* * *

  Mihai, too, had lingered with her bath, soaking long in the healing waters filled with minerals from the Diamond. Then, applying more Diamond Cream to her cuts and bruises, she began to dress. When finished, she washed away the cream and examined her face in the mirror. Although the swelling was greatly diminished and her scratches less pronounced, the woman still fussed about her appearance and her need to look proper for the day.

  Paul puzzled aloud about her dream, asking for explanation. Mihai politely refused, saying the constraints of time could not do the conversation justice. Paul could tell that she harbored no intention of discussing it, now or later. He finally surrendered to the notion that Mihai was still in a sour mood and, should he pursue the issue further, might well receive more than a gentle rebuff concerning it. Nodding, he commented that it was time to leave anyway.

  As they prepared to go, Paul asked Mihai the reason for such tantalizing garments, a reasonable question for a man from the Realms Below. Mihai’s royal finery was deceptively sensual, at least for Paul - red silken pantaloons held up by a wide black leather belt, laced, heeled sandals, giving Mihai an arch to her back that accented her voluptuousness, a long-sleeved, billowy blouse of sheer spider silk and a half-sleeve jacket fitted to clasp tight at the waist while opening at mid-waist height, fully exposing the wonders of Mihai’s delightful form. Although common dress for these people at special events, Paul could not help but asked why so fancy and ornate in the morning, and for a breakfast appointment.

  Mihai harrumphed, opening the door to leave, “Mother expressly asked me to womanize myself for the journey this day, and there isn’t time for my return here after breakfasting with the others. So I have chosen to look womanly from the start, though I feel more beastly at the moment.” Then touching her side, added, “She had also just delivered this jacket to me but yesterday and begged me to fashion it for her. I’m killing two birds with one stone. Now let’s go!”

  Paul followed quickly though his desire was to help Mihai off with that finery and linger a while longer in the seclusion of the bedroom. But it was a wonderful jacket, he forcing his eyes away from other, more sensual delights, a rich royal purple covered with all sorts of gemstones and diamonds. Laced with gold and chrysolite were numerous runes, some understandable, while others were from a time even the Ancients understood little about. It was something the likes of which only the Maker of all living things could have designed, and it was truly kingly.

  The labyrinth of rooms and corridors that comprised the living quarters of the Firstborn were many and complex, Paul having little time to explore there much, but the path Mihai was taking to arrive at the Royal Chambers was a mystery to him, roundabout, Mihai seeking time to put on a better mood before seeing the others. Eventually, after many detours, hallways, banquet rooms, gardens, and whatever other out of the way passageway Mihai could conjure up to travel, the two arrived at a narrow set of doors leading into the center palace.

  By this time, Mihai had managed to compose herself and improve her disposition, even chitchatting with Paul about her childhood when these worlds were her private wonderland where she ruled as princess. In short order the two stood in the portico facing the grand balcony that overlooked the inner gardens, she saying that one last look into the plush greenery works wonders for her soul.

  Pushing aside the silky curtains, Mihai walked onto the balcony over to the marble balustrade, its polished surface demanding to be stroked. She looked out and down upon the Wonder of Wonders, the most unique and delightful of botanical nurseries in the universe. This was the world of but one mind, the Garden of Feelings, a place where, as Ma-we once stated, ‘the thoughts and dreams from my heart become reality’.

  Inhaling the sweet, healing scents wafting up from countless varieties of colorful blossoms and pungent greenery forced any foul mood Mihai harbored into swift retreat. A second breath and the woman was becoming intoxicatingly lost in the musical smells and sights, forgetting the reason for her visit. Paul wandered close, she taking his hand and delivering a gentle kiss on his cheek. Oh, the delight of this paradise! If only the two could stay secreted away in this place until time came to a finish! She tipped her head back, luxuriating in this hypnotic world of symphonic emotions.

  A welcoming voice from the shadows below startled Mihai. “Hello up there. I thought you’d waste the whole day in dreamy lullaby. You know, Paul – hello, Dear – will still be around tomorrow and…and he will only get better with time.”

  Mihai stared down to see Ma-we, who had returned to rummaging some thick undergrowth, fussing, “I did see a new one here, just so cute, so cute. Musn’t get distracted next time.”

  “Mother! What are you doing? And…” Mihai frowned, surprised, looking down at Ma-we, now on all fours, pawing the rich mossy ground. “And what are you doing here? When did you return? I didn’t expect you ‘til later.”

  Not stopping, Ma-we called back, “It’s a bug of some kind, a new one I think - cute little fellow, bright yellow with green stripes, lost sight of it when I heard you stomp’n about. And, of course, you didn’t know I was here, or else you’d not been so bold to be a snoopin’ around here.”

  “I’ve not been snooping around here!” Mihai retorted, smiling at the sparring going on. “You told me to watch the place whilst you were gone. That’s what I’ve done, though I doubt I’ll receive any gratitude for it…”

  Ma-we stood, her face, knees and hands smudged with dirt. Grinning, she held up the tiny prize. “I’ll put it away safe...”

  After tucking the bug in a little cage, she stepped into a fountain, washing away the grime. As the water splashed upon naked flesh, she replied to Mihai’s defensive report, “What you say may all be well and good, but I have found broken ferns and crushed grasses that speak of more than just watchin’. And I also smell the scent of romance, not that you’d know anything of that, would you? Should I ask your gentleman friend there about the matter?”

  Paul’s face flushed red, but before he or Mihai could answer, Ma-we called up, “No time to argue… Bring that fellow conspirator of yours along and hurry down here. I’ve business and can’t waste another moment on the likes of you.”

  Mihai squeezed Paul’s hand, cautioning, “Careful, she’s up to something. I can smell it. Keep your smarts about you.”

  For the children from the Realms Below, Ma-we was a very tough person to figure out. A ‘quirky personality’ was a common description given her, for those countless riddling stories, outrageous humor, and the way she thought sideways - at least in the eyes of those normal people from the Lower Realms. Paul smiled. And when she and Mihai conspired together, woe to any hapless victim caught in their sights! Shaking his head as he followed along, Paul knew it was his day to be targeted.

  Both Mihai and Paul were impressed with Ma-we’s surprise. It was most pleasant. There was no one better at conjuring up magical meals than the Maker of tasty delights, herself…this morning a breakfast of sweetmeats, cheeses, fruits, nuts and roasted grains, served with goblets of fresh juices or spicy hot drinks. The three feasted until bellies were full and appetites satisfied.

  As they laughed and chatted on, Paul looked around to marvel at the beauties of this mythical place. The laws of the universe were even servants to these wondrous gardens, so filled with unimaginable living things. As he mused over the endless variety of plants and creatures, he looked over at Mihai to make comment, his mouth dropping open in surprise at what he saw. The ravages from Mihai’s preceding nightmares were totally gone! Even the worry lines from the woman’s constant stressing over the coming Prisoner Exchange had disappeared, replaced by a radiant glow like that of a maiden awakening into womanhood. Paul’s mind was nearly overwhelmed by the mystery of this place, he pondering, ‘It’s magic! It must be the magic from this place!’ While contemplating the moment, he was rudely shaken by a spoken reply.

  “No, Dear, it i
s not the magic of this place.” Ma-we smiled. “I do have powers, too, and use them when the hour calls out need for them. I cannot allow my child to arrive in public so broken in appearance, not this day. I fixed her up just like I did you.”

  Paul was aghast! “How? What?”

  Ma-we took up a tiny crumb of sweet cake from her plate, popping it in her mouth, answering, “You have many things to learn yet, like keeping your emotions hidden behind your lawyer face.” She grinned. “You also need to gain mastery over your mind, else it will be the ruin of us all, you shouting thoughts so painfully loud.”

  Paul attempted a response with further questions.

  Ma-we stopped him. “My son, you must learn to walk before you can run. Have you not become studied in the many ways I and my children communicate with each other, sometimes over great distances? Have you not studied the physics of what your kind call the ‘avenue of prayer’?” She shook her head, feigning sadness, “My boy has so much to learn...”

  She began to explain, gesturing with hands and fingers. “As you know, Dear, we… even you… speak also with our minds. You know this. You should also recall that there are specific places in the brain that transmit these thoughts just as someone uses the mouth to transmit thoughts vocally. Now, Dear, you must remember to strengthen those parts of the brain - practice, practice, practice - so that you do not shout out to all what you wish be left secret. I do not pry into the private world of your inner mind, but when you publicly declare inner feelings, well… I have the right to respond. And this morning you have been quite vocal, even hurting Mihai’s head.”

  Mihai took a sip of her fruit wine. Setting down the glass, she looked at her mother, replying so casually, “He’s been pestering me all morning, giving my mind no time to rest. ‘Tell me your dream!’ ‘What happened?’ and on and on.” She looked Paul in the eyes. “He believes me to be in a sour mood, afraid to ask me outright.”

  The perplexed expression on Paul’s face revealed the man’s confusion. He had spent too little time pondering the wonders of telepathy in this realm, and that he sat in the presence, at this very moment, of the person to whom he and his fellows in the Lower Realms had silently cried out to so many times in fervent supplication. Although being learned in the ways of mental communication, the fellow all too often still relied on his mouth to relay information, forgetting what parts of his thoughts were being exposed to others.

  Ma-we smiled so impishly, she hearing in her mind all these things. “My lovely one, oh, dear Paul, you must take the time to learn how to speak so that your mental words flow as eloquently as your tongue’s” She laughed. “…though I feel we will miss the grand entertainment provided by you when that hour does arrive.”

  “No!” Paul cried, his voice nearing that of squealing like an animal caught in a trap. “Not I! How have…? In what way?”

  “Well, you did ask me.” Ma-we grinned. “So I shall tell you just one thing I have heard from you.”

  “I took on a body that is strikingly handsome, more so than my daughters. Oh, the physical beauty of it is common for the women of this world, but I placed an aura – scent - about it that is so bewitching. I made myself alluringly seductive so that my children would never tire of my company.” She frowned, but said nothing.

  Smiling again, Ma-we added, “I truly enjoy my children’s stares and the endearing affection received. That is why I created the festivals, to constantly remind my children of the value I place on romancing the sensual, both the heart and flesh. Oh, but you do speak with such boldness as to make my ears turn red from your boyish candidness. ‘She has such beautiful tits! Should death await their touch, oh well, such a little price…’”

  In a panic, Paul cried out, “Please! Please forgive the rantings of a fool! I…”

  Staring into an anxious, distraught face, Ma-we grinned. “You are no fool! I am charmed, I assure you. And I do hope for the hour, when time permits us such interlude…and much, much, more. In that day you will come to understand what Heaven truly is.”

  Paul began another round of apologies. Mihai reached out a hand, quieting him, nodding to her mother while speaking to Paul. “Dear, this is not what it’s about.”

  Ma-we agreed. “Yes. Yes. I am so pleased with you finding me so sensually attractive, truly charmed. Yes, and the day will come when I expect us to share in the bed of romance. But that day is yet future, for prophecy must first be fulfilled. Please, though, do not cloud the issue at hand, that being your mind has been opened to work in the way of the children living in this world. If you do not gain control over it, then disaster may well be lurking at your door.”

  Paul was crestfallen, recalling the many prurient thoughts that had flooded his mind since first observing the naked delights of this universe. Could he ever face the crowd again and not feel the fool?

  Sensing his dread, Ma-we comforted Paul. “Only very recently have I heightened your telepathic abilities. Rest assured, you have not yet become the court jester. Still, I believe that my little demonstration this morning has awakened your awareness to the dangers awaiting an unlearnt mind. And, I’m sure that with a person like yourself, such a lesson will not go unheeded.”

  Mihai squeezed Paul’s hand. “After the council meeting, Mother discussed with me the need for you to enhance your mental abilities, it being the feeling that such powers might help at the Prisoner Exchange. You will find, if you haven’t noticed already, that the world around you may appear a bit sharper – more focused. You’re more sensitive to the happenings going on around you - something that will serve you well when mastered.”

  “That’s right, Dear.” Ma-we smiled, her eyes serious. “The hour is rapidly approaching when all the children I have gathered from the worlds below must stand up and bring to a finish all that is and all that will be, you not being the least of the ones to do so. Mihai needs time to teach you how to collect the spirit of the mind to yourself, she being able to begin that training on the way to the Prisoner Exchange. I feel the experience you gain there will be a good dress rehearsal for future days.”

  She leaned forward, touching Paul’s hand. “I did not wish for hurt feelings, but… you’re a big boy and well… I guess that I wanted you to know how fond I am of you, too. And, I believe this lesson learned will be remembered much longer than if you were forced to suffer a lecture from Ardon.”

  Everyone laughed.

  Mihai lifted Paul’s hand, clasping it with both of hers. She became serious. “Love, I will teach you well. I will escort you into the land of the mind by way of our coming dream-shares. You’ll be ready for the Serpent by the time we arrive.” Flirtingly, she added. “I don’t recall you finding our dream-shares being arduous on mind and soul.”

  Paul blushed, he still not comfortable with such sensual openness displayed by Lowenah’s children. Mihai and Ma-we did not carry on as though anything out of the ordinary had been said. After sheepishly thanking them for their consideration and concern, he chided Mihai, “You told me she was up to something! I didn’t think you, too, carried a skewer for my roasting…”

  Mihai laughed. “Only a fool or one ignorant comes without an appetite to a roast! I am neither. I didn’t even know Mother was here, do you recall? But when she invited us for breakfast, I knew there would be the bill to pay. I just didn’t know who would pay it. When I saw the way things were going, I went along. Better you than me when it comes to the skewer, and trust me, many are the times Mother has roasted me, and not often in such private settings.”

  Ma-we stood, spinning around so sensually while the breeze caught her hair up to reveal all her enchanting beauty. Paul and Mihai could not help but be mesmerized at her stunning appearance.

  As she slowly twirled in silent dance, she flirtingly crooned:

  “I have given to man a visible sign, that proves to all his arousal for me.

  My hair is my clothing, enough to be had, and my
daughters are true shadows of me.

  When to me a fellow is rude and uncouth, I shadow that beauty from him.

  But when wistful fondness my heart does awake, then all my secrets I’ll offer to him.

  Oh, Paul, my dear Paul, what you say about me, is so cute in a passionate way.

  It tells me you have the heart of a man that even Ardon’s company can’t steal away.”

  Mihai burst into laughter. Ma-we stopped, grinning at Paul. Paul stared, amused but wondering, “Why is poor Ardon often found in your comments when you speak of men? I mean…”

  Mihai took up as teacher. “My dear Paul, Ardon has the reputation for becoming so consumed at the game of spelunking deep within the souls of the planets, he finds no time to do the same for his sisters, which is most troubling now that so many of our brothers abandon us to follow Asotos into the wilderness of rebellion. We have been left empty, starving to be filled to the limit with the love from the few men who remain among us. Ardon still doesn’t get it. Other than Tashi, who can raise the ardor of a stone, the man thinks nothing of abandoning his sisters to the wiles of other adventures.”

  Ma-we added, “The fellow’s been known to squirrel himself away in some wilderness for years, seeking no companionship at all. Tashi brings out his fire, but she, too, would starve if the girl solely depended on him for satisfaction.”

  Gradian’s Clock chimed the hour.

  Ma-we glanced up, sighing, “We have frittered away the morning. I must prepare for the coming journey, seeing I must travel as a mortal on this occasion. And you two must play catch up, for the others are still waiting for you. Don’t mention this meeting or our discussion. Play your lovebird thing with them. They’ll believe it.” She winked and then pointed toward her head. “And that mind stuff, speak not of it to anyone…our little secret.”

  After giving each a giant hug and smacking kiss, Ma-we waved the two off. “I’ll be along shortly. My council and I are shipping aboard the Shikkeron.” She winked. “Second class helps to keep Ardon humble.” She laughed.

  Waving goodbye, Mihai and Paul exited the garden and hurried away. Hitching a ride at the nearest tramwaiter station, they were soon off in search of impatient companions.