Page 8 of Jewel of Atlantis

  Two hissing black plum clouds flew past his shoulder and slammed into the far wall of his mind. The moment they hit, Gray's body jerked, his muscles spasming. The little bit of air he'd managed to draw in evaporated, and darkness once again crept insidious fingers around him. Images of Jewel faded.

  "What's happening?" he croaked.

  "Don't worry about that right now." She smoothed a gentle hand over his brow. "Concentrate on me."

  Yes, Gray thought. Jewel. Think only of Jewel. His gaze met hers, silver against fathomless blue, and he was overwhelmed by a compulsion to do whatever she asked. She was his lifeline.

  Behind her, in an obsidian swirl of sulfur and blood-scented evil, the dark clouds whirled and gelled until two separate creatures formed, circling each other. One vampire--fangs elongated, saliva dripping from its mouth. One demon--claws sharpened, eyes glowing bright red.

  Shock chilled him from head to toe.

  The two creatures leapt at each other, oblivious to everything except the other's destruction. As they sliced, bit and kicked, it was Gray who experienced pain. Gray who felt the sting of each blow.

  Their combating forms maneuvered toward Jewel, and for a long, protracted moment, she was wrapped in a cloak of malfeasance, shielding her from his view. When Gray lost sight of her beautiful face, his body cramped horrendously. Sharp. Like knives slicing him. He fought against the pain, determined to save Jewel.

  Growling low in his throat, pushing past his injuries, he leapt to his feet and attacked full force. He used the only weapons he currently possessed--his fists and legs. But each time he punched or kicked, the cloud darted away with a violent, taunting laugh.

  "Step away from them," Jewel commanded.

  "Get out of here." As the battling pair whizzed past him, he jumped onto the demon's back, wrapping the winged creature in a chokehold.

  "Gray," she shouted, frantic. "You cannot beat them alone, but I can do nothing while you are in the middle of them. Let me help you."

  The demon threw him off. Gray immediately sprang up and launched himself atop the vampire, ripping at its throat. All the while teeth and nails sliced at his back. His breath grew ragged, unsteady. Any moment, he would lose the ability to inhale again. His limbs shook with increasing lethargy. He'd spent his entire life protecting those weaker than himself, first prowling the streets of Dallas as a police officer, then as a detective, then stalking other worlds as an OBI agent.

  He wouldn't stop now. He'd kill these hell-bound bastards if he had to die to do so.

  "Please," Jewel cried, the sound distant. "Please step away from them, and let me help you."

  Her desperation and fear penetrated his killing rage, but he refused to do as she asked. If he released the creatures, they might attack her and that he would not allow. Not knowing what else to do, he used the last of his mental strength to shove her out of his mind.

  He would not risk her.

  "Leave. Now!" he shouted.

  A burst of white light erupted, and she disappeared.

  A hint of sadness lingered where she'd been, making his chest constrict. His deepest male instincts wanted only her happiness. Wanted to grant her every wish. But if her wishes put her in danger, he'd refuse her every time.

  Using his distraction to their advantage, the creatures closed over him, cutting at him, drawing blood.


  Panic thundered inside her, panic she could not subdue. Gray had actually shoved her from his mind, and she'd been unable to maintain her hold. Right now his physical body lay at her side, jerking every few seconds as the creatures ravaged him.

  The golden stick still glowed, chasing away lingering hints of night's shadows. As she forced her heartbeat to slow, she studied him. His skin carried the greenish hue of sickness, and several cuts on his face and chest bled profusely. Bruises curved under his eyes.

  How much longer he had, she didn't know. Not long, though.

  The dire warning echoed through her. Not long.

  Hand shaky, she reached out, wrapping her fingers around his wrist. His skin was cold, his pulse weak. Before her eyes, a cut appeared on his forehead, slashing from brow to hairline. Every wound he received internally appeared externally.

  All her life, he'd been her anchor and her only source of happiness. Watching his life unfold had been her greatest joy. If she had any hope of helping him, she had to find a way back inside his mind.

  Think, Jewel. Think. How could she slip past his mental shield?

  There was no magical answer, really, she realized a moment later. She'd just have to try harder, to force her way back inside, through the one method guaranteed to get his attention.

  Jewel drew in a deep breath and as she released it, she eased herself on top of him, her legs straddling his waist. She tangled her fingers in Gray's pale, silky hair, and the pulse at the base of his neck leapt. He sensed her touch!

  She closed her eyes and dragged in another breath. The air boasted summer scents, dewy foliage and blooming flowers. Mocking, all. Very slowly, she lowered her head until her lips met his. Her tongue pushed past his teeth and into his mouth. His masculine flavor consumed her senses, caused her blood to heat, her thighs to ache.

  His nostrils flared, his mouth widened, and he kissed her back.

  As their tastes blended, her sense of awareness traveled into Gray like a storm cloud moving from one city to another. Physically, her hands and feet grew cold, her stomach numb. Spiritually, she grew warmer. On a soft, almost glowing exhale, her conscious mind abandoned her body completely. On a strong, forced inhale, it entered Gray's.

  Jewel swept into his mind for the second time, tearing at the barrier piece by piece. Her eyes widened as she watched his essence combat the creatures. He was noticeably weak, his punches and kicks ineffective as he swayed on his feet.

  "Gray." She had to get him away from the combatants.

  He spun around, facing her. "Jewel." His gaze narrowed. "Leave. Before they come after you."

  "Come here," she said, using her most seductive voice.

  "I told you to leave, woman!"

  "Come here." She licked her lips, mimicking an action the women of his world used to draw a man's attention. "I want to kiss you."

  "Now is not the time." He shook his head and--reluctantly--turned back to the dark fog, slapping at it with his fists.

  "Kiss me. Now is the perfect time." If he wouldn't come to her, she would go to him, hopefully forcing him to meet her halfway to keep her from the action. One step, two. "I thought your philosophy was anytime, anywhere. And right now I want your tongue in my mouth."

  Something hungry and hot flickered over his expression. Something cold and hard at the same time. Then the creatures swirled and laughed around him like naughty children, and he kicked out his legs. He missed, earning another laugh from his enemies.

  "You're in danger here," he growled to her. He sounded stronger, more like himself.

  "My nipples are hard just thinking about our kiss. There's an ache between my legs, and I need to feel you there, touching me."

  For a moment he stopped fighting and turned his back on the fog, leveling her with a hot gaze that traveled the length of her body, lingering on her breasts, on the juncture between her thighs.

  He took a step toward her, then stopped himself. "No. No." With a growl, he spun back to the battling vampire and demon, tendrils of their darkness wrapping around him. He swung out his arms and slammed his fist into the demon's face.

  The creature flew at him, tossing him backward, chomping for his throat. Jewel gasped and almost fell to her knees in fear. Thankfully the vampire launched himself into the demon, rolling him away from Gray. Saving Gray's life.

  "Soldier," she called desperately. "I command you to kiss me."

  Former military, the urge to follow a commanding officer's commands was ingrained. Her tone gave him pause, and he shook his head, as if trying to clear his thoughts, to focus. He stood. The fight continue
d around him.

  "Everything feels surreal." He massaged his temples. "Illogical and out of sync."

  "I can make it better. You just have to trust me."

  He grimaced and grabbed his side, hunching over, suddenly gasping for air. "It's almost like...I'm viewing a Dali painting where the world...of reality melts and turns inward on itself. What's real? What isn't?"

  "I'm real. Touch me and see."

  "I want to, God, I want to, but I can't," he said raggedly. "I can't. Must...stop them. I'm an OBI employee and I will...fight to protect you."

  She curbed the urge to cover her face and cry. His protective instincts were buried so deep, she might never breach them. If so, he would die. Desperation clamped sharp claws around her, cutting deep. Her eyes narrowed. He could resist her promise of a kiss, but could he resist a naked female form?

  She quickly untied the shoulder straps of her robe. The material fell to her waist, revealing her breasts, her beaded nipples, and the flat plane of her stomach.

  Gray's eyes widened. "You're flashing me. You're seriously flashing me."

  "Touch me."

  "No, I'm an OBI employee and I will fight to protect you. I'm an OBI employee and I will--stare at the most beautiful pair of breasts I've ever seen." He shook his head, but his gaze remained locked on her. "I'm an OBI--your breasts will fit perfectly in my hands."

  Her skin warmed. "Why don't you make certain?"

  He slowly closed the distance separating them, limping the entire way but never stopping. When he was in front of her, his arms reaching out to caress her breasts, Jewel shivered with anticipation. She wanted so badly to accept his touch, but she couldn't. Not yet. And so, she did something she never thought she'd do. She hooked her leg around Gray's knee and shoved him, hard. Weakened already, he fell, his expression shocked as he landed. He winced, staying on the ground, trying to orient himself.

  With Gray out of the way, she closed her eyes and raised her hands, willing the creatures to slow. Battle sounds receded, the air around her thickened and ceased all movement until there was only utter stillness.

  Her eyelids fluttered open, an astonishing scene greeting her. The demon and vampire continued to war with each other, yes, but they moved in slow motion, their every action sluggish. A drop of black blood trickled from the demon and splashed onto the floor. She saw every inch of movement.

  "Now, Gray," she shouted. "Kill them now." She was afraid to move her arms and help him up, afraid the creatures would leap back into lightning speed.

  Gray rose determinedly, albeit shakily, to his feet. He rubbed a hand over his eyes in an attempt to clear his vision before he hobbled to the creatures. Then, with a deft, ingrained ability, he attacked. The creatures hissed and bit at him, even drawing more blood, but he fought, snapping both their necks and dropping their bodies.

  He stood there, panting, his wounds open and bleeding.

  Wave after wave of relief and joy swept through her. "You did it," she said, awed, her hands dropping to her sides.

  "No, we did it."

  Her lips lifted in a grin, and a sudden flash of desire filled his eyes--eyes that were staring at her chest. Her own desire sparked to life--it had never really died--and she gasped, realizing her breasts were still on display.

  "If I'm remembering correctly," he continued, stronger by the second, "you promised me a kiss before dropping me on my ass."

  She ached erotically at the thought of his lips on hers. Of his hands moving over her. Perhaps rolling her nipples between his fingers. "You're not too weak?"

  "For a kiss? Never." He stalked three slow steps toward her. "Are you too weak?"

  "Of course not."

  He chuckled at her affront. His skin color was growing rosier, more bronzed. "You once said humans demand proof in everything. Well, you were right. Prove it. Prove you're strong enough to handle me."

  She gulped, not knowing where to begin. By touching him? Tasting him? Perhaps both? Her words might have been bold today, but she'd never been with a man before. Her fingers itched to move all over him. Her mouth watered, yearning to lick every inch of him.

  "Are you going to kiss me or not?"

  "I don't know where to begin," she admitted.

  His liquid silver eyes radiated the very hunger that rocked her. His head lowered. "We'll start here," he said, tracing his fingertips over the seam of her lips, "and work our way down." Two of his fingers circled her nipples, making them harden all the more.

  Her lips parted on a gasp of sheer pleasure.

  And then he was there, his arms locked around her waist, his lips meshing into hers. Because her mouth was open, he easily swept his tongue inside. He tasted of heat and man and the flavor intoxicated her. She liquefied against him, his shirt deliciously abrading her chest, his touch fueling her dreams. Forging her fantasies.

  "Kiss me back," he muttered.

  "I don't know how. Exactly." She whispered the confession, unable to look at him. She'd seen kisses, but never experienced one herself.

  He pulled slightly away, tilted her chin up, and stared into her eyes. Possessiveness radiated from him. "Just move your tongue against mine. Suck on it. Lick it."

  Erotic shivers danced through her. The image his words elicited was heady, enthralling. Moistening her lips, she dropped her gaze to his mouth. "I'm ready."

  "You sure?" He uttered a strained chuckle before softly brushing a kiss against the tip of her nose, her chin, the edge of her mouth. Each touch scorched her, weaving a seductive web in her mind.

  "Let me have your tongue again," she said, desperate. Achy. Needy. "I want to suck it, just like you said."

  "God, I like an eager student." He complied and once more his tongue swept into her mouth.

  She moaned at the first touch. His erection rubbed between her legs, thick and hard. She wanted him; she'd always wanted him. He'd become an obsession over the years and now his very closeness wrapped her in a cloak of sensuality.

  As their tongues danced and sparred, she arched against him. He kissed her as if he was completely absorbed in her, as if nothing else mattered but holding her and giving her pleasure. His hands found her breasts and kneaded them. Pure heat lanced to her deepest core. Her blood electrified. How she longed to shout her love for him, but too easily did she recall his reaction when surface women had done that. He hadn't been able to get away fast enough.

  "See. They do fill my hands."

  "Take off your clothes," she whispered. "I want to feel your skin against mine."

  This time, he moaned. Her desire became more intense, drowning her with sensations sweeter than the richest honey. Then...

  His thoughts filled her mind. I want her. God, I want her. She tastes so damn good. I need her. I--What the hell are you doing, James? She's not for you. Push her away. Push her away. She's dangerous.

  Jewel jerked from his clasp, her breath ragged. The words she's not for you, push her away echoed in her head. Hurt, she covered her swollen, moist lips with her hand, then quickly tied her robe, shielding her nakedness. Gray's pending rejection stung and battered her pride. If they'd been flesh and blood just then, she might have slapped him--or kneed his precious General Happy.

  So many times she'd watched him kiss other women. He'd never pulled away--never thought to pull away. He'd always lingered and savored, moving slowly, prolonging the pleasure for as long as possible.

  Why could he not be the same with her? Why?

  His hands gripped her forearms, his breath just as ragged as hers. "Why did you stop? I'm not done with you."

  So he wouldn't see her hurt expression, she turned away from him. "You will live now, Gray. Your body has already begun healing. It's time for me to leave this place."


  Silence so heavy it weighed upon her shoulders. No protest, no begging her to fall back in his arms. Why did she have to love this man? Why did he have to mean so much to her, when she obviously meant so little to him? He thought her dangerous, of all thin
gs. As if she would ever hurt him.

  "My God," he gasped, releasing her completely and stumbling back.

  There was such horror in his tone, she whipped around, gaze dragging over him. "What's wrong?"

  His eyes were wide, the lines around his mouth taut. "I can read your mind."


  MARINA, QUEEN OF THE DEMONS, studied the vast expanse of the forest, her extraordinary gaze cutting through thick foliage and mounds of dirt and rocks. Flames from her army's crackling fire illuminated the surrounding trees, casting shadows and light in every direction. Smoke billowed toward the skydome, a curling, scented stream of ash. Frustration gnawed at her with the determination and frenzy of a hungry beast.

  The murdering human was nowhere to be seen. More important, her favorite slave was nowhere to be seen.

  "Damn this," she growled, hands tightening into fists, sharp claws biting into her skin.

  Calling a halt to the search and commanding her army to make camp here had not been easy. Not when she was desperate to regain possession of the girl. Yet with every minute that passed, Marina lost more and more of the girl's scent. Morning was due to arrive at any moment, and while the harsh rays of dawn would not kill her, her people hunted best in the dark, their eyes too sensitive for the day.

  Now she would have to wait, and the knowledge curled her lips in a scowl. Where was the slave? Where had the human hidden her? Humans. How she loathed them. The gods used to amuse themselves by sending some to Atlantis and watching the ensuing chaos. But one human should not have been able to steal her slave.

  Where were they?

  Would the pair beg protection from another race? she wondered, but discarded the idea almost instantly. Her slave always lauded the merits of freedom and would not risk enslavement from another kingdom. Easily recognized as she was, she would have to avoid the cities.

  Which was why Marina was so far from the city. Her gaze continued to search, but she saw nothing out of the ordinary. She uttered a low snarl in the back of her throat, the sound of it reverberating throughout her entire body. Where were they?

  A gentle, metallic breeze kissed the back of her neck and Marina whipped around, knowing her solitude had just been interrupted. Her eyes narrowed at the handsome intruder standing before her.