Page 2 of Justice

  “She’s human,” another voice barked.

  “That doesn’t give anyone the right to attack. She is a guest here.” Justice snarled the words in obvious anger. “We are friends with humans and don’t attack them. We especially,” he shouted now, “don’t attack females.”

  “I’m sorry, Justice,” a new male voice panted. “We should have had more officers present.”

  “I want every one of the new ones rounded up and taken into the cafeteria immediately.” Justice gave the order with harsh authority. “This is going to be settled immediately. This is the second attack on a human female since this morning and there won’t be a third.” Justice growled those words.

  “Even the new females?” The out of breath male spoke.

  “No. Just the males. The females seem to know better. I want to see every new male inside that cafeteria in ten minutes.”

  “We’re on it,” another man stated firmly.

  Jessie stood perfectly still and waited for the tension to ease. Justice still appeared ready to do battle since he didn’t budge from his position in front of her. She heard movement in the room, soft voices, a few growls and finally silence. Justice relaxed his stance. His arms lowered to his sides, his fists unfurled and he slowly turned.

  Jessie stared up into Justice’s handsome face. Breathtaking fits him, she thought, as she realized she’d stopped breathing. She sucked air into her lungs and met a pair of furious cat eyes framed with long, black eyelashes. They were a huge contrast to his blond-streaked auburn hair. On television and in photos his hair appeared much lighter and the camera didn’t begin to capture his beautiful eyes. They were so exotic that they were probably the most beautiful sight she’d ever seen.

  “Who are you?” he growled softly. “How did you get past security?”

  Jessie frowned. He should have known who she was and why she was there. She took a deep breath. “I’m Jessie Dupree and I work for the task force assigned to the NSO. I’m their female ambassador to your retrieved Gift Females. Last night I was on the raid in Colorado and I came here with the females who were recovered.”

  She paused and watched his intense eyes. It was amazing to see them transform. The color changed as his anger dissipated. There was some blue in those dark depths. For a moment she was so distracted, she forgot she’d been talking.

  “Tiger gave me permission to be here. I rode in on the helicopter with your females and have been assigned a room on the third floor of the hotel. Tammy invited me to her wedding so here I am. Didn’t you see me during their ceremony?”

  “No. I was distracted by a long voice message from the president. I had an earphone—was listening to it—and I had to text my reply to him.” He took a deep breath and held out his hand. It was a big one with long, strong fingers and those nifty calluses covered both his fingertips and his palm. “I’m Justice North. It is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Dupree.”

  She placed her smaller hand inside his. Heat from his hot skin jolted her. His large hand clasped hers but instead of shaking it, his fingers curled around her smaller ones, holding them. His gaze lowered to stare at their joined hands. Jessie couldn’t take her attention from his face though. He finally looked up when he released her.

  “I apologize for the attack. They are new and have a lot to learn. I’m going to teach them some valuable lessons about manners in a few moments. We won’t tolerate that kind of behavior.”

  She shrugged. “I understand why they hate my kind. They have their reasons. I appreciate you coming to the rescue. I can keep someone off me for a little while but when they gang up, it’s not usually a painless or healthy outcome for me.”

  His gaze lowered from her face down her body. His eyes widened and his breathing changed slightly, increased to a faster pace. His nostrils flared and a soft sound came from deep within throat. Jessie grinned.

  “Did you just purr?”

  His gaze lifted. “I don’t purr.” He gripped his tank top at his waist, quickly tugged it up his impressive torso and over his head. He offered it to her. “Put this over your shirt.”

  Jessie glanced down at her chest and noticed her shirt had been torn in the melee. She studied her black lace bra, grateful not to be wearing the white one she’d worn yesterday—the ugly, full-support bra. The black push-up cupped her breasts and flattered her size 34-D chest. She flinched over how pale her skin appeared against the black and hoped he wasn’t blinded by the sight. Jessie didn’t tan, she burned so she avoided the sun.

  “Thanks but I can hold this together until I reach my room. One of your women, Breeze, set me up with some clothes since I didn’t pack for a trip. I was called to the Colorado raid too fast to do that.”

  Jessie avoided his gaze by examining her shirt as she spoke, sorry he’d seen so much of her breasts. A few buttons were missing and the tear started at a buttonhole and ended under her breasts to fully expose her cleavage. She gripped the fabric together over her breasts to hide them and the cups of her bra. So much for a first impression. Tim is going to chew my ass big-time and blame me for starting a fight with a Species.

  Her gaze lifted. Jessie examined Justice’s bare chest and her attention snagged on a few sections of his naked skin. She would have started drooling but she knew it was extremely rude and unprofessional. The guy was tan, and firm muscles ripped his lean torso. His nipples were slightly darker than his coppery skin and they were hard at that moment. She had the urge to lick him to see if he tasted as good as he looked. BAD JESSIE! her mind screamed. She forced her gaze higher to discover he silently watched her.

  “You should put that shirt back on, Mr. North. You have a chill.”

  He blinked. “I don’t.”

  Her focus flicked to his nipples, still hard pebbles. “Your chest seems to disagree and it’s difficult for me not to stare at you. You must work out a lot to look that good.”

  I said that aloud. Shit! I didn’t mean to.

  Another soft sound came from his throat and Jessie smiled, quickly over her slip of the lips. That was definitely a purr. He’s so hot. Tall, good-looking, can fight, stands up for women and makes that sexy sound. Oh yeah, don’t forget he’s off limits!

  Justice shifted his stance and cleared his throat. “I’m not cold.”

  She let that one slide, knew she’d said more than enough to get her yelled at by the task-force leader and pressed her lips firmly together. Justice put his shirt back on and she wished it were a crime for him to cover up that wonderful, sexy view of muscled masculinity.

  With his chest covered again, her focus remained on his face and she didn’t miss when his nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply, taking in her scent. She was glad she had showered recently and wore deodorant. She kept her smile in place as he tucked his tank top into the waistband of his jeans. Just a few feet separated them. He inhaled again and his nose twitched. It was as cute as hell but she worried he found her offensive.

  “I hope I don’t smell bad. I used stuff from the room when I took a quick shower before the wedding. The shampoo the hotel carries isn’t bad but it’s kind of generic. Do I pass muster?”

  His gaze met hers. “I’m sorry. You smell nice. It’s a natural instinct we have.”

  “It’s all right.” Jessie leaned forward a little and inhaled deeply. Her eyes remained locked on his. “You smell nice too. I like your cologne. It’s kind of woodsy and masculine.”

  He softly purred and cleared his throat again. “Thank you.”

  “Are you all right? Did that guy hit you in the throat?” She started to worry he might be hurt with the way he kept making noises.

  Justice North blushed. It stunned her a tiny bit and made her like him more.

  “I’m fine.” He paused. “It was nice to meet you and I’m sorry for the attack. I should go to the cafeteria since I did call for the meeting. I need to yell at my new males and throw in some threats for good measure to be certain they learn good behavior.”

  He turned and took a few steps away
from her before Jessie’s mind started to fully function again. Justice was walking away from her and she couldn’t stand the idea of never seeing him again.


  Chapter Two

  Justice froze and turned. His dark gaze met Jessie’s. “Yes, Ms. Dupree?”

  “I wanted to know if you had any free time soon. I hoped we could talk about your females. There are some policies I’d love to discuss with you that need to be changed. I’ve brought it up with Tim Oberto but he isn’t exactly sensitive to female needs. Is there any possibility that you have some time to listen to my ideas? I think they are valid ones.”

  He seemed to ponder it. “How long will you be at Reservation?”

  “A few days, if that’s all right. I thought I’d stick around to help the new females adjust to outside life unless I get a call from the task force. I have a lot of free time between recoveries.”

  He bit his lip. “Why don’t you come to the cafeteria with me if you are staying? I’d like them to know you on sight to make certain something like this doesn’t happen again. We could share dinner afterward. It’s the only time I have free. You can talk to me while we eat. After dinner I have to prepare for a press conference being held outside the gates at ten o’clock regarding last night’s activities.”

  “That would be great.” She remembered her torn shirt. “Do I have time to change?” She smiled. “Although if I didn’t, I’m betting none of them would forget how I look if I released my shirt. I’m not sure they’d remember my face but it might do something for boosting human relations with your men if they saw me in a bra.”

  His entire body shook with laughter. Justice is scorching hot, Jessie decided. His eyes sparkled and his generous mouth widened to reveal white teeth. She saw a flash of points along his bottom lip. He has the Species fangs after all. She felt her body respond. She’d not only have to change her shirt but her thong too if she didn’t get a grip. She wondered what his teeth would feel like against her skin if he nipped her with them.

  “Down girl,” she muttered.

  His laughter died. “Excuse me?”

  He’d heard her speak. She’d forgotten that Species had enhanced hearing. “It was nothing.” She smiled again. “So, do I change or go as I am?”

  “Why don’t you exchange shirts? I’ll talk to them while we wait for you and I’ll introduce you when you arrive. Do you know where the cafeteria is?”

  “I ate breakfast there with Breeze this morning.”

  “I’ll see you when you return.” He turned and walked away.

  Jessie watched him move out of sight. The man fit a pair of jeans better than any guy she’d ever seen. He had long muscular legs that stretched the denim around his thighs and his rounded ass. He wore black high tops. They had Velcro strap closures. They would be fast to take off.

  She grinned over her wayward libido, moving quickly toward the elevator. She appreciated a man who wore things that were fast and easy to get off. She shook her head at her reflection inside the elevator as she rode it up. He’s Justice North, a New Species and you know you can’t ever go there. It would cost my job. Tim would not only kick my ass but he’d boot it from the task force.

  Jessie leaned forward, peered at her reflection in the mirror and winced. She could use some makeup but she rarely bothered unless she had to. She’d done all that for her first husband and it had been a waste of time. He’d expected her to primp for him or he’d been insulting. Her need to please had died when her marriage had. The bastard had an affair with a fellow soldier while on training exercises. She backed up and ran her fingers through her hair. It was really bright red, a mess and she couldn’t look worse if she tried. She might be attracted to the sexy Species but he wouldn’t feel the same about her.

  The elevator doors opened and she practically ran down the hall. She wasn’t sure what had gotten in to her since meeting Justice but the man turned her on. It had been a long time since she’d met anyone who attracted her. He definitely made her heart race and wild thoughts filled her head. Two years had passed since her bitter divorce and she hadn’t been interested in men.

  Well, there was that one guy, she remembered, but does a one-night stand after drinking too much count? She decided not to ponder that one. That had been a rough night and she’d needed the comfort of another person. It was right after the first time she’d retrieved the body of a New Species female.

  The bastard who’d murdered her had buried her small, broken body under the basement floor of the cell he’d kept her in for years. The sight of watching the body unearthed had driven Jessie straight to the nearest bar and right into the arms of the first man who looked good. She’d wanted to forget the pain of knowing what had been done to that poor victim and how they’d been too late to save her. The one-night stand had been a dud. He had talked a good game but once he’d hit the field, he hadn’t pitched worth a damn.

  She entered her room and grabbed the first shirt lying on the bed, a blue tank top. It was big on her but she wasn’t surprised since all the New Species females living at Reservation were experimental prototype females for the drugs they’d used to make them so big and strong. The smallest one she’d ever seen stood about five foot ten. The tallest had to be about six foot three. They were sturdily built women who could bench-press the average male if need be. The supply store carried spare clothes for the residents at Reservation and probably didn’t order a size small or medium in anything.

  Jessie rushed out of the room, shoving her room key back inside her jeans. The only pants they’d given her were sweats. She didn’t like them. That left her living in the pair of black jeans she’d been wearing when she arrived. She wasn’t one to use a purse and if something didn’t fit inside a pocket or could be strapped somewhere on her body, she didn’t see the need to carry it. She stepped back on the elevator and checked her reflection again. Her long hair hung past her ass. It was a brassy, bright red, the color created from two boxes of hair dye.

  She’d found the courage to break out of the mold working for New Species. They were different, special and made their own places in life. Jessie had changed her hair to the bright, flashy color in defiance of the norm. She knew she probably should glow in the dark from the luminosity of her hair but she loved it. It really set her dark-blue eyes off and was a drastic contrast to her naturally almost-milk-white skin. She would never tan and didn’t care.

  The elevator doors opened and she strode toward the cafeteria. The double doors were wide open and two New Species uniformed officers stood guard. She slowed her pace and studied the men, wondering if Justice had informed them that she’d been invited to the meeting.

  They moved out of the way. Jessie flashed each man a smile and walked inside the large room, only to stop a few feet past the door. She spotted Justice right off, not being able to miss him towering over everyone, standing on a tabletop on the other side of the room by the long buffet island. He naturally drew attention anyway but elevated he seemed to be larger than life.

  “Humans are not our enemies. Not most of them.” Justice looked annoyed and his face scrunched a little. “There are good humans and some bad ones like those we were exposed to at Mercile. The bad ones are a minority. Am I making myself clear? Good humans freed us and fought to give us rights and privileges. We are equal in all ways because of them. They are not the ones who enslaved and tortured us. They didn’t know what was being done to us but when they found out, they have done everything possible to help us get where we are today. Every one of you sits here because of those good humans.”

  A male stood. “Are we supposed to trust them now? It is hard, Justice.”

  Justice relaxed, his features smoothing. “I understand your hesitancy but we must change with the times. Yesterday you were locked inside a cell but today you are free. Yesterday the humans you dealt with were evil monsters but today you are dealing with good humans who would be horrified if they realized what had been done to us by their own people. They wa
nt those people punished as much as we do.”

  A few men in the back suddenly turned their heads to stare at Jessie. She kept her smile in place and figured her scent had reached them. It had only taken about fifteen seconds for everyone to realize she had entered the cafeteria. She stayed put by the door and watched the men, spotting anger on a few faces.

  “This is Jessie Dupree,” Justice stated loudly. “She’s a good human. No one is to attack her again. Her job is to help locate New Species who are still imprisoned. She goes in with a team of trained human males who fight for our freedom and could easily die to save us. Her job is taking care of our retrieved females. She was there when you were freed last night and risks her life to go in and take our females to safety. Her life is devoted to us but she was attacked by a few of you in the lobby.” Justice paused, his stern gaze drifting across each man before he spoke again. “It is unacceptable what happened to her. We don’t attack humans unless we are attacked first.”

  “She attacked me,” a male growled.

  Justice arched his eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest, a look of anger returning as he zeroed in on the speaker. “Really? How did she attack you?”

  Jessie bit her lip to keep her mouth shut. She waited silently until the man finally spoke.

  “She offended me and tried to break my wrist.”

  Justice took a menacing step forward on the table but stopped at the edge. “Did you touch her first?”

  “Her arm.”

  “You grabbed her. I saw marks on her wrist and you put them there. You attacked her first. She defended herself by trying to get free of you.” Justice paused. “Quite well too.”

  The male growled in protest and Jessie’s gaze wandered until she found him. It was the guy she’d kicked in the balls who made the angry sound. She tried not to smirk. He had totally deserved it but still, she had meant to catch him with her heel in his stomach. She was short, he was a tall guy and shit happened.

  “Any human at Reservation is invited, is here with our blessing and welcome. They are under our protection and you won’t attack one. You won’t be rude to one either. You will also never attack a female human under any circumstances. Their women are not as strong as ours and weren’t raised our way. They don’t posses our fighting skills or strength. I swear that you will be dealt with extremely harshly if you attack a human female here. Some of them live with our males as mates. They have committed to each other, mated for life. Those males will kill any one of you who touches his female and it would be his right to do so.”