She caught the creature under the chin as she swung her bow up, but it was too late. The pale, thin monster was already upon her, its hands grasped at her arms. The hood of her cloak had fallen back; her hair was the color of blood in the bright light. That ominous sign terrified Braith as the sweet scent of her blood hit the air.

  The creature, enthralled by the prospect of fresh food launched itself forward. Braith wrapped his arm around Aria's chest, pulling her back as he seized the creature by the throat. It squealed as its hands swung in the air trying to grab hold of her again. He was going to kill it, going to destroy it, but he couldn't bring himself to release her, not quite yet. Her chest heaved against his arm; he could feel the rapid staccato of her heartbeat. Even over the squealing noises coming from the monstrosity he held, he could hear the subtle splash of her blood as it hit the sand.

  She was bleeding, this creature had caused it.

  Fury tore through him. His hand on her chest tightened, pulling her further back. In one violent motion he snapped the creature's neck and shoved it back. It was not dead, but for the moment it was disoriented by pain. Braith was more than happy to put it out of its misery.

  And then he heard it, the stutter in her heartbeat.

  His head snapped around, she was still standing in his arms, but her face had gone deathly pale, her lips were nearly white. The sleeves of her cloak had been shredded; the cloth hung in tatters. Blood slid down both arms, pooling at the ends of her fingertips before dripping onto the sand. Her arms were laid open nearly elbow to wrist.

  Panic tore through him; he grasped hold of her, spinning her around as she staggered a little. Her normally bright, crystalline blue eyes were dull, almost lifeless.

  He bit deep into his wrist, catching her as her knees buckled. He was shaking as they slid to the ground. He didn't even care about the creature still staggering before them, didn't look up to see if there were others coming. "Blood Aria, drink it!" They were the only words he could get out through the constriction of his chest and throat.

  She closed her eyes for a moment before they sprang open. It seemed as if she was having difficulty focusing on him. "I'm fine Braith, the others. There are more of those things."

  "I don't care."

  He didn't wait to hear more of her protests; she was stubborn enough to keep offering them. He shoved his wrist into her mouth, desperate, praying that this would be enough to stop the flow of life he felt rapidly seeping from her. There was a moment of nothing, and then he felt her teeth nipping at his skin. Despite their circumstances, ecstasy tore through him at the sensations that suffused him. Her hands clenched around his arm as she drank deeply.

  He couldn't stop the low moan of pleasure that escaped him as he leaned over her, embracing her against him. "Stay with me," he breathed into her ear.

  She nodded as her eyes dazedly met his. The creature was already healing as it staggered back toward them, its eyes a vibrant red in its hollow face. Its sagging skin had taken on a yellowish, sickly hue. Lack of food and the sand and sun had turned this creature into a morbid version of a normal vampire; one that apparently had no sense of self-preservation anymore.

  He pulled her against his chest, cradling her with one arm as he tried to shift himself into a better fighting position. It wasn't much use; he couldn't pull his arm away from her. If there was any chance for her survival, she would require his blood.

  The creature was only feet from them when Ashby rammed the bony thing from behind, flinging it a good ten feet through the air. Ashby didn't hesitate as he rushed after it. William was suddenly before them; his upper lip was cut and bleeding. One of his eyes had already started to darken, and the sleeve of his cloak had been ripped, but otherwise he appeared uninjured.

  Unable to stand the thought of someone else touching Aria, Braith almost ripped her away from William. He stopped himself from doing so, but couldn't stop the low growl that escaped him. William leaned back as he studied Braith warily. Aria tried to tug his wrist from her mouth as she squirmed against him in an attempt to get to her brother.

  "It's alright," Braith grated through clenched teeth. "I won't harm him. Stop. Please Aria, you need my blood, he's safe I swear."

  Aria relaxed against him but there was a lingering tension in her body. William continued to watch him suspiciously as he leaned forward. He pulled Aria's arms toward him, finally looking away from Braith as he focused on her. Braith couldn't bring himself to look at her damaged and battered flesh again. The smell of her blood was enticing enough without seeing it too. Neither he, nor Ashby, had been feeding well; he shuddered, his fangs elongated instinctively. He closed his eyes as he fought against his baser, more driving urges.

  "William, wrap her arms," he managed to grate out.

  Sand and dust kicked up around Ashby as he slid to a stop before them. His eyes flashed red as the scent of her blood hit him, something dark flickered over his face. "Get away Ashby!" Braith snarled. Ashby remained where he was, his shoulders heaving as his fangs sliced into his lower lip. William's hands had stilled on the cloth he was trying to rip into shreds. Aria was immobile against him, her breath frozen in her lungs. "Now Ashby! Now!"

  His brother-in-law shook his head; his fangs retreated as his eyes flickered wildly between red and green. Ashby managed a small nod as he took a step back, and then another before he finally turned away. Relief filtered through Braith; he didn't want to have to kill Ashby but he would to keep Aria safe. He wanted to try and regain his trust in Ashby. Jack and Melinda trusted him, Aria and William seemed to, but Ashby was the one that had blinded him, and Braith was still uncertain about him.

  William shredded the rest of Aria's ruined sleeves and began to gingerly wrap her brutalized arms in the coarse material. She squirmed in his lap; her eyes squeezed shut as her mouth twisted. Braith bent closer to her hair, inhaling her sweet scent as he tried to calm himself. As her pain suffused him, he kept reminding himself that William was helping. Even though Braith told himself this, his emotions were swinging on a precarious pendulum between rage, dread, and famine. He was unstable, deadly if unleashed, and the only thing that helped to soothe him was her. He savored her scent, the feel of her teeth against his skin, the gentle pull of his blood seeping into her system. His blood would heal her, it would be enough. It had to be, there were no other options. She would die if it didn't.

  Aria jerked against him. Braith's head snapped up, an involuntary snarl escaped him. William flinched but continued to wrap her arms in the cloth. "I'm sorry," he whispered his gaze worriedly darting to Braith.

  William tied the last knot and sat back on his heels as he studied his sister. Aria squeezed William's arm briefly before slipping lifelessly away. It took Braith a frantic moment to realize that her chest was still rising and falling. Her heart was beating, sluggishly and far too erratically for his liking, but it was there and it was getting stronger.

  Braith was painfully aware of the fact that she had managed to stay conscious long enough for her brother to finish what he was doing.

  - CHAPTER 3 -

  "You're awake."

  Was she awake? Aria took stock of her body as she tried to figure out exactly what had happened. She blinked at the ceiling, an actual ceiling; she couldn't quite remember the last time she had seen a ceiling over her head. Where was she? She turned her head carefully, her muscles throbbed; she felt drained, tired and a little nauseous. William blurred before her, there were two of him at first but the more she blinked the clearer he became.

  "I am," she confirmed.

  His shoulders slumped in relief, his hand rested lightly upon her upper arm. "You had me worried."

  Her throat was dry, it was difficult to swallow but she finally managed to form words. "I feel awful," she admitted.

  "That's because you almost died, and you would have…" William's voice trailed off, his gaze drifted somewhere behind her.

  "William?" She was worried by the perplexed look on his face.

He gave you some of his blood." He sounded almost as equally disgusted as awed.

  Aria sighed, she wanted to stay where she was, wanted to lie on the cool floor forever, but she had a feeling she had been out for awhile. It was time to get moving. William lurched awkwardly forward as she braced herself on her forearms. Pain instantly tore through her, she nearly fell back to the ground but he grabbed hold of her and helped her into a seated position. She sat for a minute, panting as the copper taste that preceded vomit filled her mouth. She shuddered, swallowing heavily as she struggled to keep her stomach from revolting.

  After a few moments of taking deep breaths, she was finally able to gain enough control to realize she was not going to toss the meager contents of her stomach all over the floor. William looked like he was about to cry, his hand on her back had begun to shake, and she had never seen a look of such abject terror on his face. Not even when their mother had been killed. Then, they'd had no time to react, and had been too shocked and horrified to show any real emotion. Now he'd had plenty of time to sit here and agonize about what had happened, and what might become of her.

  "I'm fine William, really." She squeezed his hand, trying to reassure him with her strength, but it seemed weak even to her. "Just a little disoriented. But that's better than the alternative."

  She'd hoped to elicit a chuckle from him, he only stared stone faced back at her. "The blood…"

  "He's given it to me before when I was wounded. It won't hurt me."

  His gaze darted behind her again as he leaned closer. "But won't it, you know…"

  Aria frowned at him. She started to shake her head but realized the motion would only bring on another bout of nausea. She forced herself to remain still as she swallowed heavily. "No. I don't know. I'm not entirely sure how that all works."

  "You've never discussed it?"

  She lifted her hand gradually; trembling as she wiped a strand of hair back from her face. "Not that part."

  "Huh, I had assumed that you had." William sat back on his heels; his eyes inquisitive as he studied her.

  "William?" she asked worriedly.

  "He really does love you."

  Aria started in surprise. "Did you think he didn't?"

  He shrugged; his fingers tapping against the floor alerted Aria to the fact that it was not solid wood beneath her, but worn carpet. The carpet was beneath her too, but she couldn't feel it as her fingers were somewhat numb at the moment. It was an unsettling feeling not to have the full sensation of touch. She hoped the numbness went away soon. "I don't know what to think," William admitted. "I'd like to believe it, but it's all really strange Aria."

  She wasn't going to argue with that. "But seeing him today, the way he was with you, I don't doubt it anymore. All I can do is wonder why?" Aria glared at him, but she couldn't hold up the pretense of being mad at him as he finally managed a smile for her. "You had me worried kid."

  "You're all of an hour older than me."

  "But it was a glorious hour of solitude," he quipped.



  She awkwardly embraced him with her injured arms. "Where is Braith?"

  William exhaled noisily as he pulled back. "They had to…" His gaze traveled to her wrapped arms. "Go outside."

  Aria nodded, sorrow and regret twisted her insides. "This is difficult for them."

  "It's difficult for all of us."

  She tilted her head, her heart picked up as her body instinctively began to react. "Help me up."


  "He's coming William, I can't be sitting down."

  "How do you know that?"

  "I just do, please William."

  He was about to argue further but decided against it as he slid his arms under her and gently lifted her up. He was steadying her when Braith appeared in the doorway. A muscle twitched in his cheek, his shoulders were rigid, but those hated glasses were in place so she was unable to see his eyes, unable to get a read on what he was really thinking, what he intended.

  "It's ok William," she told him, sensing that her brother was hesitant to leave them alone as Braith seemed unstable.

  William stood uncertainly before bowing his head and leaving them. Braith's broad shoulders almost filled the entire doorframe as he watched her in silence. Aria swallowed nervously, shifting slightly as she tried to gather what little strength she had left.

  "You're not sending me away Braith." The silence was killing her. Braith was not the strong, silent type. When he was angry or when he was upset or frustrated, he didn't hide it, especially not with her. "You're not going to stash me somewhere either," she blurted when he remained frustratingly mute.

  "No, I'm not." His voice was hoarse, grating.

  "But you said before that you should have left me behind."

  "I was wrong." She didn't know what to say. "You nearly died."

  "I'm fine."

  "If I hadn't been there…" He broke off as he shook his head. Her heart ached for the anguish she felt twisting through him. "I won't send you away Aria. I won't leave you somewhere I think might be safe because there is nowhere safe for you, and I can't take the chance of something happening to you while I'm not there to possibly save you. This never should have happened."

  "This isn't your fault."

  "Isn't it?" She was thrown off by his words. "You shouldn't be in danger."

  "I've always been in danger."

  "But I want more for you!" he exploded. Aria was startled by the devastation behind his words. He was in front of her in an instant, his hands grasped hold of her arms as he smoothly turned them over. She stared down at the makeshift bandages, disturbed by the amount of blood that coated the rags. Her blood. Her life. "Don't you understand that? I want you to be safe; I want you to know peace for once in your life. I don't want you to know fear and death anymore. And I've thrust you into even more jeopardy; I've brought this upon us. These lands, they aren't good Aria."

  She swallowed heavily, her hands flipped within his as she grasped hold of him. The feeling in her fingers was slowly returning. "One day Braith, when all of this is over, we'll know peace."

  His head was bent as he studied their hands. She knew he was thinking what she couldn't say, what she didn't even want to consider. If they made it to the end, if they won, if they were even still together.

  "Let's get these off and see how your arms look."

  "I can have William do it."

  His head came up to hers as his nostrils flared. "I can take care of you Aria."

  What had happened to her had rattled him even more than she'd realized. He was off balance, edgy, and uncertain in a way that she'd never seen before. "I know that Braith." And she did know that, but he was unpredictable right now and her blood was a torment she wanted to spare him from.

  His jaw was clenched so tightly that she could practically hear his teeth grinding together as his fingers nimbly undid the knots William had tied. The rags fell away, sliding from her skin to slither silently to the floor. At first Aria couldn't look at what had nearly killed her, but his stillness and the slight tensing of his shoulders, told her that she would have to.

  She braced herself as her gaze slid to the arms he held so delicately within his large hands. The gashes were vivid against her pale skin but not as deep as they had been. The ones on her left arm ran from elbow to wrist while the ones on her right arm were below her elbow but just as wicked looking. She was shaken as she stared at them, lost in the realization that she had nearly died, that these marks represented what could have been her end.

  Though she wasn't bleeding anymore, there was still some dried blood on her skin. Her hand trembled as she pulled the glasses from his face; she needed to see his eyes. The small white scars around his eyes weren't as visible; his face had paled considerably from the restraint he was exerting over himself. At first he wouldn't look at her, at first his gaze remained focused upon her brutalized arms. Then, his eyes met hers. Her breath froze in her lungs; her heart flut
tered like a trapped bird as it beat against her ribcage.

  The beautiful gray eyes with the bright blue band she had come to love were gone. They were as bright as rubies now, gleaming at her from the depths of his striking face. He was hungry, he was savage, and right now all he yearned for was her. She would give her blood to him willingly, but he wouldn't take it, she knew that. Not now, not after today. But it was unnecessary torture for him to be here when William was perfectly capable of re-bandaging her arms. "Braith…"

  And then he was on her, over her, nearly inside of her as his mouth seized hold of hers with a tenderness she had not expected given his mood right then. His hands were on her face, stroking her cheeks as his tongue flickered against her lips. She felt the press of his elongated fangs as she opened her mouth to let him in. A low moan of pleasure escaped her as he invaded all of her senses. All she could feel was him, all she could smell was him. He was inside her soul, so much a part of her. She could barely breathe as his hands slid away from her face. His arms wrapped around her waist as he lifted her, pressing her back against a wall. His body was hard against hers, impassioned beneath her hands.

  Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer against her as he groaned low in his throat and nipped at her lip. Her mind and body spun out of control. She was in over her head, but she found she didn't care as she gave herself over to the emotions running wildly through her.

  She squirmed against him, aching and unfulfilled as her body longed for more. She couldn't breathe, and she didn't care as his tongue slid into her mouth, becoming more fervent and demanding as he caressed her. Aria moaned in delight, her still somewhat numb fingers curled into his back. She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream with joy, she simply wanted to never have the moment end, to forget the world around them and just be with each other. Buttons slid free as he pushed her shirt aside to press his hand against her breast. Pleasure swept through her with the consuming intensity of a wildfire. She didn't care where they were or what was happening around them, not anymore.