For heav’nly minds from such distempers foul

  Are ever cleer. Whereof hee soon aware,


  Each perturbation smooth’d with outward calm,

  Artificer of fraud; and was the first

  That practis’d falshood under saintly shew,

  Deep malice to conceal, couch’t with revenge:

  Yet not anough had practis’d to deceive


  Uriel once warnd; whose eye pursu’d him down

  The way he went, and on th’ Assyrian mount

  Saw him disfigur’d,6 more then could befall

  Spirit of happie sort: his gestures fierce

  He mark’d and mad demeanour, then alone,


  As he suppos’d, all unobserv’d, unseen.

  So on he fares, and to the border comes

  Of Eden, where delicious Paradise,

  Now nearer, Crowns with her enclosure green,

  As with a rural mound the champain head7


  Of a steep wilderness, whose hairie sides

  With thicket overgrown, grottesque and wild,

  Access deni’d; and over head up grew

  Insuperable highth of loftiest shade,

  Cedar, and Pine, and Firr, and branching Palm,


  A Silvan Scene, and as the ranks ascend

  Shade above shade, a woodie Theatre

  Of stateliest view. Yet higher then thir tops

  The verdurous wall of Paradise up sprung:

  Which to our general Sire gave prospect large


  Into his neather Empire neighbouring round.

  And higher then that Wall a circling row

  Of goodliest Trees loaden with fairest Fruit,

  Blossoms and Fruit at once of golden hue

  Appeerd, with gay enameld colours mixt:


  On which the Sun more glad impress’d his beams

  Then in fair Evening Cloud, or humid Bow,

  When God hath showrd the earth; so lovely seemd

  That Lantskip: And of pure now purer air

  Meets his approach, and to the heart inspires


  Vernal delight and joy, able to drive

  All sadness but despair: now gentle gales

  Fanning thir odoriferous wings dispense

  Native perfumes, and whisper whence they stole

  Those balmie spoils. As when to them who sail


  Beyond the Cape of Hope, and now are past

  Mozambic, off at Sea North-East winds blow

  Sabean8 Odours from the spicie shoar

  Of Arabie the blest, with such delay

  Well pleas’d they slack thir course, and many a League


  Chear’d with the grateful smell old Ocean smiles.

  So entertaind those odorous sweets the Fiend

  Who came thir bane, though with them better pleas’d

  Then Asmodeus9 with the fishie fume,

  That drove him, though enamourd, from the Spouse


  Of Tobits Son, and with a vengeance sent

  From Media post to Ægypt, there fast bound.

  Now to th’ ascent of that steep savage10 Hill

  Satan had journied on, pensive and slow;

  But further way found none, so thick entwin’d,


  As one continu’d brake, the undergrowth

  Of shrubs and tangling bushes had perplext

  All path of Man or Beast that past that way:

  One Gate there only was, and that look’d East

  On th’ other side: which when th’ arch-fellon saw


  Due entrance he disdaind, and in contempt,

  At one slight bound high overleap’d all bound

  Of Hill or highest Wall, and sheer within

  Lights on his feet. As when a prowling Wolf,

  Whom hunger drives to seek new haunt for prey,


  Watching where Shepherds pen thir Flocks at eeve

  In hurdl’d Cotes amid the field secure,

  Leaps o’re the fence with ease into the Fould:

  Or as a Thief bent to unhoord the cash

  Of some rich Burgher, whose substantial dores,


  Cross-barrd and bolted fast, fear no assault,

  In at the window climbs, or o’re the tiles;

  So clomb this first grand Thief into Gods Fould:

  So since into his Church lewd Hirelings climb.11

  Thence up he flew, and on the Tree of Life,


  The middle Tree and highest there that grew,

  Sat like a Cormorant;12 yet not true Life

  Thereby regaind, but sat devising Death

  To them who liv’d; nor on the vertue thought

  Of that life-giving Plant, but only us’d


  For prospect, what well us’d had bin the pledge

  Of immortality. So little knows

  Any, but God alone, to value right

  The good before him, but perverts best things

  To worst abuse, or to thir meanest use.


  Beneath him with new wonder now he views

  To all delight of human sense expos’d

  In narrow room Natures whole wealth, yea more,

  A Heav’n on Earth: for blissful Paradise

  Of God the Garden was, by him in th’ East


  Of Eden planted; Eden stretch’d her Line

  From Auran13 Eastward to the Royal Towrs

  Of great Seleucia, built by Grecian Kings,

  Or where the Sons of Eden long before

  Dwelt in Telassar:14 in this pleasant soil


  His farr more pleasant Garden God ordaind;

  Out of the fertil ground he caus’d to grow

  All Trees of noblest kind for sight, smell, taste;

  And all amid them stood the Tree of Life,

  High eminent, blooming Ambrosial Fruit


  Of vegetable Gold; and next to Life

  Our Death the Tree of Knowledge grew fast by,

  Knowledge of Good bought dear by knowing ill.

  Southward through Eden went a River15 large,

  Nor chang’d his course, but through the shaggie hill


  Pass’d underneath ingulft, for God had thrown

  That Mountain as his Garden mould high rais’d

  Upon the rapid current, which through veins

  Of porous Earth with kindly thirst up drawn,

  Rose a fresh Fountain, and with many a rill


  Waterd the Garden; thence united fell

  Down the steep glade, and met the neather Flood,

  Which from his darksom passage now appeers,

  And now divided into four main Streams,16

  Runs divers, wandring many a famous Realm


  And Country whereof here needs no account,

  But rather to tell how, if Art could tell,

  How from that Saphire Fount the crisped Brooks,

  Rowling on Orient Pearl and sands of Gold,

  With mazie error17 under pendant shades


  Ran Nectar, visiting each plant, and fed

  Flowrs worthy of Paradise which not nice Art

  In Beds and curious Knots,18 but Nature boon19

  Powrd forth profuse on Hill and Dale and Plain,

  Both where the morning Sun first warmly smote


  The open field, and where the unpierc’t shade

  Imbrownd the noontide Bowrs: Thus was this place,

  A happy rural seat of various view;

  Groves whose rich Trees wept odorous Gumms and Balm,

  Others whose fruit burnisht with Golden Rind


  Hung amiable, Hesperian Fables true,

  If true, here only, and of delicious taste:

  Betwixt them Lawns, or level Downs, and Flocks

  Grasing the tender herb, were interpos’d,

  Or palmie hilloc, or the flowrie lap


  Of som irriguous Valley spred her store,

  Flowrs of all hue, and without Thorn the Rose:

  Another side, umbrageous Grots and Caves

  Of cool recess, o’re which the mantling vine

  Layes forth her purple Grape, and gently creeps


  Luxuriant; mean while murmuring waters fall

  Down the slope hills, disperst, or in a Lake,

  That to the fringed Bank with Myrtle crownd,

  Her chrystal mirror holds, unite thir streams.

  The Birds thir quire apply; aires, vernal aires,


  Breathing the smell of field and grove, attune

  The trembling leaves, while Universal Pan

  Knit with the Graces20 and the Hours in dance

  Led on th’ Eternal Spring. Not that fair field

  Of Enna, where Proserpin gathring flowrs


  Her self a fairer Flowr by gloomie Dis

  Was gatherd,21 which cost Ceres all that pain

  To seek her through the world; nor that sweet Grove

  Of Daphne22 by Orontes, and th’ inspir’d

  Castalian Spring might with this Paradise


  Of Eden strive; nor that Nyseian Ile23

  Girt with the River Triton, where old Cham24

  Whom Gentiles Ammon call and Lybian Jove,

  Hid Amalthea and her Florid Son

  Young Bacchus from his Stepdame Rhea’s eye;


  Nor where Abassin25 Kings thir issue Guard,

  Mount Amara, though this by som suppos’d

  True Paradise under the Ethiop Line26

  By Nilus head, enclos’d with shining Rock,

  A whole dayes journey high, but wide remote


  From this Assyrian Garden, where the Fiend

  Saw undelighted all delight, all kind

  Of living Creatures new to sight and strange:

  Two of far nobler shape erect and tall,

  Godlike erect, with native Honour clad


  In naked Majestie seemd Lords of all,

  And worthie seemd, for in thir looks Divine

  The image of thir glorious Maker shon,

  Truth, Wisdom, Sanctitude severe and pure,

  Severe, but in true filial freedom plac’t;


  Whence true autoritie in men; though both

  Not equal, as thir sex not equal seemd;

  For contemplation hee and valour formd,

  For softness shee and sweet attractive Grace,

  Hee for God only, shee for God in him:


  His fair large Front and Eye sublime27 declar’d

  Absolute rule; and Hyacinthin Locks

  Round from his parted forelock manly hung

  Clustring, but not beneath his shoulders broad:

  Shee as a vail down to the slender waste


  Her unadorned golden tresses wore

  Dissheveld, but in wanton28 ringlets wav’d

  As the Vine curls her tendrils, which impli’d

  Subjection,29 but requir’d with gentle sway,30

  And by her yeilded, by him best receiv’d,


  Yeilded with coy submission, modest pride,

  And sweet reluctant amorous delay.

  Nor those mysterious parts were then conceald,

  Then was not guiltie shame, dishonest31 shame

  Of natures works, honor dishonorable,


  Sin-bred, how have ye troubl’d all mankind

  With shews instead, meer shews of seeming pure,

  And banisht from mans life his happiest life,

  Simplicitie and spotless innocence.

  So pass’d they naked on, nor shund the sight


  Of God or Angel, for they thought no ill:

  So hand in hand32 they pass’d, the loveliest pair

  That ever since in loves imbraces met,

  Adam33 the goodliest man of men since born

  His Sons, the fairest of her Daughters Eve.34


  Under a tuft of shade that on a green

  Stood whispering soft, by a fresh Fountain side

  They sat them down, and after no more toil

  Of thir sweet Gardning labour then suffic’d

  To recommend cool Zephyr, and made ease


  More easie, wholsom thirst and appetite

  More grateful, to thir Supper Fruits they fell,

  Nectarine Fruits which the compliant boughs

  Yeilded them, side-long as they sat recline

  On the soft downie Bank damaskt with flowrs:


  The savourie pulp they chew, and in the rind

  Still as they thirsted scoop the brimming stream;

  Nor gentle purpose,35 nor endearing smiles

  Wanted, nor youthful dalliance as beseems

  Fair couple, linkt in happie nuptial League,


  Alone as they. About them frisking playd

  All Beasts of th’ Earth, since wild, and of all chase

  In Wood or Wilderness, Forrest or Den;

  Sporting the Lion ramp’d, and in his paw

  Dandl’d the Kid; Bears, Tygers, Ounces, Pards


  Gambold before them, th’ unwieldy Elephant

  To make them mirth us’d all his might, and wreath’d

  His Lithe Proboscis; close the Serpent sly

  Insinuating,36 wove with Gordian twine

  His breaded train, and of his fatal guile


  Gave proof unheeded; others on the grass

  Coucht, and now fild with pasture gazing sat,

  Or Bedward ruminating: for the Sun

  Declin’d was hasting now with prone carreer37

  To th’ Ocean Iles,38 and in th’ ascending Scale


  Of Heav’n the Starrs that usher Evening rose:

  When Satan still in gaze, as first he stood,

  Scarce thus at length faild speech recoverd sad.

  O Hell! what doe mine eyes with grief behold,

  Into our room of bliss thus high advanc’t


  Creatures of other mould, earth-born perhaps,

  Not Spirits, yet to heav’nly Spirits bright

  Little inferior; whom my thoughts pursue

  With wonder, and could love, so lively shines

  In them Divine resemblance, and such grace


  The hand that formd them on thir shape hath pourd

  Ah gentle pair, yee little think how nigh

  Your change approaches, when all these delights

  Will vanish and deliver ye to woe,

  More woe, the more your taste is now of joy;


  Happie, but for so happie ill secur’d

  Long to continue, and this high seat your Heav’n

  Ill fenc’t for Heav’n to keep out such a foe

  As now is enterd; yet no purpos’d foe

  To you whom I could pittie thus forlorn


  Though I unpittied: League with you I seek,

  And mutual amitie so streight, so close,

  That I with you must dwell, or you with me

  Henceforth; my dwelling haply may not please

  Like this fair Paradise, your sense, yet such


  Accept your Makers work; he gave it me,

  Which I as freely give; Hell shall unfold,

  To entertain you two, her widest Gates,

  And send forth all her Kings; there will be room,

  Not like these narrow limits
, to receive


  Your numerous ofspring; if no better place,

  Thank him who puts me loath to this revenge

  On you who wrong me not for him who wrong’d.

  And should I at your harmless innocence

  Melt, as I doe, yet public reason just,


  Honour and Empire with revenge enlarg’d,

  By conquering this new World, compels me now

  To do what else though damnd I should abhorr.

  So spake the Fiend, and with necessitie,

  The Tyrants plea, excus’d his devilish deeds.


  Then from his loftie stand on that high Tree

  Down he alights among the sportful Herd

  Of those fourfooted kinds, himself now one,

  Now other, as thir shape serv’d best his end

  Neerer to view his prey, and unespi’d


  To mark what of thir state he more might learn

  By word or action markt: about them round

  A Lion now he stalks with fierie glare,

  Then as a Tiger, who by chance hath spi’d

  In some Purlieu two gentle Fawns at play,


  Strait couches close, then rising changes oft

  His couchant watch, as one who chose his ground

  Whence rushing he might surest seise them both

  Grip’t in each paw: when Adam first of men

  To first of women Eve thus moving speech,


  Turnd him all ear to hear new utterance flow.

  Sole partner and sole part of all these joyes,

  Dearer thy self then all; needs must the Power

  That made us, and for us this ample World

  Be infinitly good, and of his good


  As liberal and free as infinite,

  That rais’d us from the dust and plac’t us here

  In all this happiness, who at his hand

  Have nothing merited, nor can perform

  Aught whereof hee hath need, hee who requires


  From us no other service then to keep