Probably not. If this is the crazy side of you that was buried deep inside, we were going to crash land into Splitsville long before then.

  PARKER nods and he turns around with tears in his eyes.


  I am so sorry. I didn't mean to come here and harass you. (he walks back over to Samus and gets down on his knees in front of him) Please say you forgive me. I cannot live without you forgiving me! If you hate me, then my life isn't important anymore.


  (in disgust)

  Please just get up and get out and be happy I don't call the cops either.

  PARKER nods and slowly gets up on his feet. As he does this he takes out a knife from the inside of his jacket pocket and stabs SAMUS in the stomach.


  (in shock and pain)



  (smiling as he whispers in Samus' right ear)

  If I can't have you, no one else can.

  PARKER pulls the knife out of SAMUS' stomach and watches as he falls to the ground. He looks at the blood on the knife and drops it gasping in regret. He bends down and kisses SAMUS' head apologizing and turns around running out of the apartment and shutting the door behind him, leaving SAMUS to bleed out.


  "ONE WEEK LATER: PRESENT DAY"- Appears on the screen


  We watch as TARA and URSULA walk down the street. URSULA is holding a 'Get Well Soon' balloon and TARA is holding a box of cake in her hands.


  I can't believe those bloody Doctors kept Sam-Sam in the hospital for an entire week!


  Well it was for his safety. That sicko attacked Samus in his own home. I don't blame the Police and Hospital for wanting to keep Samus for longer. And it worked too, they caught him last night.


  Caught him? The bloody wanker shot himself in the head! That's not catching him, that's him getting off way too easily if you ask me.

  He should've had the balls to get arrested and do his time, so I can be there in the front row watching as he gets fried on the chair.


  Look babe, no matter what happened to him, let's just be grateful Samus is alive and well.


  Are you mad? That poor kid is upstairs by himself with a bloody hole in his stomach! I don't necessarily see how that is him doing "well"!


  And that wound will heal in time. So like I said babe, be grateful he's alive.

  We watch as they continue walking down the street.


  (rolling her eyes)

  Ugh! Fine!


  Thank you. (pauses) Besides he's not alone. I left him with Dylan.


  (stops walking in shock)

  You did WHAT!?



  We enter SAMUS' apartment and we return to the spot where SAMUS was lying days before. There was no blood and no sign of an attack.

  Giggles could be heard from the sofa and we look to find DYLAN and SAMUS passionately kissing on the sofa.


  (winces a bit in pain)


  (quickly releases Samus and sits up)

  Oh my Gosh, did I hurt you?


  (shaking his head smiling)

  No, I keep forgetting how much pain I'm in once the painkillers wear off.



  Yeah that will do it to ya. (caresses Samus' face) Listen, Sammi, I really am happy you're alive. You scared the shit out of me back there.


  (gazes back at Dylan)

  I'm glad I'm alive as well?in a strange way, I saw you while I laid in the hospital...I heard your voice?The morning of the attack, you asked me something. Do you remember what it was?


  (nods slowly)

  Yeah I do.


  Ask it again. Please?So I can answer.


  (he sits up on the sofa and softly speaks)

  Samus...will you be my boyfriend?



  Yes! Yes I will!

  SAMUS leans in and kisses DYLAN softly. The buzzard rings a few times and DYLAN sighs slowly backing away from the kiss.


  (gets up from the sofa and walks over toward the buzzard and presses it) That must be your friend Ursula, aka 'The One That Hates Me'.


  She doesn't hate you. She is just worried for me. You can't blame her for caring.


  Well as I have told her numerous times before, I am not like your ex.



  You still can't blame her. But if it helps I'll speak to her and maybe you two can get mani pedis together.


  (looking at Samus with a blank looks)

  Please tell me you're joking.

  SAMUS shrugs his shoulders and the doorbell rings and a few knocks are heard. DYLAN opens the door and standing in the doorway was URSULA and TARA.


  (To Dylan)

  Took you long enough. What were you doing Dahling, trying to find the door?


  (smirks shaking his head slowly)

  No, I found it very easily...I was just debating whether or not I should open the door for you.


  (sticks her tongue out at him and enters the apartment) (To Samus) Oh Dahling! How are you? Have you been changing your bandages?


  Yes I have! I may have never been stabbed before, but I did listen to the Doctor.

  DYLAN looks over at TARA and she smiles at him apologetically. She hands him the box of cake.


  Please forgive her, she's been cranky since she saw the news know


  Trust me she's not alone. If I had it my way I would've snapped that piece of sh-scum's head off.

  TARA enters and closes the door behind her. We watch as DYLAN goes into the kitchen. He places the box on the table and notices the envelope with his name on it. He lowers his eyebrows unsure of what it was. He looks out of the kitchen and quickly places the envelope inside of his pants.




  (sitting down on the sofa)

  Dahling, how are you doing?


  Well it sucks to be bandaged up, sucks even harder when I laugh. So I'm trying this thing where I just see episodes of that new Kevin James' show, and since it's not funny I don't laugh.


  (nods sitting next to Ursula)

  And how are you feeling?


  (to Tara)

  I want to say better now that..Parker's gone, but I don't know. I mean I'm happy to be alive and even eternally grateful for all of you guys.

  URSULA and TARA smile and they look at each other. TARA remembers something.


  Crap! I totally forgot to buy the drinks for the toast.


  (turns to Tara)

  Are you seriously going to have a bloody toast after something like this happened?


  (smiling softly)

  No silly. It's to toast to the fact that I have accepted an amazing offer to have my own column. It will be called, Samus' World.


  (gasps in excitement)

  Oh Dahling, that is amazing! Congratulations! (she leans in and hugs Samus carefully. Pulls away and glares at him) Why wasn't I the first one to know?


  You were supposed to be the first, trust me. But it seems Dylan has a big mouth.


  (entering the livingroom)
r />   That ain't the only thing big about me.







  (covers her ears)

  Penis Joke. (sings)La, La, La, La, La!


  (To Dylan)

  Dahling, why don't you go with Tara to pick up some wine. She could use the extra help.


  (Puts her hands down)

  Oh that would be awesome D-Dawg!


  (smiles nodding)

  Sure thing T-Bah! Let me just pee first. (He kisses Samus' forehead and walks into the bathroom)

  DYLAN enters the bathroom and closes the door behind him. The voices of SAMUS, URSULA and TARA can be heard on the other side. We watch as DYLAN turns the bathroom sink on and takes the envelope out of his pants. He opens it and we watch as he reads it. He shakes his head shocked anyone found out the truth.


  Son of a bitch! (Frantically places everything back inside of the envelope and stuffs it back in his pants.)

  We watch as DYLAN flushes the toilet and splashes some water on his face. He dries it off with a hand towel and glares at his reflection.

  The secrets he thought he buried were now in the envelope he held. He worried more people knew about this but it didn't matter, because he knew he had to deal with this his way.

  He turns off the water and practices putting a smile on his face. He walks out the door.


  (re entering the livingroom)

  Ya ready to go T-Bah?


  (gets up from the sofa nodding)



  (Walks over to Samus and leans in toward his lips)

  I'm getting you water, a fruit basket and pudding. No changing my mind.


  Ugh! You know me so well. (smiles and kisses his lips.)

  DYLAN smiles and waves at URSULA and they both walk over toward the door. They leave closing the door behind them and URSULA smiles looking at SAMUS.


  (lowers his eyebrows)

  What? Do I have something on my face?


  No..I am just so happy you're alive, Dahling.(she hugs him softly)

  We watch as SAMUS and URSULA hug and the VO plays.

  SAMUS (V.O.)

  It's during life changing events that you find out who your true friends really are. And it isn't until you know who they are, that you start to see them more as family. The family that will see you and accept you at your worst and still love you.-

  Cuts to GUSTIN in his apartment typing on his laptop:


  -The friends that have more faith in you than you do in yourself. -

  Cuts to TARA and DYLAN walking down the street chatting and laughing. We watch as TARA takes out her cellphone and speaks into it and DYLAN takes the envelope out and rips it into pieces. He throws it into a nearby garbage can:

  SAMUS (V.O.)

  -And sometimes you have to hope and pray that the people you let inside of your inner circle, are really trustworthy and have no intentions on hurting you.-

  Cuts to MARY MYERS lying on the floor in her apartment crying loudly.

  SAMUS (V.O.)

  -But we always have to remember that keeping these friends in our lives is important because, we are never promised tomorrow. We are only given today and one life to live. -

  We return back to SAMUS and URSULA hugging each other:

  SAMUS (V.O.)

  -That's why you need real friends in your life. To make you smile and forget all about the negatives. True friendships are hard to find, like love, but you know in due time when the right people have entered your life. And when that happens, you know more than anything that you can all face life together. But sometimes life doesn't prepare you for what happens next.-

  URSULA pulls away from SAMUS and she looks down wiping her eyes.


  Sam-Sam?I slept with Kyle a few weeks ago and..well?I'm pregnant.

  SAMUS gasps and there is a silence amongst them both.

  SAMUS (V.O.)

  Life is such a bitch.




  Thank you for reading!

  Xoxoxox Eddy Bee

  P.S If you plan on using any scenes or monologues to act out for an audition or for a class please let me know! I would love to see your performance!

  Also follow me on Twitter: @EddyBee26


  Instagram @CrazyEddyBee for updates on new projects!

  For business inquiries or interests in this project please send all queries to my email [email protected]

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