That would have been her and the children if she hadn’t left in search of help. If she hadn’t miraculously stumbled across William in the middle of the blizzard, she and those she loved most would be dead. She wished she could have saved more of the residents of her town, but there were eleven other survivors from Badwin in this house, and that was more than there would have been if she hadn’t left to try and find help.

  Daniel had sent out ten more soldiers in search of any straggling survivors from Badwin, but she didn’t hold out much hope they would find many, if any at all. At least the king’s soldiers had received warning, they knew what to look out for; they wouldn’t be wandering into a trap or unaware of the creatures hunting within the snow.

  Her eyes were heavy with sleep. The more she rubbed at them the grainer they felt, but sleep had been extremely elusive since William had become so defenseless. She couldn’t rest when he felt so lost to her right now. Her eyes closed; her hand flattened against his chest. Floating half in and half out of awareness, she never felt a difference in him until the brush of fingertips against her cheek caused her eyes to fly open.

  Her head jerked up, her hand instinctively went to the stake at her side as she prepared to destroy anyone who came near him. A low chuckle caused her eyes to shoot to him. She froze when his sparkling blue eyes met hers. “Easy tiger,” he said.

  “You’re awake!” she cried, tears bursting free and sliding down her face. “You’re awake!”

  His lips skimmed back in a smile as he pulled her head toward him. “I’m awake,” he murmured against her lips before taking possession of her mouth in a kiss she’d craved and missed these past couple of days.

  Her fingers curled into his shirt. She tried to pull him closer, but it was impossible to get as close as she wanted to right now. She longed to tear the clothes away from him and lose herself in him. Her body shook with the restraint it took to keep her from doing just that.

  Pulling away from her, he wiped the tears from her face with his thumb. “Don’t cry.”

  “I was so frightened,” she admitted. “I thought you were going to die on me.”

  “Never.” His finger caressed her full bottom lip. “I’ll stay with you always, Tempest.” She threw herself into his arms, clinging to him as he rocked her against him. “Will you stay with me?” he murmured against her ear.

  “Always,” she vowed.

  His arms tightened around her; he pulled back to kiss her again. Her fingers slid past the buttons of his shirt to press against the heated flesh of his chest. Excitement grew within her as his tongue swept around her mouth in hungry thrusts. Her eager acceptance and return of his kisses caused a low rumble to escape him.

  She became so lost in him that she completely forgot about anyone else being in the room, until a discreet cough sounded from behind her. William didn’t notice as he continued his possession of her mouth. His hands slid over her face to cradle the back of her neck. He’d angled her in such a way she was now half on and half off the couch.

  “Ahem!” Not so discreet now, the noise broke through her passion-filled haze.

  Blinking dazedly, she reluctantly pulled away from William when she recalled they had an audience. A dull flush stained her cheeks at the reminder. He swung his feet to the floor, lifting her up and settling her onto the couch beside him. She’d thought he would turn to greet his brother and friends, but his attention remained on her.

  His gaze ran over her body. A muscle in his cheek twitched as he surveyed her still swollen but nearly healed nose and bruised eyes. She barely felt the brush of his fingers over the small burn holes and blood that had ruined her clothes. Turning so his shoulder blocked her from the rest of the room, he pulled back a piece of her torn shirt to reveal the faint bruises still marring her ribs and breastplate.

  “William,” she whispered. His eyes were the color of fire when they met hers. “I’m fine.” She wrapped her hand reassuringly around his and pressed it against her chest. “Believe me, I’m fine. I’m the one who has been awake these past three days.”

  “Three days?”

  “Yes, but we’re safe now.”

  Some of the tension eased from his shoulders, he leaned into her and pressed a tender kiss against her nose. When he pulled away again, his eyes were blue once more and he grinned at her. “You should have told me we had company when I first woke.” He tugged playfully on her hair before pulling her against his chest and holding her there.

  “You didn’t give her much of a chance to,” Daniel replied with a smile.

  “Honestly, I’d hoped you’d take the hint and leave us to some privacy for a bit,” he retorted before releasing her and rising to his feet.

  “You were never getting that beast to move.” Daniel thrust his thumb over his shoulder at Timber’s slumbering form. “You knew we were here?”

  “I smelled you when I woke, and believe me I’ve spent enough time with all of you to know your smells well. I also heard your heartbeats.”

  “Oh, you vampires, always so freaking creepy,” Max muttered.

  William laughed and walked over to meet his brother in the middle of the room. They slapped each other on the back as they embraced. “It’s good to see you,” Daniel said.

  “It’s good to see you too,” William said and released him. He turned to hug Max as Timber gave another inelegant snort and rolled over to face the back of the sofa. “Max,” he greeted.

  Max grinned at him before embracing him. “Creepy or not, we missed you.” Max placed a hand on his shoulder and stepped away to survey him. “And you’re smiling again.”

  William shot him an irritated look before shrugging; he fought against it, but Tempest could see a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Did Aria send you?”

  “We sent us,” Daniel replied. “We were afraid you were going to get yourself killed. Aria didn’t give us much of a fight though.”

  “Did she put up any?”

  Daniel smiled ruefully. “No. It took us more time to find you than I’d expected. You’ve already found Kane,” he stared.

  “I did.” Tempest watched him carefully but she saw no lingering rage on his face as he spoke of Kane. “He’s been taken care of.” William turned back to her and walked over to take hold of her hand. “You’ve heard what’s going on?”

  All of Daniel’s humor vanished in an instant. “Yes. How bad is it?”

  “Bad, really bad. We have to get to Braith.”

  “As far as I know they’re still in Chippman, but they may have returned to the palace by now. We’ll go to Chippman first.”

  “Sounds good,” William replied and squeezed her hand.

  - CHAPTER 31 -

  Snuggled before him in his arms, the wintry scent of Tempest filled his nose as they rode into the town. The residents of Chippman stopped to watch them ride by, most of them waved as they made their way down the street. He pulled Tempest closer against his chest, taking solace in the comforting feel of her in his arms. He’d come so close to losing her; he wasn’t willing to take any chances with her again.

  His head still throbbed dully from the cracking it had taken on the rocks. His leg, shoulder and chest had healed, but the headache remained. He recalled what it had been like to wake on that ledge, unable to move while her screams echoed throughout the mountains. Those screams had dragged him from the earth when he’d never believed he could move. Her cries had made it possible for him to pull himself up the cliff, dragging his broken leg behind him, and relying mostly on one arm to climb.

  It had been her that had pulled him forward. It had no longer been the idea of killing Kane pushing him onward, but a driving need to make sure she was safe. She’d been the only thing on his mind. He would have climbed those rocks with two broken legs and a broken back if he’d had to.

  Driving the spear through Kane’s back and finally ending the bastard’s life had only been a bonus. Seeing her alive had been all he’d cared about when Kane’s body hit the cave floor.
It was funny to realize the person he’d been searching for and determined to kill for nearly six months was finally dead. He’d gotten his revenge, yet it hadn’t mattered anywhere near as much to him. The most important thing sat in the saddle before him; her eyes searching the residents as she fought the urge to bite her nails by fiddling with the torn and soiled sleeves of her cloak.

  He was glad it was over, and that piece of garbage no longer walked this planet, but Kane had stopped being the center focus of his world the second he’d met her. He hadn’t realized it at the time, but he did now.

  Leaning forward, he pressed a kiss against Tempest’s temple. She turned to smile at him, her fingers playing with the beard shadowing his jaw again. He pressed her palm against his cheek, holding it close. He’d been lost before, deadened and cold inside, but she’d brought him back to life and saved him in many ways.

  His attention was pulled away from her when the door to the tavern opened. Jack stepped onto the porch and walked to the end of it. His gaze searched the soldiers riding along side him before landing on William. Jack broke into a grin and jogged down the steps. Hannah poked her head out the door behind him.

  Jack met them halfway down the street. His gray eyes curiously ran over Tempest when William helped her from the saddle before dropping to the ground beside her to greet his friend. He couldn’t stop himself from grinning when he stepped forward to embrace Jack.

  “Glad to see you’re still alive,” Jack said as he clapped him on the back. “I should kick your ass for taking off like that on us.”

  William released a snort of laughter. “It will take a lot more than a vamp to kill me off, the second time at least. And you would have done the same.”

  Jack’s mouth pursed before he finally gave a relenting nod. “I would, but I’m also a lot older than you.”

  “And I’m better with a bow than you.”

  Jack scowled at him, but he couldn’t deny the truth. “Did you shoot him through the heart then?”

  “Stabbed him through the back with a spear, rather fitting don’t you think?”

  Jack laughed loudly and clapped him on the shoulder. “Yes, I do, and how are you?”

  William knew he wasn’t inquiring about his health. “I’m doing better.” And for the first time in over a year, he actually meant it.

  He took hold of Tempest’s hand, enfolding it in both of his as he held it before him. Jack’s eyebrows shot up; his eyes darted back and forth between them. Before he could speak, Hannah arrived at Jack’s side. She embraced William before wrapping her hand around her husband’s arm. Her brilliant green eyes sparkled in the sunlight as she gazed between the two of them.

  “Jack, Hannah, I’d like you to meet Tempest,” he introduced.

  Tempest smiled shyly at them, she went to curtsy but Jack stopped her by thrusting out his hand. “Not for us,” he murmured.

  Tempest glanced at her battered cloak. “I’m filthy.”

  Jack seized hold of her hand. “We’ve all been beaten and battered at some point. I’m guessing there is a lot to tell about what happened out there.”

  A radiant smile lit up her face and warmed William’s heart. “There is,” she said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said as she shook both of their hands. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “I bet,” Jack replied. “And if you ever want to hear the true story, especially about this guy,” his hand clamped down on William’s shoulder. “I have plenty of stories for you too.”

  “I’d love to hear them,” Tempest said.

  William glowered at Jack when he smiled innocently at him. Before he could respond Daniel, Timber, and Max walked over to join them. “We have to talk,” Daniel said to Jack. “Somewhere private.”

  “We can go to the tavern,” Hannah offered. “There’s barely anyone in there right now.”

  “We’ll need to get whoever is in there, out.”

  Hannah did a double take at his words. “What is going on?” Jack demanded.

  “Did Aria and Braith leave?” William inquired.

  Jack opened his mouth to answer, but before he did, a small squeal erupted from William’s left. He had his answer as he turned in time to see a slender figure, dressed entirely in green, rushing at him. Aria plunged into his arms, knocking him back a step with the force of her weight.

  He pulled her against his chest. He’d been pushing them all away since he’d woken as a vampire; he hadn’t realized how much he’d missed them until now. Never again, he vowed, no matter what happened, he would keep his loved ones close.

  Aria’s blue eyes sparkled with merriment when she tilted her head to look up at him. “You’re here!”

  “Did you doubt I’d return?”

  “I never know with you; you can be a bit reckless.”

  “That’s the pot calling the kettle, and you certainly don’t act like a queen running at me like that.”

  She didn’t have the grace to look chagrined; she thrust her chin out at him instead. “I’m very queenly when it’s necessary. And if you hadn’t taken off, alone like that, I wouldn’t be so happy to see you again. You’ve just gotten back, and I’m already reminded how much you annoy me.”

  Only Aria could figure out a way to blame him. “The feeling is mutual.”

  She grinned at him before squeezing him again and stepping away. “I’ve also been staying out of trouble lately, in case you’ve forgotten.”

  His laughter died away as he recalled what loomed on the horizon for all of them. Before he could respond, she spun away from him to hug Daniel, Max, and Timber. “I’m so glad you’re all back!”

  “So are we,” Daniel said. He hugged her close against his chest and kissed the top of her head.


  William’s voice trailed off; his question about where her husband was died on his lips, when he spotted Braith and Xavier beyond her shoulder. Stepping forward, he took hold of Braith’s hand and grasped it. The pulse of power radiating off Braith gave him a small jolt as it radiated up his arm and through his chest.

  Shit. A sinking sensation filled his stomach. There was so much power within Braith it vibrated the air around him, and William knew there were deeper reserves of it inside of him, but was it more than what he’d felt coming off of that woman?

  He didn’t know the answer to that, but he had a feeling they would find out.

  “It’s good to have you back,” Braith said.

  “I’m sure you never thought you’d say that,” William retorted.

  “No, I didn’t,” he admitted with a laugh.

  Braith’s eyes darted to Aria as she walked back toward them, beaming like the cat that had eaten the canary. Braith’s hard features softened when he took hold of her hand. No matter what had occurred between them in the past, William could never deny the man loved his sister, would do anything he could to make her happy and would die for her. Besides, the prickly ass had actually grown on him a little over the almost two years they’d known each other.

  His gaze turned to Tempest, standing behind him and looking more nervous now than she had while standing in a burning building. He reminded himself he could never tease his bother-in-law again as he took hold of her hand. Aria’s eyes were questioning as they focused on Tempest again. Braith’s forehead furrowed as he studied her, but when William pulled her against his side, Braith began to smile in an annoying way and gave him a look that clearly stated payback’s a bitch.

  William knew he deserved whatever was handed out to him; he just hoped they all lived long enough for Braith and Jack to make his life a living hell. “Tempest, this is my extremely inelegant, queen of a sister, Aria and her husband, the King, Braith. Tempest saved my life, multiple times and in many ways.”

  Aria’s eyes shot to him, Braith continued to grin at him. “I’m not sure about that,” Tempest murmured.

  “I am,” he insisted.

  Tempest went to curtsey but Aria grabbed hold of her shoulders before she could. “Ther
e’s no need for that, not if you saved my brother’s life,” she murmured. “We owe you thanks.”

  “She could come to regret the choice,” Braith replied. Aria elbowed him in the ribs.

  “What happened out there?” Aria inquired, her gaze running over the ragtag assortment of children and villagers riding with some of the soldiers.

  “We have to talk,” he said.

  “What about the children and other villagers?” Tempest inquired.

  “They can go to Tilly’s boarding house; they’ll be taken care of there,” Hannah assured her.

  Jack turned toward one of the guards standing beside his horse. They’d all dismounted when Aria had arrived. “Take the new arrivals over to the boarding house,” he commanded. “And make sure they are taken care of.”

  Tempest stepped forward to speak with Abbott and Pallas; they all briefly hugged before the troops began to herd them toward the boarding house. William walked with his family and friends down the street toward the tavern. He kept hold of Tempest’s hand as they entered the building and waited until Hannah and Jack politely ushered the few humans inside, playing dice and eating lunch, out of the building. Ashby and Melinda appeared on the stairs; Melinda broke into a smile before hurrying down to hug him.

  “It is good to see you,” she greeted brightly.

  “You also,” he said as he embraced her before shaking Ashby’s hand.

  “William, what is going on?” Aria asked after he introduced Tempest to them too.

  “Nothing good,” he replied honestly.

  He didn’t bother to pull out a chair; he’d never be able to sit still while he relayed what had happened in Badwin and the surrounding towns to them. All laughter and merriment faded away when he began speaking. No one moved an inch; he barely saw Max, Timber, and Daniel breathe as they listened to details they mostly already knew.

  When he was finished, the room remained silent for a full minute before all eyes swung toward Braith. “You don’t know who this woman is?” Braith asked. He’d spoken quietly, his face remained impassive, but William could feel the increasing pulse of power and hostility in him.