"You didn't almost kill me."

  "I shot an arrow at you!" she snapped.

  His head tilted to the side, his dark hair spilled across his forehead. "That hardly counts."

  Irritation shot through her, she clasped the towel to her as she knelt on the bed to face him. "Then give me another one and this time I'll make it count!" His grin infuriated her. Huffing a little she clutched the towel as she shimmied her way inelegantly off the bed.

  He grasped hold of her arm before she disappeared into the bathroom; he held it tenderly as she glared angrily up at him. "Aria…"

  "Love isn't about perfection Braith! It's about understanding and forgiveness, it's about giving and taking in equal measure. I gave my blood to you. I forgave you for things that you are struggling to forgive yourself for, because I love you. I know that you have done some awful things, and you have hurt me, just as I have hurt you. You gave up a life of opulence, grace, and a vast supply of blood for a life of deserts and fighting and starvation for me. I willingly gave you my blood because I would do anything for you also.

  "That is love Braith. I'm seventeen and even I know that. Maybe you should learn."

  She jerked her arm free of his slackened grasp and didn't look back as she stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door. She gasped in a breath as she leaned against the door; all of her pleasure from earlier had evaporated. He was such an infuriating ass sometimes.

  She realized only too late that there were no clothes in here for her. Crap, she thought as she released an aggravated breath. She had just blown up on him, and now she was going to have to go back out there to ask him for clothes. It was humiliating.

  She remained leaning against the door, reluctant to face him again. A low knock reminded her that it was impossible to hide. She opened the door to find his large and imposing frame standing before her holding a dress which looked tiny in his hands.

  "I thought you might require some clothing."

  She scrunched her nose as she nodded. "I do."

  "Gideon had it sent up while you were sleeping." She eyed the dress warily as he stepped into the room. She hadn't worn one of these horrible garments since her time in the palace, and had hoped to never have to wear one again. She took the dress from him, barely meeting his gaze as she draped it over her arm. "I'll button it for you after you slide it on."

  He turned away as she dropped the towel and slipped the dress over her head. His fingers were gentle as he buttoned the back with surprising ease. Pulling her hair over her shoulders, he covered the fresh marks upon her neck with it as he turned her around to face him.

  "I need you to know I'm not a complete monster."

  She started in surprise, that's what this was about. "I know that Braith, I never thought you were." She sought to give him comfort as her fingers wrapped around his wrists. "The past can't be undone, but it doesn't define you. It's our future actions that will show who we really are, what we'll become."

  "I hope so."

  "They will," she promised him. "I'm sorry I yelled at you."

  He smiled wanly. "I deserved it." She wasn't going to argue with that. He kissed her forehead soothingly. "I never had anyone to teach me about love before."

  Her hands constricted on his forearms, tears burned her eyes. He was stronger than her, faster and more powerful, his life had been one of pleasure and luxury, hers one of struggle and starvation, yet she realized now that she had gotten the better deal. She knew what it was like to have people that loved her. His siblings, at least Melinda and Jack, seemed to care for each other, but they weren't anywhere near as close as she was with William and Daniel. Yes, her mother had been killed, but she had died for her children. Her father had never hidden the fact that he loved his kids, even if he had never been overly affectionate with them, and even when the rebellion had too often come first. Her entire life had been about love, his had been about cruelty. It was amazing he had turned out as wonderful as he had.

  "I'll teach you," she vowed.

  "You already have." Tears spilled down her cheeks as he lifted her face and kissed her tenderly. She embraced him, reluctant to have the moment end, but knowing that it must. It was time to return to reality. "We have to go downstairs."

  "I know."

  He gently wiped the tears from her cheeks before taking hold of her hand, and following the sounds of voices back to Gideon's study. Ashby looked up from his place by the window where he had been staring outside, a drink in his hand as he spoke quietly with Gideon. He grew silent the minute they entered the room. Gideon was sitting behind the desk, his feet propped on top and his hands folded on his stomach.

  "Where's my brother?" Aria demanded.

  "Relax Aria, he's fine," Ashby assured her.

  "Where is he Ashby?"

  "Dara took him on a tour of the town."

  A cold chill crept down her spine, she nearly sputtered in disbelief. "You let him go alone?"

  "There's no need to fear anything here, your brother is safe."

  Gideon's smug tone irritated her as she turned her glare on him. "I don't fear anything," she retorted sharply.

  Gideon quirked an eyebrow as Braith shook his head. "She's a feisty one."

  "She is," Ashby agreed. Though Ashby was smiling, and Gideon seemed somewhat amused, they were both studying her with an intensity that was a little unnerving. "I wouldn't let him go anywhere if I thought he was at risk, I promise. Besides, he's with a human."

  Aria refrained from saying that didn't mean much, especially not in a vamp ruled world. She didn't think William should be wandering around alone; she tried to control her panic at the mere thought of it. "I'd like to find him," she said softly.

  "Of course," Gideon purred. "I can have someone take you to him. We have some things to discuss anyway, don't we Braith?"

  Braith shook his head. "Aria will be here for that discussion. We'll find her brother first."

  Gideon contemplated this before he dropped his feet down and rose with an easy grace. "Why not?" he asked nonchalantly. "I'd like to show you around anyway. I think there is much you'd like to see here."

  A small chill of apprehension raced down her spine, she wasn't sure she cared to see much of what this town had to offer, but her need to find William outweighed her trepidation. Gideon handed Braith a cloak, this one the same deep blue color as her dress. "It gets cold at night around here," Gideon explained as she studied it. "The color doesn't denote any certain position. Not in these lands."

  She nodded and slipped it around her shoulders. Braith tied it for her and pulled the hood up. She was grateful the cloak hid the fresh bandages on her arms, and even more grateful for its warmth as they stepped outside. After the intense heat of the past week, the sudden chill was shocking to her burnt skin. Goosebumps instantly broke out on her flesh, her teeth chattered as she wrapped her arms around herself.

  "The water in the area causes the nights to be colder here," Gideon explained.

  Braith slid his arm around her waist, pulling her firmly against his side in an attempt to offer her some warmth. It did little good as the icy air licked at her. "Moving will help," he told her, seemingly unfazed by the sudden chill.

  They made their way through the cobbled streets of the loud and boisterous town. People and vampires littered the crowded streets. They passed by bars and a theatre, and a dimly lit brothel that caused Aria to blush as one of the women called out to them.

  Then they were moving out of what seemed to be the party area of the town, and into an area of subdued streets and dimly lit homes. Though the houses were small, they were all in well repair, and it seemed as if the owners took pride in them. She had been unnerved by the seedier parts of the town, but she was surprisingly charmed and a little fascinated by this area. Did humans and vampires actually live side by side in these homes?

  "Let's rest here for a bit." Aria frowned at the building Gideon had stopped in front of. Large windows in the front revealed the people sitting inside talking as
they ate in a cozy, candlelit ambiance she found intriguing. Gideon held the door open, allowing the gentle aroma of food to waft out as he waited expectantly for them to follow him.

  Braith kindly nudged her forward into the entrance of the building. People glanced up at them, momentarily riveted as Gideon led them easily through the crowd of tables. Aria's stomach rumbled far more loudly than she would have liked. Gideon spoke softly with a woman. Aria found it impossible to decide if the woman was human or vampire as she flashed him a smile and nodded.

  "This way." They followed the woman through the room to a booth hidden within the dark shadows at the back.

  "We should find William first," Aria said, trying to ignore the increasing rumble of her stomach as she studied the plate of crackers already on the table.

  "Relax young human," Gideon chided. "I can hear your stomach rumbling from a mile away. Besides, if we are going to fight a war together than at least some level of trust should be formed, don't you think?"

  There did have to be trust and her hunger was making her lightheaded, but she was worried about William.

  "I'll find him Aria, sit and eat," Ashby assured her.

  Relief and gratitude filled her as she nodded. "Thank you Ashby."

  He grinned at her before disappearing into the crowd. Aria slid into the booth, she almost grabbed the plate of crackers and pulled it over to her, but managed to restrain herself from acting like a complete ruffian as she eagerly ate one.

  "What is this place?" she inquired as she studied the people, or vampires, gathered in the booths surrounding them. Some were eating, some were leisurely sipping wine. There was a faint melody playing in the background that lulled her, and to her surprise she found herself swaying along with the music.

  "It's a restaurant," Gideon told her.

  Aria blinked out of her strange reverie. "It's where people gather to eat," Braith explained further.

  "They just feed you here?" she asked in surprise.

  "For a price," Gideon explained. She frowned fiercely at him. She could well imagine what that price might be. Gideon held up a hand, chuckling as he shook his head. "The only price here is our form of currency."

  "I see." Aria's gaze drifted over the strange place again. It was such an oddly amazing thing. Braith handed her a piece of paper, her stomach lurched as she read over the list of food.

  "Choose what you want."

  She wanted everything. It all looked so yummy. A young woman appeared at the booth; Gideon spoke to her before they all turned their attention to Aria. Her hands were trembling, her stomach was rumbling so loudly that mortification was starting to take hold of her. Braith leaned over her shoulder to study the paper in her hand. He leaned away, talked briefly with the woman, who nodded and disappeared.

  "Let me see the menu," Braith said. "Menu?" she croaked. Her head was spinning, this town and everything in it was far different than anything she'd ever known. It was overwhelming and so out of place with the jars of teeth and scenes of death she'd seen in Gideon's study.

  Braith pointed to the paper she held before smoothly taking it from her hands. A feeling of uncertainty seized her; there was still so much she didn't know. Braith's hand took hold of hers; he gave her a reassuring squeeze as he nudged the crackers toward her. Gideon was studying her in a strange manner that flustered her even more. Instinct made her want to pull her hand away from Braith's, but it was already too late to hide what was between them from Gideon.

  "These are all humans?" she inquired as she studied the shadowed room.

  "No, there are vampires here too." She started in surprise as her focus shifted back to Gideon. The woman reappeared, placing two goblets before Braith and Gideon, and a glass of water before her. Aria's throat was dry, but she was far more interested in what Gideon had to say at the moment. "Braith and I can tell the difference."

  As she looked around the room again, she realized she could pick out some humans also. The ones that appeared to be over thirty and eating were most certainly humans, but the rest were more difficult to discern. She didn't ask how the two of them could tell; she assumed all vampires could tell the difference. "They get along together?" she asked.

  "Of course they do, why wouldn't they young human?"

  Aria shot him a dark look, not at all liking his placating tone, and the young human nickname was beginning to grate on her last nerve. "You have jars of human and vampire teeth on shelves in your home," she retorted. "That's why."

  Gideon just grinned annoyingly back at her as he reclined in his seat. He swirled the contents of his goblet before taking a small sip. "Those humans were just as culpable as those vampires during the war, sweetheart."

  "Watch it Gideon," Braith growled.

  Gideon's hooded gaze flickered briefly to Braith; he looked about ready to say something more but seemed to think better of it. "What do you mean?" Aria inquired.

  "Do you think it was just vampires that were fighting on the side of the king? No dear, there were also humans involved."

  Surprise flooded her, her gaze flew to Braith, looking for denial of Gideon's words but he just squeezed her hand. Anguish filled Aria; her shoulders slumped as she forgot about her crackers. "Why?" she breathed.

  "Who really knows why?" replied Gideon. "Some wanted to be on the winning side while others wanted to be in the king's good graces should he be the victor. You know the saying 'to the victor go the spoils?' Perhaps some of them were even offered the chance to survive the change. No matter their reasons, unfortunately, they chose correctly and it paid off. Their offspring, and their offspring's offspring, are still amongst the higher-ups of the human race within the palace."

  "Oh," Aria breathed, her hand pressed against her lips as the full horror of his revelation sank in. She'd known that the humans within the palace were more than willing to sell them out now, and in the past. She hadn't known it had gone all the way back to the war, and that they had actually fought with the vampires.

  "I keep the teeth of the ones I killed, and their vampire brethren as a reminder."

  "Why would you require such a reminder?"

  "To keep the fire for revenge alive." Gideon leaned across the table, for the first time his flippant air vanished. His hazel eyes burned forcefully as he studied her. "I keep that whole room like that to remind myself every day of my hatred of that place, of the betrayal, and the destruction. I fan the fires everyday in the hopes that one day, just one day I'll get a chance for payback."

  The ardor with which he spoke, the fire in his eyes ignited an answering spark inside of her. "I escaped that palace, and that war, and I fled to safety. My family was not so lucky. They were already gone, already massacred when I escaped, but I vowed that one day I would avenge their deaths and it appears that day has finally come."

  Aria swallowed heavily, she didn't know what to say to that. She knew how Gideon felt and understood the urge that drove him forward. She had hated the vampires for as long as she could remember, had wanted their deaths more than anything, until she'd met Braith. And now she realized that her kind was just as culpable for the fall of her race as the vampires were. She should be relieved to see this side of Gideon, to know what drove him, and finally understand why he had that hideous room; however, she didn't like the way Gideon was looking at Braith.

  She didn't like the stiffness, the rigidity she could feel taking hold of Braith. The tension was nearly palpable in the small booth. The woman reappeared, seemingly oblivious to it as she placed heaping plates of food before Aria. She laid utensils down, utensils that Aria hated but had grown accustomed to in the palace. Her stomach rumbled at the sight of the food, but she couldn't bring herself to move toward it as she warily watched the silent war of wills going on beside her.

  Braith looked away first, not because he was capitulating to anything, but because he realized that she was not eating. His glasses were back in place but she knew when his eyes latched onto hers, she would always know. "Eat Aria." She swallowed heavily,
her gaze darted nervously to Gideon. Braith grasped hold of the fork and pressed it into her palm. "Eat," he urged.

  She hesitated before digging eagerly into the plates of meat, potatoes, and vegetables before her. She thought he might have ordered everything on the menu. It was delicious and she couldn't stop the small moan of pleasure that escaped her as she devoured it. They didn't speak again until she had finished every last morsel on her plate.

  "Are you still hungry?" Braith inquired.

  She did want more, simply because it had been so good, but she was completely stuffed. "No, I'm full." He squeezed her knee gently as she focused on Gideon again. "Humans and vampires live together in peace here?"

  Gideon signaled for the woman who reappeared with a bottle of something. She topped off Braith and Gideon's drinks, though Braith required far less of a top off than Gideon did. "They do," Gideon confirmed when the woman was gone. "We do not have blood slaves and we do not force people to give their blood."

  Gideon's gaze latched onto her neck. She hadn't realized her hair had fallen back until Braith tugged it over the marks he had left upon her.

  "Most give it willingly, either by allowing us to feed from them or by donating their blood. Just as most vampires don't like the intimacy and vulnerability that the exchange of blood can produce, neither do some humans." Braith didn't move his arm, but his firm jaw flexed as Gideon's gaze dropped to the bite marks on his inner wrist. Gideon's left eyelid ticked. "Though, the connection between a human and a vampire is never as strong as it is between two vampires. I've never allowed another to feed from me, and I have never fed from another. I don't know many vampires that have."

  "What do you mean by donate?" she inquired. She knew what "donating" meant in her world. The people who were not purchased as blood slaves were taken to be drained of their blood, and their bodies were callously discarded afterward.