No. II.
It has been disputed whether the Children of the Mist were actualMacGregors, or whether they were not outlaws named MacDonald, belongingto Ardnamurchan. The following act of the Privy Council seems to decidethe question:--
"Edinburgh, 4th February, 1589.
"The same day, the Lords of Secret Council being crediblie informed ofye cruel and mischievous proceeding of ye wicked Clangrigor, so langcontinueing in blood, slaughters, herships, manifest reifts, and stouthscommitted upon his Hieness' peaceable and good subjects; inhabiting yecountries ewest ye brays of ye Highlands, thir money years bybgone;but specially heir after ye cruel murder of umqll Jo. Drummond ofDrummoneyryuch, his Majesties proper tennant and ane of his fosters ofGlenartney, committed upon ye day of last bypast, be certain of ye saidclan, be ye council and determination of ye haill, avow and to defend yeauthors yrof qoever wald persew for revenge of ye same, qll ye said Jo.was occupied in seeking of venison to his Hieness, at command ofPat. Lord Drummond, stewart of Stratharne, and principal forrester ofClenartney; the Queen, his Majesties dearest spouse, being yn shortlielooked for to arrive in this realm. Likeas, after ye murder committed,ye authors yrof cutted off ye said umqll Jo. Drummond's head, andcarried the same to the Laird of M'Grigor, who, and the haill surname ofM'Grigors, purposely conveined upon the Sunday yrafter, at the Kirk ofBuchquhidder; qr they caused ye said umqll John's head to be pnted toym, and yr avowing ye sd murder to have been committed by yr communion,council, and determination, laid yr hands upon the pow, and in eithnik,and barbarous manner, swear to defend ye authors of ye sd murder, inmaist proud contempt of our sovrn Lord and his authoritie, and inevil example to others wicked limmaris to do ye like, give ys sall besuffered to remain unpunished."
Then follows a commission to the Earls of Huntly, Argyle, Athole,Montrose, Pat. Lord Drummond, Ja. Commendator of Incheffray, And.Campbel of Lochinnel, Duncan Campbel of Ardkinglas, Lauchlane M'Intoshof Dunnauchtane, Sir Jo. Murray of Tullibarden, knt., Geo. Buchanan ofthat Ilk, and And. M'Farlane of Ariquocher, to search for and apprehendAlaster M'Grigor of Glenstre (and a number of others nominatim), "andall others of the said Clangrigor, or ye assistars, culpable of the saidodious murther, or of thift, reset of thift, herships, and sornings,qrever they may be apprehended. And if they refuse to be taken, or fleesto strengths and houses, to pursue and assege them with fire and sword;and this commission to endure for the space of three years."
Such was the system of police in 1589; and such the state of Scotlandnearly thirty years after the Reformation.