When Albin her claymore indignantly draws, When her bonneted chieftains around her shall crowd, Clan-Ranald the dauntless, and Moray the proud, All plaided and plumed in their tartan array--LOCHEIL'S WARNING.
Whoever saw that morning, the Castle of Darnlinvarach, beheld a busy anda gallant sight.
The various Chiefs, arriving with their different retinues, which,notwithstanding their numbers, formed no more than their usual equipageand body-guard upon occasions of solemnity, saluted the lord of thecastle and each other with overflowing kindness, or with haughty anddistant politeness, according to the circumstances of friendship orhostility in which their clans had recently stood to each other.Each Chief, however small his comparative importance, showed the fulldisposition to exact from the rest the deference due to a separate andindependent prince; while the stronger and more powerful, divided amongthemselves by recent contentions or ancient feuds, were constrained inpolicy to use great deference to the feelings of their less powerfulbrethren, in order, in case of need, to attach as many well-wishers asmight be to their own interest and standard. Thus the meeting of Chiefsresembled not a little those ancient Diets of the Empire, where thesmallest FREY-GRAF, who possessed a castle perched upon a barren crag,with a few hundred acres around it, claimed the state and honours of asovereign prince, and a seat according to his rank among the dignitariesof the Empire.
The followers of the different leaders were separately arranged andaccommodated, as room and circumstances best permitted, each retaininghowever his henchman, who waited, close as the shadow, upon his person,to execute whatever might be required by his patron.
The exterior of the castle afforded a singular scene. The Highlanders,from different islands, glens, and straths, eyed each other at adistance with looks of emulation, inquisitive curiosity, or hostilemalevolence; but the most astounding part of the assembly, at least toa Lowland ear, was the rival performance of the bagpipers. These warlikeminstrels, who had the highest opinion, each, of the superiority ofhis own tribe, joined to the most overweening idea of the importanceconnected with his profession, at first, performed their variouspibrochs in front each of his own clan. At length, however, as theblack-cocks towards the end of the season, when, in sportsman'slanguage, they are said to flock or crowd, attracted together by thesound of each others' triumphant crow, even so did the pipers, swellingtheir plaids and tartans in the same triumphant manner in which thebirds ruffle up their feathers, begin to approach each other withinsuch distance as might give to their brethren a sample of their skill.Walking within a short interval, and eyeing each other with looks inwhich self-importance and defiance might be traced, they strutted,puffed, and plied their screaming instruments, each playing his ownfavourite tune with such a din, that if an Italian musician had lainburied within ten miles of them, he must have risen from the dead to runout of hearing.
The Chieftains meanwhile had assembled in close conclave in thegreat hall of the castle. Among them were the persons of the greatestconsequence in the Highlands, some of them attracted by zeal for theroyal cause, and many by aversion to that severe and general dominationwhich the Marquis of Argyle, since his rising to such influence inthe state, had exercised over his Highland neighbours. That statesman,indeed, though possessed of considerable abilities, and great power, hadfailings, which rendered him unpopular among the Highland chiefs. Thedevotion which he professed was of a morose and fanatical character; hisambition appeared to be insatiable, and inferior chiefs complainedof his want of bounty and liberality. Add to this, that although aHighlander, and of a family distinguished for valour before and since,Gillespie Grumach [GRUMACH--ill-favored.] (which, from an obliquity inhis eyes, was the personal distinction he bore in the Highlands, wheretitles of rank are unknown) was suspected of being a better man in thecabinet than in the field. He and his tribe were particularly obnoxiousto the M'Donalds and the M'Leans, two numerous septs, who, thoughdisunited by ancient feuds, agreed in an intense dislike to theCampbells, or, as they were called, the Children of Diarmid.
For some time the assembled Chiefs remained silent, until some oneshould open the business of the meeting. At length one of the mostpowerful of them commenced the diet by saying,--"We have been summonedhither, M'Aulay, to consult of weighty matters concerning the King'saffairs, and those of the state; and we crave to know by whom they areto be explained to us?"
M'Aulay, whose strength did not lie in oratory, intimated his wishthat Lord Menteith should open the business of the council. With greatmodesty, and at the same time with spirit, that young lord said, "hewished what he was about to propose had come from some person of betterknown and more established character. Since, however, it lay with himto be spokesman, he had to state to the Chiefs assembled, that those whowished to throw off the base yoke which fanaticism had endeavoured towreath round their necks, had not a moment to lose. 'The Covenanters,'"he said, "after having twice made war upon their sovereign, and havingextorted from him every request, reasonable or unreasonable, whichthey thought proper to demand--after their Chiefs had been loaded withdignities and favours--after having publicly declared, when his Majesty,after a gracious visit to the land of his nativity, was upon hisreturn to England, that he returned a contented king from a contentedpeople,--after all this, and without even the pretext for a nationalgrievance, the same men have, upon doubts and suspicions, equallydishonourable to the King, and groundless in themselves, detached astrong army to assist his rebels in England, in a quarrel with whichScotland had no more to do than she has with the wars in Germany. It waswell," he said, "that the eagerness with which this treasonable purposewas pursued, had blinded the junta who now usurped the government ofScotland to the risk which they were about to incur. The army which theyhad dispatched to England under old Leven comprehended their veteransoldiers, the strength of those armies which had been levied in Scotlandduring the two former wars--"
Here Captain Dalgetty endeavoured to rise, for the purpose of explaininghow many veteran officers, trained in the German wars, were, to hiscertain knowledge, in the army of the Earl of Leven. But Allan M'Aulayholding him down in his seat with one hand, pressed the fore-finger ofthe other upon his own lips, and, though with some difficulty, preventedhis interference. Captain Dalgetty looked upon him with a very scornfuland indignant air, by which the other's gravity was in no way moved, andLord Menteith proceeded without farther interruption.
"The moment," he said, "was most favourable for all true-hearted andloyal Scotchmen to show, that the reproach their country had latelyundergone arose from the selfish ambition of a few turbulent andseditious men, joined to the absurd fanaticism which, disseminated fromfive hundred pulpits, had spread like a land-flood over the Lowlands ofScotland. He had letters from the Marquis of Huntly in the north, whichhe should show to the Chiefs separately. That nobleman, equally loyaland powerful was determined to exert his utmost energy in the commoncause, and the powerful Earl of Seaforth was prepared to join the samestandard. From the Earl of Airly, and the Ogilvies in Angusshire, he hadhad communications equally decided; and there was no doubt that these,who, with the Hays, Leiths, Burnets, and other loyal gentlemen, would besoon on horseback, would form a body far more than sufficient to overawethe northern Covenanters, who had already experienced their valour inthe well-known rout which was popularly termed the Trot of Turiff. Southof Forth and Tay," he said, "the King had many friends, who, oppressedby enforced oaths, compulsatory levies, heavy taxes, unjustly imposedand unequally levied, by the tyranny of the Committee of Estates, andthe inquisitorial insolence of the Presbyterian divines, waited but thewaving of the royal banner to take up arms. Douglas, Traquair, Roxburgh,Hume, all friendly to the royal cause, would counterbalance," he said,"the covenanting interest in the south; and two gentlemen, of name andquality, here present, from the north of England, would answer for thezeal of Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Northumberland. Against so manygallant gentlemen the southern Covenanters could but arm raw levies; theWhig
amores of the western shires, and the ploughmen and mechanics ofthe Low-country. For the West Highlands, he knew no interest which theCovenanters possessed there, except that of one individual, as wellknown as he was odious. But was there a single man, who, on casting hiseye round this hall, and recognising the power, the gallantry, and thedignity of the chiefs assembled, could entertain a moment's doubt oftheir success against the utmost force which Gillespie Grumach couldcollect against them? He had only farther to add, that considerablefunds, both of money and ammunition, had been provided for thearmy"--(Here Dalgetty pricked up his ears)--"that officers of abilityand experience in the foreign wars, one of whom was now present," (theCaptain drew himself up, and looked round,) "had engaged to train suchlevies as might require to be disciplined;--and that a numerous bodyof auxiliary forces from Ireland, having been detached from the Earl ofAntrim, from Ulster, had successfully accomplished their descent uponthe main land, and, with the assistance of Clanranald's people, havingtaken and fortified the Castle of Mingarry, in spite of Argyle'sattempts to intercept them, were in full march to this place ofrendezvous. It only remained," he said, "that the noble Chiefsassembled, laying aside every lesser consideration, should unite, heartand hand, in the common cause; send the fiery cross through their clans,in order to collect their utmost force, and form their junction withsuch celerity as to leave the enemy no time, either for preparation, orrecovery from the panic which would spread at the first sound of theirpibroch. He himself," he said, "though neither among the richest nor themost powerful of the Scottish nobility, felt that he had to supportthe dignity of an ancient and honourable house, the independence of anancient and honourable nation, and to that cause he was determinedto devote both life and fortune. If those who were more powerful wereequally prompt, he trusted they would deserve the thanks of their King,and the gratitude of posterity."
Loud applause followed this speech of Lord Menteith, and testifiedthe general acquiescence of all present in the sentiments which hehad expressed; but when the shout had died away, the assembled Chiefscontinued to gaze upon each other as if something yet remained to besettled. After some whispers among themselves, an aged man, whom his greyhairs rendered respectable, although he was not of the highest order ofChiefs, replied to what had been said.
"Thane of Menteith," he said, "you have well spoken; nor is there one ofus in whose bosom the same sentiments do not burn like fire. But it isnot strength alone that wins the fight; it is the head of the commander,as well as the arm of the soldier, that brings victory. I ask of you whois to raise and sustain the banner under which we are invited to riseand muster ourselves? Will it be expected that we should risk ourchildren, and the flower of our kinsmen, ere we know to whose guidancethey are to be intrusted? This were leading those to slaughter, whom, bythe laws of God and man, it is our duty to protect. Where is the royalcommission, under which the lieges are to be convocated in arms? Simpleand rude as we may be deemed, we know something of the established rulesof war, as well as of the laws of our country; nor will we arm ourselvesagainst the general peace of Scotland, unless by the express commandsof the King, and under a leader fit to command such men as are hereassembled."
"Where would you find such a leader," said another Chief, starting up,"saving the representative of the Lord of the Isles, entitled by birthand hereditary descent to lead forth the array of every clan of theHighlands; and where is that dignity lodged, save in the house of VichAlister More?"
"I acknowledge," said another Chief, eagerly interrupting the speaker,"the truth in what has been first said, but not the inference. If VichAlister More desires to be held representative of the Lord of the Isles,let him first show his blood is redder than mine."
"That is soon tried," said Vich Alister More, laying his hand upon thebasket hilt of his claymore. Lord Menteith threw himself betweenthem, entreating and imploring each to remember that the interests ofScotland, the liberty of their country, and the cause of their King,ought to be superior in their eyes to any personal disputes respectingdescent, rank, and precedence. Several of the Highland Chiefs, who hadno desire to admit the claims of either chieftain, interfered to thesame purpose, and none with more emphasis than the celebrated Evan Dhu.
"I have come from my lakes," he said, "as a stream descends from thehills, not to turn again, but to accomplish my course. It is not bylooking back to our own pretensions that we shall serve Scotland or KingCharles. My voice shall be for that general whom the King shall name,who will doubtless possess those qualities which are necessary tocommand men like us. High-born he must be, or we shall lose our rank inobeying him--wise and skilful, or we shall endanger the safety ofour people--bravest among the brave, or we shall peril our ownhonour--temperate, firm, and manly, to keep us united. Such is the manthat must command us. Are you prepared, Thane of Menteith, to say wheresuch a general is to be found?"
"There is but ONE," said Allan M'Aulay; "and here," he said, layinghis hand upon the shoulder of Anderson, who stood behind Lord Menteith,"here he stands!"
The general surprise of the meeting was expressed by an impatientmurmur; when Anderson, throwing back the cloak in which his face wasmuffled, and stepping forward, spoke thus:--"I did not long intend to bea silent spectator of this interesting scene, although my hasty friendhas obliged me to disclose myself somewhat sooner than was my intention.Whether I deserve the honour reposed in me by this parchment will bestappear from what I shall be able to do for the King's service. It is acommission under the great seal, to James Graham, Earl of Montrose, tocommand those forces which are to be assembled for the service of hisMajesty in this kingdom."
A loud shout of approbation burst from the assembly. There was, in fact,no other person to whom, in point of rank, these proud mountaineerswould have been disposed to submit. His inveterate and hereditaryhostility to the Marquis of Argyle insured his engaging in the war withsufficient energy, while his well-known military talents, and histried valour, afforded every hope of his bringing it to a favourableconclusion.