Ashby's gaze came back to him. "Is the king's son actually begging? For a girl, for a human girl no less?"

  He struggled to maintain control. "Why are you taunting him when you know you are going to give me back?" Arianna asked.

  "And how do you know that?" Ashby inquired.

  "Because you would have killed me already if you weren't, and you said it yourself, all you want from life is fun and pleasure. You may like your women and blood, but you do not like death. And if you kill me your life is over no matter what."

  Ashby's finger stroked her face briefly as he studied her. "You are a strange girl," he informed her.

  She managed a small smile. "So I've been told."

  Ashby actually snorted with laughter. "Oh, I am sure you have."

  Though they seemed to be enjoying themselves, Braith was not. "Are you two done!?" he snapped.

  "Let me go," Arianna urged him.

  Ashby hesitated for a moment, and then he nodded and released her. Braith lurched forward, seizing hold of her as he ripped her away. He realized that he was handling her worse than Ashby had, but he couldn't seem to control himself. He was shaking as he enveloped her. He fought the urge to drag her from here and shelter her from everyone and everything. If it weren't for the fact that he knew they couldn't run forever, he would do just that, but there would be no escape. There would only ever be the fight and misery if things weren't changed; he was beginning to realize that now.

  "You can only see around her." Braith lifted his head from Arianna's neck, trying to ignore the powerful beat of her blood as it pumped through her veins, trying to ignore the sweet smell that rose out of her, ensnaring him within its delicious depths. Ashby was watching them in disbelief, his eyes full of amazement. "I didn't see the signs when you first arrived, but I see them now."

  "See what signs?" Braith demanded curious as to how Ashby had guessed at the source of his vision. "How do you know anything about what is between us?"

  Ashby leaned back in his bonds; his attention turning back to Arianna, there was a gleam of admiration in his bright gaze. "She's your bloodlink."

  "She's what?"

  Arianna looked completely confused; her eyes stormy and lost. "I thought it was something that only happened between vampires, but apparently I was wrong. I've never heard of it happening with a human before, very strange."

  Ashby's voice was filled with awe; he seemed completely astounded by his revelation, whatever that revelation was. Braith was just as lost as Arianna appeared to be. "What are you talking about?" Arianna demanded.

  "Well of course you wouldn't know, but Braith…" Ashby's voice trailed off, his eyebrows drew together as his head tilted curiously. "No, you wouldn't know either, would you?"

  "Ashby I swear I'll snap your neck just because you're annoying me," Braith was rapidly losing his patience but Ashby was too busy laughing and shaking his head to take Braith's threat as seriously as he should.

  "Oh Braith, you are in even worse trouble then I'd suspected. It's not just your family you have to protect her from, it's also you."

  "What the hell do you mean!?" he all but roared at the infuriating man.

  "He means that the royal offspring is royally screwed." Braith froze as the new voice drifted through the house. A voice that was hauntingly familiar.

  He held Arianna's head against him as he turned toward the woman standing in the doorway. He hadn't heard her arrive, didn't know how long she had been standing there, or even where she had come from. He cursed himself for such a blunder and blamed his rapidly unraveling control for this mistake. Arianna could have been hurt, she could have been killed, and all because he had let his guard down.

  His amazement at seeing her appear in the doorway was promptly replaced with his disbelief that she was even here. What was going on? "Melinda."

  She smiled, her gaze lingered on Arianna before leisurely turning back to him. "Hello brother."

  - CHAPTER 14 -

  Aria couldn't help it; she felt her mouth drop in disbelief. Her fingers curled into Braith's hard back. He pulled her toward the main door, the one the woman hadn't appeared in. In fact the strange woman, Braith's sister, had appeared thru the door leading to the other rooms. The rooms that Aria knew there was no other entrance into, or at least she'd thought there was no other entrance into them. Apparently she'd been greatly mistaken. Ashby had been a prisoner, of course he would create other escape routes from the tree house. Routes that this woman apparently knew well.

  Aria couldn't take her eyes off of the beautiful woman across from them. She was watching her and Braith with rapt attention, her gorgeous gray eyes bright in the glow of the room. Her golden hair tumbled about her shoulders, spilling down her back all the way to her knees. Though she didn't seem to resemble any of her brothers, Melinda did resemble the sister that Aria had met in the palace, Natasha, Ashby's ex-wife.

  "I'm not going to harm her Braith."

  "What are you doing here Melinda?" Braith spat.

  Melinda gradually moved into the room. Her gaze briefly darted to Ashby. Braith may be confused by his sister's presence here, but Aria knew what had brought her. Or who. "Come on Braith, who do you think killed the guards? Who do you think found out the password to relay to the palace? Did you really believe that Ashby was able to do that all by himself?"

  "I am very talented," Ashby replied smiling as the beautiful blond stopped beside him.

  She quirked a dark eyebrow, her eyes sparkled merrily up at him. "Not that talented love," she assured him.

  "Where have you been minx?"

  "Well, in case you haven't heard, there's been a huge ado amongst the palace walls. No one seems to know where the eldest prince has gone. Our father is in the process of tearing the town, and the woods apart in search of his missing son. It seems he is blaming the rebels for this affront."

  Aria gasped, her hand flew to her mouth as nausea rushed up her throat and she took a hasty step forward. "No," she breathed.

  Her friends, her family, they were all being punished because of her and Braith. She didn't want to think about what was being done to them, but she couldn't get her mind off of the consuming knowledge that they were suffering because of her. Braith squeezed her arm but it did nothing to soothe her.

  "Well imagine that," Ashby said darkly.

  Melinda's smile faded, she caressed Ashby's face. "Did he hurt you?"

  Ashby shrugged, but there was nothing carefree about his demeanor now. "Just my pride. You going to untie me?"

  Melinda planted her hands on her hips as she surveyed him with interest. "I think I might like you this way."

  "You would."

  Though Aria was lost in dismay, she could feel the heat creeping rapidly up her face at their words and looks. "Don't," Braith advised when Melinda's fingers dropped to the ropes restraining Ashby.

  "Braith," Melinda said plaintively, her demeanor changing rapidly as pure despair shone in her eyes.

  "Do not untie him Melinda," Braith replied forcefully.

  "He won't go after her."

  "No, apparently you were always the true traitor amongst us. If you make one more move to untie him, it won't be Arianna that will have to worry about getting hurt."

  Ashby straightened, his eyes briefly flashed red as his upper lip curled at the threat. He didn't lunge against the ropes, didn't make a move as he eyed Braith for the first time with true vehemence. Melinda touched Ashby's arm soothingly before folding her hands in front of her. Though she appeared demure, Aria knew that it was only an act. She'd often used the same conduct in the palace, when she was trying to appear far more docile than she was. It hadn't fooled Braith then, it wouldn't fool him now.

  "You don't understand," Melinda said pleadingly.

  "That you and Ashby conspired to overthrow our father, and blinded me in the process. Yes Melinda, I understand that, even if I don't understand the motive behind it."

  For the first time Melinda looked truly desperate and frighten
ed as she glanced anxiously at Aria. "If it was her…"

  "You don't know her!" Braith snarled.

  Melinda tilted her chin up, her jaw clenched as her eyes glimmered with fire. "You're right I don't know her, but I do know that if she was in danger you would do whatever it took to save her."

  "Neither of you were ever in peril inside the palace."

  "I was married to Natasha, Braith," Ashby reminded him. "We were in danger."

  "So you were having an affair and were worried about your lives?" Braith's body was fairly vibrating. Aria tried to ease his betrayal and indignation by stroking his back, but she didn't think there was much she could do in this situation. If it was her, and William or Daniel had betrayed her in such a way, she didn't think she would ever be able to get over it.

  "No, there was no affair. From the moment that we met, there was no longer a Natasha. There wasn't any other woman. It was just us, and if anyone else had known that, if your family had known that, they would have done everything they could to destroy what was between us."

  Braith appeared doubtful as he raked them both with scathing glances. Melinda's eyes were fervent, desperate as she looked briefly at Aria before focusing her full attention on her brother once more. "Do you really think you could have married Gwendolyn?" she whispered forlornly. "And even if you did manage to force yourself to marry her, do you think you could have lain with her, exchanged blood with her?" Aria hadn't known who Gwendolyn was until that description. At those words her stomach twisted, and Braith looked nearly as repulsed as she felt.

  "I didn't think so. If you could, then you would still be in the palace, still be preparing for your wedding. In fact, I've noticed that for the past week you didn't return to your parade of blood slaves, and women. I didn't put two and two together until now, but how was I supposed to know that you had found your escaped little blood slave again, and that you were once again using her to nourish you?"

  "I'm not a blood slave!" Aria retorted sharply, growing highly annoyed by the fact that she was still thought of as a piece of property.

  Melinda raised a haughty eyebrow at her, but there was a gleam of admiration in her eyes. "She's a feisty one," Ashby murmured approvingly.

  Melinda managed a tiny smile as she folded her arms over her chest. "I see that."

  "I don't use her," Braith grated.

  "You feed from her, do you not?"

  "That is not using her!" he barked.

  Melinda rolled her eyes; she tapped her foot impatiently on the ground. "I understand that she is willing, or I assume she is."

  "Of course I am," Aria told her.


  "Excuse me?" Aria was startled by the question.

  "Why are you willing? You are a human; you are a rebel, why would you give yourself to my brother like that?"

  Aria looked up at Braith; she was captivated by his masculine beauty, and the tender soul that he revealed only to her. She thought of him on his knees before her, humbled by her, his heart and soul bared for her to take, or to turn away. She thought of all of his gentleness, the care and protection he had always offered to her, even when he had owned her. He was wonderful, he was everything, and he was hers.

  "Because I love him," she whispered. "I always will."

  "How sweet," the girl vampire drawled, drawing harsh looks from everyone else in the room. She glowered back at them but wisely remained silent.

  Melinda's gray eyes were as cold as steel. "Can you believe it?" Ashby inquired blithely.

  "No," Melinda responded.

  "I don't care what you believe! It's the truth!" Aria snapped at her.

  Melinda's mouth twisted into a smile, Ashby chuckled annoyingly. Aria took a frustrated step forward, but Braith pulled her back. "Stay behind me," he grumbled in warning.

  "I believe you love him, I truly do," Melinda pacified. "I just can't believe that it has happened to Braith, of all vampires. Mr. Duty, Mr. Responsibility, Mr. Walk a Straight Line has succumbed to the darkest side of himself."

  "Like hell," Braith grated. Aria was surprised to realize that his fangs had extended. His anger and frustration were rapidly unraveling the firm control and restraint he exhibited over himself around others.

  Melinda quirked an eyebrow, she shifted a little, her head tipped to the side as she rested a hand on her hip. "Like hell Braith? Like hell? Are you forgetting that I live in that damned palace too? Are you forgetting that I was there after she escaped with Jericho? It was a bloodbath Braith; you were a one vampire destroyer, one that made even Caleb and father proud. They thought you were finally becoming like them, and in all honesty Braith, so did I. I never suspected that you might actually care for the girl. I thought you were reacting in such a way because your pride had been wounded. If I had known the truth, I would have tried to explain it to you, but I don't think you would have listened to me anyway. Especially not while you were immersed in the gluttony of blood and death you had engrossed yourself in."

  Aria swallowed heavily, her fingers dug into the rigid muscles cording his arm. He was trembling; his self-loathing evident as he glared at his sister. Melinda painted a vivid picture of what he had been like after she'd fled, and though Aria knew it all, she still hated to hear it.

  "I'm not like that," Braith hissed.

  "Maybe not normally, and most definitely not before you met her." Melinda took a small step forward, her gaze pinning Braith. Even Aria was surprised by the force of that steely stare. "I'm fairly certain that if I even made one threatening move toward her, you would kill me, sister or not."

  Aria waited for Braith to protest that statement; of course he wouldn't kill his own sister. She found herself waiting until she finally had to turn her attention back to him. "Braith?" She finally inquired, stunned by the fact that he hadn't responded yet.

  He seemed hesitant to answer, and when he did, he didn't sound all that convincing. "I wouldn't kill you."

  "You would if you had to. You would if it became necessary to ensure her survival."

  "No, he wouldn't," Aria insisted.

  "Is that true Braith, you wouldn't?" Melinda demanded. "Are you going to stand here and lie in front of her, to her?"

  Aria's heart pumped laboriously. Her soul ached for him, for herself, for the sister staring so forcefully at her brother. "I won't lie to her," Braith grated. "Yes, I would kill you if it meant her life."

  Aria inhaled sharply, she could barely breathe through the disbelief rocking her. "Braith?"

  "Don't be so appalled," Melinda told her. "I would try to kill him too, if it came to Ashby. We can't help it, you are his bloodlink; Ashby is mine. We don't have a choice, if you were a vampire you would understand the driving force that propels us to make sure that they are safe, and kept with us. You would also understand the fact that your humanity tests every boundary of his control. I saw what happened in that palace, what he did. You were still alive then, if you were to die…" Her eyes grew briefly distant, she shuddered. "If you were to die then it would be as if hell itself had unleashed its wrath upon this earth. No one would be safe."

  Braith was trembling with barely leashed power. Aria rubbed his arm lightly, trying to calm him, but she wasn't getting through. It wasn't his sister's words so much that were upsetting him; it was the fact that she had mentioned Aria's death. "Braith…"

  "She's not going to die," he said simply, lost to the haze of emotions clouding him.

  "Not for a long time," Aria assured him.


  The room was silent, staggered by the low spoken word. Aria's heart hammered, she knew that he would like her to change, but to do so… To do so would be to become everything she had ever hated and fought against. To do so would be to turn against her own kind, her own family. Her chest was tight, tears burned her eyes.

  "Braith," she breathed.

  He turned toward her, his arm was shaking even more; the muscles within it were trembling in her grasp. "You know how dangerous that is," Ashby said.

/>   Aria was fairly certain that Braith hadn't heard him though. His attention was focused upon her, his entire being was connected to hers, linked with hers. She could become a vampire and stay with her family; they would forgive her eventually, maybe. She would also be a strong ally for them; Braith would be a powerhouse on their side. She could become a vampire and stay with him forever. She could give him this, if it was what he so desperately needed. She could give him this, because he would give her anything that he could.

  He had not chosen whatever was happening to him, to them. Braith prided himself on control, on stability, and self reliance. He prided himself on the fact that he was powerful, yet understanding. Since she'd left the palace though, he'd been none of those things. He had become angry, unstable, and the murderous monster he despised his father and brother for. Melinda and Ashby understood what was going on, and perhaps if Braith did he would be a little more stable, but right now his confusion over his wild emotions was only adding to his volatility.

  "Arianna?" his voice, so deep and beautiful was ragged with feeling.

  "It will be fine," she promised fervently. His eyes, fevered and desperate, softened. In their bright depths she saw his confusion, but she also saw his craving; his love. "We can do this, we can do anything."

  "It's not that simple," Ashby interjected. "Braith knows that. You aren't a vampire, that's why I am so surprised this has happened between you. It's never happened with a human before, never."

  "I think you have to tell me exactly what is happening here," Braith said coldly.

  "Can I untie him first?" Melinda inquired.


  Annoyance flared through her steely gaze, her hands fisted at her sides in futility. They may be siblings, but it wouldn't be an equal fight. Braith was older, stronger; he radiated a depth of power that Melinda didn't seem to possess. "Imagine if it was her that was tied up; imagine how you would feel then Braith!" she pleaded.