Page 18 of Tempting Love

  His eyes burned into my soul. He’d spoken each word like it was an oath.

  “Mitchell,” I whispered. My eyes closed as his hands moved over my body.

  “I don’t want to think about anything other than us right now, Corina.”

  I nodded.

  Mitchell’s lips found their way to my neck where he peppered me with the softest kisses. I let out a small whimper when our fingers slipped under each other’s clothes. I was soon pressed against the mattress. Mitchell’s hands pushed mine over my head while his kisses turned more passionate. Hungry, almost. My body felt like it was floating, and I hadn’t even had an orgasm yet. The feel of him pressing against me was pure heaven. I wanted more. Needed more. Mitchell’s heated breath mixed with mine as he teased me with his dick.

  “Mitchell, please. Make love to me.”

  He moved so quickly I hadn’t even realized what he’d grabbed until I watched him sliding the condom over his impressive, hard length.

  Each breath I took made my chest rise. I craved Mitchell inside me constantly. There was no way I could have pushed this man away—not when I needed his touch to breathe.

  “I want to stay like this forever, Corina. You and me…alone…as one.”

  We both moaned when he pushed all the way in. Neither of us moved. It was as if we were both afraid the intensity would end if we did.

  My fingers moved slowly over his back while he stared into my eyes.

  “I can’t believe I was such an idiot,” he said.

  I smiled and bit my lip. “There were so many moments I could pinpoint. You are going to have to clarify which you’re talking about.”

  His head pulled back with a shocked expression before we both started laughing.

  Mitchell quickly rolled us over so that I was now on top of him. His hands cupped my breasts while he pulled and pinched my nipples. I felt like a completely different woman when I was on top of him. Mitchell had this way of bringing out another part of me. A daring and carefree part, not only with sex, but with life in general.

  And he had paid attention and knew how much I enjoyed this position.

  Heck, I loved it.

  I had control and could go as slow or as fast as I wanted. Plus, Mitchell had a tendency to talk dirty to me when I rode him, and it spurred me on even more. Some of my best orgasms were with me on top and him talking naughty.

  “Fuck me, Corina. Hard and fast, baby. We’ve got lots of time for lovemaking.”

  I did exactly as he commanded. By the time we were finished, it was well into the middle of the night. After some serious making out in a hot shower, I curled up next to the man I loved and drifted off to sleep. I’d never felt so at peace or so happy in my entire life.

  My gynecologist wasn’t in Oak Springs. She was in Uvalde, and I had never been so thankful. Tongues would have wagged for sure had they seen Mitchell walking into a local Ob/Gyn office hand-in-hand with me.

  I signed in and sat down in the waiting room. Mitchell sat next to me, his hand still wrapped in mine.

  So much had happened in the short amount of time since we had gotten back together.

  Back together? I really couldn’t even say that. We were never truly together before. We had both desired each other from a distance, but in all honest truth, we had only been a couple just shy of a few weeks. And here we were…sitting in my doctor’s office about to take a pregnancy test.

  Sickness moved over me like a thief in the night. It hit me so fast, I had to cover my mouth to keep it from coming up.

  “You okay, dove?”

  His words were like silk over my skin, and they calmed my nerves. All I could do was nod.

  When the nurse called my name, Mitchell stood and I stayed frozen in my seat.

  Was this really happening? Why were we doing this? We could just keep using a condom, pretend we never had the slip up and just act like a normal couple.

  A normal couple? Oh, my gosh. We are so far from that. We had both been secretly in love with each other for months, neither of us willing to admit it. And now? Now everything was about to change.

  Oh. My. God. I might be pregnant, and we’ve barely even started our relationship.

  Leaning over, Mitchell placed his mouth next to my ear. “Do you want to leave?”

  I shook my head and stood. If I wasn’t pregnant, I still needed to get my pills prescribed.

  “I’m okay,” I said as I slowly stood. Mitchell wrapped his arm around my waist and led me through the door. It wasn’t lost on me how the nurse was checking him out.

  Really, lady? Ugh.

  Thirty minutes later, the door to the exam room opened and the doctor walked in. My breath caught and Mitchell sat up, straight as a board.

  What was he thinking? Was he as scared as I was? A baby could change everything. When the doctor closed the door, my urge to jump up and run out of the room was overwhelming.

  “Ms. Miller, Mr. Parker. I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting. I had a patient who thought she was in labor, and it took some convincing to get her to see that she was only having false contractions.”

  I let out a fake laugh that caused Mitchell to look my way. His eyes filled with concern, and I wanted to ask him exactly how he was acting so calm and cool when I was freaking out on the inside.

  “Ms. Miller.”

  “Corina,” I replied with a tight smile.

  The doctor returned the gesture. “Corina, your results came back negative. You’re not pregnant.”

  I let out the breath I had been holding. When I snapped my eyes to Mitchell, I could see the relief all over his face.

  “How do we both feel about this?” the doctor asked.

  I swallowed hard. “Honestly? Relieved. I don’t think Mitchell and I were ready to jump into parenthood just yet.”

  We were still staring at each other as I spoke. He smiled, softly adding, “Someday a baby will be an amazing addition. Right now, I think the two of us sounds like the perfect plan.”

  My hand landed on my stomach as I felt that familiar dropping sensation when Mitchell did or said anything sweet or romantic.

  “If that’s the case, then let’s get you back on some birth control, shall we?”

  I nodded. “Yes. Let’s do that.” The idea of feeling Mitchell inside with no condom was making me horny. Or maybe it was the relief of knowing we hadn’t really messed things up by being careless…

  Peeking at Mitchell, my breath caught. Nope. I was horny, and by the way Mitchell was staring at me, I could tell he was thinking the same exact thing.

  Sex. Bareback. As soon as possible.

  There was a knock on my classroom door. I lifted my gaze to see Mitchell standing with a huge bouquet of fall flowers.

  “A little birdy told me fall was your favorite season.”

  One quick glance at the calendar, and I smiled. September 22nd. First day of fall.

  So much had happened in the last month. Mitchell and I had both moved into the house he had bought. My house was coming along, with the second floor rebuilt and drywall in. No one else had broken into the house, and Mitchell and I agreed it had most likely been teenagers.

  Pushing away from my desk, I stood. “It is my favorite time of year.”

  He made his way over to me, dressed in jeans, cowboy boots, a long-sleeve shirt, and a cowboy hat. The whole package caused a pulse between my legs. My top lip dug into my bottom one, and I held my breath, waiting for the kiss I knew would make me weak in the knees.

  Lane called out, “Corina, are you free tonight?”

  My head turned as Lane walked into my room from his class next door.

  He stopped when he saw Mitchell. “I, ah, I wanted to go over the lesson plans you made up.”

  I sighed. Lane had no business teaching first graders. He hated it, and it was beginning to show. Even Chloe had mentioned how all the kids in the class didn’t really like Mr. Lewis.

  “Lane, you taught high school,” I said. “Why is first grade throwing y

  Mitchell chuckled, and I shot him a look that warned him to behave. Even though Lane knew I was with Mitchell, he still tried his best to get me to spend time with him. It was getting annoying.

  “They’re not,” Lane said. “I just had a simple question.”

  “You don’t need her to be free for the evening to ask a simple question,” Mitchell said, his eyes daring Lane to argue.

  “Where are the spelling books?”

  The spelling books? He can’t come up with something better than that?

  “In the cabinet, under ‘spelling lessons.’”

  Lane frowned. He had totally made himself look like a fool not only in front of me, but Mitchell as well.

  “Right. Thanks.”

  When he turned to leave, I called out. “Remember, I won’t be here next week. Paxton will be, though. I’m sure she can help you if you need anything.”

  Lane smiled. “That’s right. Your brother is getting married. Are you looking forward to the trip?”

  “I am.” I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face.

  Mitchell walked up to me, wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me on the forehead. “I’m looking forward to it, too.”

  Lane let out a harsh chuckle. “Wait, you’re going? To the wedding?”

  “Of course I am. I’m looking forward to meeting Corina’s family.”

  Lane huffed a little before he forced a smile. “Right. Well, y’all have fun.” He hightailed it out the door.

  I faced Mitchell. “The flowers are beautiful. Thank you.” Our lips pressed together, but before things got heavy, I drew back, remembering I was still at work.

  Mitchell leaned his forehead to mine and whispered, “I could kiss you all day and never get tired of it.”

  “Hmm, I feel the exact same way.”

  “You ready to head home?”

  “Are you off already?” I asked, glancing up into his beautiful blue eyes.

  “I am. I took the rest of today off so we could finish packing. Mom and Dad want to have dinner over at their place before we head out.”

  “Oh, that will be fun. I haven’t seen the whole gang in a few weeks.”

  Mitchell laughed. “Yeah, Mom was pretty happy knowing she got all the kids rounded up for the evening. Two weeks without a family dinner was longer than she could take.”

  “I bet. What time do we have to be over there? I need to run by Mrs. Johnson’s and pick up a pie for Paxton.”

  “I told her we’d get there a bit early. I figured you’d need to get Milo all set up and let Mom know the little bastard’s routine.”

  “Don’t call him that! He loves you.”

  “He loves me? I wake up in the middle of the night, and he’s sitting on my chest staring. It’s like he’s plotting to take me out or something. That little fucker is amazing at intimidation tactics.”

  I chuckled as I reached up and kissed Mitchell again. He was so allergic to Milo, and Milo loved him so much. He slept either on Mitchell’s chest or somewhere near his head every single night.

  “Just think, a week with no cat.”

  He closed his eyes and let out a delighted moan. “No sneezing. No hair on my uniform. No missing food from my plate when I turn away. It’s going to be fucking heaven.”

  My hands covered my mouth in an attempt to hide my laughter. Milo had gotten into the habit of reaching his paw up and taking food off of Mitchell’s plate. He never did it to me, only Mitchell. I was convinced Milo was messing with the man I loved out of pure jealousy.

  “Let me finish up really quick, and we can head on out. I want to make sure Paxton has everything for the little monsters.”

  “And I’ll just sit here and admire my beautiful girlfriend doing her thing.”

  My stomach fluttered. Sometimes I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Mitchell was mine and I was his. Life was beautiful. Perfect in every single way.

  “Come on, Milo. Get into the carrier. You’re such a good boy.”

  Milo sat on the sofa and stared at me like I was insane. He did his little bark meow thing and turned his head from me.


  “Milo. Don’t ignore me. You’re going to have so much fun exploring Melanie and John’s house. It’s huge!”

  “Why don’t you just grab him and push him into the thing?”

  My mouth dropped open as I turned to Mitchell. He was leaning against the kitchen bar with his arms folded across his massive chest. He looked absolutely yummy in a University of A&M baseball cap.

  “I’m not going to push him into it. It will scare him.”

  Mitchell rolled his eyes. “He’ll get over it.”

  Milo meowed, and I focused back on him. He was staring at Mitchell like he wanted to pounce on him and scratch his eyes out.

  “See, he doesn’t like the idea of being shoved into the crate,” I said.

  “Corina, he’s a cat. I doubt he knows what you’re saying.”

  Milo stood, stretched his back and slowly made his way into the crate. He turned around and laid down, but not before letting out his signature bark meow.

  “Oh, my gosh! He just showed you!”

  Mitchell huffed. “He did not show me. He was curious and walked into the damn thing!”

  I started laughing. “He totally proved you wrong!” I shut the crate and leaned over to look at my handsome boy. “He’s a smart kitty cat. Isn’t he? Yes, he is! Milo is a smart kitty cat!”

  Mitchell’s body was next to mine in an instant. The way I reacted to this man was insane. He took my arm and pulled me to face him.

  “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you are?”

  My cheeks heated. I’d never get used to his compliments.

  “You think it’s sexy when I talk to my cat?”

  His eyes turned dark. “Yes.”

  With a tilt of my head, I asked, “Why?”

  The corners of his mouth rose into a sexy grin. My insides were melting, and I was mentally trying to figure out if we had time for this.

  “Why?” he asked, his hands moving up my skirt.

  I nodded, but I was dizzy with the anticipation of his touch.

  “I think you’re sexy all the time. No matter what you’re doing.”

  My teeth dug into my lip, and I tried not to whimper when he slipped my panties to the side and pushed his fingers inside of me.

  “There’s a new position I want to try.”

  Swallowing hard, I asked, “Now?”

  His smile grew bigger, and he turned his baseball cap around on his head. “Now.”

  I was going to lose this argument. “Your parents. We’ll be late.”

  Mitchell’s other hand moved up my back. My entire body trembled as he pushed into me more, pressing against my clit.

  “Who cares? I want you, dove. Now.”

  Each breath I took was faster than the one before. “Wh-what…position…are we…”

  I couldn't even form words. Mitchell’s other hand was now up my shirt where he was pinching one of my nipples through my bra.

  I gasped. “Mitchell, I want you.”

  Before I knew it, my shirt was off, my bra pushed over my breasts and my panties were gone. My skirt was still on, and for some reason that turned me on even more. Mitchell quickly took off his boots, jeans, and boxer briefs.

  “The pick-me-up,” Mitchell said as he lifted me up.

  “What?” I asked between gasps.

  “The position. That’s what it’s called. Put your feet on the sofa.”

  He held onto me by my upper legs and ass while he backed up against the sofa. Once I rested my feet on it, he positioned himself at my entrance. His bare dick against me was one of my favorite feelings in the world.

  Mitchell guided me onto him, filling me so completely I let out a long, low moan.

  “So deep. So fucking deep,” he whispered against my neck.

  “Yes. Mitchell, yes.”

  I wasn’t sure if I was suppo
sed to move my body, but I started to. I pushed with my feet and lifted up, then back down. The movement was amazing and the feeling so new and thrilling I was already beginning to feel my orgasm build.

  “Feels so good,” I said. “Oh my gosh.”

  Gripping my body harder, Mitchell pulled me closer to him. His dick was hitting something inside that made my eyes roll to the back of my head. The feel of his body rubbing against my clit added to the jolt of electricity that raced through me, letting loose the most amazing orgasm ever.

  I wasn’t normally a screamer when I came, but this orgasm hit me fast and hard. “I’m coming!” I cried out as I pushed my legs to make my body go faster, harder. Pushing him deeper.

  “That’s it, baby. Fuck, I feel your pussy squeezing my dick.”

  Mitchell’s dirty talking was my undoing.

  “Oh God!” I screamed. Another orgasm—or maybe it was the same one—pulsed through my body. My eyes closed, and all I saw were bursts of light behind my eyelids as my body drifted up and I enjoyed the euphoria.

  When I opened my eyes, I was on the sofa, Mitchell over me, my legs over his shoulders as he pounded into me so deliciously hard and fast another orgasm hit me. I felt him grow bigger. He was about to come with me.

  Leaning closer, he put his mouth to my ear. “Dove, I’m going to come.”

  I covered my mouth with my hand, holding back the scream of pleasure I wanted to let out as we both fell apart together. I don’t know why I cared; we no longer lived above Lucy’s place. No one would hear me even if I did scream.

  Mitchell buried his face against my neck as we both attempted to catch our breath.

  “Holy. Fuck. That was hot as hell,” he said between breaths.

  I let out a small laugh. He was still buried inside of me, his dick twitching every now and then. “That was amazing. It felt so incredible that way.”

  He lifted his head and stared into my eyes. I couldn't help my smile as I stared into his blue eyes. They sparkled like diamonds.

  “Are you happy, Mitchell?”

  His hands framed my head, and he stared at me with such intensity. It made my entire body break out in goosebumps.