Page 11 of Lycan's Surrender

  “I worry about you, Lycan”

  Lycan opened one eye and peered at Tor. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Isn’t there? First you allow that heathen Queen of Dognelle to occupy your chambers. Then apparently she leads you around by your dick until you’re captured and enslaved in her kingdom. When she releases you, all you want to do is head back to Raynar instead of enacting revenge.”

  Lycan sighed. “Revenge against what? The fact she showed me what it was like to be a slave? That she did no more to me than I did to her? What exactly would we be obtaining revenge for, Tor?”

  “She kidnapped and enslaved the King of Raynar!”

  Whether it was exhaustion or simply that Tor had begun to irritate him, he felt his control slipping. He turned to his friend and said, “And we enslaved the Queen of Dognelle. I tire of this same conversation, Tor. I suggest you find something constructive to do with your time, such as preparing our warriors for a possible war with the Centuri. Unless, of course, you think you could do a better job than I as King.”

  Tor flushed red and nodded, leaving the room without another word.

  Lycan sighed and settled back into the bath, grateful for a moment’s peace. He’d no more closed his eyes and let his thoughts drift into nothing when warm hands caressed his shoulders. He quickly jumped up, only to find a naked Chalon kneeling over the bath. With a seductive smile, she reached for his face. “I have missed you, my king. Welcome home.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Will you allow me to bathe you?”

  Not so long ago he would have welcomed the beautiful Chalon. Now, the thought of her naked and in the bath with him brought him nothing but indifference.

  Instead, images of a blonde warrior assailed him. Visions of taking Starr against the cold brick wall of Dognelle’s dungeon filled his body with desire. His cock rose, and Chalon’s eyes darkened. She slipped into the tub and straddled him.

  He didn’t want Chalon, but he should take her anyway. Just fuck another woman, and get his mind off Starr. He reached for Chalon and buried his face in her neck, inhaling her scent. She ground her cunt against his raging cock, raking his shoulders with her nails, doing everything he liked.

  Except her scent wasn’t Starr’s. Her pussy wasn’t Starr’s. She wasn’t Starr. He had a warm, willing woman in his hands, and he didn’t want her. He leaned his head back against the edge of the bath and regarded Chalon.

  She frowned. “Is there something wrong, my king?”

  “No. I’m just tired”

  “A moment ago you were hard and ready for me.”

  A moment ago she had been Starr in his arms. Chalon no longer held any appeal to him. “I am tired, Chalon. Leave me.”

  Relentless as always, she wrapped her greedy hands around his cock. “I can perk you up. Let me pleasure you.”

  “I said no.”

  “I know you want me, Lycan. You’ve always wanted me. I am the only one for you. The only one who can bring you to heights of ecstasy, the only one good enough to be your queen.”

  She dipped under the water and engulfed his cock in her mouth. Lycan shuddered, but not from pleasure. Chalon’s blatant attempts at seducing him to secure a position as queen sickened him. He pulled her out of the water and set her outside the bath.

  “I said, no, Chalon, and I meant it. Now leave here, and don’t come back.”

  Her eyes darkened and for the first time, he saw hatred in them. Then she meekly bowed her head. “As you wish, my king.”

  After she stormed out of the bath, Lycan made a mental note to remove Chalon as one of his concubines. Hell’s fire, while he was at it he might as well remove the rest of them, too. They no longer held any appeal to him. Where before the idea of a willing, docile female at his beck and call was enough, now all he could think of was a blonde warrior who fought him at every turn, whose wit and intelligence matched his, whose passion ignited a fire within him that she alone could quench.

  Disgusted that he could find no solace, he dressed and went to his bedchambers, hoping he could sleep. But sleep would not come for him this day.

  He loved her. By Lal and the stars, he loved her with all of his being. No wonder other women no longer interested him. Starr not only had his passion, but he’d also given her his heart.

  And now she was back in Dognelle, a free woman once again, and he was here, more a prisoner than he had ever been. He’d fallen in love with a woman he could never claim.

  * * * * *

  “My queen, Golan of Centuri is outside the gates!”

  Starr tensed and looked up at the guard. Her mind and body were already preparing themselves for battle. She stood and asked, “How many warriors does he have with him?”

  “Only five.”

  “Five? How can that be?”

  “He says he has not come to make war, but to speak with you.”

  Skirting around her desk, she followed the guard into the hall. “Makes no sense. What would he have to speak to me about?”

  “He says it’s about Raynar. And Lycan.”

  Had the Centuri attacked Raynar? No, she’d know about it if that had happened. The Centuri had to ride past Dognelle on their way to the Raynar kingdom. There was no other way. “Does it appear to be a trap?”

  “No, my queen. We had guards climb the towers and search in all directions. There are no other Centuri warriors hidden within view.”

  Sighing, she nodded. “Escort him in, heavily guarded of course. Bring him here to the hall.”

  The guard hurried off. Starr paced the dirt floor, wondering why Golan would want to see her. The Centuri king never visited other kingdoms, unless it was to take them by force. He was not one to engage in social activities, preferring instead to lay siege and take what he wanted.

  She clasped her hand around the sword at her side, finding comfort in the cold steel handle, hoping she wasn’t making a foolish mistake in allowing him entry.

  In a few moments, Golan entered the expansive hall, followed by a handful of Centuri warriors and more than two dozen of her own guards. She relaxed her grip on the hilt of her sword and met him in the center of the room.

  “Starr.” His broad grin showed that half his teeth were missing.

  His appearance made her shudder. If ever evil was personified in flesh, it was Golan. His face was dark, streaked with dirt, hair greasy and hanging like ropes from his balding head. His beard was unkempt and could be hiding any one of a number of bugs. He smelled like the filthy balon the Centuri rode. It was a wonder any of their creatures survived, they were so poorly cared for. She coughed and covered her nose, hoping to avoid the foul stench permeating the room. Yet she refused to take a step backward, despite the revulsion she felt.

  “What brings you here, Golan?”

  He stepped forward and her hand went to her sword. Holding up his hands, he moved back. “I bring you an offer.”

  “What kind of offer?”

  “A quest, of sorts. For the richest lands in this part of the planet.”

  She knew he meant Raynar, as he had always coveted Lycan’s lands. Of course what kingdom hadn’t? “I’m listening.”

  He placed his hands behind his back. “You were kidnapped by the Raynar king, were you not?”

  “Yes.” It didn’t surprise her that he knew of her time in Raynar. Frankly, she was surprised he hadn’t attacked Dognelle in her absence.

  “I think you and I now share a common enemy.”


  She tried not to grimace at his twisted grin. A white scar marred the surface of one of his cheeks. Apparently some internal damage had been done because his lip on that side of his face didn’t curl upward like the other, making him look more like he was snarling.

  “Yes. Lycan. I know you want revenge on him, as do I. It was his father who killed my father, you know.”

  At least that’s what Golan had always wanted everyone to believe. Rumor was that Golan killed his own father so that he coul
d control Centuri, but no one had the guts to debate him on that issue. “Go on.”

  Golan leaned in, his smell nearly knocking her backward. He whispered to her, his breath reeking like the garbage dump in Dognelle. “Did he violate you, my queen?”

  She wanted to throw him out, preferably with the tip of her sword up his ass to show him the way. But something made her pause. If nothing else, she could at least find out what he was up to. Motioning him to the table centering the room, she sat across from him, more as a way to gain distance than anything. He took a seat and folded his hands on the table, no doubt waiting for her to respond.

  “I won’t tell you the specifics of my time in captivity. Suffice it to say I don’t care to repeat the experience.”

  Golan nodded and played with his beard. “As I suspected. Lycan has always thought he was above any laws, taking whatever he wanted with no consideration for anyone else.”

  Actually it sounded more like the way Golan operated, but she said nothing. “Are you going to get to the point and tell me why you’re here, Golan?”

  He arched a brow, then nodded. “We are planning an attack against Raynar.”


  “Yes. I have convinced the Lonai and Zhendahl kingdoms to merge and join in the attack. If you agree and the Dognelle join us, there is no way Raynar can win. We will defeat Lycan, take Raynar as our own and finally move out of this hellish desert and into the land of cool breezes, refreshing rains and plentiful seas.”

  He was right. The warriors of three kingdoms could possibly defeat Raynar. If Dognelle were added, a victory would be assured. Golan needed her, of that there was no doubt. He might be able to win a war against Raynar with three kingdoms. Add four, and it was a certainty.

  A week ago she might have jumped at the chance. Then again she might not. This wasn’t the first time Golan had suggested an attack on Raynar. The problem was, Golan was only interested in furthering his own prosperity. Too bad the Lonai and Zhendahl kingdoms didn’t know him as well as she. Most likely he would find a way to either do away with or enslave the kings of Lonai and Zhendahl after Raynar was secured. After all, in Golan’s mind, there could be only one leader. “What’s in it for my people, Golan?”

  His black eyes gleamed like sun on a raven’s back. “Isn’t it obvious? The chance to live in Raynar, to merge into one powerful new kingdom instead of factions that could not stand strong on their own. I could even make you my queen and we could rule side by side.”

  Her stomach turned at the thought of Golan putting his hands on her. “I’m not interested in being anyone’s mate, Golan. But your idea intrigues me.”

  His sly smile led her to believe he had already claimed victory. “I always knew you were an intelligent ruler. You can see the benefits to this.”

  She stood and walked around the table, leaning against the edge. Getting this close to Golan made her want to vomit, but she needed to convince him of her sincerity. “I would be foolish not to throw in with you and the others. When does the attack take place?”

  “We will begin our ride tomorrow night. By the time he sees us coming it will already be too late.”

  She nodded. “Then Dognelle will bring up the flank, waiting a bit after you’ve started your attack. My warriors can pick up after you have battled for a bit. Raynar won’t be expecting Dognelle to participate, so we will allow them to hold out hope until the last moment. Then we will attack and finish them off together.”

  “Outstanding!” He stood and put his hand out. She shook it, her skin crawling at his cold touch. “I knew I could count on you. Revenge on Raynar! I will look for you tomorrow.”

  “You can count on me, Golan. We will be there.”

  After he left, she called for Rhia to meet her in her chambers.

  “What did that pig Golan want?” she asked.

  “He wants us to join forces with Centuri, Lonai and Zhendahl to take Raynar.”

  Rhia wrinkled her nose. “Swine. He disgusts me.”

  Starr couldn’t agree more. “I have a plan, one you are not going to like. We have two choices here, Rhia. We can put in with Golan, or we can save Raynar.”

  Rhia sighed. “I don’t like either choice. Can’t we remain neutral?”

  She picked up her cousin’s hands and squeezed them. “I know you don’t understand this, but trust me when I tell you that we do not want Golan to take control of Raynar. If he and the other two kingdoms are successful, our time is limited. He would surely take us on next and we would be defeated. Raynar will not allow anything to happen to us.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “Because I will beg Lycan if I have to, but it’s time for us to stop the isolation. We must convince Raynar to release their women from captivity. It is time for us to merge with them and become stronger.”

  “I would sooner die than live as a captive!” Rhia spit, pulling away from Starr.

  “If we allow the Centuri to defeat Raynar, we will all die.”

  Rhia closed her eyes, then turned to her. “You are of course, the queen, and your word is law. All of us will follow you into bondage or death. What is your plan?”

  Starr’s eyes filled with tears of gratitude. She didn’t deserve such loyalty, but she vowed that no matter what happened, none of the Dognelle women would end up as slaves. Rhia was right, they would all rather be dead than lose their freedom.

  She could only hope it wouldn’t come to that.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Lycan woke with a start when Tor threw open the door to his bedchambers and lit the room in harsh light.

  “There are torches in the distance! An attack is coming!”

  Instantly he was wide awake and throwing on his clothes and boots, running out the door with Tor at his side. “Has everyone been alerted?”

  Tor nodded. “Yes. Most are in the armory. The archers are setting up in the towers now.”

  It had to be a few hours before dawn, and yet the castle already bustled with activity. Even the women and children had been awakened, everyone readying for an attack they knew was coming.

  “Any idea how many?” he asked as they climbed the walkways leading to the top of the stone walls. He peered out to see what seemed like miles of torches.

  “No, but it’s more than just the Centuri, judging from the sheer numbers.”

  Lycan nodded in agreement. “I had feared they would convince the other kingdoms to attack with them.” And were the Dognelle among them? Had Starr released him so that he could watch her and her warriors approach to attack?

  No. He knew she wouldn’t. She had told him she hated the Centuri more than she hated Raynar’s laws. She wouldn’t join Golan.

  “You’re wondering if the Dognelle warriors are part of the approaching group.”

  Lycan looked over at Tor, but didn’t answer. Tor laid his hand on Lycan’s arm and said, “I was wrong. You feel something for this woman. It’s not my place to tell you how to feel or what to do. I just…” He looked away, unable to finish his sentence.

  Lycan clasped his hand over Tor’s. “I know. I hold nothing against you and you know that. I know where you come from. I know the reasons why you think a certain way. I may not always agree with them, but I understand them.”

  Tor nodded, and moved away to see to the shoring of the gates. Lycan checked the armory where many of the citizens of Raynar were busy setting out swords, arrows and bows. Some sharpened blades, others put arrows into shoulder harnesses for quick retrieval.

  Everyone in Raynar worked. Their success or failure would depend on all its citizens, not just the military. His people scurried about, preparing for battle with a pride that filled his heart. They all knew what was at stake, and every one of them would defend Raynar with their last breath.

  In no time at all the preparations were completed. The gates had been reinforced, archers stood at the battlements ready to fire, and he and his warriors prepared to engage the enemy in battle.

  All that was left to d
o was wait for the approach of the Centuri. It was still too dark to see anything but torches moving toward them with steady progress.

  Quiet tension filled the air. Lycan tried to smile and talk to both his warriors and the others. The last thing he wanted was fear to permeate the kingdom.

  All he found was determination and attention to the matter at hand.

  At times like these he was very proud of his people.

  Even Mag had gathered the concubines and other women of the cities, preparing bandages and first aid. He came upon her engaged in a fierce argument with several of the guards, who insisted the women be kept inside within the sheltering walls of the inner part of the castle. Mag steadfastly refused, calling the guards names that made Lycan hide a laugh behind his hand.

  For the first time, he could see the women of Raynar as the strong people they were. These were no simpering females in need of coddling and protection. They were prepared to fight and die alongside the men.

  Just like Starr and the Dognelle. Perhaps the Raynar women weren’t as well-trained as the Dognelle warriors, but that could be easily remedied.

  “Leave these women be and attend to your duties,” he told the men, who quickly moved off. “Mag, I trust you have things under control here?”

  She nodded, her shoulders thrust back and her arms laden with supplies. “I have had to put your concubines in breeches. Easier to run back and forth that way. Several have complained, but many are more than eager to do what is necessary to protect their lands.”

  “And an admirable job you are all doing,” he said, nodding and moving on. Perhaps Starr was right after all. Something he’d ponder when this attack was over.

  When Raynar was once again safe and sound. Then he would think about all that Starr had said to him. Now, he had to hope they could just survive the assault on the kingdom.

  A quiet calm settled over everyone as the torches grew closer. Soon the invaders would reach the gates. Lycan prayed for sunrise to break so they could accurately assess the strength of the attacking force. It would be much easier for the archers to see them, too.

  He gave the signal to the archers in the towers, and they drew back their bows, ready to fire a barrage of arrows. When he lowered his hand and shouted out, arrows flew. In the darkness, torches fell to the ground announcing that the arrows had hit their marks.