“That’s not all.”

  “Tell me, baby. Trust me, please,” he whispered back.

  “The Fates came to me in a dream.”

  Decebel got deathly still. The air seemed to grow charged with his power.

  “The night you had the nightmare?” he asked her cautiously.

  He felt her nod her head against him.

  “What happened, Jennifer?” He tried to keep his voice gentle so she wouldn’t get scared, but it was so hard to keep his wolf down.

  “They said I have to pay the debt I owe them because I didn’t die when it was my time.”

  “And what is the payment?” Decebel closed his eyes as he asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Our daughter's life.”

  She pulled back and looked into his face. Her face was swollen and tear-stained. “They said that when she is born they will take her from me. From us.” After a pause, she added, “In nine months, Dec. Nine months.” Her lower lip trembled. “I killed our baby.”

  Anger filled her up. “My choice to come back from the dead is going to kill our child.” She slammed her hand against her chest. “MY CHOICE! How selfish was that? How can you not be angry with me? How can you even want me in your sight?”

  Decebel’s eyes were glowing and hearing his mate spill such nonsense was causing his wolf to surface. His wolf didn’t like to see their mate so broken and he sure as hell wouldn’t tolerate Decebel being the cause of that pain. He closed his eyes, trying to help his wolf understand that he wasn’t upset with their mate.

  “Jennifer, look at me.”

  Jen ignored him and continued to stare at her fidgeting hands.

  He took his finger and gently lifted her face until he was able to look into her amazing blue eyes – they still took his breath away.

  “It would have been my choice as well.”

  Confusion flashed across Jen’s face. “What choice?””

  “For you to come back to me. I would have chosen that you not die at 18 years old after completing the bond with your mate. If I had known that you were able to make that choice and you chose death instead of life, instead of me – then, my beautiful love, then I would be mad at you. This,” he laid his hand gently on her stomach, where their child grew, “is out of your control. It’s not your fault. And we are not going to lose our child. Jennifer, I love you, with every fiber of my being, every cell in my body, I love you. Please believe me when I tell you I do not blame you for our circumstances. Tell me you believe me.”

  Jen had started crying again and her hiccups in between words tore at Decebel’s heart.

  “I – believe – you –”

  He brushed the tears from her face and leaned down. Then he pressed his lips against hers and pushed all the comfort and love he could into that kiss.

  “Please don’t leave me.”

  Decebel smiled softly. “I’m not leaving your side for quite a while, love.”

  Jen smiled back weakly. “Let me guess, nine months?”

  Decebel chuckled. “Something like that.”

  Decebel kissed her firmly once more and pulled back, framing her face with his big hands. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m not angry with you. You are mine and nothing will happen to you.” He placed his hand on her stomach and poured all the truth he could into his words. “Nothing will happen to our baby. I won’t allow it.”

  Jen placed her hand over his, then pressed her forehead to his. She trembled and wept as he whispered to her in Romanian, telling her over and over how beautiful she was to him, how precious and how happy he was that she carried his child. They hadn’t even thought about the others standing around them, witnessing this very private moment.

  Decebel held her face in his hands and kissed her gently.

  “I love you, Jennifer,” he told her sternly.

  She nodded.

  “I love you, Dec. I love you so much.”

  He gently lifted her shirt to expose her skin and leaned forward, placing kiss after kiss across her stomach.

  “You are safe, little one,” he whispered against his wife’s skin. “You are safe and you are loved. I will not let anything happen to you.”

  He raised his head back up but kept his hand, skin on skin, against her stomach. Decebel looked into her eyes.

  “We are not going to spend your pregnancy mourning. We are not going spend this precious time worrying. We created this little life, Jennifer. Our love created this and I don’t want that tainted by our fears. Please. I can’t stand the idea of nine months without your smart mouth or sexual jokes. Seeing you like this today was my breaking point.”

  “Shh,” Jen pressed a finger lightly on his lips, “I trust you, Decebel. You are my mate, you are the father of our child, and I know you will take care of us.”

  Decebel’s body shook with emotion – he felt the trust and respect in her words, words that poured strength into him and affirmed his capability to do what he said he would.

  “Thank you,” he told her quietly.

  The group was quiet as Decebel held his pregnant mate in his arms. There were no words in that moment, no smart remarks, no endearing comments. It was simply a pack watching the pack mates they loved deal with the challenges of life.


  Sally stared dumbly, stunned at Jen’s revelation. Her best friend was pregnant – she was pregnant! She just couldn’t wrap her mind around it. Not only was she pregnant, but the Fates were saying they were going to kill their baby. Could things get any worse?

  “Let’s not ask ourselves that.” Costin cautioned in her mind.

  Sally looked up at him from where she crouched next to Jacque’s still form. She grunted her understanding, agreeing that anytime you asked that question, things always seemed to go from bad to worse. And, as if that very flip had been switched, the air grew thick and lightening ripped across the sky.

  All of the males were suddenly on alert, creating a circle around the females. They looked into the forest in all directions as if waiting for the enemy to come charging at them.

  Sally watched tiny bodies emerge from the darkness. They hung from the tree limbs or stood on them, but in every instance they made sure to stay above eye level. One by one they appeared, several of them, waiting. They were human in appearance, but they had an ethereal beauty. A soft glow seemed to create a halo around them. Sally thought she saw wings, but couldn’t be sure because they seemed to come and go almost as if they were flickering off and on.

  Costin let out a low growl. Vasile stepped toward the largest of them. He was no more than a foot in height and was lithe in form. He had short dark hair, high cheekbones, and eyes that were an iridescent green. He stood regally, his chest puffed out, shoulders drawn back.

  “You have chosen a side, pixie King?” Vasile asked.

  The pixie tensed but quickly schooled his expression.

  “It is nothing against you or yours, Alpha wolf.” The pixie King’s voice was surprisingly deep for such a small being.

  “That is where you are wrong. Her magic is hurting mine. Your choice is causing harm to what is mine.” Vasile’s eyes were beginning to glow and his voice was guttural.

  “Careful, great Alpha,” the pixie King warned. “You are in my realm now.”

  “You cast your magic against my daughter-in-law and son, you seek to trap my pack, my brothers, and then you tell me to be careful?” Vasile snarled and took a menacing step forward. “Maybe you, pixie, should be careful. It has been a while since my wolves have had any good meat, and pixie is looking awfully appetizing.”

  An orchestra of hissing rippled across the trees where the pixies perched and hung. The King hopped down to a lower branch, getting closer to Vasile.

  “We’ve come for the males. We can do this the easy way and you can come with us, or you can make this difficult. It is up to you, Alpha.”

  Decebel snarled and lunged toward the nearest pixie. He stopped short when he heard Jen scream in pain, reaching her just as her
form hit the cold earth.

  “Jennifer, love, talk to me.” Decebel brushed her hair from her face and kissed her gently.

  Meanwhile, Costin lunged forward and grabbed a pixie in his now-phased hand. He growled.

  “What have you done to her?” he asked as he pointed to Jen.

  It was the pixie King who answered.

  “It’s what will happen to all of your women if you do not come with us.”

  Costin threw the pixie from his hand and it hit a tree and crumpled.

  Almost simultaneously, Sally screamed in pain. She folded in on herself, trying to stop the sharp stabbing in her abdomen.

  Costin snarled, “STOP THIS!”

  One by one the females fell – Rachel, Alina, Cynthia, Elle, Crina, and even Peri.

  Vasile lunged for the pixie King and out of nowhere a spear appeared in the pixie’s hands. He parried Vasile’s lunge and Vasile just barely sidestepped the jab.

  The other males jumped into action. Adam began wielding his Fae magic, tossing bolts of power at every pixie he could see. He hit as many as he missed. They were fast, dodging left and right and engaging with their own war tactics – which mainly included hand-to-hand combat.

  Adam managed to put a shield over the males. He tried to help the females, but whatever the pixies had done, he could not undo.

  Gavril had phased into his wolf form and held nothing back when he got his teeth on a pixie. It was not pretty, but with every whimper he heard from his mate the more feral his wolf became.

  Drake and Costin teamed up and fought back-to-back, but with every pixie they dispatched another five literally came out of the woodwork.

  Lightning crashed to the ground and thunder rolled through the charged night air.

  “ENOUGH!” the pixie King yelled in a booming voice.

  The wolves froze – not because they wanted to. The King was holding them with his magic.

  “Enough of this, Vasile, Alpha of the Romanian pack. Say your goodbyes to your women. You cannot win against us and I will not continue to let you kill my people. Say your goodbyes and then pass through the portal. If you refuse, I will continue to torture your women in front of you.”

  As soon as the King stopped talking the wolves were able to move again.

  Decebel made to lunge once more and Vasile caught him.

  “We must pick our battles, old friend,” Vasile told him quietly. “Go to your mate.”

  Decebel didn’t move for several moments. Then he nodded once and turned to Jennifer.

  Costin knelt down beside Sally and pulled her up into his lap.

  “Are you still hurting?” he asked gently.

  Sally nodded with a tremble on her lips. “Please don’t go,” she whispered to him.

  Costin closed his eyes and pulled her close.

  “I have to, Sally mine. I don’t want to, but I won’t watch them torture you. It would kill me.”

  Sally tried to stop the tears from falling, knowing she needed to be strong for him, but the more she tried to stop them, the more they fell. She looked up into his eyes and leaned forward, pressing her lips to his. When she pulled back, she saw the glistening wetness in his hazel eyes.

  “I’ll be back. You can’t get rid of me this easily,” he tried to tease, but the effect was lost in the pain that filled his voice.

  “I’m coming for you, Costin,” she told him with conviction. She gathered herself and straightened her spine.

  Costin shook his head. “Don’t. I need to know you are safe.”

  “Too damn bad,” she snarled. “You are mine and no damn crazy ass pixie is taking what’s mine without a fight.”

  Sally heard Jen’s weak voice from behind her saying, “I second that motion.”

  Costin smiled at his mate and closed his eyes, letting out an exasperated sigh.

  “I love you ,Sally Morgan.”

  “Bet your hot butt you do.” Sally tried to keep the catch from her voice.

  Costin and she stood, and then he wrapped her in his arms.

  Decebel pulled Jennifer to her feet and placed his hand gently on her stomach.

  “Are you alright?” he whispered.

  Jen looked up into his too-handsome face.

  “She’s fine,” she answered his real question, covering his hand with her own, speaking of their unborn child.

  “We will find you, Decebel.” She held up her hand before he could argue with her, “I don’t want to hear it. You are my mate. I’m carrying your child and I’ll be damned if I’m going to go through this pregnancy without having you around to make miserable as I get fat. So get used to the idea. I’m going to find you and when I get my hands on that witch I’m going to gut her.”

  Decebel’s eyes were glowing when he leaned down and kissed her. “You’re really sexy when you’re blood thirsty.”

  Jen snorted as he pulled her close.

  “Stay safe, please. Be careful, and do whatever it takes to keep our baby safe.”

  Jen nodded and smiled up into her mate's face.

  “Give 'em hell, babe.”

  Adam kissed Crina passionately.

  “That’s for you to think about while you’re missing me.” He winked at her as he pulled back.

  “Adam, don’t do anything stupid,” Crina growled at him.

  “Dec is right, you females are hot when you’re snarling. I’ll be back before you know it, and then, my sweet she wolf, we have business to take care of.” He looked at her pointedly and Crina blushed.

  Sorin held Elle closely as he watched his pack mates and his Alpha tell their females goodbye. He had never felt so helpless in his long life.

  “You need to go to the Fae,” he told Elle solemnly. “You can’t do this without them. You need to petition them, threaten them, do whatever you have to – but get their help.”

  Elle nodded. “Okay.” She was looking at him intently, memorizing every feature.

  “Hey.” Sorin spoke softly. “This isn’t goodbye, my love. I’ve only just found you.” He held her face in his hands and kissed her, a deep and slow kiss that spoke passion. When he pulled back, he smiled sweetly. “That’s just a glimpse of the plans I have for you, my beautiful mate. This is no goodbye.”

  “ENOUGH! It’s time to go!” the pixie King yelled again.

  Jen’s head whipped around and she snarled, “Enough my ass!” Then she took menacing steps toward the small King, Decebel by her side the whole way.

  “Hear me now, little King.” Jen began to shake with anger as she spoke. “The next time I see you, I’m going to stuff you and turn you into a Harry Potter prop. You have messed with the wrong pregnant Alpha female. Prepare yourself because you are on my list.”

  Sally clucked her tongue and in her best Filch voice from Harry Potter said, “Oh dear, we are in trouble.”

  The pixie King turned his attention to her. Sally shrugged.

  “I’m just saying, you do not ever want to be on Jen’s list. You are so screwed.”

  Jen gave the King one more snarl for good measure before turning back to her mate.

  “You take care of yourself.”

  Decebel kissed her quickly, and then walked to the portal the pixies had opened. The other males, minus Vasile, followed suit.

  Vasile looked at his mate and kissed her in an intense way.

  “You know where they are taking you?” Alina whispered as she pulled back.

  Vasile nodded once.

  Alina closed her eyes as a lone tear escaped. “Remember, it’s not real,” she told him.

  “I will try, Mina. I will try.” He kissed her one more time and joined the other males in front of the portal.

  With one last look behind them, they walked through the shimmering door, disappearing as if they had never been there at all.

  When they were all gone, Jen looked around, realizing they were alone. All of the pixies, including their King, had vanished.

  “Alina,” Jen turned to the Alpha, “where are they taking them?”
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  “The In Between,” Alina answered flatly.

  “Damn,” Sally growled.

  “Understatment,” Jen added solemnly.

  Peri was brushing her clothes off. She grinned as her hands slipped into the pockets of her cloak.

  “Look what we have here.” She pulled her hands from her pockets and held up the Fae stones for the others to see.

  Rachel and Sally both took a step toward her.

  Sally smiled. “It’s so on.”

  Rachel returned the smile and nodded her agreement.

  Alina was kneeling next to Jacque as she spoke her next words. “Peri, it’s time to go to your people.”

  The women watched the Alpha female brush Jacque’s hair back away from her face as she continued to speak. Her voice grew stronger and they each began to see the Alpha she truly was.

  “It’s time for the Fae to get off their butts and get their heads in this game. Too much is at stake. I refuse to leave my mate to the fate of the In Between – it is a fate worse than death.” Alina lifted her face and met the eyes of each of the women. “Desdemona wants a war? Well, she’s got one. And when I stand over her watch the life drain from her eyes I will explain to her the folly in taking a female Canis lupis’s mate from her side.” .

  “I can’t feel Costin,” Sally gasped as her hand pressed to her heart.

  Alina nodded her head. “The bond doesn’t work in the In Between; the fear and pain are too much. The wolf will take over their minds once their human minds can no longer stand what is happening. What they are seeing isn’t real, but to their minds it’s as real as the blood flowing through their veins.”

  Each of the females reached for their mates through their mental bonds and one by one their shoulders slumped as the pain of that reality hit.

  “Alina, what are we going to do?” Jen asked matter of factly.

  Alina pulled a blanket up around Jacque’s neck and then stood. She looked at Peri as she spoke. “Can your people help my son’s mate?”