* * *

  Mihai and Paul gingerly stepped down from the carriage and hurried toward the dining hall door in hopes of finding the members of their breakfast party. They were stopped up short by two others. Richard Finhardt and Tabitha Copeland, blocking the eatery door, were deeply absorbed in a lively discussion concerning a Lower Realm war from the past.

  Tabitha poked a finger at Richard. “You can’t tell me differently. I’ve read enough about it. That Bismarck of yours was full to blame for it all, he and his dreadful need for power and glory.”

  Richard raised his hand, pointing for emphasis. He was interrupted by Paul’s calling out, “Enough! Enough!” Waving a smiling salutation, he asked if any of the others were still inside.

  Although surprised to see the late arrivals, Tabitha was quick with the wit, she being quite good at such things. “You’ve got forever, Paul. We’ve got a powerful day ahead of us and you’ve been dallying in the parlor. Can you keep it in your pants long enough to give our lady a breath so as to make her passage on time?”

  Paul was caught off guard. Embarrassed and speechless, he stopped, staring dumbly into Tabitha’s laughing eyes. Mihai wrapped her arms around one of Paul’s and offered a flowery retort to Tabitha. “It is not the buck who chases this doe, my Dear, but the doe who eagerly pants her lover onward. I am just such a lucky woman to find a fellow with an ardor strong enough to satisfy my desire.”

  Tabitha tipped her head back, laughing out loud. “I shouldn’t know, my Lady, seeing you have kept the man sole prisoner for yourself. Still, one day I may take my right to see if what you say is truly so. Until then, well, I’ll just have to make due.” She leaned forward and kissed Richard on the cheek. “Just have to make due...”

  Richard blushed, stepping back, shaking his head. “Whoa there…”

  “What is it with you men, anyway?” Tabitha harrumphed. “You think of little else other than romancing a woman into the bed. Then, when you finally succeed, you have to show off your manhood in hopes she will act impressed. Your size, prowess, and stamina are all put on display in some way to seek her approval, for her to exclaim that you’re the best, have the biggest, and can last the longest…”

  She wagged a finger first at Richard and then at Paul. “And then, when you get out of the bed, you become embarrassed should sexuality even be mentioned in mixed company. Tell me, what’s your problem?”

  Mihai stepped up to Tabitha, taking her hands in hers. “The ardor of a man from your world is strong and can be so exciting, but he has so much yet to learn about the music of sweet lovemaking. I believe it is that lack of maturity in that art, such as my kind have practiced from the days before the lives of your kind… that lack that drives them to ever seek approval from the ones they wish to impress so much.”

  Giving Tabitha a gentle kiss on the lips, she crooned, “Someday they may learn how a soft and gentle touch at the right time and place can excite the heart as much as their manly ardor.” She reached up, stroking Tabitha’s upper arm. “My sisters are not ashamed of their desires. They openly confess them for all the world to see.”

  It was Tabitha’s turn to blush, Mihai’s openness being a little more than she was used to. Still, the woman was not embarrassed by what was spoken. Tabitha was no stranger to Mihai’s loving arms, they sharing intimate moments on more than one occasion. But it had been a while, Paul consuming most of the new king’s time over the past several months.

  Quickly regaining her composure, Tabitha smiled and, while taking a finger and softly stroking Mihai’s cheek, whispered her reply, “My King, should the hour have been less cruel, I should have sought an audience with you to discuss this matter further. The tongue, I have learned, is an instrument for much more than speech, and softness may at times defeat the ardor of any hero.”

  Mihai sighed from the touch, but her mind betrayed her feelings, raising the image of another lover into her visions. She frowned, forcing her thoughts back to the person standing before her. After all, had she not been the one to introduce the tease this day? It would be so improper to offer the intoxicating wine and then only deliver its fragrance because a yearning heart craved another’s touch.

  Cupping her hand over Tabitha’s and staring into her dancing green eyes, Mihai purred, “It is several day’s journey in the cold depths of space to reach our destiny. Should it be so, then we do ride the same comet together in its flight. Come hither and warm this roe’s heart, keeping it safe this night from that frigid expanse. Let us draw close to see into each other’s dreams and passion away the lonely hours between wake and sleep.”

  Tabitha blushed again, nodding.

  Before she could speak, Richard piped in. “Well, if we don’t hurry, you can be doing all that stuff on the curb here! Taxi’s waiting and we’re the last to board. Come on with it. Let’s go before we’re left behind.”

  Waving him off, Tabitha chirped, “Oh bother! We’ve lots of time. Lowenah’s not even made an appearance yet, or so I’ve ‘eard. Now be a good sport and leave us two a moment, and then we’ll be right along.”

  Richard motioned to Paul and the two headed for the open-air taxi. Tabitha and Mihai kissed ever so softly and spoke a few private words to each other. In short order, they, too, joined the troupe waiting in the motorcar.