Page 11 of Pygmy

  In secret thinking machine of operative me recite quote violent cynic, socialist advocate Johann Most, within skull say, “Whoever looks at America will see: the ship is powered by stupidity, corruption, or prejudice.”

  Next then confronted enticing sweater meats, lady delegate Gambia. Caucasoid female boasting dolichocephalic-shape skull, one hand lifted so fingers entwined own brunette hairs, twist and stress hair tresses so demonstrate own superior health through strand tensile strength. Making displayed large eyes within receded zygomas, all indicate greater likelihood repeated numbers live offspring. Lady delegate fashion mouth to make facsimile engorged labium, say, “Hi.” Say, “I didn’t know you went here…”

  Skull of operative me merely tilt forward to acknowledge. Stance paralyzed.

  Within mind of operative me, in secret this agent say,… gallium, germanium, gold…

  “Most times,” say lady delegate Gambia, “I go to the Wal-Mart on Spring Vista Parkway, only sometimes I go to the Wal-Mart on Valley Drive.” Stressing own hair, engorging facial labium, say, “Today I just decided to try a new Wal-Mart … and here you are!” Say, “Isn’t that weird?”

  Prowling within scope peripheral vision, operative Tibor observe scene. Encircle for surveillance. Tibor appareled typical American tunic, hem hang to knee level, black fabric printed alphabet English words “Mustache Rides 50 Cents.”

  Delegate Gambia say, “Thanks for saving my life the other day.” Trail fingers of hand combing tresses. Trail fingers opposite hand so touching earlobe, dragged along line jawbone, trail down elegant tunnel of windpipe so arrive cleavage of mammary glands. Hand lingering at cleft, delegate say, “Maybe we could go out sometime?”

  Additional prowling pig dog host brother, stance behind lady delegate, mocking with pig dog tongue extended, flickering pointed pink tip of own tongue muscle in direction delegate. Next, cupping own hands over own pectoral muscle to mimic glands, fingers twist and squeeze own invisible mammary glands.

  Voice of operative me, issued most diplomatic tone, say, “Revered biggest madam…” Say, “Understood you already prior impregnated.”

  Hand stressing hair strand, fingers seize, paralyze. Lady Gambia say, “Huh?”

  Head of operative me tilt toward direction distant operative Tibor. Neck muscle of that agent ringed purple hematomas, skin dented teeth bites. Tibor luggage basket contain baking soda, bleaching powder.

  Eyes of lady delegate follow until cast on Tibor. Delegate say, “Oh, that.” Say, “I skipped Algebra II yesterday, and went to Planned Parenthood.” Finger of delegate lift from cleavage to fashion small flicker direction of Tibor.

  Tibor fingers no flicker in return.

  Feet of operative me continue parade so discover aisle fifteen, lye necessary for distill sodium hydroxide needed Operation Havoc. Tinner’s fluid for obtain zinc chloride.

  New now, approached by operative Metro for surrender to this agent vast wealth American dollar bills. Approached by operative Sheena, for granting this agent additional mass sum paper money secreted out religious food plates.

  From growing distant, voice of lady delegate Gambia chase after this agent. Madam Gambia say, “Anytime you want.” Away more far, more faint, voice say, “Maybe I’ll see you at school?”

  Next now, pig dog brother sidle adjacent stride of this agent. Marching in step, host brother say, “You’re the man, Pygmy.” Say, “From now on, you’ll be up to your neck in hot, wet pussy.”

  Host brother describe how, this current now, authorities conducting autopsy atop deceased decapitated corpse Trevor Stonefield. For explain aberrant behavior, butchering skull of clear-yellow hair, extracting brain for minute examine tumor. Hack fractured many pieces slaughtered bully. Mutilate into fragments pathetic corpse seeking possible answer. American ritual for render criminal harmless in death, remove blood, separate divide all vital organ. Total disassemble tainted flesh.

  Host brother say, “Little man, you have got to learn me how to yank off folks’ heads!”

  Feet of operative me continue parade, secret recite, Hafnium … helium … holmium …

  Pig dog say, “I guess my sister is off-limits now that she’s going to be your sister, too.”

  Within thinking machine of operative me, in secret this agent recite say,… iridium, iron, iodine …

  Next now, approached by lavish chesticle lady delegate Haiti demonstrate standard mating behavior: waistband trouser lowered so reveal midriff, cleft of buttocks filled central strap pink-colored undergarment thong. Caucasoid female feature typical low degree of projection of alveolar ridge containing pristine teeth. Lady delegate separate glossy lips of face, say, “Hi, Pygmy…”

  Feet of operative me continue parade.

  Feet of pig dog brother cease, stance adjacent delegate Haiti, say, “Yo, hot mama.” Say, “That’s my new kid brother you’re hitting on.”

  For official record, no brother. No yet adopted. No official. Perhaps no never.

  Continued along parade, this agent respond over own shoulder, say, “Most honored lady…” Continue parade, say, “Are you no already vessel for reproductive seed of Mang?”

  From behind, fading in distant, lady delegate say, “It’s okay. I went to the school nurse…” Receding more faint, say, “I got those morning-after plan B pills…”

  Within mind of operative me, in secret this agent keep say,… tin, titanium, tungsten…

  Pig dog brother, lady delegate Haiti, both remain abandoned in trail of operative me.

  Small parade arrive aisle fifteen, wall of packages stacked mothballs for extracting napthalene. Vast array bottle milk of magnesia to yield magnesium hydroxide. Infinite selection alum for aluminum sulfate. Ammonia combined water for ammonium hydroxide. Carbolic acid for phenol. Borax for distill sodium borate. Ingredients massed necessary all component of science fair project.

  Execution Operation Havoc. Massive debacle.

  Next now, voice say, female voice say from behind, “Congratulations, comrade.” Revealed as voice operative Magda, at helm large basket crafted silver wire, roll atop wheels. Magda commence select chrome alum, deposit interior basket, say, “You demonstrate superior mental brilliance.”

  Magda continue select vinegar, effective source ingredient acetic acid, place bottle vinegar within wheel basket, say, “You rescue a handful ridiculous, silly American children…” Say, “So soon we may kill millions…”

  Quote, “Whoever looks at America will see: the ship is powered by stupidity, corruption, or prejudice.”

  Tibor approach, limb arm hoisting basket munitions, baking soda, corn syrup, chlorine bleach. Drill focus glower eye upon face skin this agent, Tibor say, “Such crafty agent to deserve much lauded.” Fashion Tibor hand shape Beretta semiautomatic, index finger as thirty-five-millimeter barrel. Comrade aim flesh weapon direction skull sutures operative me.

  Say Tibor, “Comrade, perhaps best revisit mental narrative operative Pavel.” Say, “Always most-bright fire first to be extinguish.” Same now, Tibor discharge pretend pistol, eject fictitious bullet so feign expunge gray meatloaf this agent.

  Pantomime so suggest operative me how easily erased.



  Begins here twentieth account of operative me, agent number 67, most recent exited public mass transportation routed . Deposited industrial park . Made lengthy parade so arrive private facility performing research contracted United States federal department of . Specific purpose to abscond taking top security samples .

  For official record, during conveyance aboard public vehicle, simultaneous host cat sister apply paint color black upon face skin of operative me, this agent espousing profound truths presented revered French demographer Alfred Sauvy, make sermon how modern world struggle between corrupt degenerate menace of capitalism and the noble socialist, battling for control or rescue of the innocent third world. Voice of operative me, bold voice trumpeting so inform all proletariat within vehicle, proclaim former slave colo
nies third world prospective victim capitalist hungry greed over raw natural resources, stealing petroleum, raping of mineral bauxite and zinc, in return dumping on innocents only inferior products decadent mass culture. Wily capitalists flooding native economies too many destructive corrosives—refined sugar, of example, Hollywood movie star, heated seat automobile, SPAM, paste of teeth, tissue of toilet, Bionic Man, permanent wave.

  Ear of cat sister tuned attentive, host sister apply finger rubbing black paint about face skin of this agent, sister accept political truths declared Sauvy in 1952. Top celebrated missive titled “Three Worlds, One Planet.”

  Weapon of operative me, constrained turgid within trouser this agent.

  Heralding voice of operative me, loudly vociferate how all wealthy nations innate evil. Converse, all poverty nations innocent and source much oppressed goodness. Cite additional vast brilliant Brandt Report dated 1980 proofed beyond facts how greedy oil-consuming giants of North Hemisphere—specific Canada, United States, Britain, and Australia—starved starving South Hemisphere nations of Zambia, Soviet Union, and Saudi Arabia. Shrill cry of operative me expanding more loud, more until voice break, become shriek, this agent say, “The fuel such low expensive able propel this public vehicle …” Say, “Petroleum, in actual poverty blood sucked out aboriginal child.”

  Manifesto presented so bold.

  Chin jawbone of this agent tilted high in courage defiant. Await agreement.

  Cat sister smooth paint upon stilled lips of operative me. Skin of this agent stiff from dry paint. Stroke smooth, massage. Gentle circle. Greased finger lick infinite tiny licks. Slippery sister finger slide width of this agent heated forehead.

  Succulent fragrant bosom so nearby. Host sister touching with fingertip, say, “You know, you have the prettiest eyes…”

  Head of operative me, neck rotate so able visible own eyeballs reflection upon interior night window. Window of public vehicle reveal merely this agent, blotted black, eye sunk deep within black paint.

  Host sister fingertipping lip of this agent, cat sister say, “It’s too bad you’re going to be my brother…”

  Seated captain of public conveyance halt vehicle, activate door so becomes unhealed in metal wall, decree through amplified microphone, say, “End of the line.” Say, “All mimes please disembark.”

  During host sister and this agent exit conveyance, vehicle captain offer hand containing ink pen. Offer hand clenched tablet blank paper pages. Say, “You’re the kid who killed that crazy motherfucker.” Captain say, “Do you mind if I get your autograph?”

  Traversing dark environment en route destination, surrounded mating cry cricket, croak of bulls frog, lecture this agent concerning France missive entitled Le Defi Americain. How admonish intellectual elite over manner United States numerous multinational corporation Kodak, Gillette, General Motor endeavor tangle entire globe ensnared tentacles sucking wealth for digest and fatten parent sovereign American nation, leeching life energy addition opportunity during render subject nation stripped resources and native cultures.

  Current now doing pilgrimage perimeter industry park, bordered fence linked chain. Navigate thick darkness. Tread macadam roadway empty of vehicle, approach distant building constructed clay brick, washed under illumination large electric bulb perched atop multiple pole. Macadam field painted branched white alignment fitting infinite automobile lazy American bourgeois professional. Current now, stored no automobile.

  Railing voice of operative me continue announce guilt portion deserved heaped upon Western nations according enlightened saga Pearson Report issued United Nations Conference on Trade and Development—

  “Hush,” say prowling cat sister. Say, “Just shush for a minute, okay?”

  Sister halted, hands extended, fingers spread feeling blackness, sensing chilled wind for sound sentry guards. Possible witness recording document via video camera.

  “You’re the trainee spy,” say host sister, shaking straight finger at face of this agent. Sister touch finger to shut lips of operative me, say, “I need you to keep quiet.”

  Regardless pressure for instruct sole correct political ideology-Regardless continued fallacy engaging worldview host sister.

  In secret, within head, this agent reciting, Americium … antimony … argon …

  Crouched posture lower primate, sprint sawtooth pattern so bisect mowed landscape largest building. Arriving sign stationed at entry lettered in English words to read: RADIOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE.

  Often possible conquest cat sister, sling no conscious atop mowed landscape, gift with fetus bearing same pretty eyes as operative me.

  Next now arrive doors of facility, sister sling fabric sack, dive hand inside so retrieve laminated name card of host father, prosthetic human eye crafted green color glass. Cat sister dash card against box adjacent doors. Position eye at focus of box lens. Same current now, door of building, latch sound clack, angry humming. Host sister hand grasp edge released door swing so unhealed in wall stacked red-color bricks.

  Voice of operative me beseech no abandon, no relegate duty mere lookout. Bid this agent accompany sister along foray for harvest resources to equip science fair project.

  This agent projecting voice beg mercy, words compressed down to fast rush reedy breath delivered out constriction throat. Peaked muscle of face, forehead stiff of flaking black color paint, yawning both eye wide around and skinned glistening water. Windpipe of operative me make swallow, jump apple of Adam gulp sound. Brimming eye similar baby puppy American eat as beef.

  Host sister observe delicious face expression this agent. Sister narrow eye, cast glance so whisk surround landscape, say, “Okay.” Inject hand within fabric sack, extract skins of latex for fit stretched over fingers. Deliver latex skin to this agent, during say, “Just wear these so you don’t leave a bunch of fingerprints.”

  Latch door remain angry hum. Impatient to be returned so healed in wall.

  Sister stretch each own hands within similar latex skins. Usher this agent so violate portal. Allow door heal, humming cease.

  That now, victory of operative me encroach extreme top secret facility United State defense contractor. Surrounded lavish decadent luxury of military industrial complex. Infinite computer screen boast four-color display. Fountains dispensing chilled waters to swallow. Spa title MEN. Plethora chair atop wheels, balanced so pivot in all direction. Floor layered rich gray carpet. Lavish luxury playground deeded use of evil engineer, wicked biochemist.

  Already cat sister making parade, leading this agent along labyrinth many fences upholstered elegant gray canvas, zigzagging so avoid missteps en route destination. Each writing desk allowed luxury of private fenced territory. Fastened canvas fence surface selection photographs depicting obese American infants wallowing atop arms obese parentage, smothered amid needless vast inventory playthings. Photographs of animal, dog and cat, beef and pork. Occasional soiled vessel crafted dense ceramic, residue dried caffeine, glazed with legend “World’s Greatest Dad.”

  Arriving cabinet, doors of tall cabinet painted gray metal, host sister deliver fabric sack to this agent. Instruct for hands of operative me position opening of sack stretched wide. Host sister grasp cabinet handle, say, “The best loot is in here…”

  Hand twist handle. Swing metal door so unhealed. Reveal interior of cabinet small packages crafted pulp paper, light cardboard. Sister commence violate each package, discover contents, and dispense into waiting fabric sack.

  Perhaps mistake.

  During harvest contents cabinet, sister say, “Did you hear the autopsy results on Trevor Stonefield?” Say, “My dad heard from some medical guy at the county.” Say, “Turns out, somebody was molesting him—Trevor, I mean, not the county guy…”

  Certainly mistake. Collecting within fabric sack, merely color spectrum many ink pens. Harvesting small packages chrome wire bent so clip papers. Ammunition American staplers. Scissor. Additional ink pen.

  Cat sister continue speech concerning Trevor
autopsy, how discover recent trauma large intestine. Abrasions partially healed of rectum. Faded hematoma. Fissures torn tender membranes Trevor anus. All indicators past recent sexual abused.

  Same as water bin chew white rodent. Same as Pavel. The deity models only correct behavior, killing by cancer warfare, by earthquake and cyclone. All human must justify future vicious murder by the deity.

  Host sister ladling into fabric sack packages blank computer disk. Adhesive label. Tablets graph papers. Mechanical pencil. Gum eraser.

  Same now, available nearby such selection nuclear missile launch codes. Tantalizing details strategic American troop movements. Plans preliminary prototype future most scientific military weapons. Abundant cornucopia every top defense secret.

  Host sister, purloining more ink pen, more graph paper, say, “The police are totally going to bust somebody for butt-fucking Trevor…”

  Here particular installation stockpiled delicious nuclear isotopes. Plutonium. Strontium. Delectable menu radioactive elements. In secret, reciting this agent, Uranium … radium … einsteinium … Wide selection deadly chemical, biological culture sample.

  Anthrax. Ebola. Sarin.

  For access, merely utilize laminate name card, green color prosthetic eye. Both secreted trouser cat sister.

  Thin fabric sack stretched almost to failure, filled burden ink pens, staplers, adhesive tapes, blank disk, debris. Detritus.

  Making voice of baby puppy, this agent beseech sister retreat, attain location storage of nuclear materials so private enough able exchange mouths. Saliva commingle. Regress to vault top security for generate mutual pleasure. There access smorgasbord curium, hassium, lawrencium.

  Cat sister heal doors of cabinet, close handle. Turn to cast eyes upon this agent, say, “Pygmy…” Say, “Get this—you and me are going to have the same dad, so we can’t make out, and we can’t get him in trouble.” Say, “You got that?”

  In secret voice operative me, within head quote jolly monarch, good-natured king Mao Tse-tung, say, “The need to shit after eating does not mean that eating is a waste of time.”