The first thing she had to do was locate Max. It would do her little good if she was able to break free, yet unable to find her friend. If she got out of here, she would have to know where he was so that she could get to him safely. She knew it would be tricky, and she would have to move quickly, but she was fairly certain that she would be able to do it.

  She hoped.

  Her attention was drawn to the door as Braith returned; his loyal wolf close to his side. She knew immediately that something wasn't right. His shoulders were too stiff and his jaw was clenched. Aria braced herself for whatever it was he had to say.

  "Caleb will be here shortly. You must go to my room and stay there until I call for you."

  Aria swallowed heavily, she managed a brief nod. "Ok."

  "Arianna." She turned back at the low murmur of her name. His knuckles were white as he gripped the head of his cane. "I mean it. Do not come out of there."

  Her temper bristled, she almost rebelled against his command but she kept her mouth shut. She didn't particularly care to see his brother again anyway; there was something about the man that frightened her on a primal, instinctive level. She slipped silently from the room.

  - CHAPTER 10 -

  Aria hated the thin gold leash but she accepted the fact that she had to wear it or she wouldn't be allowed to step foot outside. She wanted to be out of doors so badly she could almost taste it, wanted it so badly that she was shaking with the need to breathe fresh air and feel it upon her skin again.

  It was also the only chance she had of maybe finding Max. Thankfully, she didn't have to argue with Braith as much as she'd thought she would to get him to take her into the town; she suspected that he meant for people to see her chained to him like any other blood slave should be.

  Aria ignored the questioning stares as Braith led her through the streets. Though she knew a rebel attack on the palace would be futile, she still tried to absorb as much detail as possible about the town within the palace confines. The cobblestone streets were clean and lined with sweeping, beautiful buildings, which it took her awhile to realize, were actually homes.

  Vampires moved about the streets, many had blood slaves meekly following behind. The gold leash was the brightest thing about the poor victims that trudged behind their masters. Aria tried hard not to stare at the blood slaves, tried not to notice the melancholy they radiated, but by the time they'd made it a few hundred feet down the road she had tears forming in her eyes.

  These slaves were thin, beaten, marred with bruises and bite marks. There were some that looked healthier than others, but there was still a bleak look in their eyes that left Aria shaken. These were her people, and they were being cruelly used and slowly bled to death. Braith had saved her from such a fate, but she had come very close to sharing their same end. That thought didn't ease the anguish clawing at her, but only increased it. She was no better than any of these people; she didn't deserve to be spared when they hadn't been.

  Braith grabbed hold of her elbow, pulling her close against him. "Do not cry; do not show sympathy, if you do then we must go back. You are not permitted to show such emotions, do you understand me?" he hissed in her ear.

  Aria swallowed heavily, her head bowed as she tried to blink away the hot sting of tears that burned her eyes. How could she not show sympathy for these poor, broken people that were suffering unfairly? Braith released her arm; he took an abrupt step away from her as they neared the busier market section of the town.

  Vampires and free people mingled about the shops and stores, merchants selling their wares in the streets shouted to be heard above the hustle and bustle of activity. Aria's eyes darted over everything; there was no way she could take it all in. She had never seen anything like it in her life, never even imagined that such a place existed. They had so much here, while so many had so little. The greed and selfishness was overwhelming. Rage trickled through her, her feelings of helplessness swelled to the point of nearly choking her.

  "Amazing," she muttered, trying not to reveal the antipathy rising within her.

  She felt Braith's eyes upon her, but she didn't look at him again. She stopped abruptly as they rounded the top of a hill. Her breath froze in her lungs, a feeling of homesickness tore through her with such intensity that her legs nearly gave out. Over top of the walls, beyond the town nestled in the valley below the palace, were the woods. Her woods. She was shaking, her fingers curled as she took a step forward. For a moment she could almost touch them again, almost feel the cool shade of the leafy trees, touch their roughened bark, and smell the earthy scent of leaves and dirt. For a moment she was there, with her family. For just a moment she was happy, for just one small moment, she was home.

  Then reality slapped her harshly in the face, and she was back in the crowded market area of the palace town, leashed to a vampire that owned her, and surrounded by her enemy. She wasn't free; she hadn't been free in awhile and may never be free again. She was far from the forest and the people she had grown up with. She felt broken, hollow, even the solid presence of Braith by her side did little to ease the homesickness festering within her chest.

  The crowd parted easily as he led her through it. Everyone scurried to get out of his, and Keegan's, way. Aria trailed silently behind, acting like the docile and good blood slave that she was supposed to be, though now she didn't have to work too hard to act the part. She was too upset to keep up with his brisk, purposeful strides. Her eyes darted over everyone, rapidly searching for Max, or the woman that had claimed him somewhere amongst the crush of bodies.

  Aria stopped short as they broke free of the crowd, immediately revolted and somewhat nauseated as she came face to face with the stage she had been paraded upon. She felt the sharp tug of her leash, but her feet wouldn't move as she gazed at the newest victims huddled on the simple platform. The same man that had auctioned her off was spewing the praises of the young boy he held.

  "Move!" a sharp shove pushed her forward, knocking her momentarily off balance. She barely caught a glance of the woman that had shoved her out of the way.

  Aria managed to get her feet to move again. She stumbled forward, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe in the packed street. Braith had been stopped by an older man with graying hair and a potbelly. The fact that he was a human traitor only irritated her more. The man's hands fluttered all around as he spoke rapidly.

  The man didn't acknowledge her presence, but she did see his gaze flicker to the golden leash. Aria turned away, trying to ignore the chain that kept her tied to Braith. She fought hard to keep her emotions in check, but she deeply resented the fact that Keegan was allowed to roam free, while she was tethered. This was the way it was supposed to be, this was the only way that a blood slave could be brought out in public. He couldn't allow her to roam free; too many questions would be raised then.

  Even as she reminded herself of this she bristled against the restraint, bristled against the fact that this was her life for however much time it would be granted to her. She had accepted death when she'd first arrived here; she'd hoped and prayed for it. She didn't want to accept it now though.

  A sharp tug on her leash alerted her to the fact that Braith was ready to move on. She turned back to him, freezing instantly as her eyes latched onto the woman that had claimed Max. She was a few feet away from Braith and had honed in on him. She was just as beautiful as Aria remembered with her flowing hair, and voluptuous figure. Aria had the fleeting thought that this was the type of woman, or vampire, that Braith really liked and desired. She didn't know why the idea popped into her head, but once it was there, it festered like a thorn.

  "Prince," the woman greeted, a knowing smile curved her full mouth as she thrust her hip out and batted her lashes.

  Aria had to fight the urge to glare at the blatant, obnoxious woman. Annoyance and jealousy curdled through her as the woman touched Braith's arm. There was a familiarity between them that left her shaken and more than a little disconcerted. She realized that she didn'
t like the thought of other women around him; but worse than that, she really didn't like the fact that such a realization troubled her so much.

  Though Braith didn't move closer to the woman, she pressed herself against him in an overt way that nearly caused Aria to vomit. That was all she could take. Turning sharply away, her gaze scanned over the crowd as she eagerly sought out Max. She spotted him almost instantly, standing amongst the crush of bodies, his golden leash draped over a wooden post. A post that had other blood slaves tied to it as if they were horses.

  Aria's stomach dropped, her heart leapt in her chest as she gazed at her friend. A surge of relief and hope erupted in her chest. The sight of him was one of the most amazing things she'd ever encountered. The moment that her eyes found him, his also found her. Relief was evident in his bright blue eyes as he took a step toward her, only to be brought up short by the leash holding him in place. Tears filled her eyes, he still looked healthy, but there was a brokenness about him that robbed her of her breath. Bite marks marred his neck and arms, and there was a fading bruise on his cheek.

  Without thinking, she was moving toward him, needing to touch and speak with a man that meant so very much to her. Max's eyes were bright with excitement, he grabbed hold of the leash, looking as if he was going to rip it free, but they both knew that was impossible. His mouth parted as delight radiated from him. Aria couldn't help but smile back; her fingers itched to touch him as her heart soared with happiness. For one brief, shining moment, everything was right and she didn't know despair. She only knew that she had to get to her friend.

  Aria was pulled back a few inches as her leash was tugged sharply. She turned, about to vent her frustration when she realized that Braith was right behind her. That muscle was throbbing in his cheek again; his shoulders were squared as he loomed over her. He turned his attention to Max and his nostrils flared. Aria could feel the anger that coursed through him but she didn't understand the intensity of it. He wrapped his hand sternly around her leash, drawing her closer to him, forcing her against his body as he pulled the golden cord taut between them.

  Aria couldn't stop her gaze from going back to Max. She just wanted to speak with him, to know if he was ok, to have one moment where she could talk with her friend and reconnect with something familiar, something she missed so badly. She realized instantly she had made a mistake. Braith was infuriated; his knuckles were white as he wrapped the chain around his wrist. Not even a slip of paper could separate them anymore. Though no one around them seemed to have noticed her encounter with Max, even the woman that owned Max had been distracted by some jewelry, it was obvious that Braith had not missed it. "Braith…"

  "Your Highness," he corrected sharply.

  Aria shrank back as hurt bloomed in her chest. She wanted to explain, wanted to tell him something, anything that would make that look of betrayal leave his face. That would make the wrath simmering just below the surface abate a little. She didn't think he was in the mood to listen to her though, and she didn't know how to start explaining anything in and amongst this crowd. She wasn't even sure what she had to explain to him, or why he was so obviously irate with her. She hadn't done anything wrong.

  Aria stared helplessly up at him. The woman appeared at his side again, drawing his attention away from Aria. They spoke briefly, but Aria didn't hear a word they said. Despite her best efforts not to, her gaze slid back to Max. Her heart sank; tears of hopelessness swam in her eyes. In his gaze she could see the awful despair of their situation, the complete realization that they were trapped. And yet, she could also see a burgeoning fury within him as his attention turned back to Braith. True hatred simmered within Max's eyes.

  For the first time she was completely frightened of this whole mess. She had tried to convince herself that it would all work out in the end; that somehow they would escape. She realized now that they probably never would. They would be stuck here, they would die here, and there was nothing that either of them could do to stop it.

  A hand wrapped around her arm, she knew instantly that it was Braith's as her skin came alive, and her entire body reacted to his touch. She couldn't bring herself to look at him as the hated woman slipped past her. Aria wouldn't have been surprised to learn that she and Braith had made plans to meet up later. She knew what Braith was, what he required, and he was not asking her for any of it.

  She hated feeling this sense of betrayal, hated everything about this awful place, and this horrendous day. She had never coveted the simplicity of her woods and caves more than she did right now. She lifted her gaze to Braith, but he was no longer looking at her. In fact he looked as if he aspired to completely forget her existence as he released her arm and moved hurriedly through the parting crowd. Aria had to hurry to keep up with him as he strode purposely forward, nearly dragging her behind him.

  She looked back at Max, struggling against the tears that burned her eyes. She was terrified that this may be the last chance she would ever have to see him. He was watching her closely, his face dark with fury.


  Aria was nearly breathless by the time Braith hauled her into his apartment. He radiated fury, but somehow managed to silently shut the door. "Braith…"

  "Your Highness," he grated.

  Aria recoiled, she felt as if she had just been slapped. She could understand why she was supposed to call him that in public, but they were alone now and there was no one near to question them. "What?" she managed to sputter out.

  "I told you to call me Your Highness."

  Aria gaped after him as he released her leash and strode across the room. She was well aware of the fact that he hadn't removed the loathsome golden chain from her wrist. She stared dejectedly at the thin strand, wondering if it would ever come off again. She was afraid that it might not, and as long as it was upon her she would never be able to break free of this awful place. He'd told her that the chain was linked to him, that he could find it anywhere, and that he was the only one that could ever remove it from her. She would like to believe that wasn't true, but she suspected it was.

  She knew now that she had been completely wrong about him; he was just as cold and cruel as everyone else in this hideous place. She folded her free hand over top of the golden chain, itching to rip the offending thing from her skin. She'd heard rumors, stories that if a slave tried to pull the chain free, it would slice through their skin, tearing into the flesh. Their blood would run freely, staining the gold. It was the reason the leash was also known as the blood chain.

  At the moment, Aria didn't care.

  Terror drove her as she dug at it, trying to rip it free. She didn't care that her flesh was shredding, didn't feel the pain, or notice the blood spilling freely down her fingers and wrist. She just required freedom; she simply aspired to be out of this thing, and to have her life back. She didn't want to be someone's captive anymore, someone's thing to use and order about as they saw fit.

  Braith's hands seized her. A strangled cry escaped her lips as she tried to rip her hands free of his grasp, but he clung to her. She jerked wildly, resentment and frustration boiling in her veins. She was tired of living in this place and playing by his rules. Tired of being ordered about and having her life dictated over. "Let go of me!"

  "Stop it!" he snarled, pulling her toward him. "You're injuring yourself Arianna."

  "You're hurting me!" she snapped back, fighting to escape his hold. "I'd rather be dead then be trapped like this! Why didn't you just let me die!? Why don't you just kill me and get it over with!?"

  He pulled her hand away from the leash. Thrusting it down by his side and pinning it there. "Enough!" he barked. "You would prefer to die than be separated from your lover?"

  Outrage froze her as she gaped at him. "How dare you!" she spat. He released her hand, tossing it away in abhorrence as he took a step back. "You know nothing of me! Nothing of my life! Nothing of who I am! You sit in this palace, where you have had everything handed to you, and you judge those that refuse to be beaten
down and broken beneath your rules, your poor treatment, and your death sentences! You have no right to judge me!"

  His dark eyebrows lifted sharply, his jaw clenched and unclenched as a vein began to throb in his forehead. She could feel his revulsion as his lip curled in a sneer. "There isn't much of you to judge."

  Acting on pure instinct, and with the reckless abandonment her father had often cautioned her about, Aria's hand snaked up his side with the agility and speed that had kept her alive for the past seventeen years. That same recklessness would probably be what brought about the end of her life now as her hand connected with his face. The slap echoed in the deathly silence that followed. Aria panted, trying to catch her breath as she glared furiously at him. The mark of her bloody handprint was clearly evident against the hard curve of his cheek.

  His head, which had been knocked slightly aside by her violent blow, slowly came back to her. His mouth parted, his eyebrows rose sharply over the dark glasses as he stared at her for a long moment. Beneath his astonishment though, she could sense the growing wrath building within him. She knew that she should be scared, but she wasn't. She knew that she should probably be begging for his forgiveness, but she wouldn't. She didn't give a damn what he said or did to her anymore. She almost welcomed this as she sensed it was the end, that one way or another there would finally be an end to all of this unknowing.

  He stepped into her, forcing her against the wall, his face mere inches from hers. Aria found it hard to breathe; her hands were shaking as she awaited her inevitable fate. He pressed closer to her, his hands rested on either side of her head as he bent low, his nose nearly touching hers. He was vibrating with rage as his lips peeled back to reveal the sharp edge of his now elongated canines. Her pulse escalated as she focused on those fangs, it was the first time she'd ever seen them fully extended and she was certain they were about to destroy her.