Page 6 of Justice

  “You aren’t going to protest if I lick you here, are you?” She gently squeezed his shaft and ran her thumb pad along the underside of it, stroking the velvety softness of the skin stretched tightly over a hot, steely arousal.

  He purred really loudly, his eyes narrowed to slits and his mouth parted to reveal his fangs, which dented his bottom lip as he bit down. He shook his head hastily, denying it would offend him.

  She shifted her body a little to hold his gaze, opened her mouth and refused to look away as she stuck her tongue out and traced the rim of the crown. He closed his eyes, his head fell back and the sounds he made turned her on. The guy purred. It was sexy as hell that she could make him respond that way and she took him fully into her mouth, now concentrating on it.

  “Jessie,” he growled.

  She sucked and took more of him between her lips, testing his girth. Her teeth lightly grazed him but it couldn’t be avoided. She worked him deeper toward the back of her throat until she knew she’d hit her limit then slowly lifted up, swirling her tongue along the underside while keeping tight suction. He made animalistic noises that she loved to hear. No man had ever responded so strongly to her before. It was flattering and increased her pleasure at making him feel good.

  His hand released her thigh and the sound of material ripping reached her ears. She turned her head to peer at him again, saw his head was still thrown back, his fangs sank deeper into his lip and his fingers clawed the bedding. Fluff from inside the comforter showed as more shredding happened. His nails tore the bedding apart.

  Jessie eased up on giving him head and slowly released him from her mouth. Justice groaned, his eyes opened and he stared at her with such an intense look it made her pause. He took a few ragged breaths and she knew he was okay but really turned on. She lifted up a thigh, swung it around and straddled his hips. She reached back and gripped his cock. One of her hands flattened on his chest to keep her balance as she guided him right to where she wanted him.

  “Can you hold still for me until I adjust to your size? You’re really big.”

  He gave a sharp nod and his hands caressed her hips. A fine sheen of sweat broke out across his tan and muscular body, making him look sexier, as if he’d been oiled down. Jessie was more than ready and aching to feel Justice inside her.

  Jessie groaned as she felt her body resist his penetration but she put down more weight. His thick cock breached her and she threw her head back in pleasure as she slowly sank down on him. He filled her deeper, stretched her to the point of near pain but it felt so good. She kept letting her weight take her down as a few more inches entered her. One of his hands left her to reach up to grab at a pillow near his head.

  She lifted up and sank down again, taking more of him inside her. It was sheer bliss and she hoped he felt the same. Her ass brushed the top of his thighs and she knew she’d nearly taken all of him. Her body had adjusted faster than she’d thought it would. The sounds of his purrs motivated her to ride him faster. She wasn’t sure which one of them was tortured more by her slow movements. She lowered one more time until her ass rested on his hips, the feel of him completely connected to her was pure perfection and she paused to appreciate the feel.

  Justice snarled and wood snapped. Her chin jerked up to see what had happened. Justice released the headboard bar he’d broken. He’d grabbed the top piece of wood, his strength too much for the poor thing.

  His eyes opened. He met her gaze and Jessie moved, setting a fast pace, riding him hard. She threw back her head, unable to keep eye contact with him anymore. She felt her climax building despite always needing more than just a man inside her to come—but not with Justice. She rode him frantically, burning to come as she ground her hips against him with every downward stroke. Her vaginal muscles clenched hard and pleasure tore through her when the climax hit. She cried out his name.

  Justice rolled over, pinned her under his body and drove into her harder and faster. It spiked her pleasure higher, made her keep coming until she was sure her heart might explode. He snarled one final deep time, a vicious sound and began pulsing inside her with the hot spread of his release.

  Jessie panted, clung to him and enjoyed the sensation. Whatever slight pain she’d been feeling in the aftermath of slightly rough sex faded. She opened her eyes and met Justice’s. He held most of his chest weight off her with his elbows propped on the bed. Her arms were around his neck, hands gripping his shoulder blades and she didn’t remember putting them there.

  “Did I hurt you?” Concern narrowed his beautiful cat eyes.

  “That was amazing.”

  He smiled. “Yes. It was.”

  Jessie pulled him closer and brushed her mouth over his. He groaned and forced her lips open to his exploring tongue. She was the one who finally broke the kiss. Their gazes met and held.

  “Did my heat bother you?”

  “I liked it. I was a little sore for a few seconds but now I’m not. You should bottle that as a miracle cure for soothing a woman after sex.” She laughed.

  He grinned. “I liked submitting to you.”

  She glanced up above their heads. “You broke the headboard.”

  He lifted his chin to peer at the headboard and got a comical expression on his face. Jessie couldn’t help but laugh. His gaze met hers.

  “I don’t remember doing that.”

  “Then I guess I shouldn’t mention the comforter.”

  He frowned.

  Jessie released his back with one hand, reached to the side and grabbed a handful of filling. She showed it to him. “You should cut your nails, honey. You shredded the bed but thank you for letting me go and grabbing it instead. My uninjured thigh really appreciates it.”

  Justice gawked at the fluff, stunned. “I don’t remember doing that either.”

  “I think you were too focused on me.”

  “I definitely was that. You’re beautiful, Jessie. Did I tell you that?” He stared deeply into her eyes. “You’re the most beautiful thing I think I’ve ever seen when I’m inside you and you are enjoying us being together.”

  “That’s the best thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  Jessie turned her head to glance at the nightstand clock. “Oh, shit.” Her gaze flew to Justice. “It’s nine thirty.”


  “Your press conference.”

  Justice paled and softly cursed. “I forgot.”

  She grinned. “I take that statement back. That is the best thing anyone has ever said to me. I made the king of workaholics forget about work.”

  He laughed. “Stay the night with me. I’ll grab a shower, go to the gates to talk to the press and come back.”

  Happiness filled her that he didn’t want to end their time together. “I would love to. Do you have any other work tonight?”

  He shifted over her and withdrew his still-hard cock. Near regret showed on his features while separating from her body. He lifted up and moved down the bed to the end of it. “The only work I have after talking to the media is topping what we just did. I think I can manage to do that.” His gaze traveled her body. “You inspire me to want to get to the gates and back as quickly as possible. I’ll hurry through the press conference.”

  Jessie sat up on the bed, drew her knees up and hugged them. “You never wrote a speech.”

  He shrugged, turning toward the bathroom and Jessie stared at his ass. He definitely had the finest one she’d ever seen in her entire life, in or out of a pair of jeans.

  “I’ll wing it.” He turned at the bathroom door. “Do you want to come with me to the conference? You need to shower with me if you do. My scent is all over you unless you don’t mind all the Species who get close to you knowing what we just did.” He chuckled. “I would be happy for you to keep my scent but I know human women can be touchy about revealing those things publicly.”

  “I think I’ll stay here if you don’t mind. I’m not a big fan of three-ring circuses with cameras.”

  He laughed. “Me
neither.” He disappeared into the bathroom.

  Jessie scooted out of bed and studied it. The comforter was history. She tore it from the mattress and bunched it in a pile. She turned, laughed and realized the sheets were damaged too. His nails had pierced the comforter, torn right through it down to the sheets. After removing those, she laughed again. He’d even tagged the mattress. The situation cracked her up and she began to laugh.


  Jessie had to catch her breath as she turned to him, saw he’d already showered and was impressed he’d managed to do that so fast. “You have connections in this hotel, right?”

  “We own it.”

  “You better make a call. You need all new bedding and maybe a new mattress.”

  Justice’s attention shifted to the bed. He stared at the bare mattress and smiled. “Oh.”

  “I knew the comforter was history and then discovered the sheets were too.” She laughed. “But you took out the mattress. I guess we could flip it over.”

  “I’ll take care of it when I return.” His eyes sparkled. “I’ll hurry back.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  He softly purred as he took in her naked body from head to toe. “Nor can I.”

  “Hold that thought until you return.”

  “I have to go but I’ll hurry.”

  “Leave already so you can come back faster. I’ll shower while you’re gone.”

  “Make yourself at home.”

  She watched him unlock the bedroom door, exit and close it behind him. She glanced at the bed and started laughing again. She’d heard of breaking a bed during sex but he’d taken out the whole bed. If that wasn’t impressive sex, she wasn’t sure what would be.

  She quickly showered, remembering his statement to make herself at home. She found one of his tank tops in the dresser and put it on, hungry again. She walked to the door to go in search of leftovers from their dinner but a ringing sound came from behind her. Her discarded pants on the floor rang again.

  She rushed for her cell. She dug it out on the fourth ring and opened it, reading it was from Tim Oberto. She answered the call with dread. She hoped like hell someone hadn’t called him to report that she was spending time with his boss, Justice North. It was going to be pure hell if that were the case and he’d called to fire her.

  “What’s up, Tim?”

  “We got a lead on a possible Gift Female’s location. The warrant just came through. I need you now.”

  Adrenaline hit hard and fast. “When are we moving in?”

  “As soon as you get here.”


  “I got your message that you were staying at Reservation and sent a chopper that way. It should be landing in ten minutes and your ass needs to be waiting for it at their heliport area.” He hung up.

  Damn. She closed the phone and stared at the bare mattress. She loved her job but for once she wished she could refuse an assignment. Justice would come back to find her gone and she wouldn’t be spending the night with him. Of course he’d understand, one of his Gift Females might be rescued and she had no excuse to stay.

  It still saddened her to leave. I’ll probably never see him again and I wanted to sleep in his arms. Her shoulders slumped but she pushed it back. She had to go. Ten minutes were ticking down.

  Chapter Five

  Justice read the note Jessie had left on the bed. He’d gotten hung up with the press by the reporters but had hurried back to his room looking forward to being with her. He read the note again, understood she’d gotten an emergency call from the task force after they’d gotten a lead on a New Species female and she’d had to leave. Tim Oberto had sent someone to pick her up. He snarled and crumpled up the note in his fist.

  Justice pulled out his cell phone and froze. What would he do? Call the head of the task force and complain that he’d ordered Jessie to work when Justice wanted to climb back into bed with her? He cursed and lowered his cell. Jessie would never forgive him if he did that. Human women were private about their sex lives and independent. He doubted she would want the task force and the people she worked for to know she’d been in his bed. She’d also possibly resent him interfering with her job.

  What pissed him off the most were her written words. She’d had fun and had thanked him. Worse, she’d told him to relax more and to attempt to work less. A growl of frustration burst forth again, his instincts at odds with his reasoning. She should have promised to come back or given him her number with an invitation to call. She didn’t. She thanked me for a good time. He clenched his teeth. She said it was fun. FUN! Another snarl tore from his throat with his rising anger. It was more than fun!

  Justice stared at the bed and his temper finally snapped. Jessie should be there waiting for him to touch her again and hold her in his arms while they slept. She made him laugh, the sex had been incredible and he’d been happy for once. His rage at the loss took hold and he lunged forward, his instincts refusing to be denied.

  He attacked the mattress with gusto. His nails dug into the material and he ripped it up. When that didn’t make him feel better, he lifted the entire mattress and tore it apart. He attacked the box springs next, snapping the wood with his feet and broke the frame apart. The headboard succumbed to his temper tantrum last while he destroyed it. He stood in the middle of his room panting with a mess surrounding him.

  He assessed the damage and cursed, half embarrassed at the destruction he’d created. He hadn’t allowed his temper to get the best of him once since he’d been freed despite the many times he’d been really angry. He’d lost it now for sure. He studied the damage grimly before storming out of the bedroom. He threw himself onto the couch, taking deep breaths but her faint scent filled his nose. He turned, buried his face against the cushions and inhaled deeply. It helped him remember every detail of them touching, his sense of smell keenly connected to his memories and he groaned. He wanted the real thing, not just sniffing at what he’d had.

  What am I doing? He lifted his head with disgust. He was sniffing the couch just to smell Jessie Dupree. He uttered a vicious curse and stood to pace out his frustration. He finally calmed down enough to place a call downstairs. In minutes he’d ordered a new bed and bedding to be brought up. He hung up and closed his eyes. Jessie Dupree had driven him crazy. He was Justice North. He didn’t have time to lose his mind or reasoning over a female, not even a hot, little sexy one who made him happy when he wasn’t furious that she’d left.

  The two Species males who brought up the new bed frowned at Justice when they cleaned up the destroyed bed and headboard. He glared at them, daring them to say a word about the floral stench in his suite. He’d walked into the bathroom and found a can of air freshener under the sink to mask Jessie’s scent before they’d arrived. No one would know she’d been in his bed and her female pride would be intact since they were so private.

  The men left and Justice opened his phone. He always had work to distract him and he welcomed it suddenly. He dialed his nighttime staff, knew they’d be awake in their suites down the hall from him and ordered coffee. He liked the sweet, hot drink. He avoided the couch by setting up his computer at the bar instead. Half an hour later he was connected to his staff via the interface and immersed in work. He had coffee in front of him and his staff was busy updating him on projects currently underway.

  The doorbell rang and hope gripped him for a second that it might be Jessie but Tiger stood there when he yanked open the door. He silently invited him inside by stepping out of the way.

  “Are you all right?” Tiger frowned. “As head of security I’m informed of everything. I received a call that you totaled your bedroom. That is unlike you, Justice. They said everything from the bedding to the headboard had to be replaced.”

  Justice studied Tiger carefully. He was a trusted friend and he wanted to talk to someone. “It was over a female.”

  “Ah.” Tiger grinned. “I hope she’s doing better than the things inside the bedroom did?”

nbsp; “She’s fine,” Justice growled. “You know I’d never hurt a female.”

  “It was a bad attempt at a joke. Do you want to talk about it?” Tiger sat on the arm of the couch.

  “I wanted her to stay the night but she left while I was at the press conference. I lost my temper. I’m not proud of it but I was looking forward to spending more time with her. The reporters were brutal and wanted every detail about the raid. They didn’t appreciate me telling them some things were confidential and I refused to give up numbers. We’re dealing with victims after all and they don’t care about our privacy. They also don’t seem to understand that every time more of us are rescued that it stirs the pot with the people who hate us. They put me in a bad mood and then I returned to find her gone.”

  “So you destroyed the bed? I understand. I really do.” Tiger looked sympathetic. “Maybe she’ll change her mind and knock on your door later.”

  “She won’t.”

  Tiger cocked his head. “You know our women, Justice. All those years of captivity made them unwilling to be with us for more than a few hours and they get antsy if you hint at anything more than sex. They don’t want to commit because they don’t want someone trying to tell them what to do. It’s in our nature to dominate and we’re a bit controlling. They know our flaws as well as we know theirs and that’s why they avoid anything beyond a few hours of physical enjoyment with us.”

  Justice didn’t correct Tiger’s assumption that it had been a Species female he’d been with. “I wasn’t asking her to move in with me. I just wanted her to spend the night.”

  Tiger grinned. “You could always get another female. You’re Justice North. Our females are all a bit enamored of you. You could walk into a room, hold out your arms and one of them would jump into them. You’re the ultimate strong male they are attracted to. Not only do you have physical strength but you’re viewed as iron willed because of your job.”