gavehim additional ground for disputing it when it was not agreeable tohis own. On the present occasion, Dalgetty joyfully acquiesced in theproposal of marching back and confronting Argyle, which he compared tothe valiant resolution of the great Gustavus, who moved against theDuke of Bavaria, and enriched his troops by the plunder of that fertilecountry, although menaced from the northward by the large army whichWallenstein had assembled in Bohemia.

  The Chiefs of Glengarry, Keppoch, and Lochiel, whose clans, equalin courage and military fame to any in the Highlands, lay within theneighbourhood of the scene of action, dispatched the fiery cross throughtheir vassals, to summon every one who could bear arms to meet theKing's lieutenant, and to join the standards of their respective Chiefs,as they marched towards Inverlochy. As the order was emphatically given,it was speedily and willingly obeyed. Their natural love of war, theirzeal for the royal cause,--for they viewed the King in the light ofa chief whom his clansmen had deserted,--as well as their implicitobedience to their own patriarch, drew in to Montrose's army not onlyall in the neighbourhood who were able to bear arms, but some who, inage at least, might have been esteemed past the use of them. During thenext day's march, which, being directed straight through the mountainsof Lochaber, was unsuspected by the enemy, his forces were augmented byhandfuls of men issuing from each glen, and ranging themselves underthe banners of their respective Chiefs. This was a circumstance highlyinspiriting to the rest of the army, who, by the time they approachedthe enemy, found their strength increased considerably more thanone-fourth, as had been prophesied by the valiant leader of theCamerons.

  While Montrose executed this counter-march, Argyle had, at the head ofhis gallant army, advanced up the southern side of Loch-Eil, and reachedthe river Lochy, which combines that lake with Loch-Lochy. The ancientCastle of Inverlochy, once, as it is said, a royal fortress, and still,although dismantled, a place of some strength and consideration, offeredconvenient head-quarters, and there was ample room for Argyle's army toencamp around him in the valley, where the Lochy joins Loch-Eil. Severalbarges had attended, loaded with provisions, so that they were in everyrespect as well accommodated as such an army wished or expected to be.Argyle, in council with Auchenbreck and Ardenvohr, expressed his fullconfidence that Montrose was now on the brink of destruction; that histroops must gradually diminish as he moved eastward through such uncouthpaths; that if he went westward, he must encounter Urrie and Baillie;if northward, fall into the hands of Seaforth; or should he choose anyhalting-place, he would expose himself to be attacked by three armies atonce.

  "I cannot rejoice in the prospect, my lord," said Auchebreck, "thatJames Grahame will be crushed with little assistance of ours. He hasleft a heavy account in A
rgyleshire against him, and I long to reckonwith him drop of blood for drop of blood. I love not the payment of suchdebts by third hands."

  "You are too scrupulous," said Argyle; "what signifies it by whosehands the blood of the Grahames is spilt? It is time that of the sons ofDiarmid should cease to flow.--What say you, Ardenvohr?"

  "I say, my lord," replied Sir Duncan, "that I think Auchenbreck willbe gratified, and will himself have a personal opportunity of settlingaccounts with Montrose for his depredations. Reports have reached ouroutposts that the Camerons are assembling their full strength on theskirts of Ben-Nevis; this must be to join the advance of Montrose, andnot to cover his retreat."

  "It must be some scheme of harassing and depredation," said Argyle,"devised by the inveterate malignity of M'Ilduy, which he termsloyalty. They can intend no more than an attack on our outposts, or someannoyance to to-morrow's march."

  "I have sent out scouts," said Sir Duncan, "in every direction, toprocure intelligence; and we must soon hear whether they really doassemble any force, upon what point, or with what purpose."

  It was late ere any tidings were received; but when the moon had arisen,a considerable bustle in the camp, and a noise immediately after heardin the castle, announced the arrival of important intelligence. Of thescouts first dispersed by Ardenvohr, some had returned without beingable to collect anything, save uncertain rumours concerning movementsin the country of the Camerons. It seemed as if the skirts of Ben-Neviswere sending forth those unaccountable and portentous sounds with whichthey sometimes announce the near approach of a storm. Others, whose zealcarried them farther upon their mission, were entrapped and slain, ormade prisoners, by the inhabitants of the fastnesses into which theyendeavoured to penetrate. At length, on the rapid advance of Montrose'sarmy, his advanced guard and the outposts of Argyle became aware of eachother's presence, and after exchanging a few musket-shots and arrows,fell back to their respective main bodies, to convey intelligence andreceive orders.

  Sir Duncan Campbell, and Auchenbreck, instantly threw themselves onhorseback, in order to visit the state of the outposts; and Argylemaintained his character of commander-in-chief with reputation, bymaking a respectable arrangement of his forces in the plain, as it wasevident that they might now expect a night alarm, or an attack in themorning at farthest. Montrose had kept his forces so cautiously withinthe defiles of the mountain, that no effort which Auchenbreck orArdenvohr thought it prudent to attempt, could ascertain his probablestrength. They were aware, however, that, at the utmost computation, itmust be inferior to their own, and they returned to Argyle to informhim of the amount of their observations; but that nobleman refused tobelieve that Montrose could be in presence himself. He said, "It wasa madness, of which even James Grahame, in his height of presumptuousfrenzy, was incapable; and he doubted not that their march was onlyimpeded by their ancient enemies, Glencoe, Keppoch, and Glengarry; andperhaps M'Vourigh, with his M'Phersons, might have assembled a force,which he knew must be greatly inferior in numbers to his own, andwhom, therefore, he doubted not to disperse by force, or by terms ofcapitulation."

  The spirit of Argyle's followers was high, breathing vengeance for thedisasters which their country had so lately undergone; and thenight passed in anxious hopes that the morning might dawn upon theirvengeance. The outposts of either army kept a careful watch, and thesoldiers of Argyle slept in the order of battle which they were next dayto occupy.

  A pale dawn had scarce begun to tinge the tops of these immensemountains, when the leaders of both armies prepared for the business ofthe day. It was the second of February, 1645-6. The clansmen of Argylewere arranged in two lines, not far from the angle between the riverand the lake, and made an appearance equally resolute and formidable.Auchenbreck would willingly have commenced the battle by an attackon the outposts of the enemy, but Argyle, with more cautious policy,preferred receiving to making the onset. Signals were soon heard,that they would not long wait for it in vain. The Campbells coulddistinguish, in the gorge of the mountains, the war-tunes of variousclans as they advanced to the onset. That of the Camerons, which bearsthe ominous words, addressed to the wolves and ravens, "Come to me, andI will give you flesh," was loudly re-echoed from their native glens. Inthe language of the Highland bards, the war voice of Glengarry wasnot silent; and the gathering tunes of other tribes could be plainlydistinguished, as they successively came up to the extremity of thepasses from which they were to descend into the plain.

  "You see," said Argyle to his kinsmen, "it is as I said, we have only todeal with our neighbours; James Grahame has not ventured to show us hisbanner."

  At this moment there resounded from the gorge of the pass a livelyflourish of trumpets, in that note with which it was the ancientScottish fashion to salute the royal standard.

  "You may hear, my lord, from yonder signal," said Sir Duncan Campbell,"that he who pretends to be the King's Lieutenant, must be in personamong these men."

  "And has probably horse with him," said Auchenbreck, "which I could nothave anticipated. But shall we look pale for that, my lord, when we havefoes to fight, and wrongs to revenge?"

  Argyle was silent, and looked upon his arm, which hung in a sash, owingto a fall which he had sustained in a preceding march.

  "It is true," interrupted Ardenvohr, eagerly, "my Lord of Argyle, youare disabled from using either sword or pistol; you must retire on boardthe galleys--your life is precious to us as a head--your hand cannot beuseful to us as a soldier."

  "No," said Argyle, pride contending with irresolution, "it shall neverbe said that I fled before Montrose; if I cannot fight, I will at leastdie in the midst of my children."

  Several other principal Chiefs of the Campbells, with one voice,conjured and obtested their Chieftain to leave them for that day to theleading of Ardenvohr and Auchenbreck, and to behold the conflict from adistance and in safety.--We dare not stigmatize Argyle with poltroonery;for, though his life was marked by no action of bravery, yet he behavedwith so much composure and dignity in the final and closing scene, thathis conduct upon the present and similar occasions, should be ratherimputed to indecision than to want of courage. But when the small stillvoice within a man's own breast, which tells him that his life is ofconsequence to himself, is seconded by that of numbers around him, whoassure him that it is of equal advantage to the public, history affordsmany examples of men more habitually daring than Argyle, who haveconsulted self-preservation when the temptations to it were sopowerfully increased.

  "See him on board, if you will, Sir Duncan," said Auchenbreck to hiskinsman; "It must be my duty to prevent this spirit from spreadingfarther among us."

  So saying, he threw himself among the ranks, entreating, commanding, andconjuring the soldiers, to remember their ancient fame and their presentsuperiority; the wrongs they had to revenge, if successful, and the fatethey had to dread, if vanquished; and imparting to every bosom a portionof the fire which glowed in his own. Slowly, meanwhile, and apparentlywith reluctance, Argyle suffered himself to be forced by his officiouskinsmen to the verge of the lake, and was transported on board of agalley, from the deck of which he surveyed with more safety than creditthe scene which ensued.

  Sir Duncan Campbell of Ardenvohr, notwithstanding the urgency ofthe occasion, stood with his eyes riveted on the boat which bore hisChieftain from the field of battle. There were feelings in his bosomwhich could not be expressed; for the character of a Chief was that ofa father, and the heart of a clansman durst not dwell upon his failingswith critical severity as upon those of other men. Argyle, too, harshand severe to others, was generous and liberal among his kinsmen, andthe noble heart of, Ardenvohr was wrung with bitter anguish, when hereflected to what interpretation his present conduct might subject him.

  "It is better it should be so," said he to himself, devouring his ownemotion; "but--of his line of a hundred sires, I know not one who wouldhave retired while the banner of Diarmid waved in the wind, in the faceof its most inveterate foes!"

  A loud sho
ut now compelled him to turn, and to hasten with all dispatchto his post, which was on the right flank of Argyle's little army.

  The retreat of Argyle had not passed unobserved by his watchful enemy,who, occupying the superior ground, could mark every circumstance whichpassed below. The movement of three or four horsemen to the rear showedthat those who retreated were men of rank.

  "They are going," said Dalgetty, "to put their horses out of danger,like prudent cavaliers. Yonder goes Sir Duncan Campbell, riding a brownbay gelding, which I had marked for my own second charger."

  "You are wrong, Major," said Montrose, with a bitter smile, "they aresaving their precious Chief--Give the signal for assault instantly--sendthe word through the ranks.--Gentlemen, noble Chiefs, Glengarry,Keppoch, M'Vourigh, upon them instantly!--Ride to M'Ilduy, MajorDalgetty, and tell him to charge as he loves Lochaber--return and bringour handful of horse to my standard. They shall be placed with the Irishas a reserve."