Page 25 of Tempting Love

  “Fresh meat,” Cord mumbled under his breath. Trevor nodded.

  “You boys know her,” Mom said. “Scarlett Littlefield.”

  Cord sat up straight. “Scarlett Littlefield? I remember her. She was spit and fire. Didn’t she set a trashcan ablaze behind the courthouse?”

  “That was her?” Trevor asked with a chuckle. “Hell, I remember her now. She was always arguing that it’s cruel to slaughter cows. Wasn’t she a skinny, plain-looking girl?”

  “Trevor Parker!” Mom gasped.

  “What? She was, Mom! I’m just speaking the truth.”

  I finished off my pancakes and pushed the plate away. “Mom, you’re wasting your time. Trevor doesn’t know the meaning of date.”

  “That’s right. Mom, I’m only twenty-four. You’ve got three older sons yet to settle down.”

  Her brow rose. “Mitchell is almost there. I have three left.”

  Tripp held up his hands. “Don’t look at me, Mom. I’ve got a career to focus on, and the last thing I need is a woman to add drama to my life. No, thank you.”

  Mom stared at Tripp. She had that look in her eyes like she was up to something—sort of like when she knew Paxton was Chloe’s teacher and kept it from Steed. This couldn’t be a good thing.

  Chloe came rushing into the kitchen. “I got a show goat! Granddaddy got me a show goat! I don’t know what he’s got to show…but Patches is gonna have another friend! His name is Lincoln!”

  Steed’s jaw fell, and he looked over at our dad who had walked into the kitchen behind a very excited Chloe. “Dad. You didn’t.”

  Our father stood there with his chest puffed, looking as proud as could be. “I sure did. It will be good for her to raise him and learn the responsibility of taking care of him.”

  Mom shook her head. “John, you should have spoken to Steed and Paxton before you did this.”

  “Yeah…Dad. You really should have!” Steed added. “Besides, she helps Wade each morning and night to take care of Patches and the other goats. She’s already learning.”

  Chloe walked around the table to give each of us a good morning kiss. Of course she lingered longest with Wade. When she got to me, she wrapped those little arms around my neck.

  “Uncle Mitchell, can I come spend the night with you, Aunt Corina, and Milo?”

  “Of course, you can, pumpkin. Anytime you want.”

  “Tomorrow night?” she asked, her little blue eyes looking hopeful.

  “Tomorrow night, it is.”

  She did a hop and spin, and then turned to Tripp. “Uncle Tripp, guess what?”

  “Chloe, honey, don’t you need to help me with something?” my father quickly said.

  Chloe faced him. “Nope.” Focusing back on Tripp, she said, “My new goat is coming from—”

  “Chloe!” my parents shouted, causing all of us to jump.

  Spinning around, Chloe held her hand over her heart. “You scared me right out of my skin. I wasn’t going to tell Uncle Tripp your secret.”

  Oh hell, here it is. The reason my mother has that look on her face.

  My mother closed her eyes and sighed while my father shook his head in defeat.

  “Secret?” Tripp asked.

  Chloe turned on her heels. “Yep. I’m a good secret keeper. So, you won’t be hearing from me that your old friend is the new vet.”

  Tripp’s brows pulled tight. “My old friend?”

  Leaning in close, Chloe whispered loudly, “I can’t tell you Harley’s name, ’cause that’s the secret, and granddaddy said he needed to find a good way to tell ya about it.”

  “Oh hell,” Cord and Trevor said at once.

  Steed and I looked at each other and then back to Tripp. Tripp wore a carefully schooled face, but I knew the hurt beneath the surface. Swallowing hard, he cleared his throat. “Looks like my wish for a drama-free life isn’t about to come true.”

  Harley Carbajal was back in town.

  “You really think you should let him drive the tractor with the forks on it? I mean, look at how he’s jamming it into the hay,” I said as we watched Tripp drive around and pick up the hay bales and load them onto the trailer.

  “Wade’s got the dangerous job. He’s on the trailer directing him,” Trevor answered.

  I wiped the sweat from my forehead. “I can’t believe Harley’s back in town.”

  “And is going to be the new vet. Talk about sticking a knife in Tripp’s back.”

  “How do you think he’s gonna take it when he sees her?”

  Trevor shrugged. “Not good. Especially if she’s married.”

  My chest ached for my brother. “Shit, I hope that isn’t the case.”

  “You know she met some dick in college. That was one of the reasons she broke things off with Tripp. They could still be together.”

  Nodding, I put my cowboy hat back on my head. “He’s gonna have to get used to the idea of her living here.”

  Trevor let out a gruff laugh. “Considering anytime she’s come to town, he’s left for one reason or another, he probably hasn’t seen Harley in over five years…at least.”

  Steed pulled up in the John Deere tractor that had the cutter on it. Chloe had driven it for a bit before she got bored out of her mind. Dad had to take her back up to the house after about an hour.

  Steed opened the door and started talking. “I need to fill the forty-six with fuel. We still have the north pasture of alfalfa to cut. You gonna follow behind me with the baler, Mitchell?”

  “That should work. You think the dew is dried off?” I asked Trevor.

  “Yeah, it’s hot enough for it to be ready. You still want round bales on that, Mitch?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, it’s easier for the horses.”

  Shortly after I started working full time on the ranch, I stared to focus on getting a few good stallions and mares for breeding. I’d recently purchased a champion barrel racing horse named Firelight. I was hoping to breed more champions out of him. Chloe had already shown an interest in the horses, along with barrel and pole racing. I’d started working with her on Firelight, and I could tell she was hooked.

  Steed looked past me. “Jesus, is Tripp trying to kill someone? He’s whipping that tractor and hay all around.”

  Trevor and I glanced that way. “Yeah, I don’t think he’s taking the news about Harley so well,” I said.

  Slapping me on the back, Trevor said, “Let’s get this taken care of then head to Cord’s Place. I have a feeling Tripp is gonna need a hard, stiff drink.”

  A horn honked, drawing our attention to one of the ranch trucks as it pulled up. Amelia and Corina jumped out of it. Wade motioned for Tripp to take a break before he jumped off the trailer and made a beeline straight to our sister. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

  “At least we know he treats her good,” Trevor said.

  Steed replied, “Yeah, he’s good people, that’s for sure. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Amelia so happy.”

  Giving me a slight push on the shoulder, Trevor laughed. “Or you, for that matter. Dude, you walk around with a fucking smile on your face all the time.”

  “I can honestly say I’ve never been so happy and content with my life.”

  “You miss being a Ranger?” Steed asked.

  I shook my head. “Not at all. I thought I might, but I’m happy here.”

  Corina made her way over to us. Damn, she looked good in her jeans, boots, and a baseball cap. The white T-shirt she wore had a picture of Milo on it, and I couldn’t help but laugh. She loved that damn cat.

  “Hey, dove. What brings y’all here?”

  She went up on her toes to kiss me gently on the lips. “I need to talk to you. It’s kind of important, and I couldn’t wait until you got home later.” Glancing over my shoulder, she grinned. “Hey, guys. How’s it going?”

  “Good,” both Steed and Trevor replied at once.

  I was curious as hell as to why she made a trip out here to talk to me, but I refused to get m
y hopes up.

  “We can take a walk, if you want.”

  She nodded.

  I took her hand in mine, and we walked away from everyone. Corina had a hold on my hand like she was afraid I was going to take off running.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  We kept walking, and she didn’t say a word. When we got damn near all the way across the pasture, she stopped and faced me. Her eyes were dancing with happiness, and I dared to let myself think she might be pregnant.

  “I couldn’t wait to tell you. I was about to explode.”

  My eyes searched her face. “What is it?”

  She gave me a smile so bright and brilliant there was no doubt in my mind what she wanted to say.

  I took a few steps back. “Oh my God.” With a wide grin, I asked, “Yeah?”

  Corina nodded. “I’m pregnant.”

  I tossed my hat in the air. “Yee-haw!” I shouted before pulling her into my arms and spinning her around. Then I gently placed her back on the ground. Framing her face in my hands, I gazed into her beautiful blue eyes.

  “You’re pregnant? It happened so fast. I can’t believe it.”

  “I know! I honestly thought it would take longer.”

  The news was settling in. “We’re having a baby,” I barely spoke.

  Corina placed my hand on her stomach. “We’re having a baby,” she whispered.

  I pressed my lips to hers and kissed her like I’d never kissed her before.

  Just when I didn’t think life could get any better, I’d been proven wrong again.

  I was going to be a father.

  The smell of food was taking its toll on my uneasy stomach. I had to force myself to stay in the kitchen with everyone and help with the cooking.

  “Are you okay?” Paxton asked. My eyes landed on Gage. She was holding him while giving him a bottle. My heart soared. On Monday we had a doctor’s appointment to take a pregnancy test. Although we were already pretty sure we were pregnant—especially after Mitchell brought three more tests home just to make sure.

  “Yep, just not feeling so well.”

  Paxton’s eyes lit up, and I knew she knew. We had told Steed and Paxton we were trying for a baby.

  “Melanie? Do you want to feed the little man?” Paxton asked her mother-in-law. It was a no brainer, Melanie wanted Gage in her arms twenty-four-seven.

  “Yes! Give me him.”

  “I left a pie at the house. Corina and I are going to go get it.”

  Amelia glanced our way and gave us a questioning look. She’d helped Paxton carry in three pies so she knew Paxton wasn’t telling the truth.

  “I think I’ll go with y’all,” she said. Her eyes narrowed as if trying to read our reaction.

  We both smiled. “Sure, if you want to,” Paxton said in a calm, cool voice.

  Waylynn was too lost in trying to decorate cookies with Chloe for her to notice we were leaving. They were having a decorating competition and both of them were bound and determined to win. Chloe was for sure a Parker woman, and took after Waylynn in more ways than one. The two of them were stubborn as mules and fiercely competitive.

  Paxton laced her arm in mine. “Let’s go. I’ll drive. Chloe cat, I’ll be back in a few, I’m running to the house.”

  Chloe acknowledged her mother with a simple, “‘Kay.”

  As we walked toward Steed’s truck, I knew Paxton was trying to keep her question in.

  “You take shotgun, Corina,” Amelia said.

  After we got into the truck and started down the road toward Paxton and Steed’s house, Amelia popped her head up into the front seat.

  “You honestly think you can hide it from me? Please. I see the signs. You keep touching your stomach and then covering your mouth. You look like you want to throw up every time Mom asks you to smell or taste something. Your face is glowing like all get out, and my brother is walking around with a permanent smile on his face.”

  I turned in my seat to look at Amelia.

  She wore a wide grin. “Girl, please, you’re pregnant.”

  Paxton let out a scream. “Ahhh! Oh my gosh, Corina, are you?”

  Letting out a chuckle, I replied, “I am.”

  The truck came to a halt and we all jumped out. Amelia and Paxton pulled me to them, and we stood there in a circle hugging each other. I was crying; they were crying, and then Amelia’s perfume hit me like a brick wall.

  “I’m going to throw up!”

  Amelia pushed me away so fast I thought I was going to stumble onto my ass. “Don’t! If you throw up, I’ll throw up!” Amelia shouted.

  All eyes were on her now.

  Paxton’s mouth dropped. “Amelia, are you pregnant, too?”

  With a look of horror, Amelia gasped. “What? Hell no! My God, Paxton, bite your tongue! I just can’t see anyone throw up. If I do, I’ll throw up. I’m a sympathy puker, through and through.”

  My stomach was rolling with vengeance. I was going to get sick.

  I spun around and started to gag. Then I heard Amelia gag, which made me gag even more.

  “Oh God,” Amelia moaned.

  “Just get back in the truck, Amelia,” Paxton urged.

  There was no way I could hold it in. I lost my cookies.

  “Don’t! Amelia, no!” Paxton shouted.

  Amelia threw up. And I threw up some more. It was like a contest to see who could make the other one throw up by throwing up!

  “You threw up on me!” Paxton shouted. I turned around to see that Paxton’s shirt was covered.

  I clapped my hands over my mouth and started to laugh as Paxton stood there with a disgusted look on her face.

  “Gross!” she shouted, pulling her arms through her shirt and carefully taking it off.

  Amelia was leaning against the truck, trying to take deep breaths. “I need water.”

  Paxton walked to the back of the truck and reached into the cooler. Thankfully, Steed had brought drinks over for Thanksgiving and hadn’t unloaded them yet. She handed Amelia a water and said, “Oh, for the love of all things good and holy, you’re not even the pregnant one, Amelia!”

  She grabbed the water and began swooshing it in her mouth. Paxton handed me a bottle, as well. I took small sips, not wanting to make my stomach angry again.

  Amelia looked at each of us. “We’re a team. You puke, I puke. Hoorah!”

  “Is the morning sickness bad?” Paxton asked me.

  “It’s getting worse. And it’s all day long. Every little thing makes me sick.”

  “I’m never getting pregnant,” Amelia groaned as she climbed back into the truck.

  Paxton laughed. “Let’s get you to the house. You need a peppermint to calm your tummy.” She looked down at her black bra. “And I need a new shirt.”

  By the time we got to the house, I’d told Amelia all about Mitchell saying he wanted a baby and what our plans were going to be. She couldn’t have been happier.

  “You know it’s going to be hard to keep this from everyone. I figured it out pretty quickly, and I’m sure Aunt Vi is catching on. What about your mom? She’s going to know the moment she sees you.”

  I laughed. “No way. I don’t think my mom will know.”

  My phone beeped with a text from Mitchell.

  Mitchell: Your mom is here. She took an earlier flight to surprise you. Where are you?”

  My head snapped up. “My mom is here! She’s early!”

  Me: With Paxton and Amelia at Paxton’s place.

  Paxton’s phone went off with a text message. She stared at it for a few seconds before laughing.

  “What is it?” Amelia asked.

  “It’s from your mom, Amelia. She told me to give Corina some crackers and almonds if I have them. She also said to cut up lemons and have Corina smell them. Your mother is here, and if you don’t get your morning sickness under control, she’ll know the second she sees you.”

  My stomach dropped.

  Melanie knew. Of course she did—she’s carried
quite a few children in her life.

  “Mom is the coolest mother on Earth. I swear, I want to be her when I grow up,” Amelia said with a laugh.

  “Wait. Lemons?” I asked, snarling.

  Paxton nodded. “Yep, if a smell is making you feel sick, something fresh like lemons or rosemary will help. Melanie was always shoving rosemary in my face when I was pregnant with Gage.”

  “Won’t Lori know if she sees her daughter walking around with a lemon under her nose?” Amelia asked with a chuckle.

  Paxton nodded. “Corina, if you want to keep this a secret, you’re gonna have to hide it better.”

  I sighed. “I don’t know what to do. Should we tell everyone? Don’t they say you should wait? You know…just in case.”

  “Nonsense,” Paxton said. “You can tell anyone anytime. You can’t control fate by keeping something in, no matter how hard you want to believe you can.”

  This was why Paxton and I were best friends. She kept everything real, and I knew she was right.

  Amelia let out a scream that made me and Paxton scream. “I have an idea! You have to call Mitchell though, and get his okay.”

  “What is it?” Paxton asked.

  With a look that said she was up to no good, Amelia handed her phone to me. “Tell Mitchell we need him here. Now.”

  I had no idea what she was up to, but I did what she asked. She turned to Paxton and said, “And you might want to go put on a shirt, Paxton! I need Chloe’s fabric paint and a white T-shirt!”

  Paxton jumped up from next to me and ran into her bedroom. “Don’t say anything else ‘till I come back!”

  Amelia sat down next to me and flashed me a grin. “This is going to be the most epic Thanksgiving ever!”

  Mitchell and I stood on the front porch holding hands while staring at the front door. Paxton and Amelia had already gone back into the house.

  “Are you sure we should do this?” I asked.

  Mitchell lifted my chin. “I wanted to shout it from the highest mountain the other day when you told me. It’s just family. We won’t tell anyone else.”