
  (Author’s note: I feel it necessary to insert what was held in common knowledge by all of Ma-we’s children of that day: the relationship between that of the fabric of the minds, the harmonics, and the living soul. The following excerpt is taken from a lecture given me by the Maker of Worlds on a sojourn with her into the secret lands of the North.

  “Every living cell has a minute amount of this fabric sticking to the tiny ladder-like structures found within it. When two reproductive cells come together, the fabric of the two bonds as one, but yet each remembers its own individuality. As the cells grow and divide, a little part of this bonded fabric is transferred to the new cells because the cells form around part of the tiny ladders, to which the fabric is clinging. As the new cells grow, this fabric attracts random pieces of the same fabric to it, and then changes them into exact copies of itself. The gathering continues until it has regained its full size again. This process of replication ensures that every fiber of the living organism will have a copy of the original fabric within it.”

  “Now, because cells from two parents produce one cell, the fabrics of the two parents mix together. As with the rest of the body, the offspring now has parts of both personalities or minds of the parents. The best part is yet to come! At a certain stage of growth, super-collector cells start to develop. The fabric within them gathers a much greater amount of the random pieces around itself. The tiny ladders become coated with this fabric. The concentration becomes so great that the cells start to take on independent thought. As the number of these cells multiplies, they start to cooperate and communicate with each other, forming separate communities within the growing body. Eventually, a brain and nervous system come into existence.”

  “All living things, regardless of which universe they are in, possess the same fabric and it reacts the same way with them. All I needed to do was transfer your fabric from one body to the next, even if it was just one cell. In that way your personality was transferred from one realm to another. Now, your mind is a slightly different story.”

  “For now I will add only this: The fabric in the cells is all woven in with the music of the universe. That is how you are able to feel the harmonics. Those trained to listen to the interrelationship between the music and the other fabric can often discern if a decision made is in harmony with the music. If it is not, a feeling of discord flows through them.”)