David lifted his bow and fired at a soldier that emerged from the smoke and fire. The arrow pierced deep into the soldier's heart and knocked him back as he kicked and groaned in the final moments of his life. Though David's jaw was locked, and determination radiated from his eyes, his arm trembled as he dropped it slowly back to his side.

  "It is essential you take care of that wound," Jack informed him.

  "I'm fine."

  "You're not fine." David shot him a look as he lifted his bow and fired another arrow into a cluster of soldiers. Jack ignored the furious look his friend gave him as he seized the bow from David. "Do something about it before you bleed to death," he commanded gruffly. "Your children will kick my ass if something happens to you."

  David glowered at Jack as he reached out and grabbed Jack's shirt. Jack wasn't expecting it when David brandished a knife and cut a large piece of cloth from the last shirt Jack had that was still in one piece. Clothing was hard to come by in the woods, and over the years Jack had become accustomed to the lightweight tunics and baggy pants that were woven out of flax for the summer, and the heavy woolen articles that were created for the winter.

  David's eyes sparkled as he deftly tied the shirt around his injury and used his teeth to pull the knot tight. "I liked this shirt," Jack grumbled as he handed the bow back.

  "It was nice," David agreed.

  Jack's attention was diverted from the blood soaking through his friends bandage as a shout of victory rang throughout the street. He turned to discover that Victor, one of his father's right hand men, and one of the cruelest vampires Jack had ever had the displeasure of meeting, had been taken prisoner. The man was beaten and bloody as he was pulled down the street by a group of soldiers that were led by Saul and Barnaby. Saul stepped back and pointed toward one of the growing fires and the soldiers pushed Victor into the inferno. Jack didn't feel an ounce of remorse as Victor's agonized shrieks pierced the night.

  Rounding a bend in the road, the palace came fully into view. It loomed over them, ominous and imposing as it stretched high into the night sky. Illumination from the leaping flames of the town shimmered off of the pale palace walls as they approached.

  Almost there, they were almost there. He could only hope that his brother hadn't managed to get himself killed as the massive gold doors of the palace swung open and a new horde of the king's soldiers spilled out to challenge them.


  Braith could barely believe what he was seeing as Aria burst free of the servant's tunnel. Seeming to sense his presence, she turned toward him. Hope and terror radiated from her brilliant blue eyes as she gazed at him. Even filthy, with her hair tangled around her dirt streaked, porcelain skin, she was still the most exquisitely beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

  Beneath the dirt he saw the bites, bruises and blood that ran up and down her arms and across the column of her throat toward her neck. He couldn't bring himself to think about where else she might have bite marks, where else they might have touched her, and what else they might have done to her. All he longed for was to get his hands on her again, and to get her out of here alive.

  If at all possible.

  She took a step toward him as Caleb emerged from the servant's quarters right behind her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he lifted her up and threw her to the floor. Braith's vision became a shade of crimson as a bellow tore from him. He lunged forward, shoving through the guards closest to him as he felt the beast within take over and all his control slip away.

  He was consumed with bloodlust as he jerked a man forward and seized the spear from him. Turning it in his grasp, he twisted it under his arm and plunged it into the vampire's chest. Tearing it free, he drove it into the hearts of two more soldiers closing in on him.

  Aria's frightened cry drove him heedlessly onward. All he cared about was getting to her, and destroying anyone that had dared to touch her. He didn't feel the spear that pierced his back and tore through his shoulder. He didn't even know he'd been stabbed until the pointed tip shot out the other end.

  He tore the spear free from himself as he spun on the two guards staring at him with huge, frightened eyes. He was about to cross that line again, about to completely relinquish himself to the darkness, and he didn't care as he seized hold of them both. He killed the one quickly, almost mercifully, as he grabbed hold of him, slammed his fist through his ribcage and tore his heart out. The other was not so lucky as Braith spun him around and used him to deflect the four soldiers rushing at him. The man screamed and howled as he was pierced with multiple spears and arrows. He squirmed within Braith's grasp but Braith felt no compunction over continuing to use the man as a shield as he battered his way through the crowd.

  He lost sight of her as he was engulfed by soldiers. Something else pierced through his calf, driving him briefly to his left knee. Pain lanced through him, but he forced himself back to his feet as the guard he held heaved one final groan and went still in his grasp. Braith used his body to beat back two more soldiers as they lurched at him. He threw the flaccid body of the dead guard at three more of the king's men and knocked them over.

  The soldiers fell back; the crowd parted giving him a brief glimpse of Aria as she tussled against his brother's hold. He grunted as another arrow tore through flesh and bone, ripped through sinew, and clipped part of his heart. Driven to his knees, Braith felt the rush of blood from the damaged organ as it seeped into his chest. It wasn't a fatal blow, not at his age, not if he could feed soon, but it would weaken and slow him. The guards approached with far more confidence than they had before, and on top of his other wounds…

  "No!" Aria's scream was frenzied and raw with terror. "Don't! Stop it, you're killing him!"

  Caleb was trying to grab her again when she savagely spun on him.

  - CHAPTER 12 -

  Panic tore through Aria as she watched Braith go down on the marble floor. A scream of anguish ripped from her, she'd never seen so much blood. They were killing him, and he kept trying to get up and reach her. It was becoming devastatingly obvious that there were too many of them, he was simply outnumbered by the soldiers swarming him.

  Caleb was grinning maliciously as he grabbed hold of her. Reacting on instinct and rushing adrenaline, she tried to drive her knee into his tender groin region again but he was better prepared this time. He slapped her fist away from its trajectory toward his face as she tried to change tactics. She lunged at him, throwing him a little off balance as she shoved her weight against him.

  Every dirty trick her brothers had taught her sprang to mind as she sought to free herself from him. Caleb was expecting her to go for his groin again, and she made a feigning attempt at it. His hands dropped, leaving his face, and her intended area of attack, exposed. Feeling like a crazed woman, she hooked her fingers and went straight for his eyes.

  Caleb howled as she drove her fingers into his eye sockets. She tried not to think about what she felt beneath her fingers, she simply clawed as ferociously as she could until he threw his arms up and knocked her away from him. The jarring impact caused her arms to go numb as she stumbled backward. His hands flew to his face, she had not blinded him, but she'd injured him enough that blood pooled from his battered right eye. Aria was not fooled into thinking it would distract him for long.

  She clasped both hands into a fist, and with the full force of her weight she twisted as she swung them upward. She caught him beneath his chin, and knocked his head back with a loud crack that gave her a spurt of satisfaction. Blood exploded from his mouth as he staggered back. It may ruin all of his plans, but he was going to kill her, she was certain of it now. Before this, he would have played with her and tormented her, but now if he got his hands on her again he was going to kill her in the vilest way possible.

  She would just have to make sure that he didn't catch her again.

  Aria turned and darted away from him. Her heart hammered as she spotted Braith somehow finding the power to rise to his feet once more and take down two more
guards. Pulling one of them forward, he yanked the vampires head back and sank his teeth deep into its neck. No, Aria moaned silently. No, no, no.

  She may already be too late, she realized. She may have already lost him to the monster he could become.

  She threw herself forward, rolling across the ground as she avoided the searching grasp of one of the guards. Grasping hold of a spear she staggered back to her feet as she ran for Braith; adrenaline and terror gave her a speed and strength she didn't know she'd possessed until this moment. She didn't know if it was the king's blood, or her driving need to reach Braith, but all of her other injuries and her exhaustion was forgotten as a strength she never knew she could possess surged through her.

  Toward the back of the room she spotted her brothers, Max, and Xavier. They had already been taken down; bloodied and beaten they were on their knees, surrounded by guards, close to the elongated tableful of the king's horrible "guests." Her chest constricted as she realized she was about to lose almost everyone she loved today.

  Keegan raced around Braith, biting and snarling as he forced some of the guards back while dodging the weapons thrust at him. Braith tossed aside the guard as he rose to his feet and lurched toward her. A soldier, that had the misfortune of getting in his way, was easily disposed of as Braith broke his neck and tore out his heart. Aria heaved the spear at another guard, driving it deep into his chest. The man's eyes bulged as he clutched at the wooden pole protruding from him.

  She ripped the spear free as Braith went down again, an arrow protruding from his torso. She was dimly aware of the fact that the soldiers must have orders to take them alive; otherwise they would all be dead by now. Braith was powerful, the floor was littered with the soldiers he'd destroyed, but ultimately he was outnumbered. She was quick, she had caught Caleb off guard, but she was still human.

  But then none of it mattered as she was almost there. She could almost feel him again. She barely spotted the guard that stepped in front of her, barely realized he was there even as she heaved the spear at him. It was off the mark as it pierced his throat, but it still knocked him away as he fell back against two of his cohorts.

  She fell to her knees; tears burned her throat as she flung herself into Braith's open arms. A sob tore from her, she'd never felt anything as magnificent as his body molded perfectly against hers. Her fingers clutched at his back as she was immediately enveloped by his love. He bent over her, clasping her tightly as he cradled the base of her head against his chest and buried his face in her hair. She couldn't get enough of him, simply couldn't touch him or feel him enough.

  "Arianna," he groaned his lips warm against her ear.

  The ragged relief and pleasure in his voice almost completely undid her as her hands rapidly fluttered over him. They were going to die, but at least they would have this moment, this one last time, and she so desperately needed it as she clung to him. She wished she'd never listened to Jack, Ashby, and Gideon. That she had never tried to distance herself from him. She'd been foolish to think she ever could have let him go, or that he would be able to do the same.

  Touching him and holding him now was the best thing she'd ever felt. She'd never thought to experience love in the first place, never mind this kind of love, with him, a vampire who had taught her there was far more to life, and the world, than she'd ever imagined. She was in love with this beautiful creature who had taught her that not everything was black and white, good and evil. There were shades of gray, there were in-betweens, and there were colors she'd never dreamed of. Colors that he'd shown her in the garden, worlds and experiences he'd opened to her when he'd taught her to read, love he'd given to her freely over and over again with his understanding, patience, and countless sacrifices he'd made for her.

  Now they were here, back where it had all started, and where it would finally end one way or another.

  "You shouldn't have come." She buried her face in his neck; she couldn't get close enough to him.

  "I will always come for you."

  Yes, he would. No matter what Gideon and the others had thought, he always would have come for her, and she would always welcome him. She would have pretended that she didn't want him to find her; she would have stayed strong because she'd thought that she was doing the right thing. However, she continuously would have hoped that he would find her, and she would have been waiting for him.

  "You shouldn't have brought them."

  "I could no more have stopped them than I could have stopped you if the roles were reversed." A harsh laugh escaped her at the truth of his words.

  "My father is ok?" she asked worriedly, though she knew he would have had to lead the humans into battle.

  "He was fine the last time I saw him."

  From the corner of her eye she saw the soldiers narrowing in, their weapons raised with deadly intent. Her fingers were trembling, she should pull away, she should release him, but she couldn't bring herself to let him go. Not yet, she wasn't ready to say goodbye.

  "Hold." She was dimly aware that it was the king that had spoken the word, but she didn't care about the reason why he had chosen to give them this reprieve. She was certain he had some ulterior motive, but the king didn't matter, the men surrounding them didn't matter, not anymore.

  A warm wetness pressed against her skin. She didn't have to pull back to know that his blood was soaking through his clothes and into hers. Another small sob escaped her, she clutched more frantically at him. "Don't leave me," she whispered.

  "Never," he groaned against her ear. "No matter what happens I will always be with you Arianna. Always."

  His shirt collar was growing wet with her tears. "Always," she breathed.

  His lips pressed against her ear, her cheek, and then his mouth was upon hers. It was meant to only be a chaste, loving kiss, one of goodbye, but the minute his lips touched hers, her body reacted as if it had been struck by lightning. She flattened against him as waves of passion and love cascaded through her, leaving her boneless and limp. She clutched at him, torn between wanting to scream from the injustice of it all and wanting to rip this room apart with her bare hands.

  Unfair, it was all unfair. But life was unfair, she'd always known that, but she'd hoped that just this once it would work in their favor.

  No matter what happened after, she would always have the memory of this kiss and the taste of him. She would always have these few short moments and their love to help get her through it. She'd be strong no matter what they did to her. The king and Caleb would never break her; never beat her into the weak little human they thought her to be.

  Braith broke away; he was shaking as his hands cradled her face. She lifted her eyes to his, relieved to see the beautiful gray and blue color she cherished so much. He pressed another tender kiss briefly against her quivering lips. "I love you," he whispered.

  More tears spilled free as she pressed her cheek against his, delighting in the feel of his stubble roughened cheek against hers. The sweet scent of his blood swirled up to fill her nostrils. Horror filled her as she looked down. He was dying, she was certain of it as the stain of his blood spread across his solid chest and torso. Her large, powerful, magnificent vampire was gradually dying before her eyes. A strangled cry escaped her, he seized hold of her hands as she fumbled to try and staunch the flow of blood.

  "I'll be ok love, don't worry about me."

  "No," she whimpered, knowing that he lied. "There's so much."

  "The guard's blood helped some."

  Her hands shook in his; she couldn't unclench her fingers from his to hug him once more. His gaze scanned over her face, neck and arms as his eyes faded back to a ruby shade. When he let himself go he was more destructive, more powerful, he could feed from his own kind and be a monster like his father. If he gave himself over to the darkness within he may even be able to get them all out of here, but at what cost? Would she ever get him back? She'd rather die than lose him to such a fate, to see him become as twisted and broken as his father and brother.
r />
  "Stay with me," she whispered. "Don't go there Braith, don't let me lose you that way."

  His eyes came back to hers. They shifted from that awful ruby color to a shade that was partially red and partially blue. It was disconcerting, that beautiful blue band around his iris surrounded by a murderous scarlet, but she could at least see him beneath it now.

  She leaned toward him, and pressed her lips to his as she slid her hands free of his grasp. She moved her lips unhurriedly over his as she realized what she had to do. She recalled Ashby's words from the tree house, when he'd spoken of his bond with Melinda; we are stronger because we drink from each other. She traced the solid, much loved planes of his magnificent face. "Love me Braith, stay with me."

  "Always," he vowed again.

  Gently pressing her lips to his one more time, she turned her head to the side and guided his head to her neck. "I can make you stronger."

  He hesitated; she felt his desire to recoil as clearly as she felt his hunger for her blood. He didn't hesitate because he was repulsed by the marks upon her, or the flow of the king's blood within her veins that she knew he could sense, but because he was frightened that she couldn't handle anymore blood loss. He could become a monster in order to try and get them out of here, or he could accept the gift of life that she was offering to him as freely as she offered him her love.

  "It's ok, I can handle this. I know I can, you know I can."

  His hand cradled the back of her head as the other flattened against her back. Aria held her breath as she awaited his decision. His mouth pressed against her skin, a soft breath escaped her as his lips pulled back and she felt the hard press of his fangs.

  Her raw skin caused her to wince as he bit deep, but the pain was fleeting and the pleasure of finally joining with him again swirled up inside of her. She fell into him as she was lost to this exquisite moment, perhaps their last. Heat flooded her extremities; it pooled through her body, and moved out from her heart as she was consumed by his love for her. The intensity of the emotion left her trembling, and shaken, but also stronger.