9 See Tobit viii.

  10 woody.

  11 The passage is drawn from John x. 1-13.

  12 traditional symbol of greed.

  13 on the Euphrates; Seleucia, founded by one of Alexander’s generals, was on the Tigris.

  14 a city of Eden (2 Kings xix. 12 and Isa. xxxvii. 12).

  15 probably the Tigris (see ll. 210-12).

  16 traditionally the Nile, Euphrates, Tigris, and Indus.

  17 wandering.

  18 elaborate flower gardens.

  19 bountiful.

  20 The Graces were Aglaia (Brilliance), Euphrosyne (Joy), and Thalia (Bloom); the Hours were the goddesses of the seasons.

  21 See Vice-Chancellor, n. 16. Ceres was the mother of Proserpina.

  22 The groves of Daphne on the Orontes in Syria were the site of a temple to Apollo; the spring on Mt. Parnassus inspired great poetry and foretold oracles.

  23 Nysa, in what is now Tunis.

  24 Ham, identified with Ammon.

  25 Abyssinian.

  26 the equator.

  27 upraised.

  28 undisciplined, luxuriant.

  29 both “being under control” (ironically) and their “lying beneath.”

  30 both “necessary for gentle undulation” and “demanding of gentle governing.” The hair image implies Eve’s potential vacillation and her need to be controlled.

  31 unchaste.

  32 Compare IV, 488-89, 689, 739; VIII, 510-11; IX, 385, 1037; XII, 648.

  33 derived from a word meaning “dust,” “soil,” and thence “man.”

  34 derived from a word meaning “live,” “be,” and thence “Mother of Mankind” (V, 388).

  35 conversation.

  36 with the added meaning “coiling”; his wile (“train”) is difficult to untangle (“Gordian”), because it is braided (“breaded”). The spelling implies the method used for his guile.

  37 a swift course.

  38 the Azores.

  39 awaits.

  40 undividable.

  41 i.e., the sun on air.

  42 in the farthest west.

  43 direct look.

  44 hand cultivation.

  45 times of day.

  46 song.

  47 ironically indicating her lack of need of further accouterments such as those to which she later succumbs.

  48 into the watches of l. 685.

  49 adorned with flowers.

  50 inlaid with precious gems.

  51 marriage song.

  52 nuptial.

  53 literally, “all-gifted”; through curiosity, she allowed the world’s evils to fly from a magic box, only hope remaining behind. Her husband was Epimethus, brother of Prometheus, sons of Japetus, who was identified with Noah’s son Japheth.

  54 that is, repaired the roof by bringing forth more roses.

  55 the shadow of the earth, shaped like a cone, as the sun descends.

  56 literally, “strength of God.”

  57 left.

  58 right.

  59 literally, “discovery of God” and “searcher.”

  60 Natural spirits imply liver, veins; vital spirits, heart, blood; animal spirits, brain, sense and motion.

  61 advise.

  62 guarder of boundaries.

  63 anxious.

  64 mountains in the Canary Islands and north Africa.

  65 Libra, which in the Zodiac lies between Virgo and Scorpio; that is, between innocence and evil. In like manner Zeus weighed the fate of the Greeks and the Trojans (Iliad, VIII, 69-72) and of Achilles and Hector (Iliad, XXII, 209). At the same time Libra becomes Mercy set between Justice and the Truth of Man’s failing (compare Nativity Ode, 141-48), and the passage comments upon the beginning of Man’s fall since the Sun enters Libra at the autumnal equinox, proceeding through evil (Scorpio), wounding (Sagittarius), and lust (Capricorn) before movement toward rebirth (Aries) is begun.



  Morning approach’t, Eve relates to Adam her troublesome dream; he likes it not, yet comforts her: They come forth to thir day labours: Thir Morning Hymn at the Door of thir Bower. God to render Man inexcusable sends Raphael to admonish him of his obedience, of his free estate, of his enemy near at hand; who he is, and why his enemy, and whatever else may avail Adam to know. Raphael comes down to Paradise, his appearance describ’d, his coming discern’d by Adam afar off sitting at the door of his Bower; he goes out to meet him, brings him to his lodge, entertains him with the choycest fruits of Paradise got together by Eve; thir discourse at Table: Raphael performs his message, minds Adam of his state and of his enemy; relates at Adams request who that enemy is, and how he came to be so, beginning from his first revolt in Heaven, and the occasion thereof; how he drew his Legions after him to the parts of the North, and there incited them to rebel with him, perswading all but only Abdiel a Seraph, who in Argument diswades and opposes him, then forsakes him.

  Now Morn her rosie steps in th’ Eastern Clime

  Advancing, sow’d the Earth with Orient Pearl,

  When Adam wak’t, so customd, for his sleep

  Was Aerie light, from pure digestion bred,


  And temperat vapors1 bland, which th’ only sound

  Of leaves and fuming rills, Aurora’s fan,

  Lightly dispers’d, and the shrill Matin Song

  Of Birds on every bough; so much the more

  His wonder was to find unwak’nd Eve


  With Tresses discompos’d, and glowing Cheek,

  As through unquiet rest: he on his side

  Leaning half-rais’d, with looks of cordial Love

  Hung over her enamour’d, and beheld

  Beautie, which whether waking or asleep,


  Shot forth peculiar Graces; then with voice

  Mild, as when Zephyrus on Flora breathes,

  Her hand soft touching, whisperd thus. Awake

  My fairest, my espous’d, my latest found,

  Heav’ns last best gift, my ever new delight,


  Awake, the morning shines, and the fresh field

  Calls us, we lose the prime, to mark how spring

  Our tended Plants, how blows the Citron Grove,

  What drops the Myrrh, and what the balmie Reed,2

  How Nature paints her colours, how the Bee


  Sits on the Bloom extracting liquid sweet.

  Such whispering wak’d her, but with startl’d eye

  On Adam, whom imbracing, thus she spake.

  O Sole in whom my thoughts find all repose,

  My Glorie, my Perfection, glad I see


  Thy face, and Morn return’d, for I this Night,

  Such night till this I never pass’d, have dream’d,

  If dream’d, not as I oft am wont, of thee,

  Works of day pass’t, or morrows next designe,

  But of offence and trouble, which my mind


  Knew never till this irksom night; methought

  Close at mine ear one call’d me forth to walk

  With gentle voice, I thought it thine; it said,

  Why sleepst thou Eve? now is the pleasant time,

  The cool, the silent, save where silence yields


  To the night-warbling Bird, that now awake

  Tunes sweetest his love-labor’d song; now reignes

  Full Orb’d the Moon, and with more pleasing light

  Shadowie sets off the face of things; in vain,

  If none regard; Heav’n wakes with all his eyes,


  Whom to behold but thee, Natures desire,

  In whose sight all things joy, with ravishment

  Attracted by thy beauty still to gaze.

  I rose as at thy call, but found thee not;

  To find thee I directed then my walk;


  And on, methought, alone I pass’d through ways

/>   That brought me on a sudden to the Tree

  Of interdicted Knowledge: fair it seem’d,

  Much fairer to my Fancie3 then by day:

  And as I wondring lookt, beside it stood


  One shap’d and wing’d like one of those from Heav’n

  By us oft seen; his dewie locks distill’d

  Ambrosia; on that Tree he also gaz’d;

  And O fair Plant, said he, with fruit surcharg’d,

  Deigns none to ease thy load and taste thy sweet,


  Nor God, nor Man; is Knowledge so despis’d?

  Or envie, or what reserve forbids to taste?

  Forbid who will, none shall from me withhold

  Longer thy offerd good, why else set here?

  This said he paus’d not, but with ventrous Arm


  He pluckt, he tasted; mee damp horror chil’d

  At such bold words voucht with a deed so bold:

  But he thus overjoy’d, O Fruit Divine,

  Sweet of thy self, but much more sweet thus cropt,

  Forbidd’n here, it seems, as onely fit


  For Gods, yet able to make Gods of Men:

  And why not Gods of Men, since good, the more

  Communicated, more abundant grows,

  The Author not impair’d, but honourd more?

  Here, happie Creature, fair Angelic Eve,


  Partake thou also; happie though thou art,

  Happier thou mayst be, worthier canst not be:

  Taste this, and be henceforth among the Gods

  Thy self a Goddess, not to Earth confind,

  But sometimes in the Air, as wee, somtimes


  Ascend to Heav’n, by merit thine, and see

  What life the Gods live there, and such live thou.

  So saying, he drew nigh, and to me held,

  Evn to my mouth of that same fruit held part

  Which he had pluckt; the pleasant savourie smell


  So quick’nd appetite, that I, methought,

  Could not but taste. Forthwith up to the Clouds

  With him I flew, and underneath beheld

  The Earth outstretcht immense, a prospect wide

  And various: wondring at my flight and change


  To this high exaltation; suddenly

  My Guide was gon, and I, me thought, sunk down,

  And fell asleep; but O how glad I wak’d

  To find this but a dream! Thus Eve her Night

  Related, and thus Adam answerd sad.


  Best Image of my self and dearer half,

  The trouble of thy thoughts this night in sleep

  Affects me equally; nor can I like

  This uncouth dream, of evil sprung I fear;

  Yet evil whence? in thee can harbour none,


  Created pure. But know that in the Soul

  Are many lesser Faculties that serve

  Reason as chief; among these Fansie next

  Her office holds; of all external things,

  Which the five watchful Senses represent,


  She forms Imaginations, Aerie shapes,

  Which Reason joyning or disjoyning, frames

  All what we affirm or what deny, and call

  Our knowledge or opinion; then retires

  Into her private Cell when Nature rests.


  Oft in her absence mimic Fansie wakes

  To imitate her; but misjoyning shapes,

  Wild work produces oft, and most in dreams,

  Ill matching words and deeds long past or late.

  Som such resemblances methinks I find


  Of our last Eevnings talk, in this thy dream,

  But with addition strange: yet be not sad.

  Evil into the mind of God4 or Man

  May come and go, so unapprov’d, and leave

  No spot or blame behind: Which gives me hope


  That what in sleep thou didst abhorr to dream,

  Waking thou never wilt consent to do.

  Be not disheart’nd then, nor cloud those looks

  That wont to be more chearful and serene

  Then when fair Morning first smiles on the World,


  And let us to our fresh imployments rise

  Among the Groves, the Fountains, and the Flowrs

  That open now thir choicest bosom’d smells

  Reserv’d from night, and kept for thee in store.

  So cheard he his fair Spouse, and she was cheard,


  But silently a gentle tear let fall

  From either eye, and wip’d them with her hair;

  Two other precious drops that ready stood,

  Each in thir chrystal sluce, hee ere they fell

  Kiss’d as the gracious signs of sweet remorse


  And pious awe, that feard to have offended.

  So all was cleard, and to the Field they haste.

  But first from under shadie arborous roof,

  Soon as they forth were come to open sight

  Of day-spring, and the Sun, who scarce up ris’n


  With wheels yet hov’ring o’re the Ocean brim,

  Shot paralel to th’ earth his dewie ray,

  Discovering in wide Lantskip all the East

  Of Paradise and Edens happie Plains,

  Lowly they bow’d adoring, and began


  Thir Orisons, each Morning duly paid

  In various style, for neither various style

  Nor holy rapture wanted they to praise

  Thir Maker, in fit strains pronounc’t or sung

  Unmeditated, such prompt eloquence


  Flowd from thir lips, in Prose or numerous5 Verse,

  More tuneable then needed Lute or Harp

  To add more sweetness, and they thus began.

  These are thy glorious works, Parent of good,

  Almightie, thine this universal Frame,


  Thus wondrous fair; thy self how wondrous then!

  Unspeakable, who sitst above these Heav’ns

  To us invisible or dimly seen

  In these thy lowest works, yet these declare

  Thy goodness beyond thought, and Power Divine:


  Speak yee who best can tell, ye Sons of light,

  Angels, for yee behold him, and with songs

  And choral symphonies, Day without Night,

  Circle his Throne rejoycing, yee in Heav’n,

  On Earth joyn all ye Creatures to extoll


  Him first, him last, him midst, and without end.

  Fairest of Starrs,6 last in the train of Night,

  If better thou belong not to the dawn,

  Sure pledge of day, that crownst the smiling Morn

  With thy bright Circlet, praise him in thy Sphear


  While day arises, that sweet hour of Prime.

  Thou Sun, of this great World both Eye and Soul,

  Acknowledge him thy Greater, sound his praise

  In thy eternal course, both when thou climb’st,

  And when high Noon hast gaind, and when thou fallst.


  Moon, that now meetst the orient Sun, now fli’st

  With the fixt Starrs, fixt in thir Orb that flies,7

  And yee five other wandring Fires that move

  In mystic Dance not without Song, resound

  His praise, who out of Darkness call’d up Light.


  Air, and ye Elements the eldest birth

  Of Natures Womb, that in quaternion8 run

  Perpetual Circle, multiform; and mix

  And nourish all things, let your ceasless change

  Varie to our great Maker still new p


  Ye Mists and Exhalations that now rise

  From Hill or steaming Lake, duskie or grey,

  Till the Sun paint your fleecie skirts with Gold,

  In honour to the Worlds great Author rise,

  Whether to deck with Clouds th’ uncolourd9 skie,


  Or wet the thirstie Earth with falling showers,

  Rising or falling still advance his praise.

  His praise ye Winds, that from four Quarters blow,

  Breath soft or loud; and wave your tops, ye Pines,

  With every Plant, in sign of Worship wave.


  Fountains and yee, that warble, as ye flow,

  Melodious murmurs, warbling tune his praise.

  Joyn voices all ye living Souls, ye Birds,

  That singing up to Heaven Gate ascend,

  Bear on your wings and in your notes his praise;


  Yee that in Waters glide, and yee that walk

  The Earth, and stately tread, or lowly creep;

  Witness if I be silent, Morn or Eev’n,

  To Hill, or Valley, Fountain, or fresh shade

  Made vocal by my Song, and taught his praise.


  Hail universal Lord, be bounteous still

  To give us onely good; and if the night

  Have gather’d aught of evil or conceald,

  Disperse it, as now light dispels the dark.

  So pray’d they innocent, and to thir thoughts


  Firm peace recoverd soon and wonted calm.

  On to thir mornings rural work they haste

  Among sweet dews and flowrs; where any row

  Of Fruit-trees overwoodie reach’d too farr

  Thir pamperd boughs, and needed hands to check


  Fruitless imbraces: or they led the Vine

  To wed her Elm; she spous’d about10 him twines

  Her mariageable arms, and with her brings

  Her dowr th’ adopted Clusters, to adorn

  His barren leaves. Them thus imploid beheld


  With pittie Heav’ns high King, and to him call’d

  Raphael,11 the sociable Spirit, that deign’d