That realization caused him to reluctantly pull away from her and lower his forehead to hers. The honeyed taste of her kiss lingered on his lips, need throbbed through his body, but they had to get out of here. He brushed back strands of her dirt-darkened hair and tucked it behind her ear.

  “We should go.” He couldn’t resist running his finger over her lips, still swollen from his kiss. He gave her another brief kiss before releasing her and stepping away. “I have to find somewhere to stash theses bodies.”

  “I know a place,” she said.

  He grabbed each body by the foot and dragged them into the shadowed recesses of a small side cave.

  - CHAPTER 20 -

  Tempest couldn’t stop her fingers from fidgeting with the sleeves of her white cloak as she stood at the mouth of the cave with William. She was better cloaked than she’d been when she’d fled here before, but she felt far more nervous now than she had then. Maybe it was because William was with her, and she had more to lose; maybe it was because they’d made it this far without being caught and a part of her believed they couldn’t stay lucky for much longer. Whatever it was, she didn’t want to take one step out of this cave.

  He’d been forced to take his bow and arrows off, there was no way to keep them hidden beneath his cloak, but he still had his bolts and crossbow secured discreetly to his waist. They both had stakes on them, but even knowing she was better prepared to face a threat now, she still couldn’t force herself to move.

  The children, she reminded herself. Her gaze slid down the backs of the buildings facing them, but the orphanage was too far away to see from here.

  “Stay by my side and walk as if you belong here. We’ll go to the orphanage first and see if we can get in there without being detected,” he said to her.

  She almost grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him back when he stepped out of the cave, but she kept her hands at her sides. Throwing her shoulders back, she stepped into the windblown snow behind him. She kept her head up as they walked toward the back of the orphanage. Her eyes picked out the vampires patrolling the area as they continued onward.

  There were so many of them; like ants, they seemed to be multiplying as they moved amongst the peaks and trails winding across the cliff faces. She was so focused on the mountains, she didn’t notice the white cloaked vampires approaching them until they were almost to them. Her deadened heart leapt into her throat; her flight instinct kicked into hyper-drive. She almost turned and bolted back toward the cave, but she forced herself to keep walking.

  They had to see the panic on her face, in her eyes, she was certain of it, but the two men and a woman only gave them a brief nod as they walked by. Her neck felt like wood as she forced her head to bow in a greeting before continuing onward. It took everything she had not to look back at them, to keep her gaze focused straight ahead. They didn’t encounter anyone else as they neared the orphanage.

  She stared at the building, unsure of how to approach it without drawing unwelcome attention to themselves. “That’s it,” she told him.

  “Keep walking,” William said.

  “But that’s it.”

  “We have to make sure Kane and his cohorts aren’t in there,” he said as they moved past the orphanage.

  They trudged through more of the backyards before he turned toward the right and headed for the main street. “William,” she whispered.

  “It will be fine, stay by me.”

  She went to fiddle with the cloak again, but managed to restrain herself from doing so. There were far more vampires in white cloaks here. Some of them were vampires she recognized from town. She kept her head down, her face turned away, hoping the night and the hood would keep her face mostly obscured from them.

  At any other time they may have assumed she’d been drawn into the ranks of the soldiers who had invaded their town, but she was certain Kane and the others had put out word to keep an eye out for her after she’d escaped. If the vampire she’d pushed over the cliff had survived, his description of her would have been circulated through the town, and everyone would have realized she was also the one who had disappeared from the orphanage.

  William walked close to the orphanage, his step far more casual than hers. She felt as if she had a beacon over her head screaming, imposter, but he moved as if he fit in here amongst these traitors and murderers who had turned them all into prisoners.

  “What is the basement like?” he inquired.

  “It’s mostly used for storage,” she replied. “No one goes down there often.”

  “Are there windows?”

  “One on each side of the building.”

  “Can we climb through them?”


  “Good.” He made a right between the orphanage and the house beside it. She followed behind him as they made their way down the side yard dividing the two homes. They were almost to the end of the houses when he took hold of her arm and pulled her against the wall of the orphanage.

  “Stay here,” he murmured to her before kneeling in the snow beside her.

  Sheltered in between the two buildings, little snow had fallen into this area. Her eyes darted over the street and the vampires passing by as his hands ran over the edge of the window he’d knelt before. Footprints marred the snow around them, so their footprints wouldn’t be noticed by any passersby as unusual, she hoped.

  Her entire body hummed with tension; she could barely stand still as a muffled pop sounded from beside her. To her it sounded as loud as cannon shot, but no one on the street glanced in their direction as they continued about their business. If she’d been human, she swore she would have had a heart attack while standing there, her knees shaking. She forced herself to remain still instead of dancing around like she itched to do.

  Another pop and then William vanished as swiftly as a snowflake on the tongue, into the basement beyond. She continued to stare at the street, counting the endless seconds as she waited for some sign he was safe within. A scream of frustration surged in her throat and strangled there.

  Please come back, she pleaded.

  It felt as if hours stretched by, but it was probably only a minute before he reemerged as noiselessly as a wraith beside her. “It’s safe, go on,” he told her in a low voice before stepping forward to block her from the road.

  She glanced at him before kneeling down and slipping through the rectangular basement window he’d opened. Her feet hit the dirt ground of the stone foundation. The scent of mildewed rocks and the musty aroma from the things stored within filled her nostrils. Old furniture and boxes had been pushed into the corners of the room; white sheets were draped over most of them. Stepping forward, she brushed aside a cobweb tickling her cheek.

  She moved further away from the window when William’s legs slid inside behind her. He had to squirm more than she did to get inside, but he made no sound when he dropped down beside her. He rose to his full height and turned to close and latch the window. Tempest remained unmoving as she stared into the shadowed recesses of the basement.

  Nothing stirred within; not even a mouse scurried across the room. Her head tilted back to look at the wooden floor above her. The pall of silence hung heavily over the home. She scented the air as she tried to detect anything past the damp, mildew scent of the room around her.

  Were the children and Pallas even in the home anymore?

  “They have to still be here,” she whispered.

  “They are,” he murmured.

  She continued to try to hear or smell anything beyond this room, but there was nothing. He’s right, she told herself. They wouldn’t have taken the children out of here, it’s late, they’re probably all asleep already.

  “Now what?” she whispered.

  “Now we wait until we’re sure Kane and the others aren’t in the house,” he replied.

  Taking hold of her hand, he led her deeper into the basement and toward a grouping of old couches pushed haphazardly against the back wall. She heard the first step above
as he led her behind the couches. His head tilted up toward the floor. Tempest stared at him, inwardly pleading with him not to go after Kane if that’s who was above now.

  Beside her, a shudder ran through his body. He gestured for her to sit. Tempest perched on the edge of the sofa, prepared to launch to her feet and stop him if he tried to leave. He turned away and moved deeper into the basement. She remained rooted to her spot, but she stayed focused on his every move, watchful for any sign he would bolt out of this room.

  He stopped by a pile of blankets stacked on top of one of the boxes. Pulling the blankets off, he shook them out. Dust kicked out from them and swirled in the air around him. When he came back again, a streak of dust smeared his right cheek.

  “You have to be tired,” he said.

  “Exhausted,” she admitted.

  He gestured at the couch. “Lay down.”

  She glanced behind her, uncertain about having her back to the door. However, if someone came down, it would probably be best if the couch offered her some protection. She pulled her cloak off and placed it on the ground before lying on the couch. He draped the blanket over her before taking off his own cloak and setting it on the floor next to hers. She pressed her back against the couch, inching over to make enough room for him to lie down too. She had grown accustomed to having him next to her at night; she didn’t want that to change now. He settled beside her before drawing her into his arms and holding her against his chest.

  They were well hidden and would hear anyone opening the door, but he remained rigid against her, his gaze focused on the floor above their heads. At first, she thought he was only being vigilant, but then she realized it was because he was so close, and yet still so far, from Kane.

  She rested her hand on his chest, over the place where his heart had stopped beating. His wild scent filled her nose; the warmth of his body enveloped her. Sliding her leg over his, she hooked her foot around his calf. Beneath her, the thick muscle in his thigh rippled.

  Her fingers slid into his shirt, hoping to draw his focus to her. He gave her a wan smile and kissed her forehead before turning his attention to the floor above once more. Tempest forced herself to close her eyes, but there was no way she was going to relax when he looked about ready to run upstairs at any second.


  A yell jolted her awake in the morning. One of the children, she realized. She tried to bolt upright, but William’s hand on her back kept her down. She blinked as she stared around the dimly lit room in confusion. Memory of where they were crashed over her; her body became rigid as alarm churned within her gut. Another shout drew her eyes to the floor above them.

  A loud wail resonated from above. Every instinct she had screamed at her to go upstairs and see what had caused such an anguish filled cry. The stomping of boots echoed on the wood floor and caused dust to fall from the rafters above them. She tried to jerk away when a loud slap followed the thud of the boots. A startled cry from one of the young ones followed.

  Tears burned her eyes; she bit on her bottom lip to keep them from flowing. “Shut that brat up!” someone shouted. She recognized instantly who it was.

  Unfortunately, so did William.

  He sat up beside her on the couch. His eyes burned the color of fire, his lips skimmed back to reveal his extended fangs. Tempest leaned away as violence poured off him in waves that rattled her.

  He’d said he wouldn’t go after Kane, but that had been before he’d been this close to him, before he’d heard his voice. Tempest stretched her hand out and rested it against his chest. His muscles vibrated with power and with the restraint he used to keep himself sitting on the couch.

  “William,” she whispered.

  His head turned toward her. His eyes stared straight through her; she wondered if he realized she was there. Tempest remained immobile, unsure of how to act or what to do to calm him. Going on instinct alone, she grasped hold of his shirt and leaned into him. Her eyes remained open; they searched his as she pressed her lips to his.

  In the beginning, he remained unmoving, his eyes still blazing like the fires of Hell. Then his hand encircled her head, his fingers threaded their way through her hair, and he pulled her firmly against him. His kiss became bruising in its intensity, but she didn’t pull away from him. She’d give him whatever he needed from her.

  The press of his fangs against her lips caused her to jerk with excitement. His tongue swept in to taste her in deep thrusts that robbed her of all sane thought. All she could feel and taste was him. She didn’t realize she’d fallen back on the couch until he was moving over her, settling his weight on top of her.

  Her hands ran over his back toward his ass. She tugged the thin material of the flaxen shirt he wore up until she could settle her palms against his heated flesh. The corded muscles of his back rippled and bunched beneath her touch as he moved over her, tasting her. His muscles were chiseled perfection, but the skin beneath her fingers was supple. A low groan escaped him when he pulled her shirt up and rested his hands against the flesh of her ribcage.

  His palm began to move across her, circling her flesh and heating her in ways she’d never dreamed possible. Feeling more than a little out of control, she tugged incessantly at his shirt, trying to get it higher. She had to feel more of his flesh against hers, to see him and touch him everywhere. He broke the kiss as he leaned away from her and impatiently jerked his shirt over his head. When he looked at her again, his eyes were their striking blue color once more.

  His hands were tender when he ran his fingers over her cheek and down toward her neck. She couldn’t take her eyes away from the tanned skin of his chest; her fingers trembled when she ran them over his taut flesh. Beneath her touch, his skin rippled. He stiffened when her fingers ran over the jagged scar just below his chest.

  He went to grab her hand, but she shook her head no. Rising up, she pressed a kiss against the puckered flesh. This was how his humanity had ended, she realized. Her fingers dug into his back, drawing him closer as she swirled her tongue over the scar. His hand wrapped around her head, holding her closer to him as her fingers ran over his flesh.

  She lifted her head to look at him. He held her close to him’ his eyes searching hers before he bent and claimed her mouth once more. Angling her back down on the couch, he slid the buttons on her shirt free, his eyes taking her in hungrily as he gazed down at her bared flesh.

  Goose bumps broke out across her skin; she bit into her bottom lip as she watched him taking her body in. She wanted him back against her, touching her again, but she couldn’t get enough of him looking at her and caressing her with such reverence. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he lowered himself back over her.

  A sigh of pleasure escaped her when his bare flesh pressed against hers. His heady, smoky and outdoor aroma enveloped her as he took firm possession of her mouth once more. Her fingers raked over his back; she tried to pull him closer against her, but she didn’t think she’d ever be able to get close enough to him.

  The press of his fangs against her lips caused her to squirm. Before she could stop it, her own fangs extended to scrape across his full bottom lip. A rumble of pleasure escaped him, his hands slid down to the button on her pants. Her toes curled as she grabbed more fervently at his flesh. The world spun out of control at the same time it became so simple and focused.

  They were the only ones who existed, the only ones who mattered. It was all happening so fast, she’d been trying to keep her distance from him, but she knew now that would be impossible. Neither of them knew how much time they had left, not when their enemies stood only a floor above. Not when the peace they’d all come to know was hanging by such a thin string.

  No matter how much the reasonable side of her said she should stop this, that she’d only get her heart broken, the other side of her was screaming at her to take something for herself finally. To give into the desire he stoked in her with only a look. She refused to die without knowing what this man felt like. She may not be in lo
ve with him, or perhaps she was, she didn’t know, and she certainly couldn’t think straight when his hands were sliding her pants down her legs.

  “I’ve never,” she whispered when he tugged her pants off.

  The fingers running over her bare thighs froze. His gaze burned into hers before he leaned forward and clasped her cheeks within his hands. “Do you want to stop?”

  She bit on her bottom lip, wincing when her fangs punctured her flesh. His eyes fastened on the bead of blood forming on her lip. The hunger in his gaze caused a small mewl to escape her. The last thing she wanted was for him to stop. “No, I just… I thought you should know.”

  She hated the heat burning up her cheeks and face. He clasped hold of her cheeks as he bent to press a feathery kiss against her lips. She forgot all about her hesitation and apprehension as he kissed her with a tenderness that aroused her more than his demanding kisses had. Her world became focused on him again and the astonishing way he could make her feel so cherished and alive.

  A small gasp escaped her; she bit her lip to keep from crying out when he moved into her. Her fingers dug into his back, she pressed her chin into his shoulder. “The pain will fade,” he murmured in her ear. “Hold onto me.”

  He didn’t have to tell her that; she would hold onto him forever. Despite the discomfort, nothing had ever felt so right in her life as this man and this moment. Her heart swelled with love, quickly diminishing any doubts she may have had about her feelings for him. He was raw, he was ruthless, and he was holding her and touching her as if she were the most precious jewel in the world.

  She turned her face into his neck and kissed him as waves of love and rightness crashed over her. She’d never expected to feel anything like this in her life. Clinging to him, shaking from the emotions rattling her and the strength of the bond she felt growing between them, she realized her soreness had faded.