Page 17 of Pygmy

  Laboring this agent for survive, resist knotted muscle Magda arm. Skull operative me pinched between thick, heavily scented, massive thighs, hard gluteal muscles operative Magda.

  This agent no able breathe.

  Both vast hypertrophy muscle arm of Magda, thick driving iron so collapse thorax operative me.

  “Prepare, comrade,” say Magda. Say, “For become crushed beneath looming wheel ruthless Western ideology.”

  Next then, door training chamber swing so no healed within wall. Reveal much revered director master health administrator, boot planted wide apart, fist resting atop iliac crest each hip bone. Visage casting eye upon all operative.

  For official record, according rule, all present Tibor, Magda, Vaky, say in single voice unison, “Greetings, esteemed most revered director.” Operative Mang, Chernok, Tanek in unite voice say, “Accept, please, our gratitude for the wisdom you impart.”

  Pinned beneath weighted bar, compressed rib cage of this agent, voice operative me say, croak, “Accept, please…” Heart muscle rupturing underneath such pressure. Lung collapsed such burden, say whisper, “… for the wisdom you impart.”

  Director master bow head.

  Operative all bow head.

  Director master quote ample monarch, capacious tutor Adolf Hitler, say, “‘Hate is more lasting than dislike.’”

  Boots stride small parade, polished black parade so attain center of chamber. Stance at focus all operative. Chest plated thick, victorious legacy many awarded medals. Director master appareled uniform draped epaulets heavy cords much gold braid. Shoulders sway gold fringe. Director hand vanish into chest of tunic, emerge bearing thick sheaf many paper.

  Paper revealed as glossy photo. Vast collection numerous such photo.

  Same current now, burly arms operative Magda, bulging muscles rescue this agent. Lift burden weighted bar. Deposit aloft safety rack.

  Vision operative me swimming with stars. Raving galaxy stars. Deltoids, triceps, pectoral muscle this agent rendered flimsy rubber. Limbs remaindered slack with fatigue.

  Gesture director master, requiring all present for gather. All operative approach.

  Next now, top best esteemed director distribute glossy photo arrayed surface concrete floor. Commence pave floor using many such photographs. Creating expansive mosaic, expanding ever more large, growing area until require operative stride backward so allow space. Disburse more photograph, always more photograph.

  For official record, depicted every such image: Meat. Blood. Bone. Masticated macerated shredded skin fat sinew tissue dripping. Wrung pale strands. Puddled thick ketchup of gore. Battered tissues. Pulp pooling red juice. Shard shattered bone.

  Pictures growing so occupy entire vision: Mutilated debris. Shredded flesh sponge sopping blood. Mangled jumble crumble studded much bone. Brilliant white color bone. Wadded skin. Tattered skin. Mess twisted gray meatloaf former thinking machine. Blasted spatter, scarlet splash.

  Growing carpet such photograph spread until nearly fill chamber. Tide photo edge more large. Swelling red. Glossy wet shine. Blood photo flood floor so require all operative stride backward, heels trapped against concrete wall. Tibor, Magda, Oleg, all operative wedged between vast sea bloody meat, shoulders pinned against chilled concrete wall.

  “Attention, young comrades,” say director master. Say, “Examine much closely this exhibition.”

  Arrayed, yawning before all: Mixed collage, meadow montage commingled dead. No discernible human face. Solely wide pool pulped meat.

  “Honored here,” say director master, “witness final earthly fate unfortunate parentage…”

  Honored family this agent: result American terrorist bomb. Evidence atrocity explosion.

  No face. No survive. Burst violent pain, all family erased. So violent deleted.

  Beloved parentage operative me: martyrs to American prejudice. Sacrificed for imperial aspiration depraved United State peoples.

  So typical of America—land selling breakfast cereal with pistol buried in package as premium. No surprise, immoral nation host slashing razor death wrestling cage competitions. Rally monstrous truck.

  Image such red blood paint all operative into concrete corner.

  Quote, “Hate is more lasting than dislike.”

  Next then, director master hand delve within tunic. Emerge fingers clutching cardboard folder, margin folder printed, “Operation Havoc.”



  Begins here thirty-second account of operative me, agent number 67, seated amid sleeping vault of host sister. This today, following daily instruction . High School. During host mother sojourn so interrogate confined host father at . Federal Building. During host brother engaged practice sport .

  This today, no happy tiny tremble shiver house. No happiness missile craft shiver within liquid depths host mother basement. No battery shaking own innards. For official record, residence host family Cedar vacant but for stealth cat sister and this agent.

  Current now, sister perch adjacent work surface, gripping solder iron. Conduct for explore dead corpse of killer science fair phallus. Scraping aside melted plastic, carbon black charred circuitry. Investigate possible reason catastrophic malfunction such phallus endangering all bystander. Curving sinew spiraling tail white smoke rise out tip solder iron, smoke drawing pattern in air.

  Sister analyze possible why prized project rejected top award local science fair. Killer phallus autopsy.

  Host sister drip and draw in melted lead, breathing snake tail of smoke. Say, “Well, Pygmy…” No look eye except upon postmortem phallus, say, “Maybe the whole world loves you, but I sure don’t.”

  Ear of operative me, steady consume sister word, only no able decipher. This agent sit balanced edge on host sister bed, mattress pile with blanket, many animals of brown weave. Animal all smile. Brown animal clench string bound to floating bladder inflated helium.

  Mouths of operative me, say, “Define?”

  Silly animal.

  Cat sister squint eye at heat, molten solder liquid lead atop work surface, say, “You messed with my project, didn’t you?”

  In secret, inner voice operative me recite periodic table, say, Aluminum, antimony, angora…

  Veiled within smoke, haloed and misted pale smoke of hot metal, sister face say, “You turned traitor on me.” Say, “When I trained you as a spy…” Wielding glowing hot wand, sister face say nothing. Silent. Nose vent metal smoke. Acrid. Mouth say, “And you sabotaged my science fair project.”

  This agent within skull reciting, Argon, arsenic, Ann Arbor…

  Next now, in breathe snaking white smoke, cat sister say nothing. No say anything. Await response.

  “Imperative,” say this agent, aloud say, “Sister must no attend finals National Science Fair.” Say, “Imperiled there.” Say, “Much total dangerous.”

  Face tilted within floating path, curve corkscrew white threads smoke, host sister say, “Why should I believe you now?” Say, “All you ever do is tell lies.”

  Quote this agent glorious revolutionary, heroic figurehead Eugene Debs, say, ‘“Progress is born of agitation. It is agitation or stagnation.’”

  Eye blink against white smoke, cat sister say, “Real smarts begin when you quit quoting other people…”

  Thinking machine operative me recite, Zinc, zirconium, Zoloft…

  This agent request source such profound statement.

  “Who am I quoting?” say cat sister. Bunch shoulders at own ears, making shrugged, say, “I guess I’m quoting myself…”

  Hand of this agent rise, all finger made straight as for pledge. Lips operative me say, “Team Cedar?”

  Sister no make slap hands. Next then, host cat sister parry, thrust burning point of soldering iron, brandish so threaten contact this agent with sharpen fire-color tip. Burning heat. So menacing, host sister say, “Now get the fuck out of my room.”



  Begins here thirty-thir
d account of operative me, agent number 67, upon foray retail outlet Wal-Mart for purchase provisions National Science Fair. Fresh inner pants, paste of teeth, hair comb, supplies required purpose of travel airplane flight . Journey so housed corrupt luxury hotel . Hatch wide distribution deadly neurotoxin , instant kill American millions, likely in addition Tibor, Mang, Ling, all fellow operative—including operative me. Likely additional martyr Magda, burdened with fetus. Accomplish lifetime mission Operation Havoc.

  Solely no murder cat sister, host sister. Best beloved despite recent loathing that sister for this agent. Operative me shall die same manner as Trevor Stonefield—adoring only no adored.

  Alone. No beloved. Appareled fresh inner pants.

  Magic quiet door go sideways, disappear inside wall to open path from outside. Doors slide gone until reveal inside stand old slave woman appareled with red tunic, Doris Lilly. Ancient sentinel rest gray cloud eye on operative me, roll eye from hair and down this agent, say, voice like old parrot, say, “Welcome to Wal-Mart.” Say, “Comrade.”

  Inquires this agent, face operative me designed into pleasing eye contact. This agent say, “Much venerate ancient mother… where sold here sterile inner—”

  Next now, halt. Thinking machine operative me fixed upon word comrade.

  Face of ancient mummify bound in dying skin, clouded eye only look, no blink.

  Same now, voice say, “Hey, Pyg man.” From elsewhere nearby, male voice say, “Can I talk to you?”

  Ancient parrot, sag skin jump with smile. Edge smear of red wax slice open as mouth, wax smile spread so reveal prosthetic teeth, say, “Good luck at the National Science Fair…”

  Male voice revealed as pig dog brother. On breath, the stink of Ritalin. The pollution stench of model airplane adhesive and frequent masturbations. Host brother brandish sheet white paper, sheet revealed as envelope. Fingers pig dog pluck envelope so open, extract paper colored white. Standard-size letter. Say, “You got a minute?”

  Envelope delivered hand of female Stonefield, amid burial rites devil Tony.

  Hand operative me aware folded newsprint photograph within trouser this agent. Aware vial neurotoxin purloined office of arrested host father. Allowing single inhale, able murder host brother. Murder Doris Lilly. Resolve all mysteries and possible conflict.

  Aware molar tooth this agent, filled hollow with deadly cyanide. Forever so able resolve this agent utilizing single bite.

  En route, approached operative Tibor, that agent bestowing thick stack, vast quantity paper American currency upon operative me. Serious mass load many notes one, five, twenty-dollar bills.

  For official record, allow pig dog brother lead this agent making small parade. Stride passing location clear-yellow bully brutalize host brother. Stride past table numerous shoe for purchase. Tennis shoe, track shoe, bowling shoe. Wrestling shoe. Basketball shoe. Cross-training shoe. Arriving shelves burdened cologne of Listerine, host brother halt, make eyes sideways one direction, sideways other direction. No fellow citizen present as witness. Next then, happen upon former gentleman delegate Tanzania, occasion catalyst vast smile, delegate say, “Pyg-ster!” Say, “Hey, good buddy!”

  Next then, stumble upon Madam Butter Bags. Esteemed madam bat flirt eye, say squeal, “Pygmy!” Say, “Wow about that science fair thing!”

  Upon occasion alone, isolated amid empty aisle accompanied solely host brother, hands host brother open paper sheet. Fingers vibrating. Trembling. Voice of pig dog in additional trembling, say, “I need to read you something Mrs. Stonefield gave me…”

  In response this agent could offer instruct pig brother, paw-raw, pounce Clawing Cougar.

  Eyes pig dog darting evasive, no connecting eyes this agent. English alphabet letters, written by hand alongside of envelope, written, “For Pygmy.”

  Negotiate could be operative me train host brother, slash-crash, execute perfect exact Tearing Tiger.

  That now, approached operative Tanek for deliver that agent large volume, serious bulk additional American monetary notes.

  Pig brother eyes fixed upon letter sheet, say, read say, “‘Dear Pygmy…’”

  This agent offer, could be teach brother, claw-craw, Pawing Panther. After able instant quick kill all enemy.

  ‘“Dear Pygmy,’” repeat say host brother, ‘“Probably I shouldn’t feel embarrassed, because if you’re reading my letter then I’ve got to be dead.’”

  In secret thinking machine operative me, no voice reciting, Nickel, niobium, Naughahyde… 223

  Read say out letter, host brother say, “‘That’s probably for the best.’”

  Within skull reciting, Fermium, fluorine, Formica…

  Read say, ‘“Better to be dead, I figure, than alive and knowing what I can’t have. You know?’” Read say, ‘“Maybe it’s better just living the way you figure life is when you’re a kid. Before you get too smart.’”

  Ultimate million reflections this agent, pig dog brother, striding past everything new with shine. Polished plastic. Tight stretches vinyl. Everything American begging for take home.

  Pig brother say off paper, ‘“If I could go back to before you and me in the bathroom, definitely probably I’d jump at the chance. Only problem is, I can’t.’” Read say, ‘“If you won’t share my life with me, maybe you’ll share my death.’”

  Eye cast upon letter, read say, ‘“Sorry about tomorrow at the United Nations, how I’m tricking you to kill me.’” Read say, “‘You made me somebody new. That’s plenty’” Read say, ‘“Thank you.’”

  In closing, paper written, “Love.” Written, “Trevor Stone-field.”

  Fingers operative me aware vial tucked within trouser, toxin. Within skull reciting prayer of benevolent hero, altruist savior Mao Tse-tung, say, “If you have to shit, shit! If you have to fart, fart! You will feel much better for it.”

  “That money you gave me at Wal-Mart,” say pig brother, say, “it smelled like ass…” Say, “How’d that happen?”

  From distant, far terminus aisle, solely witness aged skeleton Doris Lilly. Clouded eye observe, no blink. Next now, menacing wrinkled head tilt, nod, repeat to make head meaning “yes.” Feet ominous cadaver make exit, wander so no more present, eclipsed behind many absurd breakfast food, heaped expiring foodstuffs.

  Dying objects. Dying buyers. Desperate how sad.

  Arriving that then, operative Chernok, imparting generous portion, much heavy funds cash of American legal tender. Paper bills printed portraits presidents Lincoln, Jackson, Washington.

  Quote, “If you have to shit, shit! If you have to fart, fart! You will feel much better for it.”

  Hands operative me delve more deep trouser, fingers clutch glass vial. Extract so able present for pig dog. Voice of this agent, pitched casual, explain how vial as Listerine: effective cologne for driving all the fine ladies wild. Display vial so most appealing. Announce, here invented such super-mega-effective Spanish fly as pig brother requested. Rise elevate vial fatal toxin, hand making ever more close host brother face.



  Begins here thirty-fourth account of operative me, agent number 67, on departure Midwestern American airport greater area. Flight . Date . Destination competition finals National Science Fair, located city of Washington, District of Columbia, national seat most hated American nation.

  For purpose execute climax Operation Havoc.

  Fellow operatives present interior airport, operative Tibor, operative Magda, operative Ling. All, Sheena, Bokara, Chernok, Mang. Otto and Oleg.

  Present for departure this agent, solely host mother Cedar. Scrawny chicken mother, beak face irritated much red color, caused recent too copious eye bleeding water. Host father: detained custody federal police. Host pig brother: missing. Host cat sister: Hating guts operative me.

  Aged alive cadaver Doris Lilly, present for accompany as chaperone along science fair journey.

  Host mother, chicken claws wring facial tissue at beak. Twist tissue so satur
ated eye water, say, “Have a good trip…” Say, “We’ll miss you…” Chicken frame shaken with heaving sob, blood glow flood face red.

  Within skull, this agent reciting, Manganese, Mouseketeer, Modesto…

  Host mother racked violent sobs. Mopping floodwater of face.

  Secret voice operative me, reciting, Xenon, Ex-Lax, Xanax…

  Chicken mother wipe saturated face skin. Loud inhale nostrils loaded infinite mucus. Repeat breathe inward dense burden mucus. Issue terrible drowning voice, say, “Pygmy?” Say, “Do you remember how I said we’d make you into an American or die trying?”

  Chicken mouth wane smile, brimming eyes, say, “Well, if you jumped the first plane back to your native homeland, I wouldn’t blame you one little bit.” Mauling moist tissue, say, “This family… our whole country is a total wreck.”

  Father arrested. Son missing. Sister betrayed. Mother weeping.

  Blink watery eye, swipe dripping beak, host mother say, “I would understand completely if you didn’t want to be adopted, I mean…” Shoulders heave, quaking. Chicken elbows pinned at each side. Mother say, “Everything is just so messed up right now.”

  Both twitching limbs host mother fling so embrace this agent. Grapple torso operative me, pressuring head of this agent between host mother mammary glands. Dampening hair operative me much mother eye water. Sounding contractions, beat-beat, beat-beat, beat-beat, regular systematic convulsions mother heart muscle into ear of this agent.

  Heart pulse battling thinking machine, recitation basic chemical elements, Neon, nylon, Nashville…

  Next then chaperone Doris Lilly approach, stumbling stride arrive wrinkled mummy, waxen face say, “Sorry, dears, but it’s time we caught our flight…”