Page 102 of The Sound of Wind

  Chapter Twenty-Eight - Education

  When he woke up he was on Crysta’s couch and she was sitting in front of it with one arm on his leg, asleep. He carefully shifted so as not to disturb her while he reached for his phone to check the time, and discovered that he had a voicemail from CJ.

  “Hey! We got your message, but when we got there you guys were already gone, and again in Illinois, so we went to the East Coast and I kicked some serious ass. I’ll tell you about it later! Back to spying. See ya!”

  Hugo sighed. He felt perfectly fine, if incredibly tired. There was no soreness in his back, nothing to remind him that he’d been stabbed a few hours ago. He looked down at Crysta, propped against the couch, breathing slow and even; she must have worn herself out healing him. Slowly he sat up, trying not to move his legs so as not to disturb her. His sweater was a mess, it was covered in dried blood, so he took it off, but the t-shirt underneath wasn’t fairing any better.

  Maybe he should wake her up and get her into bed, but she’d probably want to get back to work once she was up instead of resting like she needed to. Maybe at least he could get her on the couch without disturbing her too much.

  He carefully picked up Crysta’s arm and moved his legs out from underneath it. She started to slide forward and he slid off the couch to catch her. She sighed at the movement, but didn’t open her eyes. Ok, now he was just awkwardly holding her upright on the floor, he didn’t consider that progress. Her hair, falling across her eyes, smelled like lavender, and she had a small, secretive smile on her face. He wondered what she was dreaming about. He pulled her up towards the couch, rolling her over so that she was on her back, and then immediately got off of her, his face red. He removed her shoes, and then sat on the floor by her feet, back to the couch.

  He leaned his head back, staring up at the white ceiling. She’d saved his life three times already, twice in one night, and with the abilities she was afraid of. Hugo sighed, running his hand over his face. She cared for him. Ok, she was a doctor, that was her job. But she’d said she was loyal to him. What did that even mean? She would stay. She loved him. But that was ridiculous, he didn’t deserve her as a friend. He didn’t deserve any of them. He was temperamental, an addict, homicidal. Clem was a little off, but they were good people, and he was not. Hugo blocked out the view of the ceiling with his hand. Just forget it, you’re going to change the future and none of the things you saw will happen. None of them.