Texts: 1645*, 1673.
(19) sedens 1673 / fedens 1645. (23) diis / iis 1673. (36) induxti / induxit 1673.
Date: early 1631; Hobson died Jan. 1, 1631.
Texts: 1645*, Wit Restor’d (1658), 1673, MS. 1.21, ff. 79v–80r (Folger Library). A correction in Milton’s hand is found in the Bodleian Library copy of 1645 (catalogued 80 M168 Art, but kept as Arch G.f.17): l. 2, “A” changed to “And”.
Title Another. 1658, On Hobson who dyed in the vacancy of his Carrage by reason of the Sicknes art Cambridge. 1630. MS. (1) broke his girt, / his desire, 1658. (2) And 1673 / A 1645; laid / left 1658; dirt, / mire; 1658. (6) when / that 1658. (7) had / hath 1658; this / those MS. (8) Dodg’d / Dog’dd 1658; with him, / him 1658; betwixt / ’twixt 1658, MS; Bull. / London-Bull. 1658. (14) In the kind office / Death in the likenesse 1658, In craftie likenes MS. (18) and’s / and 1658.
Date: early 1631; Hobson died Jan. 1, 1631.
Texts: Banquet of Jests (1640, 1657), 1645*, Wit Restor’d (1658), 1673; Huntington Library MS, H.M. 116, pp. 100–1; Bodleian MS, Malone 21, f. 69v; Bodleian MS, CCC.E.309, f. 48; St. John’s College MS, S32, ff. 18v–19r. Ascribed to “Jo: Milton” by StJ MS.
Title Upon old Hobson the Carrier of Cambridge. 1640, 1657, Vpon old Hobson Cambridge Carrier who dyed 1630 in ye Vacation by reason of ye Sicknesse yn hot at Camb: HMS, On Hobson ye Cambridge carrier who died 1630 in ye vacancy of his carriage by reason of ye sicknesse then hott at Cambridge Malone, Hobson the Carrier CCC, Another of old Hobson who dyed in the vacancie of his carriage the sicknes being breife in Cambridge. 1630. StJ. (1) lieth one / Hobson lyes 1640, 1657, HMS, Malone, CCC, StJ. (2) while / whilst 1640, 1657, 1658, HMS, Malone, CCC, StJ; could / did 1640, 1657, HMS, CCC. (3) hung / sung 1640, 1657, CCC. (4) While / Whilst 1640, 1657, 1658, CCC, So HMS, Malone, StJ; might / could 1658; still / but 1658. (5) sphear-metal / spheares mettall 1640, 1657, CCC. (6) revolution / resolution 1640, 1658, HMS, CCC, StJ; was at / made of 1658. (7) a / all 1640, 1657, CCC. (8) old truth / truth, ‘twas 1640, 1657, CCC, old truths HMS. (9) an / some 1640, 1657, 1658, HMS, Malone, CCC, StJ; with / by StJ; wheel / wheeles 1658. (10) being / once 1658, when StJ; ceast / seasd 1640, CCC. (11) men / us 1640, 1657, CCC; gave / giu’s HMS. (13–26, 29–34) omitted 1658; (15–20, 25–26) omitted 1640, 1657, HMS, Malone, CCC, StJ. (13) Nor / No HMS. (14) hast’n’d / hasted Malone. (21) chief / omitted HMS, Malone; right / aright HMS, Malone. (22) cart / carts 1640, 1657, CCC; went / were 1640, 1657, CCC, was HMS, Malone. (23) him / omitted Malone. 27–28 given between l. 12 and l. 13 StJ. (27) But / For 1640, 1657, 1658, HMS, Malone, CCC, StJ; doings / doing HMS. (28) an / so sure an HMS. (30) had / omitted HMS, in Malone. (31) Linkt / Like Malone; flowing / flowings Malone. (32) increase / disease 1640, 1657, CCC with marginal emendation: decease. (33) indented 1640, 1657; and / are HMS. (34) indented 1640, 1657; this / his StJ.
Date: early 1631; Hobson died on Jan. 1, 1631.
Banquet of Jests (1640*) A
Witts Recreation (1640) B
Banquet of Jests (1657) C
Wit Restor’d (1658) D
British Museum MSS
Additional 5807, f. 2v E
Additional 6400, f. 67v F
Additional 15227, f. 74r G
Additional 30982, f. 65 H
Harleian 791, f. 45r I
Harleian 6931, f. 24v J
Sloane 542, f. 52r K
Bodleian Library MSS
CCC, E.309, f. 48v L
Eng. Poet. f. 10, f. 101v M
Rawlinson Poet. 26, f. 64 N
Rawlinson Poet. 117, ff. 105v–6r O
Tanner 465, pp. 235–36 P
Folger Library MSS
1.27, f. 68v Q
452.1, p. 50 R
E.a.6, f. 4 S
Harvard Univ. Library MS
Eng. 686, f. 78v T
Huntington Library MS
H.M. 116, p. 10 U
Rosenbach MS
239/27, pp. 359–60 V
James H. Osborn Collection
Commonplace Book, Box 12, No. 5, pp. 225–26 W
John Rylands Library MS
Eng. 410, ff. 31v–32r X
St. John’s College Library MS
S.32, f. 18v Y
This third poem on Hobson is included with qualification. Never published by Milton, it has similarities to his acknowledged verses, which it follows in Banquet of Jests and precedes in Wit Restor’d. William R. Parker, who first proposed Milton’s authorship (Columbia Milton, XVIII, 590–92), suggests that it may have been omitted from 1645 because two poems in this vein may have been considered sufficient. A poem in Harleian MS 6057, f. 15, with the title, “On Hobson the Carrier,” employs the first two lines; variants: amongst his many / with some not his; not learned / vnlearned; yet of many / and yett a man of. S and T give alternate indentations of lines; and L copies as if this is the “Superscription” mentioned in the last line of the previous poem.
Title On Hobson the Carrier. B, On the death of Hobson, the Cambridge-Carrier D, V, missing E, F, L, In Hobsonum Architabellarium Cantabrigiensem. 1631. G, on hobson the Cambridge Carrier. H, An Other: I, O, An Epitaph on Hobson the Carrier of Cambridge K, On Chambridge Carrier M, Upon Thomas Hobson, ye Carryer of Cambridge N, Upon Hobson the Carrier P, On Hobson died 1 Jan 1630 Q, Vpon Mr. Hobson, carryer of Cambridge. R, On Hobson the Carrier Buried in St Maryes in Cambrdige S, Hobsons Epitaph the Carrier of Cambredge T, Vpon Hobson ye Cambridge Carrier. U, on the death of Hobson X. (1) Here Hobson lies amongst his many / Here lies Hobson amongst his many E, F, N, O, Here lies Hobson moungst his many H, Heere lies old Hobson among his P, Hobson lies heare amongst his many T; amongst / among X; many / omitted O; betters D / debters A, C, L, U. (2) A man / who though Q; not learned D / unlearned A, B, C, E, F, G, J, L, W; yet of many / yet a man of B, H, I, J, N, P, R, S, V, W, and yet of many E, F, and yet a man of G, Y, yet was a man of Q, but yet of many T. (3–4) omitted B, G, H, I, N, P, Q, R, S, V. (3) The / Yee U; well / all J, W; testify / justifie D. (4) That have / Who have D, X, But he E, F, That have oft O, That oft T; from / in E, F. (5–6) reversed Q. (5) it was well known hee many times had gone Q; was well / is well D, E, F, P, Y, well was T, X; oft / omitted L; hath he gon D / t’have begun A, C, L, haue he gon H, he hath gon V. (6) In Embassy / An Embassie D, E, F, In an embassage G, an Embassage H, On Embassies I, K, Y, On embassage J, N, O, R, S, In an Embassy L, On an embassage P, X, On Embassi T, His Embassy U; father / morning Y; the / a E, F, omitted G, P, X. (7) There’s few in Cambridge, to his praise be it spoken B; in good time / to his praise G, H, I, J, N, P, Q, R, S, V, W, Y. (8) well remembreth / may remember B, I, K, P, will remember D, F, G, H, M, R, S, U, X, well remember E, L, N, Q, T, V, Y, do remember J, well remembers O, can remember W; som / a M; good / missing H. (9) thence / whence B, hence P, W; to London rode he / he rid to London B. (10) benighting D / benighted A, C, H, V, Y; he / nere V. (11–12) missing J, W. (11–18) printed: 13–14, 11–12, 17–18 B. (11) Then marueile not, though he soe soone is gone T; No / Nor B, D, M, N, S; wonder is it / is’t a wonder B, wonder thinke yee G, wonder thinke it H, N, S, wonder thinks it R. (12) Since most men / Since all men B, K, P, For most G, For most men H, N, R, S, For all men T, V; knew / know D, E, F, H, I, M, N, P, Q, X, know, that G; long / still V. (13) Team / Terme U; of the best / very good J, W; could / would B, P, Q. (14) Bin mir’d in any ground / Bin mir’d in any way B, P, Q, V, Y, Them mir’d in any ground D, In any way beene mir’d G, beene mired any where H, Bin mir’d in any place I, R, S, Stucke fast in any ground J, W, Bin mir’d so M, Bin beemir’d any where N; the D / his A, C, E, F, J, L, V, a N, R, S, Y. (15–16) omitted B. (15) here K / there A, C, D, G, M, N, R, S, W, X; indeed, still / & still is G, indeed, and J, W, still P; like to D / at a A, C, l. (16) Until / Except J, Unles T, Till V; some / an J, some good V; lend / lens J, his D / a A, C, H, I, L, M, U, Y, some K, an X. (17–18) indented l. (17)
So / Thus B, G, H, I, N, P, Q, R, S, V, Then M; rest / rests D, eur rest O; thou / the D; ever-toyling / everlasting B, dusty toyling G, toyling O. (18) to Charls–wain / Charls his Waine B, D, I, J, K, L, N, O, T, U, W, X, Charles Waine H, M, Y, Charlemaine Q, to Charles his wayne R, S.
Date: Apr. 1631; the Marchioness died on Apr. 15, 1631.
Texts: 1645*, 1673; British Museum MS, Sloane 1446, ff. 37b–38. The manuscript has a note of authorship: “Jo Milton of Chr: Coll Cambr.”
Title On the Marchionesse of Winchester whoe died in Child bedd. Ap: 15. 1631 MS. (15–23) MS has: Seauen times had the yeerlie starre | in euerie signe sett vpp his carr | Since for her they did request | the god that sitts at marriage feast | (when first the earlie Matrons runne |. (24) a / her MS. (27) whether / whither MS. (40) vernall / a vernall MS. (42) on / one MS. (43) she / it MS. (46) hast’ning / hastinge MS. (47) indented MS; thy / the MS. (49) thy / they MS. (50) sease / ceaze MS. (52) thy / thine MS. (53) indented MS. (61) Whilst / While MS. (64) Who / wch MS. (70) Light; / might MS.
Date: 1631 ?; conjectural, but later than the Hobson poems which it follows in 1645. Ants Oras indicates (NQ, 198, 1953, 332–33) that the prosody of L’Allegro and Penseroso is later than that of the Epitaph on the Marchioness. The twin poems may have been written during the summer vacation.
Texts: 1645*, 1673.
(33) ye / you 1673. (104) he by / by the 1673.
Date: 1631 ?; conjectural, but later than the Hobson poems which it follows in 1645. See note to L’Allegro.
Texts: 1645*, 1673. A correction in Milton’s hand is found in the Bodleian Library copy of 1645 (catalogued 8* M168 Art, but kept as Arch G.f.17): l. 57, “Id” changed to “In”.
(57) In 1673 / Id 1645.
Date: Dec. 1632; l. 2 places the poem after the year during which he was twenty-three (1631–32).
Texts: 1645*, 1673, TM*.
(2) twentith / twentieth 1673.
Date: 1633–34 ?; probably revised in 1637 (see Shawcross, “Speculations”). Date is very uncertain, but composition undoubtedly lies before that of Mask.
Texts: 1645*, 1673, TM*. A number of lines of TM have been damaged by tearing. TM has early title “Part of a maske” which is replaced by “Part of an Entertainment at.…” The first song is not labelled; therefore, the second song is simply “Song” in TM, and the third, “2 Song”.
(28) ye / you TM. (40) ye … ye / you … you TM. (47) With / in TM, deleted. (49) or TM / and 1645, 1673. (81) ye / you TM; toward / towards TM. (91) you / yee TM. (94) aligned with lines 84, 85, etc. 1645, 1673. (96) not indented 1645, 1673. (101) ye / you TM. (104) not indented 1645, 1673. (105) not indented 1645, 1673.
Date: before Sept. 29, 1634, date of first performance; revised and enlarged c. Sept.–Dec. 1637.
Texts: 1637, 1645*, 1673; TM*, Bridgewater MS. Two mss of five songs written by Henry Lawes are extant: British Museum Add. MS 11,518 (in an unknown hand) and the Lawes MS (in Lawes’ hand). The songs are: ll. 976–83, 992–95, 998–99 (Song 1); 230–43 (Song 2); 859–66 (Song 3); 958–75 (Song 4 in two parts); 1012–23 (Song 5). There are a number of musical differences between the two manuscripts. Verbal variants from the present text are as follows: (976) To the Ocean / From the Heav’ns BMS, LMS. (981) gardens / Garden BMS, LMS. (999) young Adonis soft / many’a Cherub oft BMS, LMS. (231) cell / shell BMS, LMS. (233) the / thy BMS, LMS. (241) Parly / Pity BMS. (242) translated / Transplanted BMS, LMS. (243) And give resounding grace / & hold a Counterpoint BMS, LMS. (859) Sabrina / Sabrina Sabrina BMS, LMS. (866) Listen / Listen Listen BMS, LMS. (965) On … on / o’re … o’re BMS, LMS. (967) ye / you BMS, LMS. (1012) But now / Now BMS, LMS. (1014) green earths / Earths green BMS, LMS. Lines 1021–22 also appear in Milton’s hand in the album of Camillus Cardoyn, June 10, 1639. The Bridgewater presentation volume of 1637, in the Carl Pforzheimer Library, contains the following manuscript corrections in Milton’s hand: (20) my / by; (49) comma after “Coasting” deleted; (73) in / is; (131) at / art; (223) sables / sable; (417) “you” inserted; (443) we / she; (474) sensualitie / sensualtie; (781) reproachfull / contemptuous
List of dramatis personae given only in 1645. Instead of Spirit, the MSS use Dæmon; the Elder Brother is frequently called 1 Bro. (dir.) The … enters. / A Guardian Spirit, or Dæmon. TM, then a guardian spiritt or demon descendes or enters. BM. (Lines 975–82, 987–94, 994A, 995, 997–98) given as prologue before l. 1 in BM. (2) shapes / shape 1673. (6) with / wch BM. (12) by / with BM. (18) not indented TM, BM. (20) by / my 1637. (26) gives / give TM. (43) you TM / ye 1637, 1645. (46) not indented TM; grape / Grapes BM. (58) Whom / wch BM. (62) shade TM / shades 1637, 1645, 1673, BM. (73) is / in 1637. (83) robes / webs BM. (dir., 92–93) Comus enters wth a charming rod & glasse of liquor with his rout all headed like some wild beasts thire garments some like mens & some like womens they come on in a wild & antick fashion TM; his glass / & a glass of liquor BM; headed … women, / like men & women but headed like wild beasts BM. (99) dusky / Northerne BM. (123) has TM / hath 1637, 1645, 1673. (131) art / at 1637. (132) spirts TM / spets 1637, 1645, 1673, BM. (dir., 144–45) The Measure. / the measure (in a wild rude & wanton antick) TM, BM. (161) glozing / gloweinge BM. (167) omitted 1673; thrift / thirst TM, in scribe’s hand. (168) reversed with l. 169 1673. (169) reversed with l. 168 1673; heer. / hear erratum for 1673. (170) Lady. / omitted 1637, 1645, 1673, TM; mine / my TM, BM. (174) amongst TM / among 1637, 1645, 1673, BM. (188–90) omitted BM. (189) weeds TM / weed 1645, 1673. (195) stoln / stole 1645, 1673; els … night / omitted BM. (196–225) omitted BM. (201) the / missing TM. (214) flittering TM / hovering 1645, 1673, TM in scribe’s hand. (223) sable / sables 1637. (226) hallow / hollowe BM. (229) off. / hence TM, BM. (231) cell TM / shell 1637, 1645, 1673, BM. (241) of / to BM. (243) And give resounding grace / And hould a Counterpoint BM. (dir., 243–44) Comus looks in and speaks TM, BM. (252) she TM / it 1645, 1673. (270) prosperous / prosperinge BM. (291) Two such / Such tow TM. (294) ‘em TM / them 1637, 1645, 1673. (300) colours / cooleness BM. (304) To / omitted, but given as catchword BM. (312) wide TM / wilde 1645, 1673, wild TM in scribe’s hand, 1637. (317) roosted / rooster BM. (dir., 330–31) the tow brothers enter TM. (349) this close / lone BM. (356) What if / or els BM. (357–65) missing TM, BM; three other lines are found: so fares as did forsaken Proserpine | when the big rowling flakes of pitchie clowds | & darknesse wound her in. 1 bro. Peace, brother peace |. (370) trust / hope BM. (384) walks in black vapours, though the noone tyde brand BM. (385) blaze in the summer solstice BM. (390) a / an 1637, BM. (399) treasure / treasures BM. (401) on / at BM. (402) let / she BM. (403) wild / wide TM, BM. (409) controversie: / question, no TM, BM. (409 ff.) TM, BM give five additional undeleted lines: I could be willing though now i’th darke to trie | a tough encounter wth the shaggiest ruffian | that lurks by hedge or lane of this dead circuit | to have her by my side, though I were sure | she might be free from perill were she is |. (410) Yet / but TM, BM. (413) banish gladly TM / gladly banish 1637, 1645, 1673, BM. (415) imagine, / imagine brother TM, BM. (417) if you mean / if meane 1637. (428) there, / even TM, BM. (432) Som say / naye more BM. (433) moorie TM / moorish 1637, 1645, 1673, BM. (437) Has TM / Hath 1645, 1673. (438) ye / you BM. (443) she / we 1637. (444) naught TM / nought 1637, 1645, 1673, BM. (448) That / the BM. (460) Begin / begins BM. (465) But / and TM, BM; lewd and lavish / lewde lascivious BM. (472) Hovering, TM / Lingering, 1645, 1673. (474) sensualty / sensuality 1637, 1673, BM. (481) off / of 1673, BM; hallow / hollowe BM. (dir., 488–89) he hallows the guardian Dæmon hallows agen & enters in the habit of shepheard TM, he hallowes and is answered, the guardian dæmon comes in habited like a shepheard. BM. (493) fathers TM / father 1637, 1645, 1673. (497) thou / omitted BM; Swain? / shepheard, TM, BM. (498) his TM / the 1637, 1645, 1673, BM. (513) you. TM / ye, 1645, 1673. (520) not indented TM. (547) mediate
/ mediate upon 1673. (553) frighted / flighted TM. (555) soft / sweete, BM. (556) a / the softe BM; steam / stream 1673; rich / omitted BM. (563) did / might TM, BM. (572) knew) / knowe) BM. (581) ye / yon BM. (605) buggs TM / forms 1645, 1673. (608) and cleave his scalp TM / to a foul death, 1645, 1673. (609) Down to the hipps. TM / Curs’d as his life. 1645, 1673. (610) Thy / The BM. (616) thy self / omitted BM. (626) ope / open BM. (632–37) missing BM. (637) Which TM / That 1637, 1645, 1673, BM. (657) Ile / I TM, BM. (dir., 657–58) State 1 of l. 1 found in British Museum copy (C.34.d.46) of 1637; soft Musick, / missing TM, BM; appears / is discover’d TM; to whom … rise. / she offers to rise TM. (678A) poore ladie thou hast neede of some refreshinge BM. (679–87) missing BM. (688) have / hast BM. (689) have / hast BM; but / heere BM. (697–700) missing BM. (698) forgeries TM / forgery 1637, 1645, 1673. (709) sallow / shallow BM. (731) multitude / multitude 1637. (733, 734) combined into one line in BM: would soe emblaze with starrs, that they belowe (737–55) missing BM. (743) a / an TM. (746) on TM / and 1637, 1645, 1673. (751) or TM / and 1637, 1645, 1673. (758) mine / my BM. (779, 806) combined into one line in TM, BM: cramms & blasphems his feeder. Come no more (779–806) missing TM, BM. (780) anough? / anow? 1673. (781) contemptuous / reproachfull 1637. (dir., 813–14) with Swords … ground; / strike his glasse downe TM, with swords … glasse of liquor out … ground BM; his rout … resistance / the shapes make as though they would resist TM; The attendant … in. / Dæmon enter wth them TM, the Demon is to come in with the brothers BM. (814) you / yee BM; let / left BM. (821) which / that TM, BM. (824) not indented TM. (828) That / whoe BM. (829) She / The 1673. (834) pearled / peackled BM. (846A) undeleted line in TM: and often takes our cattell wth strange pinches. (847) omitted BM. (857) besetting / distressed TM. (dir., 866–67) The verse to singe or not. BM. (871–72) assigned to El bro: BM. (873–74) assigned to 2 bro: BM. (875–76) assigned to El br: BM. (877–78) assigned to 2 br: BM. (879–82) assigned to El br: BM. (883) song from this line onward assigned to De: BM. (dir. 889–90) by / wth TM; water / the water TM, BM; and sings. / Sings TM. (890–901) indentations are inconsistent in texts; TM is followed in present version. (897) set / rest BM. (898) velvet / omitted BM. (900–1) given as part of song 1637, 1645, 1673, BM. (911) thy / this BM. (dir., 921–22) and / missing TM. (927) tumble / tumbled 1673. (dir. 937–38) song ends TM, BM; no line space 1673. (938) Lady / sister BM. (938–43) assigned to El bro: BM. (944–55) assigned to De: BM. (951) there / neere TM, BM. (953) thir / this BM. (956) assigned to el br: BM; grow / are 1637, BM. (dir., 957–58) Exeunt. TM; presenting / and then is præsented TM, BM; com in / enter TM; country-dancers / countrie dances & such like gambols &c. TM, Countrie daunces, and the like &c., BM; after them / at those sports TM, towards the end of these sports BM; Lady. / Ladie enter TM, ladye come in. BM; Song / the Dæmon sings TM, the spiritt singes. BM. (dir., 965–66) 2 song. TM, 2 songe prsents … mother. BM. (972) assays / assaye Morgan copy of 1637. (dir., 975–76) they dance. the dances all ended the Dæmon sings. or sayes TM, BM. (976–83, 988–95, 995A, 996, 998–99) given at beginning of BM. (976) To the Ocean / ffrom the heavens BM. (984–87) missing BM. (988) that deleted by 1673 erratum. (995A) yellow, watchett, greene & blew BM. (996) with / oft with BM; Elysian / Manna BM. (997) missing BM. (999) young Adonis / many a Cherub BM; oft / soft BM. (1000–11) missing BM. (1012) not indented TM; But now / Now BM. (1014) green earths / earths greene BM. (1018) not indented TM, BM. (1020) ye / you BM.