Page 16 of Tempting Love

  Crap. Why did I lose control that day? I threw myself at Mitchell, knowing he wouldn’t be able to resist. Did I subconsciously want this?


  My head popped up to see Vi, Mitchell’s aunt.

  “Hi, Vi. Having fun?”

  She sat down next to me and let out a sigh. “I’m too old for this shit.”

  I let out a chuckle. “Why are you here then?”

  With a drawn-out sigh, she replied, “On the search for a man.”

  Nearly choking on my own breath, I stared at her. “Are you serious?”

  Vi turned to look at me. “Of course I’m serious. I’m a woman. I have needs, my dear.”

  I didn’t like where this was going. I frantically looked for Mitchell. My heart dropped when I saw him talking to another woman. I couldn’t tell who she was from behind. I willed her to turn around. Was it Cassidy?

  “He’s only talking to her. Stow the fears,” Vi whispered.

  “I’m not worried,” I said, my voice sounding weak. Truth was, a small part of my brain wondered if Mitchell could settle down and be with one woman for the long run. He hadn’t been with anyone in months, so I wasn’t sure why I was worried…but I was.

  “You don’t sound convincing to me, so I know you aren’t convincing yourself. The one thing you’re going to have to get used to, Corina, is that you are with a man who is terribly good looking. Women are going to stare, flirt, and yes, attempt to slip into his bed. Do you trust him?”

  It didn’t even take me a second to answer.

  “Yes. It’s her I don’t trust.” I threw that last sentence in because I assumed he was talking to Cassidy.

  “Spoken like a woman who isn’t naïve,” Vi said.

  Mitchell lifted his eyes and looked at me from across the street. Almost as if he knew my gaze was on him. He smiled and my stomach dropped and instantly fluttered. When he looked back to the woman, his smile slipped off his face.

  A moment ago when he was looking at me and smiling, now he seemed angry. He went to step around the woman and she reached for his arm. It was Cassidy. Pulling his arm free, he said something that caused her to take a step back. I wondered if he’d put her in her place, like that day in the ladies’ restroom.

  “Aunt Vi, don’t you look beautiful this evening,” Waylynn said.

  I looked up at Mitchell’s sister. “She’s on the hunt for a man,” I offered.

  Waylynn’s brows lifted. “Me too! Let’s go hunt together.”

  Vi let out a laugh and stood. “You always were my favorite, Waylynn.”

  I focused back on Mitchell and Cassidy, but they were both gone. My heart started to race and my mind wandered to a place it shouldn’t.

  Did they go off together?

  No, I know better.

  Cheese and crackers, Corina. Settle down.

  I suddenly felt sick. Standing, I took in a deep breath and came face to face with Mitchell.

  He looked concerned, reaching out for me. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  My mouth opened but nothing came out. What was I going to say? I’m jealous because you’re talking to a woman you slept with a while ago?

  Like that would go over well.

  “Nothing. I felt a little sick. It’s pretty warm out, and I don’t think I’ve had enough water today.”

  Mitchell frowned. “You need to make sure you’re drinking water, dove.”

  His pet name felt like a cool breeze over my hot skin.

  “I know,” I barely replied.

  Mitchell wrapped his arm around my waist and led me to one of the food booths. My mind was racing with what I should do next: ask him what he and Cassidy had talked about? Or ignore it and let my curiosity fester?

  I knew what to do. I wasn’t into playing games, and I knew Mitchell wasn’t either. Before I had a chance to ask, he spoke first. “Cassidy was asking how serious we are.”

  A lump formed in my throat. I looked up at him as we waited in line.

  “I told her we were serious and exclusive. You’re my girlfriend and I am your boyfriend.”

  My body tingled as he spoke. “What did she say after that?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Some smart-ass remark about me not being able to stay with one woman.”

  The tingles vanished. “Is she right?” I asked, deciding to voice my worries.

  Mitchell looked hurt. I regretted asking the question, but then again, I felt like I needed to.

  “She’s far from it. I know I didn’t start things off right with us, and I regret it. I can’t change that, but the last thing I want is for you to think I might cheat on you. I would never do that to you, Corina.”

  Lifting up on my toes, I wrapped my arms around his neck. I had already known the answer in my heart, but my head was being a bitch and wanted reassurance.

  Our lips pressed together. Mitchell’s hand moved up my back and into my hair, tugging me closer to him.

  He pulled back and gave me a sexy grin. “I have another position.”

  Lifting a brow, I asked, “Really? I’m listening.”

  Mitchell looked around, then back at me. “I say we sneak behind this food trailer and see how quiet we can be in public.”

  My eyes widened in surprise. “Are you serious, Mitchell? Sex in public? You’re a cop!”

  He laughed. “That makes it all the more fun.”

  I chewed on my lip as I thought about it. Mitchell grabbed my hand and pulled me around the food truck. It was darker and no one was around, but we could hear the voices of everyone around us.

  “I can’t do this!” I whispered.

  When he gave me a sexy-as-sin grin, I knew I was about to lose this battle.

  Mitchell unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down. My eyes moved down to stare at his impressive length. Taking a breath, I leaned over and took him into my mouth. Mitchell hissed and dug his fingers into my hair. How did this man have such an effect on me? He brought out my naughty side, and I loved it!

  Reaching with my other hand, I played with his balls before slipping my fingers and applying light pressure around his shaft. Mitchell let out a groan, tapped me on the head, and said, “Baby, I’m going to come.”

  You can do this, Corina!

  And did I ever. I swallowed every drop of Mitchell’s cum. When I stood up, I wiped my mouth and looked at him. His eyes were glassy, and he had a smile on his face.

  “Fucking hell. That was amazing,” he gasped as he tucked himself back into his pants and zipped up.

  With a smile of my own, I made a check motion with my finger. “Not really a position, but we can check off blowjob in public.”

  Mitchell laughed. “Yes, we can.”

  His hand went behind my neck, crushing my mouth to his.

  Time seemed to stand still. I felt him pour everything he had into that kiss, and I knew no matter what happened next, Mitchell Parker would never hurt me again.

  When he broke the kiss, he leaned his forehead against mine and his mouth fell open. Words were on his lips, but he didn’t give them to me. They were probably the same words I wanted to say. I was just as nervous to admit it aloud. So I whispered the truth in my mind.

  I love you, Mitchell Parker.

  Excitement was in the air at the Parker house. Melanie and John floated from person to person like the perfect hosts that they were. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much at all the stories that had been told throughout the evening. Amelia and Wade’s wedding reception was turning out to be the party of the year, although Chloe informed everyone that her daddy and Uncle Mitchell’s party would be better.

  I glanced around, my eyes landing on Amelia. I’d never seen her so happy. I thought back to a few months ago when she’d been scared that she might have lost Wade. Things could really change in the blink of an eye.

  Heck, look at me and Mitchell. Last month we were barely able to look at one another across the room. Now I was sitting next to him, our hands laced together and I might possibly be…
br />   I let the thought slip away. The less I thought about it the better.

  “What do you think about the bodies showing up between here and Uvalde?” an older gentleman asked Mitchell. I couldn’t remember if he was someone Amelia’s dad worked with or an old family friend.

  “It’s unsettling, that’s for sure,” Mitchell replied.

  “Murders?” the man asked.

  I could feel Mitchell tense. “Looks to be that way.”

  Now I tensed. “How many bodies have they found?” I asked.

  He looked at me, and I could tell he wasn’t in the mood to talk about his job. He rarely ever was. “Enough to cause concern.”

  I swallowed hard.

  “Lloyd Gillory said they are all runaways,” the man added. “Young women, most under the age of thirty.”

  Mitchell cleared his throat. “Lloyd Gillory shouldn’t talk about things unless he knows the facts.”

  Taken aback at Mitchell’s sharp tone, I quickly changed the subject. “Can you believe how insanely hot this summer has been? I’m hoping September brings a few early cold fronts. Especially with school starting next week and the fall festival a few weeks away.”

  The older man, his wife, and Aunt Vi all looked at me.

  “You couldn’t change the subject to something other than the weather, Corina?” Vi asked with pinched brows.

  I managed a half-smile and shrugged.

  A bell rang from the kitchen area, and everyone turned their attention to Melanie and John..

  Mitchell leaned over and his hot breath brought goosebumps to my entire body. “I love your help, but the weather? We need to find some more interest subjects.”

  I licked my lips before pressing them together. “Like?”

  His mouth ran across my neck, causing a pull in my lower stomach. “Like how boring this party is and how I want to take you home and try a new position.”

  I pulled away slightly to look at him. “You want me to bring up new sex positions next time I need to change the topic?”

  He shrugged. “Might give the old bastards something good to talk about.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “I hardly think your mother would approve.”

  He nodded, flashing a sexy grin. “She wouldn’t, but I would.”

  I pushed his shoulder, then put my finger to my lips while his mother spoke.

  “Thank you to everyone who came to help us celebrate Amelia and Wade’s wedding! Two down…five more to go!”

  Cheers rang across the rooms as Trevor, Cord, and Tripp all held up their hands as if trying to reject their mother’s words.

  “Never!” Trevor shouted.

  Cord and Tripp both uttered something under their breaths. I was almost positive I heard a curse word or two.

  Laughing, I looked at Mitchell. He stared with a goofy smile, and I wasn’t the only one who noticed. A few of the younger folks shot off a comment or two about how it looked like Mitchell had gotten bit. When Cord shouted something about Mitchell looking like a Smurf, everyone laughed.

  Mitchell stood, taking a glass of champagne from one of the young ladies who had been walking around with a tray.

  “I’d like to propose a toast to my baby sister,” Mitchell called out, glancing around the room. When he locked eyes with Amelia, both of their smiles lit up. “To see you so happy and in love is a beautiful thing. I’ve never been so proud of you for following your heart.”

  Tears built in Amelia’s eyes as Wade pulled her close.

  “To Amelia and Wade,” Mitchell said, lifting his glass. “May you both have a lifetime of happiness and here’s to all your dreams coming true. And may you give dad a new grandbaby soon!”

  “What?” John shouted out as everyone else cheered, “Here-here!”

  I pretended to take a drink. Until I went to the doctor on Monday, I was playing it safe, but I also didn’t want to draw any attention to myself. I’d given Mitchell a knowing look when I took the glass of champagne earlier. Not a single person, other than Mitchell, had noticed I’d had the same glass all evening.

  Everyone moved outside under a giant white tent. The Parker family was all sitting at one table while friends sat at nearby tables. News of Mitchell and I becoming a couple had spread fast among the Parker family’s friends, so I was seated next to Mitchell at the family table, with Cord on my right.

  Dinner was served and soon mini-conversations started at each table. Mitchell and his father talked about the ranch and some new horse that would be arriving in the next few days. I hadn’t realized how much Mitchell was involved with the ranch until the past week. There wasn’t anything he didn’t know about horses, and he pretty much ran the horse stables on some days. We had stopped by three evenings in a row so he could check on two new horses and a filly that had been born last week. I loved seeing him with the horses. Of course, the Parker ranch was a cattle ranch, but I could see something in Mitchell’s eyes when he was in that barn with the horses. I wanted desperately to ask him about it but decided to wait.

  “I heard you got shot at work on Thursday,” Tripp announced. My fork froze at my lips and my hand started to shake.

  Mitchell let out a half-hearted laugh. “Yeah, good thing I had my vest on.”

  This time, the fork dropped and clattered against the plate. Everyone at the table looked at me.

  “You okay, Corina?” Waylynn asked from across the table. Our eyes met, and I wasn’t sure what to say. I could tell she knew exactly why I was having a panic attack.

  She gave me a knowing look before focusing in on Mitchell. She made a face then jerked her head toward me.

  Mitchell turned and took my hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even think to mention it.”

  I stared at him. “You didn’t think to mention it?” It’s not like I wanted much from him. To be faithful. To be honest. And to tell me if he got shot at!

  “Everything was fine. It wasn’t a big deal.” He looked agitated.

  “Mitchell, you said it was a good thing you had your vest on. Does that mean he actually hit you with the bullet?”

  “Shit. Sorry, Mitch,” Tripp said with a slight laugh. I glared at him. He stopped laughing on a dime.

  Swinging my eyes back to Mitchell, he frowned. “It’s part of the job.”

  He turned to his father and started talking about harvesting or something while I tried to make heads or tails out of what I had heard. I stared at my plate, my breath not the least bit controlled no matter how hard I tried.

  “Corina, will you help me get something in the kitchen?” Waylynn asked.

  My eyes lifted, and she raised her brows before motioning for me to get up and follow her.

  I was on automatic. I stood, turned, walked to the kitchen.

  Waylynn took my hand and pulled me into the family room. “Breathe.”

  I shook my head as I let Mitchell’s words replay in my mind.

  Her hands gripped my shoulders. “Corina Miller! Breathe, goddammit!”

  I looked into Waylynn’s blue eyes and sucked in a breath.

  She nodded. “Good. Let it out.”

  Exhaling, I sat on the leather sofa.

  “Corina, I know being a cop was one of the reasons why Mitchell never wanted to settle down. Now with you possibly being in the family way and the fact that he is head over heels in love with you, I think he was only trying to shield you.”

  Staring at her, I opened my mouth. “You think he feels that way about me too?”

  Waylynn laughed. “Hell, yes. Girl, don’t you see the way he looks at you? I mean even before y’all were together he had puppy dog love eyes. He may not be saying it yet, but Mitchell is head over heels.”

  A smile lifted my face as I let her words sink in. Then they slipped away. “I knew it was dangerous to be in a relationship with a cop, Waylynn, but if he’s going to hide this type of thing from me, I don’t know how I feel about that.”

  She nodded. “And if he had told you, what would have happened?”

  “I…I’m sure I would have been worried.”

  Pointing to me, she said, “Bingo. You would have worried, freaked out a little, then when he left the next morning for work, what would have happened?”

  With a shrug, I replied, “I would have worried a little bit more than normal, I guess.”

  “Yes! And do you think Mitchell wants you to worry right now?”

  I looked down at my hands in my lap, feeling like an idiot. “No.”

  Waylynn reached for my hands. “Men aren’t always right, but I know Mitchell’s heart is always in the right place.”

  Feeling foolish, I closed my eyes and sighed. “Everything is happening so fast, Waylynn. I told myself I wouldn’t fall back into Mitchell’s arms and then I did. I promised myself we would take it slow, only to have us both be reckless the first time we were back together. And now…now…”

  My eyes stung with tears.

  “Now you might be carrying his baby. Do you want to keep it?”

  “Yes!” I said without even having to think about it. “Am I ready? No. I mean, I want kids more than anything, but I don’t want them because we were stupid and careless. I want them when we decide it’s time. This is not how I saw my life playing out. I mean, I love your brother with my whole heart, and I think he loves me, but he isn’t even ready to say it. What does that mean if I am pregnant? Will he love the baby or will he feel like he’s trapped? The last thing I want is to make him feel trapped.”

  “Hey, it takes two to tango and I know Mitchell. He will love this baby with every ounce of his being. The same way he loves you.”

  I forced a smile. It was nice to hear Waylynn saying what I so desperately wanted to hear Mitchell say.

  “Come back outside and finish eating,” she said.

  Nodding, I replied, “I will. Give me two minutes.”

  Waylynn stared at me for a few seconds. “Two minutes. Now I have to go figure out what we needed in the kitchen and bring it back out with me.”

  We both chuckled. Waylynn headed out of the family room, and I took a few moments to breathe and calm my racing heart.

  Mitchell had a dangerous job. I was okay with that. No matter how much he tried, he wasn’t going to be able to protect me from all the bad stuff that came with it. Tonight I would tell him that. Let him know that I wanted all of him. The good, the bad, the dangerous job, the fear of opening himself up. I wanted all of it, and I wasn’t going to push him into anything. No matter what happened on Monday.