Page 34 of Oracle's Moon

  Then there was the problem of being critically short staffed. Dragos had lost two of his seven sentinels in quick succession last summer, first his warlord sentinel, Tiago Black Eagle, who had mated with the new Dark Fae Queen, Niniane Lorelle. Then Dragos lost his First sentinel, Rune Ainissesthai, who had mated with the Vampyre sorceress Carling Severan. Dragos and Rune had parted badly, and Dragos still refused to talk about it. He had moved two people into sentinel positions as a temporary stopgap, but now he had to go through the process of setting new sentinels into place.

  To top it all off, there was the amorphous Freaky Deaky Something that hung on the horizon, the strange voice that Dragos had heard through an impromptu prophesy given by the Oracle of Louisville, Grace Andreas. The Oracle and her family had since relocated to Miami, where Pia and Dragos had traveled to meet with her in a follow-up consultation. Unfortunately, Grace couldn’t add much to the original vision since, as she said, prophesies did not repeat themselves.

  Grace did offer them a piece of advice. “The person or Power behind the voice from the vision is either already in your lives, or it will be,” she told them. “Don’t let that knowledge weaken you. There’s no point in trying to avoid it, because those actions you take might actually cause you to come into contact with it sooner than you would otherwise. Act from your strengths, and live your lives in a state of readiness. You were lucky. You were given a warning. Most people don’t get that.”

  As Pia exited the bathroom stall and washed her hands, she thought of all these things, along with the added stressor of having just left her mate. Eva and her antagonism shouldn’t even be on the list of challenges she had to face.

  As Wyr canines, the psychos were a well-trained pack. They would have a strongly defined internal order she didn’t yet have a handle on. Each one would be highly opinionated and would make up his or her own mind about Pia, but none of them would go against their alpha, and no doubt several of them would take their cue from how Eva and Pia’s relationship developed. Right now Pia was just an annoying, disliked outsider they had to bodyguard. She had to establish a different working relationship with them now before Eva’s lack of respect became too entrenched.

  The other two women had taken advantage of using the facilities too, first Andrea then Eva, while one remained on guard at the door.

  Pia dried her hands deliberately then turned. Andrea guarded the door. Pia met the other woman’s gaze. She said, “Get out.”

  Andrea’s blonde eyebrows rose. She glanced at the closed bathroom stall, which opened. Eva stalked out, her whole magnificent body flowing like gleaming black oil.

  Pia said to Andrea, “Wrong response.”

  Eva jerked her chin. “Go on.”

  Andrea opened the door and backed out without a word.

  Pia went to the door and flipped the lock. The snick sounded overloud in the silent restroom. It wouldn’t keep anybody out who was determined to get in, of course, but it was a strongly symbolic barrier—and the sound would tell any sharp, listening Wyr ears to stay out of what happened next.

  She turned, leaned back against the door and met Eva’s sardonic gaze. Pia said, “I thought briefly about just kicking your ass, but we would have to take that outside, and I don’t feel like getting wet and muddy. Besides, you’re not worth it.”

  Amusement sliced across Eva’s bold features, and her black eyes sparkled. “You are sadly deluded if you think you could take me, princess.”

  Pia didn’t smile, and her gaze remained level. “I can take the gryphons,” she said. Eva’s face froze. “For the past seven months, I’ve been sparring with Aryal almost daily. With the harpy, it’s more like fifty-fifty, since she doesn’t pull her punches. She doesn’t give a shit if I’m a female and Dragos’s mate. If anything, it makes her hit harder, because she doesn’t like me much. So you tell me, Eva. Can I take you?”

  Okay, so some of that was bluffing. The other woman was a trained soldier and versed in battle, combat tactics and weaponry in a way Pia never would be. If they were in the wild, engaged in guerilla warfare, Pia was pretty sure that if she didn’t succeed in running away from a confrontation, Eva could wipe the forest floor with her. But they weren’t in the wild. On a training mat, or in a McDonald’s parking lot, Pia didn’t have a doubt she could take the other woman. That was the certainty she let sit in her gaze.

  “You have two choices,” Pia said. “You can either change your attitude completely right now, no second chances, or you can give me the car keys and make your own way back to New York, because I’m not going to put up with your shit. It’s pulling my mind off what I need to be thinking about, and not only that, it’s unprofessional—from the both of us. We don’t have to be girlfriends. We don’t have to like each other. Believe me, I’m pretty used to that by now. But if you choose to stay, you’ve got to come to terms with the fact that, for anything that doesn’t involve a combat situation, you’re not the alpha in this group. I am. If we’re ever facing a fight where you’re the clear expert, that’s a different story, but until then, you do as I say.”

  She watched as fury and instinct warred in Eva. The other woman was dominant, and she lived a violent life. Her Wyr side would be much closer to the surface than it was for others. It would be difficult to give up her alpha status without a fight, especially to someone who was an herbivore, not pack. If they were both purely animals, Eva would try to hunt Pia down for lunch.

  Of course Wyr were much more than just their animal natures, but even still, some things bled through in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. Predator Wyr often had a condescending attitude toward more peaceful herbivores. Usually that dynamic was nothing more than a social irritation, but in this situation it added more tension.

  But Pia would not want to be in Eva’s shoes if Eva chose to head back to New York. No doubt that was the deciding factor in Eva’s response, along with the fact that the other woman would never abandon her unit. Eva said expressionlessly, “Got it. For this trip, you’re alpha. We done?”

  Pia poked at her lower lip with her tongue sourly as she noted Eva’s specific wording. “No,” she said. “I’m not finished.” She raised her voice slightly for the benefit of whoever was listening on the other side of the door—which by that point, she reckoned, was all the others. “No doubt you all wanted to stay and watch the Games this week and find out who wins the sentinel positions. And I get that you’re irritated, but you people need to change your attitude about this assignment. I don’t think you realize how important this trip is or what an honor you’ve been given.”

  “We get that you’re special, being Dragos’s mate and all,” Eva said.

  “No, knucklehead,” she snapped. She might have to take Eva out into the parking lot and kick her ass after all—whatever the other woman said, Pia wasn’t sure Eva could really give up her alpha status without it, even if Eva honestly tried. “We’re not on some kind of pleasure jaunt or shopping trip, and I’m not just going to have tea and cookies, and go shopping with Beluviel. We’re going to try to fix one of the biggest problems the Wyr demesne has right now, repair treaties and better our relationship with the Elven demesne. It’s something Dragos can’t do, since he’s the one who broke the treaties to begin with—the Elves have threatened war if he enters their demesne without permission again, and besides, he has to settle the sentinel issue, which means he has to stay in New York to preside over the Games.”

  She could tell when Eva stopped sneering long enough to actually begin to think, and then the shift happened. Suddenly their trip south was no longer an unwelcome babysitting job for an unpopular mate, but had become much more.

  She continued, more quietly, “The outcome of our trip matters to a lot of people, Eva. I’m not going to risk failure because you and your idiots don’t know how to reign in your snark or take orders from someone who is not pack and is nonmilitary. I get that your more usual assignment involves solving problems that are more of the point-and-shoot kind. If you can’t handle
this, say so. We’ll turn around right now and go home, and I’ll start over with another crew that can.”

  “Okay,” Eva said after a moment, relaxing from her rigid stance. “We weren’t given the full mission details. All we were told was that we had one objective—travel with you and keep you safe.”

  “Well, I am special and all, being Dragos’s mate,” Pia said dryly. Eva snorted, a near-silent exhalation that sounded almost amused. “And by the way, we’re not taking a flight because Dragos thought we would have more survival capability on the ground. Incidences involving planes tend to have high fatality rates.” Plus nobody in their group had a Wyr form with wings, which seemed to bother Dragos quite a bit. He couldn’t imagine flying high in the sky without having the capability to jump out of a plane and take flight if he had to. “Not,” she added, “that I plan on explaining every little decision to you in the future.”

  “Fine,” Eva said with a scowl, evidently not liking the sound of that. Then her expression changed. “I would like to ask you just one thing, though.”

  Pia studied the other woman. She would make more of an ally out of Eva through cooperation than not. Maybe this could be a bloodless coup after all. They might never grow to like each other, but achieving a partnership before they reached South Carolina would be good enough for Pia. So she said, “Shoot.”

  Eva ran her black gaze down Pia’s body as she sucked a tooth. Finally she looked up and met Pia’s stare. “You even pregnant?”

  Pia’s eyebrows rose. She hadn’t realized people were beginning to gossip about that as well. “You can’t tell from my scent?”

  “You have a strange scent,” Eva said. “None of us have smelled anything like you before, and we don’t know what to make of it.”

  Pia’s face twisted into a wry grimace. Fair enough. She beckoned with her fingers and said, “Come here.”

  Eyes narrowed in curiosity, Eva stepped forward. Pia reached for her hand, and Eva allowed her to take it. Pia settled Eva’s flattened palm over the small bump of her stomach and waited. She watched Eva’s face transform into wonder.

  The dampening spell that Pia used to camouflage the natural luminescence of her skin also seemed to mask the peanut’s presence from others, at least from a distance. That camouflage fell away when someone actually came in contact with Pia’s body. Even though the peanut was still very small for twenty-eight weeks, the muted roar of Power at her midsection was unmistakable even for someone who was not medical personnel.

  Wonder rounded Eva’s eyes. “Holy shit,” she whispered.

  Pia rubbed her eyes with thumb and forefinger. Yeah. Holy, as it were, shit.

  “I’m confused,” Eva said, frowning. “It doesn’t seem very big, but it’s carrying a helluva wallop.”

  “I’m about twenty-eight weeks along,” Pia told her. She could see Eva doing the math.

  Eva’s frown deepened. “Shouldn’t it be bigger?”

  “Nobody knows,” Pia said with a tired sigh. “The doctor says he’s quite healthy, and that’s all that matters. Based on his current development, she’s estimating a gestation period between 730 and 750 days.” She watched the other woman do the math again.

  Eva blanched. “You’re going to be pregnant for two years.”

  “Seems likely,” Pia said between her teeth. “Did you know elephants have a gestation period of twenty-two months? Apparently dragon babies might be more complicated. And before you think to ask, no, I’m not laying an egg so he can gestate the rest of the way outside my body. No, no such luck. This baby’s going to be a live birth.”

  Eva looked at her in poorly concealed horror. “Won’t he have…claws? And not cute tiny, puppy ones?”

  “We’re a little concerned about that,” Pia said grimly. “The doctor wants to plan a C-section.”

  “I see.” Eva pulled her hand away and stepped back.

  They had roused the baby. Pia felt an invisible presence settle around her neck and shoulders, a bright, fierce, loving innocence. It was a waking version of what she dreamed so often these days, the peanut draping his graceful, delicate white body around her, his long, transparent wings tucked close to his body. Nobody else but her could sense when he did that, not even Dragos. She put a hand to the base of her neck with a small, private smile.

  “Guess we better get you to Charleston,” Eva said. “You got a job to do.”

  “I guess we’d better,” said Pia.

  “I just want to know one more thing,” said Eva.

  Pia turned to unlock the restroom door. “What’s that?”

  Eva put her hand on the door and held it shut while she met Pia’s gaze pointedly. “Tell me we can change radio stations now.”

  Pia bit back a chuckle. “Yes, please. Let’s get off the elevator.”

  Eva took hold of the handle and pulled the door open. The other five psychos were hanging in the hallway, looking thoughtful, their arms piled high with food bags and drinks carriers. Daniel was already eating a sandwich.

  Reaching a détente with Eva was one hurdle down. Now all Pia wanted to do was reach their rented estate and settle in for the evening. She wouldn’t be meeting with any Elves until the next day.

  She couldn’t wait for nightfall. She only hoped she wasn’t so excited that she couldn’t fall asleep, because that would seriously screw up everything.



  Thea Harrison, Oracle's Moon

  (Series: Elder Races # 4)




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