the vast majority of people on earth today don’t know. The aliens only meet with a few intelligent people and hand them information that will lead to a smarter society. They don’t tell us how to live they just give us the door, its up to us to walk through. What we learn from the information delivered to us is up to us. Our scientists while talking with the aliens in the past few years found out they visited the ancient Egyptians thousands of years ago and gave their scientists knowledge on how to temporary take away the weight of a heavy stone, making it weight nothing. Millions of years ago aliens figured out gravity has weight. Much like how kids in school are taught that air and helium have different weight. Helium is lighter then air, so it rises. A balloon with helium will float upwards in the air. The gravity on planets larger then earth is stronger. Take Jupiter for example, its gravity is much stronger then earths, where as the gravity on mercury is lighter because the planet is smaller. The aliens figured out how to create an invisible barrier around a heavy object like a rock and make the gravity lighter. Therefore the rock will weight less. Making it possible for a human to lift it. The aliens did not tell the Egyptians to build the pyramids, they chose to. The aliens only gave them the knowledge, what they did with the knowledge was up to them. The majority of ancient Egyptians workers didn’t even know they were using alien knowledge when constructing the pyramids. Only a very few knew the real truth, and they kept the secrets to themselves. They were a society onto themselves, the first cornerstone of every secret society, much like how today’s scientists keep their secrets about aliens to themselves. Why, you might ask? Well, our scientists feel the same way as the Egyptian scientists did thousands of years ago. They’re not sure how the public would react to information about alien existence. Some dumb people might panic. They could even riot out of fear. Not everyone on this planet is smart and some dumb people carry weapons.”

  “But we thought you wanted their weapons for your own army?” Kyle said

  The General shook his head “We don’t want their weapons, we just want them off this planet”

  Sam looked at the General “But why are they wanting to invade our town?”

  “Invade your town? No, they want to invade the world. They will start here and then move out. They’re looking to take over the whole planet”

  The kids looked at each other in shock.

  The General looked at a map of the world on his desk. “There’s one thing I’ve figured out over the years, aliens are a threat to us. They are outsiders who cannot be trusted. Throughout the history of mankind whenever a culture discovers a new culture, the weaker culture gets wiped out. Well, we humans are the weaker culture when compared to the grey alien. Just like how the Europeans wiped out the native Indians in the Americas because they wanted their land. Soon the greys will want our land and get rid of us. They have the knowledge on how to destroy everything we hold dear. In my heart I know these outsiders threaten our world security. They will threaten the very roots of our beliefs and innocence’s. We need to think about our children and protect them, not just today, but forever. We need to ask ourselves, what are the alien’s true intentions? Sure, they act innocent, but are they? Over the decades they have shown no signs of aggression or violence, but I know it’s all a cover up. They want us to think there non-aggressive. Our scientists who’ve been talking with the aliens for decades have been saying the aliens mean us no harm, but hearing that tells me one thing.” he paused for a moment “The scientists have been brain washed, suckered in by the alien lies. Over time aliens have given humans things like fire, metal, iron, plastic. In the last few decades they’ve given us the laser, rocket and stealth technology, microwaves, advancements in computers with the circuit board. They even gave us Velcro of all things, but it’s all just an act. Making us believe they care” He paused “Can we trust them? You need to ask yourself one question. How did the dinosaurs die off? Could the aliens have had something to do with it? Maybe they arrived millions of years ago. Looked around, saw the dinosaurs and decided they had to go, replace them with something else, humans. We were told a meteorite took them out, but what if it were an alien weapon? What if one day the aliens grow tired of us, and replace us with some other life form. Will they wipe us out with a weapon so powerful it could end all life on earth in one shot? Look at the asteroid belt between mars and Jupiter. Was that a planet at one point? A planet with life in which the grey aliens blew up? Could that happen here on earth? What then? Who will stop them? They haven’t fooled me. I know what there up to. They want us to put our guard down, then they’ll attack. Steal earths natural resources and in slave mankind. I bet they do it all over the universe.” He stopped speaking and walked over to solider 45 “Think of all the nice innocent people in the past who have been abducted. Solider 45 was one of those victims, adducted as a child while fishing with his father. Poor guy, his father was never the same afterwards. Always nervous they would come back and take his child away forever. Now he’s with us, fighting back. After I heard his story it only reinforced my belief these aliens were up to no good.”

  Solider 45 nodded. “After today, they’ll all be gone. Time for revenge, on behalf of everyone who’s ever been abducted.”

  The General agreed “A few decades ago the grey aliens crashed landed a UFO in the desert. The military took the UFO to a secret hanger. Told the world a lie, said it was weather balloon. There was no way we where going to tell the truth. A few weeks’ later lights were seen over major cities. Causing a panic in the highest levels of the military. Apparently new flying saucers arrived looking for the one that crashed. Well, we had it locked up in a hanger. The military ended up having a secret meeting with the aliens out in the desert, away from the public. That’s when we saw them up close as a group. We saw how short they where, their grey skin and their big black oval shaped eyes. They told us they came in peace. They didn’t speak with their mouths. They spoke through there minds. You can hear them in your head. They would stare at you; lock their eyes onto yours. You became oblivious to everything around you. You could hear your own voice in your head, but it was their words. The government made a deal with the aliens. The aliens would not fly over major cities and cause a panic and we wouldn’t try shooting them down.

  Over the next few decades’ average people were seeing UFOs over farmlands, oceans, deserts, mountains, small towns. People started reporting abductions. Some even claimed they where taken back to the alien’s home planet. We knew most of the reports were completely false, but some of the people’s description of the inside of the saucers were right on the money, far to accurate to be made up. We even heard a story of five lumberjacks out in the woods one night. They spotted a white light and one of the men got out of the truck to investigated it. He stood under the light only to be somehow frozen by it, unable to move. His buddies took off, leaving him behind. He found himself on board the ship itself. The description he gave of the ship and aliens was far too accurate to be faked. We needed to know how many of the sightings were real. We couldn’t risk it. We created a program called project blue book. We were beyond the government. No politician had any idea of what we were doing. No one in the media ever caught on, we where never voted into office by the public. Everyone around the world was in the dark when it came to us. We investigated all clams. No matter how silly, we looked into them. The majority of claims turned out to be sightings of stars, airplanes, or top-secret spy planes being tested at night out in the desert, but some sightings were truly alien. We needed those witnesses silenced. We couldn’t risk having the truth come out. However, some stories are too big to be kept hidden. You can only cover up the truth for so long, before someone starts asking questions. It was our job to cover up the real sightings any way we could. Even if it meant making the witnesses look crazy. Were the people claiming to see UFOs sane? Yes. Were they truly seeing a UFO? Yes, but we couldn’t have the public knowing the truth. So we turned the public against them, laughed at them. We flooded the media with ridiculous, made up stories of UFO s
ightings, crop circles and alien abductions so the public would laugh at the whole idea of aliens in its entirety. So, when someone really did tell the truth, there story would be lost in a world of lies, making them look crazy. After awhile the public got so sick and tired of bizarre, silly stories of aliens and UFOs they just walked away from all of it. In the end the vast majority of people who saw a UFO were to afraid to go public out of fear of being laughed at. We even hired actors who would write books and appear on talk shows pretending to speak out against us, demanding the truth. The pubic would cheer these people on. Believing they was on there side, having no idea they worked for us the whole time. Some of the most famous conspiracy theorists on the radio today work for us, leading the public away from the truth. They demand answers and we feed them lies, the whole time the public believes it to be true. It was necessary to keep the public away from the true location of the aliens and the saucers. We even made up a complete lie about a place called area 51. The public to this day believes