Would you sit down?! You aren't fired.


  (Straightens his posture and closes the door) I'm not?

  BELKY shakes his head and points to the seat signaling for SAMUS to return back to it. SAMUS reads the nonverbal gesture and he walks back to the chair and sits down on it.



  Okay then. You may proceed.


  (Smiles shaking his head at the craziness that just took place. He folds his hands together on the desk.)

  Thank you. Well, at first I was upset you didn't review the film. But then I read the numbers. You posted this article at midnight and right now, it has six hundred thousand Shares, thirty eight thousand Likes, more than half a million retweets and the numbers are increasing as we speak. This is freaking gold!

  SAMUS' eyes widen in shock at the words. GUSTIN nods informing him it was true.


  It literally caused our servers to crash. Nothing like that ever happened to us before.

  You clearly have talent kid as well as an amazing way with words. What exactly is this article about?


  A date I had yesterday.


  Wait, wait! (laughs) You wrote about a date you had?


  Yes! But in my defense, I needed somewhere to vent and Ursula wasn't available. So I did what anyone who had three cups of wine with a keyboard and anger in his heart would do.


  Holy crap! I thought you made this up! So was that goodnight kiss really dull?





  We return to the scene where DYLAN and SAMUS were standing still talking to each other.


  (in a cutesie voice)

  Don't forget we also shared all those cute kitten videos. Especially the one where the Black kitty was dancing to that Taylor Swift song.

  DYLAN leans in and kisses SAMUS. The kiss was passionate and magical, after a few seconds SAMUS gently pulls back and smiles.


  W-wow that was amazing.


  (Awkwardly touches his lips)

  I-I should get going. It was- um nice meeting you.

  DYLAN turns away from SAMUS and quickly walks away as if he just got called in for an emergency. SAMUS watches him in shock and confusion. The hurt in his eyes were evident as DYLAN left.



  We return back to the office where BELKY and GUSTIN patiently wait for SAMUS to answer the question.


  -Yes, yea it was. (smiles innocently)

  Frame Freezes.


  Okay fine! So I lied and said the kiss was horrible. It was an amazing kiss and I felt the magic, I really did...unfortunately he didn't and I found out later that night he blocked me! Not only my calls but my texts, then I found out he blocked me on Facebook, Tinderdate, Instagram, Twitter, etc! I really thought we hit it off...I guess I was wrong.

  A month of speaking and I guess my kiss was where he didn't feel the magic. He could've at least told me. I guess you live and you learn. Right?

  Frame Resumes.


  (shaking his head in disbelief)

  That is insane!



  I worked my ass off to create this as the damn best LGBTQ News outlet out there in New York City today! Then you come and turn in something that sounds like found on Tumblr! I created this site to educate the younger generation of this community.


  But that's the thing! Are we really educating the readers with lousy film reviews? Or by constantly showing pictures of Tom Daley in his underwear? Or crowning wannabe Instagram models because they have the best abs? I mean where are the voices of the real LGBTQ individuals? We're freaking based in New York City and yet we have nothing to show that!


  (leans back on the chair and crosses his arms against his chest)

  And your answer to that dilemma is a Dating column?


  Hear me out, okay? (He inhales deeply and begins to talk fast)

  Our articles cover everything from Celebrities, Celebrity bulges, which politician used a gay slur, porn stars who all of a sudden want to start writing articles to be taken seriously in the world and even to the perfect place to spend a weekend here in the Big Apple without getting arrested. (Takes a breath) But where is the column for Gay men who just want to date? I can write that!


  (To Gustin) Gay men date?

  GUSTIN shrugs.


  Exactly! When people hear 'Gay Men' they instantly think Hookups or back alley blowjobs, but that is far from the truth!

  There are Gay men-like myself- who want to date, want to experience the hand holding romance, kissing in the rain and whatever corny crap you see in a Nicholas Sparks movie.


  Sounds reasonable. What will you be writing about if you get this column?


  For starters? I want to write about my experience as a Gay Latino from the Bronx currently living in the city, trying to find love in a sea of men who only want hookups. In a city, where I'm seen as an outsider. (takes a breath trying to calm down from his excitement) I'm signed on to various dating apps and my best friend Ursula's girlfriend owns a night club that holds speed dating events monthly. So I can write about my experiences on there.

  I'll also write about do's and don'ts on the first date, interviewing couples already in a monogamous and committed relationship and I'll also write about the dates that I go on.


  (nods thinking about the words that Samus was talking about. He pauses for a few seconds)

  These dates you write about?will they include the names of the actual guys?


  Oh, of course not! It's just like- (points to the screen)- that article. I named the guy Dimmer and his real name was Dylan.


  (Sighs and tiredly nods)



  (claps happily)



  -It is just a trial run! I am giving you five weeks.

  If the numbers increase weekly with each article you upload, then on the fifth week I will gladly give you your own column.


  Oh I promise you Belky you will not regret this! (Gets up from the chair)


  One quick question...what do you plan on calling this column?


  Hmm...How about 'The Adventures of a Boy With A Broken Heart'? We'll have the techies create an avatar for me so no one will know I'm the one behind it.


  Sounds smart. (smiles sincerely) Alright. I'm expecting your next article to be better than this one.


  Oh it'll be even better. Trust me.


  It better be.

  SAMUS waves at both men and he leaves the office closing the door behind him. BELKY shakes his head rereading the article again.


  That one is a character.


  (still looking at the computer screen)

  That one is going to send me to my early grave with all this stress.

  GUSTIN laughs shaking his head and he takes out his phone to check his emails as the V.O. plays.

  SAMUS (V.O.)

  Well, there you have it. The beginning of my new story.

  A story where there will be many interesting characters, a climax, secrets, lies and many twists and turns along the way. But that's just like life. Isn't it?

  Now the questions you may have are: Will this unique idea actually launch my
career as a Journalist? And will I actually find love on this weird journey? Or will I die trying? Either way buckle up -


  "FIVE WEEKS LATER (PRESENT DAY)" - Appears on the screen

  We approach the apartment door as seen in the beginning of this episode. The door swings open and someone runs out. We enter the apartment to find everything was neat and clean. We walk in to find a black garbage bag on the ground and next to that bag was a bloodied kitchen knife. We move a few inches away from the bloody knife and discover SAMUS lying face up in a pool of blood with a puncture wound to his stomach shaking and trying to control his breathing.


  - Because it's going to be one hell of a ride.






  We re-enter SAMUS' apartment rediscovering him on the floor as the V.O. plays.

  SAMUS (V.O.)

  Why is it so hard to find the right partner? I mean, we can find the right song to match our mood, the right hairstyle, the right apartment, the right selfie to post online; yet when it comes to finding someone that makes us laugh, smile and feel amazing, we are all lucked out. Life is funny and a mystery.

  We pan over to SAMUS' right hand and a few inches away we see a picture of SAMUS wearing a purple hoody with a man. All that was visible was the back of the man's head.


  A mystery that once you solve better pray to Goddess, it doesn't cost you your life.


  "FOUR WEEKS EARLIER"- Appears on the screen


  The NYC street wasn't as busy or fast paced as it was a weekend and everyone was enjoying the Summer weather and the many sights NYC had to offer for the season.

  SAMUS is strolling with URSULA down the block as they both held a cup of smoothie in their hands. They are clearly in no rush to get to wherever they were going.


  It's a mystery that not many people have the courage to solve. I mean, Dahling, it's pretty obvious how to navigate through life.

  Live, breathe, bathe, eat, work, have sex, drink, find love and die.


  It's a sick circle of life, if ya ask me.



  Eh, you just have to keep the faith Dahling and the universe will put the pieces together for you.


  I'm impatient, you know that. (Beat) How's Tara?


  (rolls her eyes)

  Her dreadful mother is coming into town next month. Apparently, she wants to see if my Brownstone is appropriate for us to live in when we get married.


  (He looks at her confusingly as he takes a small sip of his smoothie)

  You guys are getting married?


  That's the thing! We aren't, nor have we discussed it. I mean we've been dating for merely three months and we aren't even living in the same facility. Not to mention (Pauses and lets out a deep sigh) Kyle is back in town.


  (stops walking and opens his mouth to gasp)

  Kyle? As in your ex-boyfriend Kyle? The one that you dumped for Tara? The one who's heart you broke into a kabillion pieces to jump into the pond where you are now dating women?


  (Stops walking as well and giggles nodding her head waiting for him to finish)

  Yes! And for the record, he wasn't that heartbroken. He survived and we still chat every night on Facebook.

  SAMUS takes another sip of his smoothie and he starts to walk again causing URSULA to do the same thing.


  I don't know how you can do it. I can't be friends with my ex-especially since that bastard cheated on me. I mean, can exes even be friends?


  Not all exes hold grudges Sam-Sam.

  Many can actually be friends with each other. Like Ben Affleck with Jennifer Lopez and Garner, Taylor Swift with Joe Jonas, Taylor Lautner, Harry Styles, John Mayer and Loki!


  I don't know. It seems weird to me. Exes are like damaged shoes. Once you have worn them out and you can't repair them, throw them away! Don't put them back on and walk through broken glass wearing them.


  I guess it really depends just how you ended things. All I know is that Kyle and I are great friends and Tara doesn't mind.


  Props to Tara. She's a good one. Ugh! (Beat) Why are Lesbians so sweet, kind, humble and romantic?


  (shrugs smiling)

  I guess we're just amazing people. Goddess made us in her image. (She nudges Samus and laughs as they continue walking)


  Blah blah blah!

  URSULA and SAMUS continue to walk and Man #1 (Mid 20's), very attractive, tall, wearing a tank top) stops in front of them.

  URSULA and SAMUS stop walking and they look at him.

  MAN #1

  I'm sorry to interrupt, I'm heading to a party for a friend and-I'm lost. He texted me this address and I have no idea where I'm going. (To Samus) Can you help me?

  MAN#1 takes out his phone and hands it to SAMUS. Unfortunately SAMUS looks down at his feet slowly taking another sip of the smoothie. URSULA notices what SAMUS was doing and she takes the phone smiling.


  (reads the screen)

  Oh Dahling, you are waaay off.

  You need to take the 4 train downtown. You're going to get off on 149 street Grand Concourse.

  URSULA hands the phone back to MAN#1 and he smiles thanking her. He looks at SAMUS and gives him a smile but SAMUS looks away avoiding eye contact.

  MAN #1

  (turns once again to Ursula smiling and takes back his phone) Thank you so much!


  Of course! Have fun at the party, don't drink too much.

  MAN#1 nods and waves at URSULA as he leaves and SAMUS clears his throat. He looks at URSULA.


  Okey dokey. So where were we? (pauses) Ah yes! You shouldn't be friends with your ex.


  (looks at Samus smirking)

  Um Dahling... What was that?


  (Completely lost)

  What was what?


  That guy was totally checking you out and you were ignoring him as if he was a Republican in a Gay club.


  (In denial)

  Pfft! No he wasn't! He was just lost and looking for directions.


  Oh Bloody Hell! Are all you Americans so dense? (shakes her head) He was hoping to speak to you. It's very romantic yet a clich?, but a Bloody good ice breaker.


  First off, you were born and raised in Detroit. I have no idea where the hell you picked up that English accent.

  Secondly, he was probably into the idea of being with me. Once he hears me speak, he's going to do what every guy does and run away, like Hollywood running away from originality.


  Whether you like it or not Sam-Sam, this is your voice. There is no changing it and I don't think you should ever feel bad about it. I love how your voice sounds and you should too.


  Of course I do. It's just most men don't. You know how it is. (Lowers his voice to mimic a masculine man) 'I'm a Masc looking for another Masc brah and if I wanted to date a girl I would. Ya heard?'



  Ewww, those men are gross! Which is why I'm dating a girl now.


  Yeah I can't do that.

  URSULA and SAMUS continue walking through the NYC neighborhood together still at a casual pace.


  So any plans for tonight?

nbsp; SAMUS

  Yeppies. I have a date with this guy I matched with on Grindate.


  Isn't that the app married men on the Downlow use to hook up?


  Oh no, that's Grindr you're thinking about. No, Grindate is an app for strictly monogamous men to find a soul mate.


  Ooh I see now. (nods her head) Dahling, let's go get some sushi I'm completely famished.


  How can you eat so much? We just had a hotdog ten minutes ago.


  (shrugs and flips her hair back mimicking a high school popular girl)

  Guess I was born that way.



  Minus the accent.

  URSULA playfully gasps and nudges SAMUS and they continue walking down the street laughing and chatting inaudibly.



  "DATE #2: PHILLIP ELLIS"- Appears on the screen

  SAMUS walks into the park looking around for his date. The evening brought about many people to the park as well as musicians taking any opportunity to practice their talents.