wacked out stories and absurd videos he was seeing and reading. Was he expected to believe any of these stories? Was anyone? The stories were silly, pointless and over the top.

  He watch a video of a man in a baseball cap and messy hair tell a story of how one night while on his farm around 3am a short, green alien with a high pitch voice with cute little rounded eyes floated into his bedroom and took him away to a planet called Zena, a land made up of rainbows and unicorns. Sam had to stop the video half way through and laugh. He couldn’t watch another second. Was the farmer expecting anyone to believe his wacked out story? He had to move on.

  He came across another video of a man who appeared drunk living in big city trying to tell a story of how he was walking through an alleyway one night when a beautiful, blonde supermodel alien wanted him to get on broad a UFO which looked like a limousine and travel to another world were he would be king. The planet was made up of only pretty female models. Sam laughed and had to move on. Comic books were a lot more interesting then these made up stories. At least they had a story line of conflict and resolution.

  Sam clicked on another website called true alien encounters, he wondered what over the top stories this website would hold. He read a story of a man taken aboard a massive silver ship and found himself standing inside the hanger surrounded by rows of saucers. He walked to the end of the anger and down a long empty hallway until he reached a massive empty room where he was greeted by a tall, thin, grey alien with large black oval eyes. He described the mother ship to be the size of a small town, which lifted into outer space and traveled the stars showing him what all the planets and the asteroid belt looked like. When the man returned to earth he told a local reporter the aliens where getting ready to select the chosen ones. A group of human teenagers who would be given the knowledge of the origins of mankind. Information that would change the conscience of mankind forever. Sam just shook his head and left the website. What on earth was the man talking about the “chosen ones”? How could aliens give any information that could change the world? Impossible. Science was the only answer.

  Another website had pictures of crop circles and Sam had to laugh. The first few pictures might’ve been believable. Strange symbols and circles photographed from above, for a brief moment someone might’ve believed some higher power created them, but as he scrolled down the screen the images of crop circles turned from serious to silly to down right laughable. Some were of famous cartoon faces and others were of funny looking aliens smiling and waving. One crop circle had an alien giving the thumbs up and winking. The worst part was some alien researchers while being interviewed standing in the cold rain next to the crop circle said they believed the crop circles were real and contained hidden messages from above and if they worked on decoding them for a few years they would figure out the true meaning to the mysteries of the universe.

  Even when the people who faked the crop circles came forward, admitted it were all a hoax and explained how they created them using simple tools and techniques. The alien researchers still wouldn’t accept what they were hearing. They said the crop circles creators where nothing more then government employees who where paid to lie. There was nothing that could be done to get the conspiracy theorist to see differently. Sam couldn’t believe it. Why would aliens travel light years only to create silly face of themselves in crop fields? It made no sense.

  One thought ran through Sam’s mind. There are many things in the world that science can’t explain, but it doesn’t mean aliens were involved. Just because science can’t figure out how the pyramids were build doesn’t mean aliens built them. Over the decades there have been countless projects completed by man, to an outsider would look impossible, from dome stadiums, rockets, dams, to vast bridges, skyscrapers and space stations. If the people of today can build such complex projects, why not the people of yesterday?

  Sam was convinced of one thing, alien abductions where not real. Only people in need of psychiatric help believed they were seeing aliens.

  He took the next few minutes looking at websites created by skeptics who questioned UFO and alien stories. Finally he was reading websites that made sense. The biggest questions asked by skeptics is, where is the evidence? All these decades of aliens visiting earth and no clear photograph, or video? The only photos taken of UFOs are blurry or zoomed in from a great distance. With all the high definition cameras out there, why can’t anyone take a clear picture of a UFO? Why are saucers not seen over major cities? With seven billion people on the planet, why are only a few farmers in small towns seeing flying saucers in their backyard and not the military who uses radar? Shouldn’t there be more people seeing these things up there? How can there be no physical evidence that could stand up in a court of law?

  Almost everyone has a cell phone with a camera built in and no one can take a clear photo of a UFO? They can photograph everything else, why not an alien? Seeing as how so many aliens seem to be walking around each day. Many famous events in the last few decades have been caught on camera, moments no one could’ve been ready for, but someone just happens to have a camera in hand and caught it, from terrorist attacks, assassinations, accidents, wars, falling stars, weather phenomenon, but strangely, nothing involving alien saucers. Sure there were a few blurry pictures over the years, but nothing clear enough were you can look at the picture or video and say yes, it’s real.

  The alien believers claim the government knows and hides the truth. The skeptics say the government is horrible at keeping secrets. Someone in the government would’ve come forward with the truth by now, looking for their fifteen minutes of fame. Or go down in history as the politician who announced to the world aliens are real. Most skeptics don’t doubt there’s life on other planets they just question the stories of aliens secretly flying around earth each day in board daylight and no one seeing them. They question how aliens could’ve discovered earth with the tens of billions of galaxies out there. Mathematically, the odds of them finding earth is next to none. It would be like humans finding a needle in a haystack hundreds of miles long and wide. Skeptics say the majority of people who claim aliens abducted are people in need of physiotherapy. There’s something miss firing within their brain. Are they crazy? No, but they are repressing a part of there minds and its coming out as a alien abduction story. A lot of these people are under stress. Some are fantasy prone. Some are being treated by doctors who believe in alien abductions so much they want to see it in their patient’s stories. A lot of the stories come to life while the person is under hypnosis, which can be dangerous when not applied properly. The doctor even if he doesn’t mean to can end up filling someone’s head with his ideas and beliefs of aliens and the possibly of abductions, instead of hearing the truth.

  Skeptics point out that’s it’s silly for aliens to come to earth to steal our recourses. We don’t have enough of anything to justify traveling from so far away. There are countless other meteorites, comets and planets with the same resources of earth. Its not like earth is rare in its building blocks. There are comets made up of pure iron or zinc. Some even have diamonds. Why come to earth and go to war to steal something you can get on another planet for free and have access to ten times more of?

  Another skeptic pointed out how a secret society within the government actually wants you to believe the mysterious objects in the sky are UFOs, just as long as you don’t point out the truth. They don’t want people going around telling everyone the mysterious objects in the sky are really experimental aircraft being tested by the military. The air force needs to test their airplanes, but in doing so they can’t avoid people seeing them fly through the night sky. It’s hard to hide an airplane while it’s flying. The air force tests their airplanes at night to limit the number of people who see them. Because it’s at night they need to put lights on them so they can keep track of them. A UFO researcher hiding in the desert sees the military aircraft prototype with its bright lights in the night sky and believes it to be a UFO. The researcher then demands answers why th
e government is hiding the truth about aliens. The secret society within the government will gladly let the public believe their saucers. The government is not going to step up and say, “no you’re wrong, it’s not a UFO it’s a top secret spy plane we’re trying to hide”. If the conspiracy theorists want to believe it’s in UFO, let them, as long as the real truth does not come out.

  Sam had to laugh at the whole thing. It was a debate he didn’t want to get into. He decided to give up on researching about aliens and go back to reading his science textbooks. At least the information on science was real, not like the silly stories of alien abduction. Two plus two will always equal four in the world of science. Clearly the world of alien and everything to do with it was a joke. There was nothing about aliens to take seriously.

  As his jeep road along the General sat in the passenger seat. He looked around at the intense forest with its thick massive trees on both sides of Forest Road reaching up into the sky. He had been riding along for the last twenty minutes with the massive convoy of military vehicles behind