“I used to think a blood-drinking human was adorable. Like Edward. But now... I’d like to know. Please.”

  She asks me so sincerely that I almost wish I could speak with her. Maybe it’s because this is the first time anyone of significance spoke with me in over a year, if one could call the teenage daughter of the president significant. In general, I am invisible and should be that way. Besides, speaking cannot happen. The only reason I understand this exchange is I have a small computer in my ear that translates what she says.

  “Well,” She takes a step forward. “There--could always--is always--something we can do without talking. If you know what I mean....” She touches my collar.

  I pause. As I try to decide if the computer just glitch--which does happen on occasion--she takes an abrupt step closer and presses her lips against mine.

  I freeze. This is wrong! So wrong. No one should do this--especially when we have no intention of marriage. And especially not in public. She presses against me. I taste the cali shoot into my mouth. Completely involuntarily. A panic response. Slightly tangy and deadly to her. I know I need to push her away but my arms do not obey.

  She slumps suddenly. I catch her and lower her to the ground. Already she looks paler. I can still taste the cali in my mouth. A result of her mouth against mine.

  “Medical!” I force the word out.

  She grabs for my hand. I pull back. I don’t have gloves on. Her lips begin to turn blue, and her hands are shaking.

  A medic arrives. “What--happened?” He glances at me.

  “Cali poisoning,” I answer as I move away.

  He can’t hide his shock--he knows its mine--but turns his full attention to the girl.

  I feel Turner and Ka’za before I actually see them come back into the hall with Cor and President Lee.


  Cor surveys the scene and listens for a moment, then speaks without Ka’za prompting. “It appears there has been an unforeseeable accident. Your daughter will receive whatever medical care she requires. In a moment, they will take her to the medical bay and you are more than welcome to go with her. I will accompany you as your translator.” One thing I can appreciate about Cor; he has a way with words in emergencies. I panic and stumble over my own words in any situation that matters.

  President Lee sees no signs of an accident, though the few crew members who heard me answer the medic have begun discussing my answer among themselves. “What happened?”

  Cor glances at me, as if he wants something, but doesn’t actually ask or lower his shields enough for me to know what that is. I can tell he doesn’t want to say what probably happened; it would embarrass me, the Lady and his daughter. “Apparently we failed to adequately mark an area as unsafe for her, which exposed her to a slightly--dangerous elements for your people. However, we already know the similarities between your people and ours, and know how to adequately treat it, if you will come with me.”

  President Lee does not like that vague answer, but doesn’t know how else to respond. He loves his daughter and it appears as if she is dying. As such, as they take Daisy to the medical wing, he follows them. They’ll probably explain what happened there.

  I turn towards my room but I stop when I feel Ka’za staring at me, her purple eyes seem to burn through my skin. I cannot even think of what to say. She can hear the talk. She knows what I did. Not only did I do something completely inappropriate in public, but my actions may cause her to fail for one of the few times. I suppose that gives her a good reason to transfer me.

  She catches my eyes. “We’ll talk later.” Her voice is quiet, but firm. Completely unemotional.

  I nod slightly. “Yes, my lady.”