“How are you doing?” Alina asked as she came up beside Jacque.

  Jacque let out a slow breath before she answered her mother-in-law.

  “It’s just weird not being with them. We’ve always gotten in all our trouble together.”

  Alina chuckled. “You are implying that at least one of you will be getting into trouble.”

  Jacque grinned. “I will ask you the same thing I asked your son – you do realize we are including Jen in this scenario right?”

  “Okay, I can concede to that. That one could find trouble in the simplest of situations.”

  “No doubt,” Jacque agreed. “And just imagine, she is going to be in a freaking bar.”

  “Decebel is definitely going to have his hands full.” Alina wrapped an arm around Jacque’s shoulders and pulled her back toward the van.

  “Only six hours left to go.”

  “Oh, is that all?” Jacque asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

  Alina, now used to it, just chuckled as they climbed back into the van.

  Fane grinned at Jacque as she once again sat down next to him.

  “Everything okay?” he asked gently.

  “Just ready to get this show on the road.”

  She turned her head to look out the window and Fane wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. Jacque watched the trees begin to pass by as Vasile pulled out onto the road. Soon her mind wandered to the unknown that lay before them.

  Freaking pixies, she thought. Go figure.

  Chapter 11

  “Humans make plans – plans where to live, plans where to die, plans for whom to marry, and when to have children. They think they are in control. What they don’t know is that there are others out there with powers enabling them to arrange and rearrange those plans, others who have plans so much more important than life of a measly human. Others like me.” ~Desdemona

  Water, earth, wind and fire,

  Head my words, grant my desire.

  Give me a voice that is not my own,

  Make her see what is shown.

  Take this sacrifice of life,

  Cut from me with the sacred knife.

  This blood of mine that flows free,

  Will make her believe what I see.

  Water, earth, wind and fire,

  Head my words, grant my desire.

  Bring her to me when I call,

  Love desired will make her fall.

  Mona opened her eyes after the spell was cast. She wrapped a towel around her bleeding arm and felt the magic pouring over her. After several deep breaths she stood and walked over to the table in the small kitchen. She had broken into a human’s home and cast a spell on the owners. By now they were probably halfway across the country, believing that they were on the vacation of a lifetime. She picked up her cell phone and, thanks to the wonderful invention of the internet, dialed the number she had recently found. After four rings someone answered and that someone was just who Mona wanted to talk to.


  “Hi, it’s Alina,” Mona responded. The spell she had cast on herself allowed her to have the voice of another. Mona listened as her prey asked about the girls and how they were doing.

  “They are doing very well, adjusting to life here nicely. Vasile and I wanted to invite you to come and stay with us, but we want it to be a surprise for Jacque.”

  Mona made sure to assuage all of Lilly’s fears and suspicions.

  “Yes, they have been invited as well. But they aren't sure yet if they can make it. So it might just be you.”

  Again more questions. Mona rolled her eyes but tried to remain patient.

  “We will be sending a private plane tomorrow morning.”

  Another question.

  “Yes, I realize it is short notice,” Mona continued. “Oh, good, you have a manager you feel you can trust. Excellent, then we will see you in a couple of days. I will be sending one of my female pack members to pick you up. Don’t let her alarm you, she has a very unusual appearance. Okay. Goodbye.”

  Mona pressed the end button on her phone and groaned loudly into the empty house.

  “Ugh, I swear I’d rather stab myself in the eye with a spoon repeatedly than be nice to some idiot, which means pretty much anyone I come in contact with. Damn, I’d be stabbing my eye a lot.”

  She paced in the small house as she waited to hear from the warlock King. She had been sure that he would contact her fairly quickly but it had been several days since she'd spoken with him and still he was silent. If I don’t hear from him soon… Before she could finish that thought she felt a ripple in the air.


  She heard the voice and a wicked grin spread across her face. I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist the possibility of a mate, she thought. He may want the stones, but what the King really wants is a woman. Typical man.

  Mona went out back and untied Octavian from the porch.

  “Okay, old friend, let’s go swindle our good associate.”

  Octavian snorted.

  Mona laughed. “Okay, you're right. He is neither good nor an associate, but we can always shorten associate and just call him an ass.”

  This time when Octavian snorted it almost came out as a laugh. Mona patted his neck as she dug her heals into his flanks and he took off at a run, heading back into the thick forest.


  Cypher paced back and forth, the deep green trees of his forest creating a protective wall around him. He had finally called upon Mona, and even as he paced he was questioning his decision. He had talked with the five men in his clan, the ones he considered to be the wisest of his people, the ones from whom he always sought advice. Like him, they were drawn to the idea of their King finally having a mate. Of course, Cypher had argued that the female might not be able to love him – she might very well find him repulsive. After discussing it into the ground, he finally gave into his curiosity and told his clan that he would assist Mona in exchange for a female. He didn’t mention the stones because he didn’t believe for a minute that Mona would be able to deliver on that matter. He still didn’t know exactly what she wanted him to do for her, but short of destroying the world as he knew it, he figured he could deal with his conscience. His head snapped up as he felt the air change around him. The forest grew darker, more ominous. The leaves on the trees stilled, and it seemed as if all life froze in anticipation, or perhaps to keep from being noticed by the evil moving through woods.

  The tree limbs retracted as Mona and her steed moved through the forest. The plants on which Octavian’s’ hooves landed withered and died. Cypher watched as the darkness that Mona carried around her reached out for him. He pulled on his own power, wrapping it around him, not allowing the evil that entangled Mona to tempt him. She stopped several feet away and hopped off her horse.

  “You called, great King?” Mona smiled. It was a smile that said she was ready to dig his heart out with an ice cream scoop and would enjoy every scream-filled minute of it.

  “I did,” he answered stiffly.

  “Is there somewhere we could discuss my proposition privately?” she asked.

  “Follow me.” He turned and began briskly walking through the thick foliage. “Leave the steed,” he called back over his shoulder.

  Mona narrowed her eyes, watching after the warlock. Reluctantly, she obeyed.

  The pair approached the mountain and Cypher led Mona around to the opposite side. He reached forward, placing his palm against a stone and mumbled in a language Mona had never heard. This was especially disconcerting, as there were not many supernatural languages with which Mona was not familiar. She watched as the stone before her slowly disintegrated. Cypher stepped through the opening, not looking back to see if she would follow.

  As Mona entered, she tried not to show her surprise at the large room before her.

  The floor was stone but there were beautiful rugs scattered across it. The walls were made of an exotic wood and large beams reached across the ceil
ing. The center of the room held a large leather couch, two love seats, and an overstuffed chair also upholstered in the dark, rich leather. A large round coffee table sat in the middle of the group. The wall along the left side of the room boasted tall bookshelves that stretched across its entire length. From floor to ceiling, the shelves were filled with books, tomes, and an assortment of other parchments. It was clear to Mona that Cypher drew his power from ancient wisdom, rather than blood sacrifice like herself. Potted plants and small trees filled corners and hung from the beams in the ceiling. On various places along the wall were sconces lit by an unwavering magical flame.

  Cypher waited until Mona had taken her fill of the room. He knew she would be surprised. Who could possibly guess that such a dwelling was carved deep into the mountain? The room in which they stood was only a small portion of the warlock stronghold. Cypher took a small measure of comfort in the concerned expression on her face. When she finally looked at him, he motioned for her to have a seat on the couch. He took the love seat across from her.

  Mona regained her composure quickly. She crossed her legs and leaned back, looking for all the world as relaxed as if she were on a summer vacation herself. Nothing in her countenance betrayed the fact that she was ready to ask the King to help her destroy an entire race of beings.

  “So, tell me, witch, what is your proposal?” Cypher asked with narrowed eyes.

  Mona clucked her tongue at him. “Come now, King, let’s talk as old friends.”

  “But we are not old friends, Desdemona. We aren’t any kind of friends, old or otherwise. You are here for a business transaction. Let us get to it and be done.”

  Mona rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated breath. “Fine, all work and no play. You will age before your time.” She leaned forward, uncrossed her legs, and rested her elbows on her knees. “You know of the veil that the Fae cross between?”

  “Yes, what of it?”

  “You know that it is not the only veil that exists in this world, correct?” Mona raised a single brow, testing the honesty of the King.

  Cypher answered slowly, cautiously. “I know of another veil.”

  “I need that veil opened,” Mona said flatly.

  Cypher sat up straighter as his eyes widened. “Why would you possibly want that veil opened? Do you understand the repercussions of such an action?”

  Mona waved her hand as if to brush away his worry. “They can be controlled. I know you know this. You know how. Don’t you, wise King?”

  “Flattery will not get you far with me, Desdemona.”

  “Fine, no flattery, whatever. Do you know how to open the veil?” Her patience was wearing thin.

  “Yes,” he answered shortly.

  Mona waited for him to elaborate and when he didn’t she huffed, “Are you willing to do the trade?”

  “A mate for the knowledge of how to open the veil to the underworld?” The skepticism in his voice made Mona think for a moment that he was ready to toss her out of his mountain.

  “Yes,” she answered eagerly.

  “Where is this mate? Who is she? What species?”

  Mona chuckled. “Eager, are we? She is beautiful. Unfortunately, she is kind, so I apologize for that in advance. And I suppose I must also apologize for the fact that she is human. But I know that is not a problem for your species.”

  “Human,” Cypher muttered.

  He hadn’t even considered that the witch would bring a human into the mix. It was true, his species was compatible with humans, but it was a rare pairing.

  “Does she know anything of the supernatural world?” he asked.

  Mona knew she needed to tread carefully here, not wanting to reveal too much too soon.

  “She is aware of our world,” she responded. Mona didn’t mention the fact that the human had no clue that warlocks existed. But that was just a minor detail. No biggie.

  “So she isn’t going fall apart when she meets me, right?”

  “Warlock King, she will be apprehensive, but I’m sure you have charm enough to bend her to your will. Have faith in yourself, Cypher. Surely you can handle one little human.” Mona was growing tired of the conversation and wanted Cypher to hurry and accept. She would demand a blood oath from him. She wasn’t stupid; she would not simply take his word for it.

  “I want the human before I open the veil,” he demanded.

  Mona tapped her chin with her index finger as she thought about his request.

  “Fine,” she answered briskly. “I will bring her to you in a few days. Now, of course, I require a blood oath.”

  Cypher stood abruptly. Fury rolled off of him.

  “You dare to ask ME, King of the warlocks, to share blood with you?” He spat out the last word as if it were dirt on his tongue. If water had dripped on his skin in that moment it would have sizzled as the anger flushed his flesh.

  Mona stood and, though she was not as tall as Cypher, nor as large in build, she refused to be intimidated.

  “I am no fool, King. How am I to know that once you get the female you will follow through with your end of the bargain?”

  “I do not break my word.” His words were a near growl.

  “Well, forgive me if I don’t trust the word of a warlock King who’s consumed with darkness. One whose people are dwindling in number and whose magic is waning. Desperate people cannot be trusted, Cypher. And though it may loath you to think it, great King, you are desperate.” Mona’s words, though somewhat true, did not make the decision to perform a blood oath any easier.

  Cypher knew all the consequences of a blood oath; if he broke the bargain, then Mona would not only have the right to punish him, she would also have the right to take two of his people and make them suffer in the In Between. That was a fate worse than death. Of course, there was a way to get out of the blood oath. If he took the witch's life he would not have to fulfill the bargain. He made his choice and before he could change his mind a knife materialized from thin air into his hand. He quickly drew a deep line across his palm. Mona smiled and it made his skin crawl. She too had a knife and cut her own palm. They grasped each other’s cut hand and Mona spoke as their blood mingled.

  “On this day, I, Desdemona, last of the witches, hold you to a blood oath. The bargain is thus: I will provide a human female suitable for you to take as a mate. If it is possible to collect the stones without causing harm to myself, then I will assist you. In return for my services, you, Cypher, King of the warlocks, will open the veil to the underworld. You will give me the knowledge to control the hoard and then close the veil once they have served my purpose. Do we have a deal?”

  Mona met the King’s stare, not flinching when she felt him tighten his large hand around hers.

  “I make this deal with you this day. Bound by the blood oath, I will agree to your terms.” With one last painful squeeze by Cypher, they released each other’s hands, both abruptly stepping back to a safe distance from the other.

  “I will return in two days’ time with your female,” Mona told him as she turned to go.

  “When am I to perform this task?” he asked, his face a mask of calmness that barely cloaked the rage beneath.

  “I will give you ample notice when the time comes.” That was the only answer he received before Desdemona exited his home at an inhuman speed.

  Cypher closed his eyes as he fell back onto the couch.

  “What have I done?” he whispered into the large, empty room. He had allowed his own desire for a mate to put the lives of his species at risk. And for what? For a woman who may never love him and never forgive him for allowing Desdemona to take her from her human life. What’s done is done, he thought. I must simply do what I can to make it work.


  Adam and Elle watched as Mona fled from the warlock King’s mountain. They had heard all they needed to hear and it wasn’t good. Peri had told them to continue their recon and then to split up. Elle was to be with Decebel’s group and Adam was to go to the Carpathian Mountains and
meet up with Vasile’s group.

  “I know Peri told us to leave once we had this information, but perhaps we should follow the witch for just a while longer,” Adam suggested. “Maybe then we can find out the identity of the human she is bringing to King Cypher.”

  Elle nodded and began to climb down the mountain. They both moved soundlessly as they maneuvered across the rocks, bushes, and crevices. They quickly caught up to Desdemona and used their magic to cloak themselves from her. Elle ran alongside the steed’s right side about 50 yards away while Adam mirrored her on the left side of the beast. They ran fluidly, swiftly dodging trees, jumping soundlessly over fallen trunks. The leaves and plants around them were left undisturbed, never revealing that the Fae that had run past.

  Mona finally stopped at the edge of a small village. She dismounted and murmured something in the horse's ear. Then she simply walked away, leaving the horse where he stood.

  Elle looked over at Adam, who gave a shrug and began to follow the witch. Elle decided to stay with the horse and watch Adam’s back.

  Adam followed Mona into a tavern and was immediately plunged into dark, smoky surroundings. Music blared and the mumbling of conversation rippled across the room. He eased his way in, careful not to bump anyone. He caught a glimpse of Mona at the back of the room. She briefly looked back before passing through a doorway. Adam picked up his pace, squeezing through tightly packed tables and moving patrons. When he finally reached the door he pressed his ear to it. Using his superior hearing, he listened for voices. Suddenly the door was wrenched open and Adam found himself being pulled in.