And now he was here, with her. "Max," she whispered again, her heart shattering into a thousand pieces. She had not thought that things could get any worse, she had been greatly mistaken. Her own death was fine, she could handle it, but to know that Max might die too, or even worse survive, was more than she could tolerate. Max was always so good to her, always so patient and gentle. Though she had given up her fantasies of one day being with him, she still loved him dearly, and deeply. She couldn't handle this too, not bravely, not stoically. Not anymore.

  He tilted his head; his eyes surveyed her as his jaw clenched. "Stay strong Aria, stay strong. Think of your brothers, your father. We will get through this."

  "How did they catch you?" she mumbled miserably.

  He didn't have to answer her though, she already knew how. She and Max had both been with the hunting party when it came upon the human camp. The vampires were already there, raiding the recently assembled camp with ruthless brutality. Though they had originally rushed to aid the people, it had quickly become apparent that it was going to be a losing battle and they would be of no use. The best hope was to flee, to retreat deeper into the woods, to escape and hide until the vampires withdrew with their new captives.

  That was what they had been doing when Aria spotted young John being detained; she'd plunged heedlessly forward to intervene on behalf of the young, scrawny boy. And because of that, she had cost her father and brothers two of their best soldiers. "Oh Max," she whispered, hot tears burning in her eyes.

  "I couldn't let you come alone. Plus, I've always been curious about what happens here." He was trying to sound light, but she could hear the tension in his voice. "Don't cry for me Aria, they'll think you're crying because of them, don't give them that satisfaction."

  "They'll keep you," she moaned, knowing it was true. He was filthy and disheveled, but his handsome features were still clearly visible beneath the layer of dirt covering his face and bare chest. It took her a moment to realize that not only was Max bare-chested but so was every other teenage and middle aged man within the pen. A vice clenched her chest; they had been purposely stripped of their shirts in order to entice higher bids from the females. Aria supposed she should feel thankful that they had allowed her to remain fully clothed, but all she felt was nauseated.

  "That will give me a chance to figure out an escape plan for the two of us."

  Aria shook her head forcefully. "No Max, they won't keep me. I have nothing to offer them." It was true; she was skinny, dirty, disheveled, smelly, and unwomanly in every possible way. They wouldn't choose her, or at least that was the hope she held on to. They didn't appear to be choosing blood slaves solely on looks alone, but rather some strange method that she didn't understand nor did she want to. She didn't aspire to have any kind of understanding of the monsters that held their fates. "I'd rather be dead anyway," she assured him.

  His clear blue eyes filled with displeasure, a muscle jumped in his cheek. "They will pick you Aria, and when they take you, you must cling to the knowledge that I will come for you. I will save you. Keep hold of that certainty, it will get you through the awful, trying times ahead of us."

  She swallowed heavily, staggered by the earnest emotion that radiated from him. "Max…"

  "I will come for you Aria. I promise you that. Do not doubt it, I will find a way to come for you."

  She gasped, stunned as he was suddenly ripped away from her. It was only then that she realized there were just a handful of people left within the fenced holding area. She almost chased after him, and the creature pulling him along, but she only made it one step before she halted abruptly. She couldn't show that much emotion here, they would only use it against her, or against Max. No, she had to remain in control, had to be as emotionless as she could, or they would use her love to destroy the both of them.

  Max was paraded onto the stage and promptly claimed by a vampire woman that oozed sadism. Aria swallowed heavily, her mind spun as she realized the fate that Max had just been handed. He believed that he would be able to escape, and she knew that he was wily and strong, but no one had ever escaped from the vampires before. No one had ever returned to the woods, and freedom, after capture. Once a person was taken, they remained a prisoner until they died.

  Max was now at the mercy of this woman, and as long as she possessed him she could do whatever she liked to him, whenever she felt like it, and for as long as she chose to keep him alive. When she grew bored of him, she would simply kill him, or sell him, and then come back here for another toy. Aria was shaking; her legs trembled and it was only sheer will that kept her upright.

  She didn't fight the rough hands that seized hold of her; she was in too much shock, too worried, and too dazed to even begin to fight right now. Max was going to be used and tortured, and it was all her fault. Why hadn't she listened to her father when he'd told her to use her head, to think before acting? Her foolishness had not only destroyed her life, but the life of one of her dearest and most beloved friends.

  Self hatred curdled rapidly through her. She didn't even care what happened to herself anymore, what they did to her. She was led through the crowd and brusquely pushed onto the stage. She was paraded before the horde gathered on the stage, before being led past the vampires packing the streets. It appeared that the vamps on stage had first choice, and the ones on the street received second pick to grab the goods if they so chose. She was dragged back past the people on stage and pulled roughly around, but no one laid claim to her. She didn't feel as relieved as she had thought she would. If Max was in here because of her, then it was only fair that she should suffer the same tormented fate that he did; it was only fair that she wasn't granted the merciful death she'd been hoping for.

  She met Max's gaze briefly, hating the dread and helplessness in his eyes as she was pulled back toward the street side. This would be the last chance for someone to claim her, and if they didn't, she was fairly certain that Max would go ballistic in his attempt to save her.

  Aria's heart hammered in her chest; she could barely see through the waves of adrenaline and terror crashing through her. She blinked dazedly as she stared out at the street, barely noticing the man that stepped forward. "I will take it."

  It! It! Aria's mind screamed, she recoiled in dismay at the word. She could scarcely breathe through the panic constricting her chest. The thing that had claimed her was moving through the crowd, digging into his pocket to retrieve the money he would spend on her. He would not be spending much, as she had been nearly on the chopping block before he claimed her.

  He was an ugly thing, but then they were all ugly, twisted and cruel to her. But this one was exceptionally ugly, with stooped shoulders, pointed nose, and cruel hazel eyes. He looked warped, evil; wrong. The coppery tang of blood clung to him as he stepped forward and grasped roughly hold of her chin. Aria winced, she tried to jerk away as he turned her head sharply back and forth, but he would not release her.

  "She may be fun for a bit, easily broken."

  Aria was nearly wheezing, nearly hyperventilating. She was trying to remain brave, but she could feel herself coming apart, a shattering of her soul that was far more distressing than anything she had ever experienced before. And she had experienced some very agonizing things in her life. But this, this was the worst. This man was going to do many, many things to her. None of them would be good, and all of them would be designed to savage her body, toy with her mind, and quickly break her spirit.

  She tried to believe that he wouldn't succeed in breaking her, but judging by the perverse gleam in his eyes, she wasn't so sure he wouldn't.

  Money was exchanged; the two vamps holding her dismissively released her to the man. She felt the urge to flee, to run screaming down the street, but she wouldn't get far, and she would not give them the satisfaction of seeing her snap. She would not give them the satisfaction of recapturing her and taking their torment out on her. The vamp began pulling her toward the stairs, not at all caring that she could barely keep up
with his far faster gate. She staggered, trying to keep her shaking legs beneath her as he reached the stairs.

  "Wait!" A deep voice boomed across the crowd gathered within the street and echoed off of the surrounding buildings. It rang with authority, and a note of command that stopped even Aria abruptly in her tracks. The vamp holding her froze instantly, his hand loosened upon her arm, but he didn't release her. There was a rippling amongst the throng, murmurs filled the air but were swiftly silenced as the crowd stepped aside to reveal a tall man standing in the middle of the street.

  Well, not a man actually, but rather one of her most hated foes.

  He stood casually, his broad shoulders thrust back and an impassive look upon his face. His black hair was tussled; it fell about his hard face in waves that highlighted his dangerous good looks. Looks that Aria tried not to admire, but she found herself doing so as she drank in the sight of him. Dark glasses, settled upon his well defined nose, completely shaded his eyes and covered a quarter of his face. The dark blue shirt he wore hugged his upper body and revealed a hint of the carved muscles that ridged his abdomen, chest, and biceps. His hands were folded before him; they rested on the head of a cane with a silver handle that she couldn't see. At his side was a gray wolf. The wolf's eyes were bright emeralds, and eerily focused upon her as it sat motionlessly.

  Behind the man stood two other vamps, but Aria barely paid them any attention as the striking creature that had disrupted the proceedings began to make his way forward. The tip of his cane clicked faintly upon the cobble streets, the wolf padded silently at his side. As they approached the stage the wolf silently moved in front of him, brushing against his legs before climbing onto the stage.

  The man, however, didn't make a move to come onto the platform she stood upon. The vampire that had claimed her, and still grasped her upper arm tightly, finally broke the profound silence. His voice quivered as he spoke. "Prince… ah your Highness?"

  Aria's mouth parted with a small puff of air as she took in the powerful stranger with new eyes. Though she didn't know much about the vampire stronghold, she'd heard rumors of the future leader, of the creature that would one day rule all of their fates if his father was ever killed. She'd mostly heard that he was just as cruel and heartless a bastard as his old man was.

  Aria straightened her shoulders, a wave of defiance washed through her as she clenched her jaw and lifted her chin. She didn't know what came over her, but her apprehension vanished in the face of this man, and now she was angry. Pissed actually, royally pissed by the inhumane, and unfair treatment of her fellow man. The wolf brushed against her, and though he startled her, she was able to keep her surprise hidden as the animal settled at her feet with a small thump of his tail.

  The vamp holding her shivered, his trepidation became almost palpable as the prince remained unmoving and silent. Apparently the rumors she'd heard about the prince were true, as everyone seemed to be fearful of the creature before her. The prince's mouth quirked, amusement flitted briefly over his striking features. Behind the thick glasses she could feel his attention riveted upon her, feel his keen interest as he watched her.

  "She will come with me."

  A collective exhalation escaped the crowd, but it was rapidly silenced by the sharp looks of the two men behind the prince. The auctioneer sputtered somewhat, his eyes darted to Aria, then around the rest of the stage. "Your Highness, we have others…" he broke off, looking frantic and confused as he searched the crowd for help that was not forthcoming. "Better looking, and more kempt ones." Aria bristled, her nose scrunched up. She shot the auctioneer a dark look that he didn't notice as he was too focused upon the intimidating man at the foot of the steps. "Ones that I am sure will be far more to your liking. I will select one for you if you would like."

  "No," the prince responded forcefully. "I am taking that one. Give the man his money back and give her to me."

  The man holding her released her instantly; he couldn't seem to get away from her fast enough as he hastily retreated. Aria swallowed heavily as dread trickled back through her. All of these people were terrified of the prince, and he was now laying claim to her. What did that mean? What did he want with her, and why on earth would he choose her when the auctioneer was right, there were far better looking women here?

  Aria turned toward Max. His eyes were wide; his nostrils flared with the force of his rapid breaths. Terror was written all over his face; however it was not terror for him, but for her. Aria shuddered, her hands clenched hold of her elbows as she hugged herself. Though she found herself oddly undaunted by the prince before her, she was scared of the reaction everyone else was having to him. He must be a vicious monster if they were all so afraid to move or speak around him.

  "Come here." She jumped a little at the sharp command, but she found her feet frozen in place. The auctioneer was gaping at her like she was a total moron, but she couldn't bring herself to walk. Finally, having decided that she must be a complete idiot, the auctioneer stepped toward her and reached out to grab hold of her arm. "Do not touch her!"

  The auctioneer stumbled backward as the prince's sharply barked command rang out. The auctioneer had gone deathly pale, sweat poured down his face as he gaped at her. It was his reaction that finally snapped some sense into her. She couldn't stand here all day, the prince would only come for her, he did own her now, and she didn't know what he would do if he was forced to retrieve her. There were other innocents on this stage, and Aria worried that the prince would hurt them if she continued to disobey him.

  Max took a brisk step forward. She shook her head sharply at him, terrified of what would happen if he tried to stand up for her, tried to defend her. This whole mess was her fault, and she had to accept the consequences, no matter how dire they may be. The wolf moved away from her as she stiffly made her way down the stairs.

  The prince followed her movements, he stepped back as she stopped before him. She could see herself reflected in the dark lens of his glasses. She was relieved to find that she didn't look terrified, even though she was a trembling mess of confusion and turmoil on the inside. He was large, powerful, overbearing, and despite her intense hatred for him, and all of his kind, she couldn't help but acknowledge the fact that he was also magnificently handsome.

  Why would he choose her?

  He remained unmoving, his gaze focused upon her for a poignant moment. Then, he abruptly turned away, leaving her bewildered and motionless. She didn't know what to do, what was going on, what was expected of her. Her gaze slid helplessly back toward Max. His jaw was locked, disbelief and astonishment was evident on his face. He turned toward her, his bright blue eyes fearful.

  'I'll find you,' he mouthed silently.

  Aria would like to believe him, but she didn't see how she could possibly escape the powerful monster that owned her now. How could she possibly escape that palace? Maybe, if she had remained in one of the homes within the town she would have had a chance, but she couldn't even begin to fathom a way out of that monstrous place. She shuddered, her fingers dug harder into her elbows. The wolf slipped silently past her and plodded after his master.

  "This way."

  Aria jumped at the forceful command but her feet felt as if they were stuck in mud. The two vampires that had accompanied the prince came toward her, their hands outstretched. Aria took a small step back, frightened by their massive size, and callous eyes. The prince turned back, his dark eyebrows furrowed together over top of his glasses as his full mouth pinched sternly.

  His men seemed to sense his sudden irritation as their hands fell limply back to their sides. Aria stared at the prince in surprise, startled to realize that he seemed truly irritated at the thought of them touching her. "Move," one of the vamps commanded gruffly.

  The prince didn't turn back around as he walked leisurely down the street. The wolf, and the three of them, trailed behind.

  - CHAPTER 3 -

  Aria couldn't get her mouth to close for more than a few seconds at a tim
e. Everything was so astonishing, and so strange. She had never seen anything like this, had never imagined it could even exist. And now she was standing smack dab in the middle of it, being openly stared at and whispered about as she was ushered into the large, rambling entry hall of the massive palace.

  She'd heard stories of the palace, heard tales of its exquisite beauty and intricate designs. She'd always assumed that they were just that, stories. She'd never dreamed that such a breathtaking, opulent place could exist, let alone that she would actually be walking through it. Everything was sparkly and bright, huge and wonderful. There wasn't a speck of dirt or dust anywhere; she didn't even see a smudge or footprint on the floor.

  She glanced at the rounded roof far over her head, her mouth parted even more as she took in the astonishing artwork upon the domed ceiling. She'd never seen anything like the beauty in the colors and detail of the designs above her. She'd never even seen a painting before. She'd seen drawings, as Daniel loved to sketch things when he wasn't busy hunting for food, planning attack strategies, or fighting for his life. He created amazing things with the charcoal they scavenged from the caves, but his creations had no color, and they were nowhere near as large and spectacular as this. For some strange reason she felt tears burning her eyes as she took in the glorious spectacle above her.

  She blinked the tears rapidly back, dropping her head down as she was hurried across the white, sparkly floor. She was ashamed she found anything amazing and beautiful here, ashamed by the awe that filled her, but she couldn't help it. It was so different from her woods, so different from the life she knew and loved. There were even designs within the floor, swirling streams of gold and silver that fluidly entwined together.

  "Braith!" Aria jumped in surprise as the word was barked harshly. Her head snapped up, tearing her attention from the floor to the woman that was striding purposely toward them. She was dressed lavishly; her golden hair was pulled back in a braid that emphasized her beautiful features. Aria stopped instantly, unable to move or breathe as she stared in disbelief at the stunning woman. A woman that had never known hunger or fear, or been made to dress in dirty rags, a woman that was staring at her with open antipathy and scorn. "What is this?" she demanded coldly.