Page 22 of Tempting Love

  Walking farther in, I saw the steps that led to what I guessed was the master bedroom upstairs. I quickly made my way up them. Part of me hoped he would follow, but he didn’t. I was behaving childishly, and I knew it. At the same time, I really needed some time to wrap my head around all of this.

  Did he know this woman would be here? Did he know about the dinner and only decided to play it like he didn’t?

  My arms wrapped around my body.

  No. I knew Mitchell would never do that to me.

  When I stepped off the last step and I turned to my left, tears filled my eyes. It was the most amazing place I’d ever seen. Everywhere I looked I saw something that made me smile.

  A massive king bed sat to the left. The white, shabby-chic bedspread had bits of light blue in it and made the room feel so cozy. The giant window showcased the snow falling softly outside. The vaulted, sloped ceiling was covered in wood planks, adding to the romantic feel.

  To the right, a sofa sat in front of another beautiful stone fireplace.

  Tears flowed down my cheeks as I made my way over to the sofa and sat. I buried my face in my hands. I didn’t want to cry. I didn’t want to let this Kristi situation get to me like it had.

  So why was I letting it?

  Dropping my hands, I stared out the window. I needed to snap out of this. Quickly wiping my face, I stood. There was no way I was going to let some rich snow bunny destroy my time with Mitchell.

  I turned to head back down the stairs when I stopped. Mitchell was standing in the archway that led into the room. His expression was laced with worry and regret.

  “I wanted to make this trip special for the both of us. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be running into her. I haven’t seen her in years, and the last I heard she lived in San Francisco. I need you to know that.”

  Nodding, I replied softly, “I know.”

  He moved closer. “The urge to pull you into my arms after you got out of the Jeep just now was insane. You asked me for time, and I gave you all I could, Corina. I love you. You are the only woman I have ever loved or will ever love. I don’t even know how I breathed before you. You are my life. My now. My future. Please, don’t let my past ruin something so special as our time here.”

  My hands covered my mouth. His heartfelt words made me fall even more in love with him. Mitchell closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. When he looked back at me, I knew he was waiting for me to speak, but I couldn’t. The only thing I could do was show him how much I loved him.

  I walked over to him and threw myself into his body. Strong arms wrapped around me and held me close. The sound of his heart beating was one of the most beautiful things I’d ever heard.

  “I’m not angry with you, Mitch. I don’t even know why I asked. I should have left well enough alone. I only needed a few moments to process it and to stop acting like a child.”

  He leaned back from me and looked into my eyes. The way his blue eyes stared into mine had my stomach dipping.

  “You did not act like a child. I’m not a saint, and you know I’ve been with women. Oak Springs is one place for this to happen…but not here. We do not have to go to dinner with her. There are other places we could stay, Corina. She’s being a bitch by forcing this.”

  I smiled. “No. I want to go to dinner. She needs to see she doesn't have control over either of us, and she needs to see we’re in love and happy.”

  His hands cupped my face. “So very much in love and over-the-moon happy.”

  “Make love to me.”

  Mitchell’s eyes danced with desire. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

  Holy crap. I look hot.

  Standing in front of the full-length mirror, I took in the black cocktail dress I had slipped on after Mitchell and I took a hot bath together. Before that, we’d had a mind-blowing lovemaking session. The bath was all about me, with Mitchell massaging every single inch of my body. I felt so relaxed afterwards I almost told him I didn’t want to go to dinner.


  I chewed on my lip as I took in my reflection. Thin spaghetti straps led down to a low-cut, sweetheart bodice that certainly showed off my breasts. Mitchell was going to pass out when he saw me. Of course, the push-up bra only made my chest look bigger. Smiling, I whispered, “One point for me. Zero for Kristi in the boob department.”

  Turning to the side, I blushed. The dress was sultry enough, but add in the sexy cutouts at the midriff, and it went off the charts. Not to mention the low, open back that dipped all the way to my waist. The design showed off my curves in the most delicious way. Sparkling sequins were the finishing touch to the mid-thigh hem.

  “Okay, deep breaths. You can go out in a dress like this, Corina. Yes, you can.”

  Apparently talking to myself had become a new thing over the past few months. I reached for a black sweater and grabbed my clutch. I couldn’t wait to see Mitchell’s face when he saw me in this dress.

  Slipping on the black heels, I gave myself another look. My blonde hair was pulled up into a French twist. Simple pearl earrings adorned my ears, and I decided to keep my neck free of anything. It looked sexier to me. I wanted Mitchell’s eyes to travel down to the girls…not make a pit stop on a piece of jewelry.

  My phone buzzed and I glanced at it.

  Paxton: Send us a picture!

  Amelia: Yes! Picture, please!

  Waylynn: It better be sexy as fuck.

  Smiling, I took a couple of selfies and attached them to the group text message. I’d filled the girls in on Kristi earlier as I was getting ready, and they were all fired up.

  With a deep breath, I hit send. It didn’t take them long to text back. Waylynn was first. Of course.

  Waylynn: HOT DAMN. Where is our little innocent Corina?

  I did a happy dance.

  Paxton: Wow. Oh…wow…holy crap. Mitchell is good for you, girl!

  Amelia: Excuse me while I wipe the drool off my mouth. If I was into girls I’d be jealous of my brother right now!

  Paxton: ROFL

  Waylynn: Right?!?!?

  I loved those girls. They certainly knew how to build me up.

  Me: I love you guys. Okay, I’m heading downstairs. Wish me luck.

  Paxton: You don’t need it, sweetie. He loves you and will only have eyes for you.

  Waylynn: If he does something stupid, tell us so I can kick his stupid ass.

  Laughing, I shook my head.

  Me: Night, ladies!

  All three texted back at once with their goodnights. One last look in the mirror and I headed downstairs.

  Mitchell was sitting on the sofa watching TV. I cleared my throat, and he glanced over his shoulder. The second he saw me, he jumped up and took a few steps back.

  “Holy shit.”

  My heart was racing. What if he didn’t like the dress?

  “Do you not like it?”

  His mouth dropped open, and he stared at me. Not one single sound came from his mouth.


  He closed his eyes and shook his head. “Give me a second. I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. “So, you do like it?”

  “Turn all the way around…slowly,” he begged. I turned at a torturously slow speed as I gave him the nickel tour of what was his.

  His eyes were moving across my body with a hungry look. “Like it? All I can think about is fucking you in it.”

  A delicious pulse started between my legs as he stalked toward me.

  “Fuck dinner. I want you.”

  There was no denying that I liked the way Mitchell was reacting to the dress. He couldn’t tear his eyes off of me.

  “Now, now. It’s only a dress.”

  Snapping his eyes up, he pinched his brows together. “Only a dress? Only. A. Dress. You look insanely hot. Beautiful beyond words. Jesus Christ, Corina. My dick is damn hard. I may have to take it out and work it myself if you don’t let me have you

  Placing my fingers on his lips, I narrowed my eyes at him. “Why, Mr. Parker, listen to that dirty mouth of yours.”

  “Did you look at yourself in the mirror before you came down here? If so, how do you honestly expect me to keep my hands off you?”

  He moved his hands over my body, causing me to tremble. “See, even you know how hot you are.”

  Laughing, I pushed his shoulder back. “Behave, Mitchell Parker.”

  “I’m not going to make it an hour, Corina.”

  With a half-shrug, I winked. “Then I guess we’ll be cutting dinner short.”

  His hand moved to my back where he lightly brushed his fingers across my bare skin. “Hell, yes, it will be cut short.” He leaned down, his lips brushing across mine. “You taste like heaven, dove.”

  I placed my hand on the side of his face. “That’s because I’m in heaven.”

  We looked into one another’s eyes for the longest time before he groaned. “I guess we need to go.”

  With his hand on my lower back, he led me out of the cabin, toward the Jeep. We walked into the hotel and the restaurant the same exact way, Mitchell’s hand possessively on my body. The few people who were in the restaurant turned to watch us walk in. I couldn’t help but notice one guy staring. Normally I would be uncomfortable with the attention, but tonight was different. I felt sexy, strong, and full of confidence. It wasn’t only the dress doing that. It was the man walking next to me. The one who kept telling me how beautiful I looked. How amazing I smelled. How much he wanted my body under his.

  It was Mitchell who made me feel like this. It was Mitchell who would forever make me feel like this.

  Kristi was sitting at a table, waiting for us to arrive. When she looked up, her smile faded and her jaw dropped. Her stunned expression was soon replaced with one seriously pissed-off look.

  I internally fist pumped. Mitchell guided me to the table and pulled my chair out.

  “Kristi.” His voice was flat, no emotion in it whatsoever.

  “Good evening, Mitch, Lorina.”

  I wanted to roll my eyes. Instead, I grinned and said, “Corina.”

  “Oh, goodness. That’s right. I don’t know why I keep thinking it has an L.”

  I picked up the napkin, laid it across my lap and didn’t bother to reply. Mitchell sat next to me, so close I could feel his leg touching mine.

  When the waiter arrived, Kristi said, “Walter, we’ll have a bottle of Château Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac.”

  I wanted to chuckle when Kristi used her best French accent to say the name of the wine.

  “I’ll take a glass of water, please. No wine for me,” I said with a slight grin.

  Krisit turned to me. “What? This wine is amazing.”

  I forced a polite smile. “I don’t care for wine, and I find spending over eight hundred dollars for a bottle isn’t my thing.”

  “It’s nearly a thousand, and it was on the house. I am, however, impressed with your knowledge of wine.”

  “Thank you,” I purred as nicely as I could. “But I’ll still pass.”

  Kristi flashed me a smug smile. “More for me and Mitchell then.”

  “No, thanks. I’m going to stick with a bottle of beer. I’ll take a Blue Moon, if you have it.”

  The waiter nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “Oh, that sounds good. I’ll have one, too,” I added.

  Kristi huffed. “Seriously, you’re both passing on the best wine in the restaurant for beer?”

  Mitchell flashed her a fake smile. I knew his real smiles. They touched his beautiful blue eyes and made them sparkle like the stars.

  “So, Mitchell, did you ever become a police officer?”

  He nodded. “Yes, I did.”

  “Oh, I bet you look good in the uniform.”

  She. Did. Not.

  “Lor…I mean, Corina, what do you do for a living?”

  “I’m a kindergarten teacher.”

  Kristi chuckled. “That seems fitting for you. You have that innocent look. Classic kindergarten teacher.”

  I dislike this woman.

  “Of course, I don’t know what the parents of your students would think if they saw you dressed like that.”

  “I think she looks stunning,” Mitchell said. “The most beautiful woman in the entire room.”

  Kristi frowned before forcing a smile that looked as fake as her boobs. Okay, maybe her boobs weren’t fake.

  Clearing her throat, she continued with her questions. “So how long have the two of you been dating?”

  “Awhile now,” Mitchell answered. I looked at him questioningly, but realized he didn’t care to share much with Kristi based on how he was answering her.

  “Where did you meet?”

  “Oak Springs.”

  Kristi sighed.

  “At a dance hall? At the school where she works? Give me something, Mitchell,” Kristi said, laughing.

  I took the opportunity to answer for him. “My best friend from college, and the person who talked me into moving to Oak Springs, is married to Mitchell’s brother, Steed.”

  She raised a brow. “How sweet is that?”

  The waiter brought out our drinks and set the bottle of wine in front of Kristi. He poured it into a glass and handed it to her. Of course, she needed to pull her eyes off of Mitchell to actually see the glass of wine being handed to her.

  I really, really don’t like this lady.

  She looked at the wine in every possible way. She swirled it. Sniffed it. Once she was happy with the smell, she took a small drink and slurped it in her mouth. Mitchell and I looked at each other, and it was everything I could do to keep from laughing.

  “Are we ready to order?” the waiter asked.

  Waving him off like he was a bother, Kristi replied, “We’re not ready to order yet.”

  “Actually, we can’t stay for dinner. I figured we could have a drink, catch up some and leave it at that.”

  Kristi didn’t look pleased. “No dinner? What’s the rush?”

  Mitchell took a rather long drink of his beer, then set it down and leaned forward. “If you must know, I’m taking my girlfriend out dancing, then plan on bringing her back to the cabin and spending the evening with her.”

  Kristi leaned back in her chair, her eyes darting between Mitchell and me. “Lucky girl.” She focused in on me. “You know, once a upon a time, I was the girl Mitchell was bringing back to his room and…spending time with.”

  Oh. My. Goodness. This woman was something else.

  I plastered on the fakest smile I could muster. “So I’ve heard.”

  “Dear me. Mitchell, you’re rather open with your girlfriend.” She turned to me. “You seem to be taking it well.”

  “I think it’s time to leave,” Mitchell said, about to stand up. I placed my hand on his leg to keep him sitting.

  “Why should I be worried about someone from Mitchell’s past? While he was in college, at that. I’m sure you weren’t the only woman Mitchell…spent time with.”

  Kristi’s smug smile vanished. I stood. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Kristi. If you’ll excuse me, I’ve had enough visiting for one evening.”

  Mitchell stood next to me and tossed a twenty onto the table. “Kristi, good seeing you. Thank you again for your help with the room.”

  She didn’t say a word as we walked out of the restaurant. Anger raced through my veins as we headed toward the exit of the hotel.

  “I’m sorry, Corina.”

  Lacing my fingers with Mitchell’s, I turned and smiled. “I’m the one you’re leaving with. Screw her.”

  His eyes widened before he started laughing. “Damn, I love you. Come on, let’s go cut a rug and show these people how to dance.”

  My anger vanished. I spent the rest of the evening laughing and enjoying myself in the arms of the man I loved…and spent the early morning hours wrapped up in his arms even closer.

  I rolled over to find an empty bed. Sitting up, I glanced aro
und. Corina wasn’t in the room, and I didn’t hear her in the bathroom. With a quick flick of the covers, I reached for my sleeping pants and slipped them on. As I made my way down the steps, I heard her. My heart felt full as I listened to her on the phone, talking to Chloe.

  “I know you don’t want to share kisses with Gage, but I promise to give you extra-long hugs.”

  I smiled. Chloe had reached the stage where the newness of her baby brother was wearing off and a bit of jealousy was making its way in.

  “Wade made you a bed for your baby doll? How sweet of him. Yes, I know how much you love her. She’ll be so happy to have a comfy bed. Yep. Okay. Yes, I am looking at the snow right now. Okay, I’ll send you a picture. A snow angel? Yes, I’m an expert at making them. I’ll have Mitchell take a picture.”

  I poured a cup of coffee and made my way to the sun room.

  “No, Chloe, I’m not on my honeymoon. Your momma is right. Well, I do love your Uncle Mitchell so very much. Yes…someday…I hope.”

  I let my imagination run away and pictured Chloe asking Corina if we were going to be married someday.

  “I’d love to make that title official, as well! Where did you even learn that, Chloe Parker?”

  I stopped walking and stared at Corina. She was wearing gray flannel pants and a long-sleeve, pink flannel shirt. She looked beautiful as she stared out through the windows at the heavily falling snow.

  I set the coffee cup down and rushed back up the steps and grabbed the ring box. Silently I crept back down the stairs. Corina was still on the phone with Chloe.

  “I promise when I get back I’ll read that book to you. Yes, I’ll do the voice.”

  My heart was overfilled with love for this woman. She was everything I wanted in life. Everything I needed. Hearing her talking to Chloe only made it that much clearer to me.

  This was the perfect moment to ask her to marry me.

  “Okay, Chloe cat. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Yes. I promise to make sure Uncle Mitchell is awake before I call. You be a good girl and help Mommy with your baby brother. They both need you.”