“You guys have a great night!” Jen hollered from the doorway.

  Costin walked briskly away from their Alpha and his mate.

  Chapter 17

  “How I love thee, let me count the ways…love thee with a love I seemed to lose

  With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,

  Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,

  I shall but love thee better after death.” ~ Costin

  Costin opened the door to their room and Sally’s breath rushed out of her as she walked inside. She turned in a circle as she looked all around at the candlelit room. Her mouth dropped open when she saw a long black gown lying on the bed. She saw a stack of towels and a large basin of water that had steam rising from it. She finally made it all the way around until she was facing Costin again. He was smiling and his eyes were glowing.

  “Did you plan this?” she asked him.

  Costin shook his head.

  “I only knew something was up when I got to our door. I could smell Jen and Cynthia and the candles. That’s why I said we should go see Jen and Decebel first.”

  Sally stood, silently watching him. She was trying to process exactly what Jen was trying to accomplish by orchestrating this. Her breath caught.

  “Am I supposed to sleep with you?” she spit out.

  Costin started laughing and when he saw that she wasn’t laughing he stopped and stepped closer to her.

  “No, Sally mine. We aren’t going to make love tonight. What we are going to do is perform the blood rites.”

  Sally’s mouth dropped open and then snapped shut. She opened it again to say something, but closed it once more.

  “Are you all right?” Costin asked.

  She nodded but still didn’t speak.

  “Sally, look at me.” Costin placed his fingers under her chin and raised her head to look up at him.

  “Do you understand why this needs to be done?”

  She nodded again.

  “If I could wait -” he started and seemed to get flustered. “I know you would probably have the ceremony first and maybe even a wedding like your friends had and I’m so sorry it’s not special. I want it to be special for you because I understand this is a big deal and -”

  “It’s not a big deal to you?” Sally interrupted, seeming to find her voice.

  Costin’s eyes widened. “Of course it’s a big deal. It’s huge,” he told her. “Sally, I want this more than anything. I need this. I need to know that you bear my mark and my scent. I want to feel your bite. And even though your mark won’t stay on me, I want to know that you’ve claimed me.”

  When she didn’t respond he ran an exasperated hand through his hair. “I totally blew this, didn’t I?” He walked away from her and stood looking at the bed where the black gown lay.

  Sally came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her face into his back. Seeing him so vulnerable tugged at something deep inside her.

  “I’m sorry, I know this is important to you. That wasn’t fair of me. I’m just a little surprised is all. I know you need this, Costin, and I want to give it to you.”

  Costin turned in her arms and placed both hands on her face. He leaned down and gently touched her lips with his.

  “I love you,” he whispered. She smiled gently.

  “I know you do,” she whispered back, “and I love you.”

  Costin let out a deep breath.

  “Why don’t you get changed?” He motioned to the black gown.

  “Okay, um, if we aren’t going to make love, why exactly do I have to wear lingerie?”

  Costin chuckled. “Sally mine, when it is time for us to make love, it won’t matter if you have on a burlap sack. It’s all going to come off.”

  Sally blushed.

  “I think their reason for the gown is easy access.”

  Sally gasped. Costin realized how that sounded and actually had the good grace to look embarrassed.

  Sally picked up the black gown and quickly headed to the bathroom.

  “I’ll, um, I’ll be out in a sec,” she muttered as she closed the door behind her.

  Costin let out a breath. “Way to make her feel comfortable,” he muttered under his breath.

  He waited what seemed like forever and finally he knocked softly on the door.

  “Sally?” He waited for her to answer. When she didn’t he spoke a little louder. “Sally, love, are you okay?” He heard a sniffle and felt his wolf stir inside him. His wolf did not like the idea of Sally upset.

  He thought he was going to have to break the door down if she wouldn’t open it, but when he tried the knob he relaxed slightly when it turned freely.

  After pushing the door open, his heart broke when he saw his mate curled up on the floor. She had put the gown on and he was male enough to notice, despite the tears streaming quietly down her face, that she looked stunning.

  He knelt down and gathered her in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on as he lifted her and carried her into the bedroom. He took a seat on the bed and cradled her close.

  “Please tell me what I’ve done. Please tell me how to fix this,” Costin pleaded with her.

  Sally continued to cry as she clung to Costin. She knew she shouldn’t be so emotional but she was just overwhelmed. She wanted this, wanted him, but she was scared – scared that she wouldn’t be what he needed or wanted.

  “I’m not a wolf,” she said against his shirt where she hid her face.

  “Well, I’m glad you told me now before it was too late for me to back out,” Costin teased gently.

  Sally pulled back and looked up at him. Costin’s heart ached as he looked at her tear-stained face.

  “I’m serious, Costin,” she told him. “You probably expected to be mated to a wolf, and instead you got this.” She motioned to herself.

  Costin let his eyes trail down her body, which was was encased in the soft black material.

  “Yes, yes I did,” he said, sensuality lacing his voice.

  Sally blushed and nudged him. “You know what I mean.”

  “No, really I don’t, Sally, because you are so much more than I could have ever asked for. I don’t care that you don’t turn furry. You are amazing and sweet and precious to me. You’re a healer and I have been entrusted with your care. I’m honored. But most of all I have been given You, Sally Morgan, an amazing woman who loves with her whole heart and is smart and gentle and loving. There is no one who is more perfect for me than you.”

  Sally looked into his eyes and saw the truth that lay behind them.

  “We don’t have to do this if you aren’t ready. I told you I wouldn’t push you into anything and I mean that.” He brushed leftover tears from her cheeks.

  Sally shook her head. “No. We aren’t going to wait any longer. I know you need this – you need me, and I need you too. I’m not going to say I’m not scared, but I’m not a coward and I trust you.”

  Costin stood and placed her on the bed. He stepped back and pulled his shirt over his head, discarding it on the floor. Sally’s breath caught in her throat at his chiseled chest and abdomen. In that moment she was very glad for the black gown, no matter how naked it made her feel. Costin was beautiful and she wanted to be beautiful for him.

  He pulled her up onto her feet and sat on the bed, pulling her down onto his lap. He brushed the hair back from her shoulder and neck and nuzzled her just below her ear. He took a deep breath and reveled in her scent. Mine, the scent told him. She was his. He felt his wolf pushing forward and knew his eyes were glowing.

  “Do you want me to go first?” he asked her, his lips so close to her neck that she shuddered as his warm breath caressed her skin. She nodded, speechless.

  “Is it going to hurt?” she whispered.

  Costin kissed her skin and his tongue darted out, tasting her. Sally let out a soft moan.

  “I will be gentle,” he told her as his hand wandered up from her hip and across her
back and back down. He pulled her tighter against him and with his other hand he reached up and tilted her head to the side, exposing her neck. He trailed his nose down her jawline to her neck and shoulder, letting out a low growl.

  Sally let out a gasp as she felt Costin’s teeth sink into her flesh, but relaxed when she felt him suck. She felt the pull of her blood from her body and sank deeper into him. Sally had never really felt sexy, but in that moment, with Costin’s lips against her skin, his hand on her hip, tightening and pulling her close – hearing him moan and a low rumble emanating from his chest – in that moment she felt sexy.

  Costin fought his desire for his mate as he swallowed her blood. He was marking her and that would be enough for now. He wouldn’t lie and say he didn’t want or need her. He needed her like he needed air and he knew he would never get enough of her. Relishing the thought that he had the right to hold her, he heard her moan and thought how easy it would be to seduce her. He wouldn’t, but he looked forward to the day that he could.

  As he pulled back from her neck, she felt his tongue trace a path from just below her ear to just below her collarbone; she felt the rise and fall of her chest as she tried to catch her breath.

  Costin leaned over and grabbed a towel, dipping it in the warm water. He wiped it across the bite mark, then kissed the tender spot.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her.

  Sally’s eyes fluttered open as she tried to regain some semblance of control. She let out a breath and took in another, doing it over and over until she could finally talk and sound somewhat normal, instead of like a love-stuck teenager.

  “That was -” she paused, trying to find just the right word, but couldn’t so settled for, “interesting.”

  Costin chuckled. “I was going to say incredible, but interesting works.”

  Sally blushed. “I didn’t expect it to feel good.”

  “You liked it?”

  Sally ducked her head. “Did you?”

  Costin placed his lips next to her ear and whispered, “I loved it.” He shifted her on his lap so that she could reach his neck more easily.

  “How am I supposed to bite you, Costin? I don’t have sharp, pointy teeth like you.” Sally was nervous She knew it was important to complete the blood rites, but also knew that her human teeth were blunt and wouldn’t break the skin as easily as his teeth had.

  Costin’s brow furrowed. “I think that the Great Luna has probably worked that out somehow. Let’s just give it a try and see what happens.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” she told him sincerely.

  Costin brushed her hair from her face. “I’m pretty tough, Sally mine. I think I can handle it.”

  Sally leaned forward and kissed his lips gently. Costin held still. She wasn’t one for initiating physical intimacy and he didn’t want to scare her off. Boldly, she trailed kisses from his lips across his jaw and down his neck. Costin tilted his head back, his neck available for her exploration. She licked his skin tentatively and he moaned, pulling her closer to him.

  Sally decided not to over think what she was about to do and gave herself over to the emotion behind the act. She sunk into the deep conviction that Costin was meant for her and she for him, that they were destined for one another and this was right, that this was meant to be and because of that, it would work itself out. She enjoyed the feel of his body pressed to hers, reveled in his hands roving over her.

  Finally, she opened her mouth and to her surprise, her teeth sank easily into his skin. She felt the warm liquid flood her mouth and nearly gasped. Expecting a metallic taste, instead she was rewarded with a sweet taste that spurred her on. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, drawing another moan from her mate.

  After several minutes she felt Costin pushing her back gently. Sally pulled away and closed her eyes. She should be sickened by her actions she was sure, but she couldn’t be. She was too engrossed in the emotions rolling through her. Costin grabbed another towel and after wetting it, handed it to her so she could wipe his neck. She watched the wound begin to heal itself rather quickly.

  Costin leaned forward and kissed away tears that she hadn’t realized had begun to fall.

  “What’s wrong, my love?” Costin asked quietly.

  Sally shook her head and tried to hide her face in his chest, but he would have none of it. He tilted her chin up to look at him and looked intently into her eyes, searching for the reason behind the emotions.

  “Tell me, Sally, what are you thinking? Why the tears, beautiful?”

  “I just didn’t expect it to be so intense, so intimate and right.”

  Costin nodded. “I understand what you mean. It seems even more intimate than making love to you would be.”

  Sally nodded in agreement.

  “Are we – okay?” Costin asked, unsure.

  Sally smiled sweetly. “Yes, my love, we are better than okay.”

  Costin let out a deep breath and drew her to him. He held her face gently as he kissed her thoroughly. In response, she opened her mouth, allowing him to explore the inside. Costin pulled her down next to him on the bed, never breaking their kiss.

  They kissed, talked, and kissed some more as the night wrapped around them, cocooning them in darkness. They didn’t allow themselves to think about the things that were outside their door. They didn’t talk about all that was to come or not to come. They didn’t allow the evil in the world to penetrate the safety of this time.

  Costin loved her, poured that love into to every kiss, every touch. He whispered to her in his language and hers how he adored her and loved everything about her. He shared with her what he longed for and loved the blush that covered her skin when he told her how he longed to be wed to her, so they could share in the enjoyments of a married and mated pair. Sally expressed her apprehension and fears. She told him all the things that she had been so afraid to tell him, all the emotions she had been so hesitant to express for fear of enduring a broken heart.

  Sally decided it was the best night of her life and, as she curled into his arms, her head resting on his chest, she finally felt whole and complete.

  She drifted off to sleep to the sound of Costin whispering words of love in her ear.

  Costin waited until he knew that Sally was asleep before he gave into the emotions that had been building inside him. He felt the tears trail slowly down his cheeks as he let go. He had never felt such love, such peace as he did in this moment. She was his, finally. She bore his mark, his scent, and forever would. He had nearly begged her to let him make love to her as he listened to her tell him how she loved him, how she longed to be with him, and could sit all day just being in his presence. At one point he had rolled her onto her back and laid his body over hers, allowing his wolf to relish in the touch of their bodies, in the rightness of her being surrounded by him. She had stared into his eyes, innocence staring back at him through hers. So trustingly, she had ran her fingers through his hair and smiled up at him, giving herself to him and only him.

  “I love you, Sally mine. I love you today and I will love you more tomorrow,” he whispered to his mate as he let sleep take him.

  Chapter 18

  “There is no greater torture than watching as your love, your reason for living, breathing, existing, sinks into oblivion. Your heart stops as no matter how you try to get to her, she just gets farther and farther away.” ~ Fane

  Fane watched his mate sink into the murky water. He yelled her name over and over but Jacquelyn never responded or even acknowledged that he was there. He ran into the water, splashing and trying to grab for her. The more he tried to get to her, the farther away she seemed to be.


  He heard his name being called but ignored it. All he could see was his mate. She was drowning and he could do nothing to save her. Suddenly Fane felt something wrap around his leg and a powerful tug began to pull him under. He was okay with that and didn’t fight it. If he could get under the water he could get to Jacque
lyn, he was sure of it.

  “FANE! Fight it! She isn’t drowning! FANE!”

  The last thing Fane heard was his name being called over and over, but he couldn’t respond as his head was covered with water, and he was pulled even deeper. Darkness enveloped him as he continued to try to reach for his mate. He reached and reached but it was in vain.

  Suddenly the water receded and he found himself in a dark, cave-like room. He stood up and looked around. He tried to brush the water from his clothes and skin but looked down in surprise when he saw he wasn’t wet.

  Looking for any sign of Jacquelyn, he called out, “Hello?”

  He heard a cackling laugh and backed up when a figure materialized from the darkness.

  “Hello, princeling,” Mona said to him as she circled him.

  “You’re not real,” Fane snarled. He rushed her, only to go straight through her.

  She laughed again.

  “Right you are. This is simply a projection of myself. I decided I want to explain to you where you are so that you can fully appreciate my ingenious plan. You cocky wolves thought you had a chance against me.”

  “Where is my mate?” he barked at her.

  “Oh, don’t get your tail in a twist. Your mate is fine. I don’t care about her; she is no threat to me. You, however, you and the other males are definitely a threat. I knew the sure way to catch you was to threaten your mate. How predictable you are. You really should work on that – after all, variety is the spice of life.”

  “What is this place?” he spat at her.

  “I’m so glad you asked. This is the In Between.” She watched Fane’s face pale.

  “Ah, so your father has been filling you in. Excellent. Then I won't have to spend much time on this. So, all you must do is think of your greatest fear and you will get the intense pleasure of living it over and over and over again. Don’t try to not think of it, because now that I have said it, your little pea-sized brain will automatically have the images dancing through that little head of yours.” She watched as Fane’s face slowly began to morph into panic.