man, but they showed no sign of evolving. So the council aloud us to add more DNA into the mix and they quickly became caveman.”

  The kids watched as the Neanderthal quickly changed into caveman. The head reduced in size, the body slightly more upright.

  Sam nodded to himself “That explains why Neanderthal disappeared from earth so quickly. There was no battle or starvation. It was a change in their DNA. Scientists could never example why they simply disappeared so quickly.”

  Timmy pointed to the images “It’s the question researchers have been asking for decades. If we evolved from monkeys then why do monkeys still exist today? Why have they not all evolved?”

  The alien nodded “We did not want to take the monkey away from earth all together. We wanted to leave some behind for you human to marvel at as we still do”

  “The missing link” Sam whispered to himself.

  Timmy looked to him “What was that?”

  “Scientists could never find the link between modern man and the caveman. They knew caveman came from monkeys with the Neanderthal in between, but have failed to find any evidence to link them. Its baffled everyone for so long. How could they evolve so quickly and yet no evidence been left behind. Scientists wondered why Neanderthal walked the earth for so long and suddenly change into caveman. What made it happened? Why did it happen so quickly? They call it the missing link. Now we know why they can’t find it because the missing link is alien involvement. Clearly the new DNA in the Neanderthal affected the frontal lobes. It affects social behavior and abstract thought”

  The other boys nodded.

  “That explains caveman, but how did modern man come about?” Sam asked

  The alien spoke “We stood back and studied the caveman for thousands of years. We wanted to watch the caveman grow over time. Watch it evolve into man, but sadly we came to the understanding that the caveman was never going to evolve. Yes, they had a few changes, but not enough to make modern man. The type we saw on the other planet. We wanted to redeem ourselves, help a culture grow and not sit back and watch it destroy itself. We could’ve watch for a thousand years more, but they were never going to evolve. The monkeys were not given enough of our DNA. The cavemen were still relying on the emotions of the monkey to make decisions. They were not using the logic we gave them. You see monkeys on earth have a great deal of emotion but lack logic. We aliens have evolved passed emotions millions of years ago and function off of pure logic. Together it was our goal to make humans. So the council back home decided to add a bit more of our DNA into the caveman. We don’t like interfering in our experiments, but we knew we had to. From that decision came modern man as you know man to be today.”

  Sam nodded “Yet again, that’s why scientists can’t find the mysterious link between caveman and modern man.”

  Timmy nodded.

  Sam continued “The evolution to man happened very quickly, but scientists couldn’t understand why cavemen just evolved into modern man after thousands of years of no evolution. Scientists have tried understanding, but failed. Now we’ve just found out the real truth”

  They looked at the 3-D images and watched the caveman evolve into modern man. It lost most of its hair, stood up right completely and was now able to use it hands and thumbs. It could now speak, not just grunts, but actual words. The thing that stood out the most was the eyes. The kids could tell modern man was intelligent by the sharpness in the eyes. It no longer had the blank stare the caveman had.

  The kids watched as the modern man around them started building houses, villages, castles, skyscrapers and rockets blasting into space.

  The alien spoke “This new modern man could speak. They could farm. Live in the same area for long periods at a time. The evolution experiment was working. We marveled at the beautiful sight.”

  “If you have so much power why let us fight wars. Why not stop us? Take away our nuclear weapons?” Timmy asked.

  “Much like how you humans watch animals and ants fight with each other without getting involved. We are not aloud to get involved on such a scale. The experiment is to let you grow and evolve without getting in the way. Human scientists do the same thing with their experiments; they stand back and observe, but do not interfere. We need to see how you love and fight. If we intervene then your ability to learn would be altered and possibly stopped. You might never live your life the same way again because you know we’re out there. Instead of living and growing you would just watch the skies looking for us. You need to learn about yourself first on your own time. You learn through your pain and happiness. We learn about you by watching how you deal with your conflict. Sometimes the hardest thing for a parent to do is to let their kids fail, but it’s through the failure you learn about life. The human race is very young when compared to the life of the universe. You are still little children, you will make mistakes along the way, but you will grow, you will learn. In time you will discover how to change and alter your DNA. You will be able to change a child before it is born. Fix the defects. Make it more intelligent by increasing the IQ. From education will come peace. The smarter you become the less likely you will want to fight. When you make education and enlightenment a global goal you will see a beautiful change. The more you study the human body the more you will respect it. Soon you will understand how to reverse the aging process and soon you will live forever with no disease. This will take time. Soon, you will be like us. Living with one conscience, we’re you work together. We cannot just give you the answers; we cannot give you the meaning of life. You would not understand it, but if you live and learn, in time it will make sense to you. That is how people learn the meaning of life, through understanding pain and finding the root cause”

  “You don’t have emotions?” Bobby asked.

  “Millions of years ago we did, but emotions are too many thoughts the brain can not process. Jealousy and rage are negative emotions. To avoid being hurt again like humans we used anger and violence as a defense mechanism. However, in time we calmed our minds and learned to focus on logic and use are words to express thought. Over time we forgot anger and rage. When we came to earth, we were amazed by the emotions expressed by the monkeys, how they showed love and anger. They seemed to go back and forth from happiness to anger so quickly without holding back. However they seemed to lack logic. What we added to the monkey was the DNA of logic. Today mankind is half monkey, half alien. Monkeys, like all animals on earth are unaware they will die, but aliens are aware. Your conscience awareness of life and death is the alien logical side of you. The emotional side of you is the monkey part. Sadly you have used your logical side to build powerful weapons, which you use against each other when your emotions flare up. Soon, in time as you get older as a society your emotions will be under control. You will learn to use your logical side to express yourself fully and calmly. Your need for emotions, especially anger will subside. However the one thing that amazes us most about humans, of all the planets we have come across you have expressed this thing called love. We have always wanted to know what love is. It is the one thing that baffles us. We cannot understand the complexity of what love between two people is and why you show sadness over the loss of a loved one. We can build ships that can travel the stars, but understanding love is still a mystery to all the alien life forms on all planets. We cannot find it anywhere in your body. There seems to be no explanation as what causes it, or how you express it. No chemical, or brain wave. Understanding love is beyond us.”

  “Are you god?” Bobby asked

  “A complex question with a far more complex answer. Humans haven’t learned enough about life and themselves to understand the answer to such a question. You have learned only one percent of what the universe has to teach you, you must understand more to understand the answer to such a complex mystery. You humans are young; you still care about money and ego. You must move on from these things and enlightened your minds to understand the mystery of the God question. For thousands of years we have been visiting earth, those wh
o have witnessed us recorded our interactions as messages from the heavens, from the gods. This is understandable, for thousands of years mankind could not comprehend the idea of aliens or space ships. Sightings of us have been recorded as voices from the heavens or angels. Most people do not know, that preying to heaven is the logical alien part of you trying to communicate with other aliens when the emotional side of you gets out of control. In the past, sightings of a UFO would be recorded as a chariot flying through the sky. Most religions are started by interactions with us, however it not our intention to do so. The human mind is young; they fear the unknown and fear death. They need answers. Humans cannot live without knowing. They will look for answers anywhere they can. If they see something out of the ordinary they believe it has something to do with a higher power. Humans for the longest time believed we had the answer to the mysterious question, what happens to you after you die. They saw us as smarter creatures, believing we held the answer. Soon they believed we were the answer. They did not know what an alien was, there brain could not comprehend the idea of life on other planets. We do not want to be looked at as gods, for we to have a creator, who