Would you ever dream that four children could be homesick in such abeautiful house as Mr. Cordyce's? Jess was the first one to long for theold freight car.

  "O Grandfather," she said one morning, "I wish I could cook somethingonce more in the old kettle."

  "Go out in the kitchen," said her grandfather, "and mess around all youlike. The maids will help you."

  Jess brightened up at once, and flew out into the kitchen, where threeor four maids brought her everything she wanted to cook with.

  And Benny was the last one to wish for his old home.

  "Grandfather," he said one day, "I wish I could drink this milk out ofmy own pink cup!"

  This set Mr. Cordyce to thinking. He had plenty of pink cups, it istrue, but none of them were as dear to Benny as his own.

  "I think I shall have to surprise you children," said Mr. Cordyce atlast. "But before the surprise comes, perhaps you would like to seeBenny's pony." Then he led the way to the stables. He owned severalbeautiful horses already, and nearly a dozen wonderful cars. But nothingwas half so interesting as the pony. He was very small and very fat andblack. His wavy tail was so long that it nearly touched the ground. Andhis name was "Cracker," because his birthday fell on the Fourth of July,when firecrackers were popping.

  Benny took a short ride around the stable, being "held on" by a groom.But the second time around, he said, "Cracker doesn't need you to holdonto him, I shouldn't wonder," and trotted around with great delight,without help.

  All the others sat down on the fragrant hay to watch him ride.

  "What am I going to do when I grow up, Grandfather?" asked Henry.

  "You're going to take my place, Henry, as president of the steel mills,"replied Mr. Cordyce. "You will do it better than I ever have." (And oneday this came true, just as most of Mr. Cordyce's prophecies did.)

  "And what am I going to do?" asked Jess, curiously.

  "All you children must go to school and then to college. Then you may dowhatever you choose for a living," replied Mr. Cordyce. (This also cametrue.)

  "Of course I have more than enough money to support us all," went on Mr.Cordyce, "but if you have something to do, you will be happier." (Thisnot only came true, but it is always and forever true, all over theworld.)

  "Am I going to college tomorrow?" asked Benny, stopping his little ponyin front of the group.

  "Not tomorrow, Benny," said his grandfather, laughing. "But I 'm gladyou reminded me. All you children must go over to Dr. McAllister'stomorrow, and stay while the surprise comes."

  "Is the surprise very nice?" asked Benny.

  "No, not very," replied Mr. Cordyce with a twinkle.

  "Did it cost a great deal?" asked Jess.

  "It didn't cost me anything," answered her grandfather. "The only thingI shall have to pay will be express." (He didn't tell them that theexpress cost him several hundred dollars.)

  However, next day the children rode gladly over to see the kind doctor.They stayed until Mr. Cordyce telephoned to them that the surprise wasready. And then Mrs. McAllister and her son rode back with them in thebig car.

  Mr. Cordyce was as happy as a boy. He led the merry little processionout through his many gardens, past the rose garden, through the banks ofpurple asters. Then they came to an Italian garden with a fountain inthe middle, and a shady little wood around the edge. Among the trees wasthe surprise. It was the old freight car! The children rushed over to itwith cries of delight, pushed back the dear old door, and scrambled in.Everything was in place. Here was Benny's pink cup, and here was hisbed. Here was the old knife which had cut butter and bread, andvegetables, and firewood, and string, and here were the letters forBenny's primer. Here was the big kettle and the tablecloth. And hangingon a near-by tree was the old dinner bell. Benny rang the bell over andover again, and Watch rolled on the floor and barked himself hoarse.

  The children were never homesick after that. To be sure, a dull and uglyfreight car looked a little strange in a beautiful Italian garden. Butit was never dull or ugly to the Cordyce children or their dog. Theynever were so happy as when showing visitors each beauty of theirbeloved old home. And there were many visitors. Some of them werefascinated by the stories of the wonderful dishes and the shelf. And thechildren never grew tired of telling them over and over again.

  One summer day, many years afterward, Watch climbed out of his beautifulpadded silk bed, and barked until Henry lifted him into the freight car.There he lay down on the hard, splintery floor, blinking his eyes in thesun, and watching the children as they sat studying by the fountain.

  "He likes the old home best," said Jess Cordyce, smiling at him andpatting his rough back.

  And as Benny would say, if he hadn't grown up, "That's true, I shouldn'twonder."

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