
  The next day, Tom learnt that Harry had given an interview about what happened between him and Moldywart last year. Everyone in the school was talking about it, mostly in praise of his bravery. Privately, Tom didn’t understand why it had taken him this long, with that big mouth of his. Tom didn’t bother reading the interview since he already knew the truth. But he learned the gist of it anyway because people were quoting bits of it all over the place.

  By the end of the day, it seemed Harry had won over most of the school but, the side effect was Dumbridge taking a leap in her actions to control the school. She banned future Hogswine trips, which didn’t matter to Tom, with his cube of illusion, but made everyone else outraged.

  Tom got back to his bedroom to find Harry had scheduled a DL meeting for the following evening. He’d planned to workout and then go and visit Lyrotth but he supposed Lyrotth could wait. He’d also have to make sure he was out of the gym before anyone turned up for the DL because they were using the same room and he didn’t want people walking into the gym by accident. It was his place of solitude.