Page 21 of Jewel of Atlantis

  "On their way into the city."

  Within seconds, she was on her feet and closing the distance between them. "We cannot allow the mers to find them. It belongs to me, and he will die by my hand."

  Overwhelmed by the cloying scent of sulfur that always surrounded the queen, Layel glided back one step. Two. Across the entire city would not be far enough, really.

  This woman he faced and pretended to hold in some regard was partially responsible for the death of his beloved. She hadn't struck the deathblow, no. The dragons held that sin. But some of Marina's people had watched those fire-breathing bastards roast Susan alive and had done nothing except laugh.

  She would pay mightily for that laughter.

  Layel had no other purpose in life than to destroy those who played a part in Susan's death. She had been--and still was--everything to him. She'd been human, a child of the humans cursed here by the gods to be food for the city's inhabitants. More important, she'd been his.

  "The man possesses Dunamis. Do you really think the mers will catch him?" Layel drawled. "That's why the king sent a messenger. He requests our help in the man's capture because he knows he cannot battle the owner of Dunamis on his own." Layel ran an elegant hand over the black shirt he wore, a shirt that covered a fire-resistant breast-plate. "I doubt we can capture him, to be honest."

  Her sharp teeth ground together. "We have our armies at our disposal. Of course we can capture him."

  "Why waste our time and energy even trying? Together we can defeat the dragons, and that is all that matters to me." He loved taunting her.

  Her lizardlike tongue flicked out in a hiss. "Our victory will be assured if we capture the jewel."

  While Layel himself would love to own the powerful jewel again, he did not want the damn thing close to Marina. The queen had owned it over a year, and was the only reason Layel had never acted against her. Now, he could use her--and betray her--and she would never suspect. Until it was too late.

  "I will not be able to fight the dragons to my best ability without it," she simpered. "I will be too distraught."

  He had to force his expression to remain neutral, instead of grinning at her obvious try at manipulation. "Then, of course, it is my pleasure to attempt to capture it for you."

  "I'll send my men through the city, as well. I wouldn't want you to forget to tell me you've acquired it." As she smiled with satisfaction, Layel glided from her tent. Demons were everywhere. They spilled from the circular glen, their laughter and noxious scent making his muscles tense.

  He stalked to the cliff at the edge of camp. Full light greeted him, stinging his skin. Some of his people could not tolerate the light. The older ones, like himself, could walk in the day, but not comfortably. He and Susan had lazed days like today away, staying in bed and making love hour after hour.

  Gods, he missed her. The music of her laughter, the softness of her touch. The love in her forest-green eyes. Her sweet innocent blood. His lids slitted and he sent his gaze below, into the city. His vampires were strategically placed atop buildings and hidden along the streets.

  They were warriors, his men. And they were hungry for demon blood.

  Soon. He grinned. Soon.



  The voice called to her from a long, dark tunnel. She tried to respond, but her lungs refused to cooperate.


  She opened her mouth, surely the most difficult thing she'd ever done, but again no sound emerged.

  "Jewel. Come on, baby. Talk to me."

  Gray. She'd recognize that sexy drawl anywhere, anytime. He sounded worried and very upset. The fog blanketing her mind was thick, but she managed to push her way through it and--

  Her eyelids popped open.

  Gray crouched in front of her, his silver eyes swimming with a wealth of emotion: concern, relief, fear.

  She blinked and licked her lips, orienting herself. Where were they? What was he afraid of? Pale locks of hair tumbled on his forehead. Dirt streaked his cheeks.

  He caressed a fingertip down her nose. "Don't ever do that again, or I'll-- Just don't do it. Understand?"

  Do what? She glanced around her, noticing the stone buildings flanking her front and back, the gravel she lay upon and the robe draped over her head. The sounds of chattering people, pounding horse hooves, and the scents of meats and fruits drifted into her awareness.

  "We're in the Inner City," she said. She remembered being by the river, the mers attacking and then... She'd had a vision, she realized with a shake of her head. She always lost track of time and place. "How did we get here?"

  His cheeks burned bright red. "I, uh, sort of flew us. First class," he added dryly.

  "With wings?" She jolted up and only experienced a moment's dizziness. "You grew wings?"

  "I did the levitation thing." His chin canted to the side with an I-dare-you-to-contradict-me air. "Those walking fish men are everywhere. They followed us here." He cupped her jaw and turned her head toward him. "You were catatonic, and said we'd find a shield here." Sighing, he leaned back on his haunches. "We've got to get to a safe place. I spotted demons and vampires, as well."

  Her brow puckered. "I knew they were headed this way, but so soon? Are you sure?"

  "I never forget a creature that wants to make me breakfast." His wry expression matched his tone.

  She chuckled, but her amusement quickly faded. "I shouldn't be laughing. We're in danger."

  "It's good to find humor at times like this." His arm snaked around her waist and hefted her up. "You all right?"

  He was watching her so intently, searching her face for...something. What?

  "You want to tell me what happened to you?" he asked.

  She swallowed, licked her lips. How could she explain what had happened to her without revealing too much? "Sometimes I lose awareness. I--"

  A splash sounded, and Gray's head whipped to the side. A small bird drank from a puddle. When he realized they hadn't been spotted, he said, "You don't have to explain now. I shouldn't have asked. There'll be plenty of time to talk later."

  The words I hope hung unsaid in the air, drifting on the breeze with a slight hint of unease. She knew he was not afraid for himself. The man lived for danger. Thrived on it. How many missions had he thrown himself into wholeheartedly, eager for the trials that awaited him? Countless.

  Which meant--he feared for her? Oh gods, he did. He cared for her. Shock and pleasure and happiness held her immobile. He'd pushed her away earlier and she'd thought he had learned of her love and wanted nothing to do with her. But he'd been trying to protect her; the knowledge was there in his eyes, shining brightly.

  Kings and queens fought to own her, to enslave and direct her, to use her, but this man sought to protect her. To give her pleasure.

  "Let's get out of here," he said.

  Jewel gave him no indication of her intentions; she simply threw herself against him. His breath whooshed out even as his strong, muscled arms enfolded her.

  "You are a wonderful man, Gray James." She kissed his cheek. "I know where we can find shelter for the day."

  He offered her a tender smile, but stepped away from her as if he didn't dare hold her too long. "I would have been shocked senseless if you didn't know where we should go."

  Jewel stepped back into the curve of his body and moved her hands low, cupping his buttocks. Awareness sizzled along her nerve endings. She would have happily remained where she was for the rest of her life, but she gave a gentle squeeze before releasing him. "We'll survive this if for no other reason than for me to get you into bed."

  His pupils dilated and his gaze settled on her neck. He swallowed and stepped away again, his expression hardening. Just like that her gentle, teasing lover was gone, and a cold warrior stood in his place.

  "Follow me," she told him, not allowing herself to experience hurt over his sudden change. He cared for her. That was all that mattered.

  As they entered the heart of the c
ity, the alley shadows faded, and they were surrounded by bright, illuminating light. Mer soldiers marched from the threshold of one building to another.

  Knowing how recognizable she was, Jewel tugged her hood lower over her face, then cast a quick glance over her shoulder to make sure Gray had done the same. He had. But she could see that his eyes were slitted and watery, as if the brightness was too much for him to bear. Probably was. Some vampires never learned to tolerate the light.

  She intertwined their hands. His strong fingers wrapped around her delicate ones, his skin rough where hers was smooth. The city pulsed with activity, just like before. Taverns, inns, and shops lined the streets, each bursting with creatures of every race. She paused as two centaurs pranced past, their whooping laughter echoing behind them. Stalls flowed with silks and robes of every color. Vendors peddled roasted fowl.

  "One day I will not have to guard my every move," she said with determination.

  "One day," he agreed.

  Gray's eyes burned against the light. He found himself staring at Jewel, as usual. Her face was partially covered, but what he could see of her features radiated life, wistfulness, and resolve. As slender as she was, she should have appeared fragile and dainty. Yet, there was a core of strength that radiated from her.

  Three demons darted down the street, shoving their way through delicate-looking sirens, muscled Cyclopses, and tail-chasing griffins. The demons continually scanned faces. Gray straightened his shoulders, his every kill-or-be-killed instinct going on instant alert. He didn't slow as he shifted his knife from the folds of his robe, his grip tightening on the hilt.

  A minotaur woman whose furry bull face was familiar to him skidded to a halt when she saw Jewel. Her gaze widened, and she shifted her bundle of clothes from one arm to the other.

  "Erwin," Jewel said, forcing Gray to stop. "How is your boy?"

  "He is well, thanks to you." Erwin smiled. "They came for us, just as you said."

  "Ladies, can you continue this conversation later?" As discreetly as possible, Gray positioned Jewel behind him.

  One of the demons several yards in front of them stopped and sniffed the air. He whipped around, his red eyes searching, searching. His gaze locked on Gray.

  "Human!" The scaly creature released a snakelike hiss.

  Not waiting around for a welcome-to-town party, Gray jolted into motion, dragging Jewel with him. "We've been spotted, baby."

  People gasped as he pushed through them. What he would have given for a few hollow-point bullets. Maybe a grenade. Unfortunately he was out of both. His only weapon was his blade. Demons could fly, so there was no reason for him to attempt that little feat again. Plus, they would do better if they lost themselves in the crowd. If he could find a vendor selling robes, he could steal two, changing the colors he and Jewel wore.

  The crowd was thinning at a fast rate. Centaurs galloped away. Minotaurs burrowed in the ground, finding shelter under mounds of dirt. Pebbles flew from beneath Gray's boots.

  The woman, Erwin, had followed them, racing at his side. "Keep going," she said. "I will distract them."

  "No," Jewel said at the same time Gray said, "Thank you."

  "We're in deep shit, so we'll take all the help we can get," he added, leaping over a fallen food cart. "Jump," he commanded.

  She jumped, her robe billowing around her like a storm cloud. Her hood fell, and her hair spilled down her back, a black, glossy river. She looked over her shoulder and saw Erwin throw her armful of cloth at the demons, momentarily shielding their vision before she ran away.

  Gray continued sprinting between buildings and alleys. He knew the demons were getting closer. And closer. And shit! They were doubling in numbers with every step. Their teeth were yellow and razor-sharp, dripping with saliva.

  "There," Jewel cried, pointing.

  He followed the direction of her finger and spotted a female centaur trotting ahead, completely unaware of the turmoil behind her.

  "No," Gray said, knowing what she wanted him to do.

  "Yes. It's the only way."

  He scowled.

  "Just hop on and ride. Don't be a baby."

  If he didn't know better, he'd swear Jewel sounded excited, rather than fearful for her life. He could not believe he was contemplating this... He didn't mind riding a woman, but holy hell. He preferred it be Jewel.

  Increasing their speed, they sidled up to the horse-woman. Her pale-as-moonlight hair streamed behind her. Without giving any warning, Gray grabbed a fistful of that hair and pulled himself up, dragging Jewel up behind him. Immediately the centaur tried to buck them off. When that didn't work, she reared up.

  "Giddy-up, horsey," he said.

  "Get off me." She twisted, trying to bite Gray's leg. When she saw him, her eyes widened and she stilled. "Adonis! My deepest apologies, Great Lord. Thank you for this honor. I shall never--"

  "Just move."

  Without another word, she kicked into gear, her lithe body spurring into motion. Wind tangled in his hair as she raced stealthily around people, through alleys and over carts. Adrenaline surged in his veins, flowing with the force of an avalanche. He'd experienced more adrenaline rushes since entering Atlantis and meeting Jewel than he had in his entire two years with OBI.

  Just thinking of his employer made his hands sweat. They were getting antsy, he knew they were. It was only a matter of time before they sent someone else through the portal, looking for him. What would happen to Jewel then?

  The female centaur stopped, her hooves digging into the rocky ground.

  He frowned. "Keep moving. Go!"

  "My Lord of Lords. There are vampires blocking the path in front and demons blocking the path in the rear." Her voice trembled with fear.

  "Layel," Jewel gasped.

  Gray dismounted, keeping his gaze locked on the trio of vampires. They wore black, and the dark material eerily offset their too-pale skin. Their otherworldy blue eyes were...just like Jewel's, he realized. What the hell?

  He blinked, but shook off his unease. Jewel tried to dismount. He stopped her with a firm grip on her thigh. A chorus of hissing laughter erupted behind him.

  "When I say so, take off," he mouthed to the centaur. "Take her to safety. I'll find a way to repay you."

  Her only response was a frightened whinny.

  Shoving his hand away, Jewel slipped off and stood beside him. "If you stay, I stay."

  Their eyes met, locking, clashing. In the next moment, the vampires and demons flew into action, heading straight toward them.


  GRAY SHOVED JEWEL to the ground and threw himself protectively over her body. When she regained her breath, she flailed, trying to make herself the shield. His strength prevailed.

  "Damn you," she cried.

  He merely meshed his lips into hers for a quick kiss, twisted, and raised his blade. Ready to attack and defend. The vampires' speed was incredible, almost faster than his eyes could see, making them a blur of movement. He didn't know how he was going to fight all of them, or how he was going to save Jewel. He only knew he'd fight to the death if needed.

  And it looked like that might be needed.

  They were almost within reach, murder in their eyes...almost... His body tensed, readied for impact and battle.

  Neither race touched them.

  "What the hell?" Shock pounded through him.

  The vampires had flown past them and caught the demons midair, crashing together. Hisses rebounded, followed by the sound of sucking. The smell of sulfur blended with a metallic twang.

  The centaur bolted into motion. Gray jumped up, pulling Jewel with him, and tried to follow the path the horse-woman had taken.

  "Wait," Jewel said, trying to jerk him to a stop.

  "Where's that safe house you mentioned?" He tugged his hood back over his head, covering his pale locks, determination propelling him onward. After a quick left and right perimeter check--and spotting several mers--he ushered Jewel to another alleyway.
  "Wait!" she repeated.

  This time, he spun and faced her. Half of her face was shadowed by the hood, but her lips--those soft, pleasure-giving lips--were perfectly visible. "Baby, this is life and death. We can talk when I've got you tucked away safe."

  "I read his mind."

  His brow furrowed. "Who?"

  "Layel. King of the vampires. I read his mind."

  Understanding dawned. He dragged her inside a nearby cart and slithered the canopy over their heads. He didn't like remaining sedentary, but flattened himself on top of her, pressing her back into the splintered wood. "All right, I'm listening." He kept his voice quiet, not wanting the sound to carry. "What did you learn?"

  She shivered at the contact. "Layel wants to help us."


  "I don't know."

  He leaned into her until their breath mingled, the light in his silver eyes piercing her with its intensity. The hard length of his body fit perfectly against hers. "How can you know one and not the other?"

  Jewel licked her lips and liquefied against him. Gray had been so distant with her since awaking this morning. He'd barely touched her. And now that he was, she couldn't control her reaction. She wanted him again.

  "Concentrate, baby."

  "People do not think in sequential ways," she said, forcing her mind on the task at hand. "I want to help them because of this reason and that reason."

  He cursed under his breath. "You're right. I'd feel a lot better knowing his motives, though."

  "Yes." Her hands itched to slide up his chest, to have his hands slide down hers. "His men are keeping the mers and demons away from us. He wants us to stay here."

  "Are you certain he won't hurt you? You can't predict danger against yourself."

  "I'm sure about this. Very sure."

  He shifted, his erection pressing between her legs. She gasped. He wasn't immune to their contact, either.

  "All right," he said. "We'll wait for him."

  She brushed her lips over his jaw line, tingling erotically when his beard stubble teased her. Hands climbing up his back, she spread her legs and welcomed him deeper.

  He stopped her action with a shake of his head. "Don't. We can't do that here."

  "We're perfectly safe."

  "Doesn't matter. I don't want to get caught with my pants down and besides that, our physical relationship is over."