An Excerpt From

  When Purpose and Dreams Collide


  We all have them. Whether you want to be a fireman, astronaut, doctor, or even something less known like a paleontologist or an expert food critic, it doesn’t matter. Dreams can be achieved. It just takes a lot of hard work, soul searching, faith, and good old-fashioned determination. But of course, that’s a lot easier than it sounds. Hence, my story. Consider it a blueprint of sorts. I won’t lie and say that this is something out of the Life of Pi where I’m claiming to convince you of the existence of God, but I do promise that it will cause some introspection and self-evaluation. Nothing would make me happier than for people to rise up out of the hardened shell that life has put over them and achieve their purpose and their dreams. Because in the end, we are all a community, and even someone who isn’t happy across the world could affect my life and yours. By achieving our goals and dreams, not only are we happier as a whole, but our neighbors, our family and children will be as well. Generations are affected and society is consequently lifted.

  We need each other.

  But enough about that. It’s time for me to get to my tale.

  So I hope you’ll enjoy it and grab what you need, and when it’s all over, I hope that you will take a moment to think about it…

  And then you’ll get up, and start achieving your dreams.

  ~ Julius St. Clair