Of course she had been, she realized. Completely exasperated with herself, she forced her head back down. Of course he cared nothing for her, she was nothing to him, she never had been, and never would be. She had known that he was only toying with her, stringing her along just to make it hurt more in the end, and though he probably was not done playing his game, she most certainly was.

  Her fingers clenched, she closed her eyes as she took a deep breath and fought to restrain her temper. She was not angry at them, she was not even angry at this whole awful situation, but she was infuriated with herself. She had been a fool to let her guard down, a fool to think she was anything more than a backwoods, disposable girl to them. Except, she was more than that, they just didn't know it.

  Her father was a leader, a ruler in his own right. In her world, she was an outstanding hunter, and a strong warrior. She didn't have Daniel's knack for making strategies and creating plans, nor did she have William's charismatic ability to rouse people to battle, but she was quick and she was strong, and highly adept in using multiple weapons. Yes, she may be a nothing in this world, but in her world she had many different talents and abilities that were highly looked upon. In her world, she was something, she was admired and loved and respected.

  And she missed it fiercely. Heat colored her face; suddenly feeling homesick as she remained expressionless beneath this stranger's cruel perusal of her. She wanted so badly to be free of this room, wanted so badly to take back the last five minutes. She wished she had never come out here, wished that she had been able to slip away before either of them had noticed her.

  This was better, she decided, it was much better this way.

  She had been spending the last couple of weeks in a kind of suspended dream. She had been trying to deny reality, but now it was staring her in the face and it was just as grueling, and just as cruel as it always had been. She had known food, opulence, and cleanliness here but that was little compared to the respect and unconditional love of her family. She craved that so very badly right now.

  "Perhaps, when you are done with her…"

  "I do not think so Caleb," the prince said forcefully.

  Caleb's face twisted into a malicious smile. "You plan on using her until there is nothing left?"

  "I have not decided."

  Aria shuddered in horror at the words. She forced herself to keep her head down, she was afraid that if she looked at either one of them she would start screaming, and she would never stop. She fought the urge to tell them how awful they were, how wrong and horrendous and cruel their world was. She wanted to scream at them that she didn't deserve this, that her people didn't deserve this. She wanted to tell them exactly what she thought of the both of them, but that would only guarantee her death.

  She intended to show them that she was more than nothing, that she was something special. To do that she would have to get free of here, she would have to be the first blood slave to ever escape the bonds of their master, and she could do it somehow, she knew she could.

  "Leave us." Aria glanced up quickly, briefly meeting the shaded eyes of her prince. Caleb was still inspecting her as if she were a side of beef, his eyes fixated upon her. She hated the leering gleam in his eyes; it reminded her of the creepy little vampire that had first claimed her. "Now!"

  She started at the barked command. The prince had never raised his voice at her. He had been overbearing and pushy when she had first arrived, but he had never yelled at her. Fresh indignation washed through her, she quickly buried it beneath her growing fury and sense of betrayal. She managed a brief nod before turning on her heel; she had to force herself not to run as she hurried from the room. She didn't want them to suspect just how infuriated she truly was.

  - CHAPTER 8 -

  Aria stayed mostly within her room for the next few days, she didn't bother the prince, and he didn't bother her. At every meal time trays of food would be sitting outside of the door for her. She took them, because not doing so would be foolish. She planned to attempt an escape, she would escape, but in order to do that she would have to be strong. Food was necessary for that.

  The only company she had was Maggie, though the girl was always polite to her they had little to say to each other, and Aria didn't trust her. On her third day of imposed solitude the prince came to her room, but she ignored him by pretending to sleep when he opened the door.

  On the fourth day, Lauren arrived.

  Aria was just stepping out of the shower when she spotted the blond within the bathroom, clothes in hand. Aria froze at the sight of her. Their gazes locked for a poignant moment before Lauren turned and left the room. It couldn't be a good sign that she was here today instead of Maggie. Aria grabbed hold of the towels Lauren had left behind; she dried herself quickly before wrapping the towel around her.

  She moved warily to the dressing room in between the bathroom and her bedroom. Lauren's hand was resting on the back of the chair as she waited impatiently for her; a cruel smile curved her full mouth as her gaze perused up and down Aria. Aria would have been happy if she had never seen this girl again, and it was more than apparent that Lauren felt the same way.

  "Where is Maggie?" Aria inquired.

  Lauren shrugged absently; she lifted the brush, twisting it within her hand as she eyed Aria maliciously. "I don't know, the prince has requested my services from now on."

  Aria's hands clenched. This was just one more way for him to humiliate her, and put her in her place. He was punishing her for locking herself within her room, punishing her for hiding from him, and he wanted some sort of reaction from her. She wouldn't give him what he wanted though as she vowed to take this punishment without protest. She could take whatever he, and Lauren, threw at her.

  She didn't look at the girl again as she settled into the chair before her. Lauren began to brush out her hair, pulling sharply at it, nearly tugging it from her head. Aria was unable to keep herself from wincing every once in awhile, but she didn't utter a complaint. Lauren smoothed her hair out, and then grabbed hold of some of the barrettes upon the table. Revulsion slithered through Aria at the bite marks marring the pale skin of Lauren's wrist and inner arm.

  The hateful blond leaned close to her ear. "The prince was exceptionally hungry this morning."

  Aria froze, unable to move or blink as the implication behind those words sank in. No matter what Lauren did to her, no matter what happened within these rooms, it wouldn't do Aria any good to tell the prince about it because Lauren was his mistress, and the one that he fed from. He wouldn't believe anything that Aria had to say, especially not when it was about the woman that was providing for his needs.

  Though revulsion filled her, she was ashamed to admit that the realization caused an odd twinge of distress within her, a twinge that she despised herself for. She detested him, she reminded herself sternly. She would not allow herself to be jealous of his relationship with Lauren because she despised him. She should be relieved he had not turned to her, that he was going to other women, but she wasn't. Why was that?

  She may not understand her strange reaction to these circumstances, but she was beginning to understand Lauren's intense dislike of her a lot more. She was threatened by Aria's presence in this place, threatened by whatever it was that the prince intended with Aria.

  What Aria didn't understand was what she was doing here. The prince had someone to sustain and provide for him. Why was she here when he hadn't even once tried to feed from her? Was she simply here for his enjoyment? For him to torment? She also didn't understand, or like to acknowledge the sharp sting of betrayal that stabbed through her. She refused to be upset by the knowledge that the prince was with other women.

  She knew that the vampires were brutally cruel and indifferent, but this was the first she had heard of this sort of treatment of a blood slave. Then again, she had always just assumed that a blood slave was drained and tortured physically, but perhaps they were also mentally assaulted and played with until they snapped completely, lost
their minds, and had to be destroyed because they simply went stark raving mad.

  Aria shuddered at the thought seconds before a barrette jabbed roughly into her scalp. She shot Lauren a dark look, but her protest and irritation died out as she saw the malicious gleam in Lauren's eyes. A sinking feeling filled her as she realized that it wasn't only the vampires that were cruel here, but also the humans, her own kind.

  She was completely at Lauren's mercy, a fact that was driven home by the sharp stab of the next barrette.

  Aria withstood it all through the next few days; she took the handfuls of hair she lost with silence. She remained quiet through the skin pinching, jerking, pulling, and shoving that it often took for Lauren to get her into clothes that fit perfectly fine once on, but seemed almost impossible for Lauren to get them on without a large degree of difficulty. Bruises marred her skin from her chest down, but for some reason Lauren didn't touch her face. Though she was in pain, Aria wouldn't give Lauren the satisfaction of seeing her break, of seeing her cry. She still hadn't seen the prince, but she would be damned if she let Lauren report back to him that she had finally been reduced to tears.

  Instead, she kept it all inside, letting her resentment fester. She let it build, fueling her rage and fanning her drive to escape this place the first chance she got. Even when the stake wasn't on her, she always kept it nearby and there had been more than a few times she had to fight the urge to shove it through Lauren's cold heart. She couldn't waste her opportunity on Lauren though, no matter how much she despised the girl.

  Though she continued to remain hidden away, she knew that if she was going to have a chance to use the stake against the prince, she would have to see him again, but she couldn't bring herself to approach him when he was here, and he hadn't returned to her room. She had to stop being such a coward.

  Today, she promised herself as she twisted beneath the warm water of the shower, hoping to ease the ache of her taut and bruised muscles. Today, she would stop hiding and face him again. Today, she would start to play the game once more. It was the only chance she had of ever seeing her family again, of ever regaining her freedom.

  She was climbing out of the shower when Lauren shoved her. Her knees smacked off of the marble floor, stinging her palms, and bruising her hip. She heard the sharp crack of one of her ribs as it caught the corner of the shower stall. It was the first time that a cry of pain escaped her. Aria pushed herself up, gingerly rising to her feet as her hand cradled her wounded ribs.

  She had been trampled by horses before; it had hurt worse than this, but not by much. At least then she had been able to roll under most of the horse's hooves and it had been quick. Now she was on a constant collision course with the woman that was torturing her on a daily basis. She didn't know how much more she could take before she snapped and pounded the girl into a bloody mess. Though she was beaten, and now also broken, Aria was certain she could still take the blonde, and just as certain that she would face immediate death for her actions.

  She was beginning to think that death might be worth it, if it meant getting to exact a little revenge upon Lauren. The only thing holding her back was that she planned to exact revenge upon all of them, not just the bitch before her. She was going to show everyone that she was more than just the simple minded, meek and weak blood slave they thought she was.

  Aria held her ribs as she defiantly met Lauren's smug smile. She walked into the dressing room, trying not to cry as Lauren pulled the strings of her dress harshly. For the first time since she had arrived, she ignored the tray of food outside her door, preferring to curl up in the bed as she tried to fight off the agonizing pain crushing her chest. It didn't help that she couldn't get the offending dress off, couldn't work the horrible ties free. For the first time she didn't bother to dig the stake out from under the mattress.

  Somehow, she wasn't quite sure how, she managed to fall asleep for a little bit. It was dark when she woke again to Lauren's prodding. "Get up you lazy creature."

  Aria bit on her bottom lip, drawing blood as she held back her moan of torment. Lauren pulled unapologetically on the ties, finally releasing the snug binds pinching her ribs. Aria sagged in relief, panting in as much air as her damaged ribs would allow. Lauren released her and left the room, leaving Aria to try and figure out how she was going to get the dress over her head and the nightgown back on.

  It took more strength and energy than she cared to admit to wiggle her way free of the dress. Tomorrow morning she was going to throw the thing out, it was the piece of clothing she hated most now, even more so than the ridiculous heels. She sat on the edge of the bed, trying to gather her strength to slip the nightgown over her head. She could just leave it off, Lauren hadn't bothered to help her out of the ridiculous undergarments she had to wear here, but she couldn't bring herself to sleep in such a vulnerable state. It was bad enough having to wear the silly nightgown to sleep when she was used to so much more, but to wear even less would be far worse. She was in constant danger here; she must be as clothed as possible if she was going to be at least a little prepared for that danger.

  Drawing in as deep a breath as she could, she knotted the nightgown before her and bit by bit began to slip her arms in. She winced as pain shot through her battered ribcage. Struggling not to cry out, she bit her tongue as agony tore through her side. "Arian…"

  Aria froze; her hands were trapped within the sleeves of the nightgown. She hadn't heard him coming. In the forest, she could hear a field mouse from a mile away. But here, in this strange and deadly place, where she needed her senses the most, they were failing her miserably. She didn't turn to face him; she couldn't bring herself to do so. Instead, she remained unmoving. For the first time she was grateful for the impractical, uncomfortable undergarments that at least shielded some of her nudity from his view.

  She kept her head turned away from him, her breath held, as she waited for him to take his fill of the damage done to her body before he left again. She didn't know what had brought him here tonight, not when he'd left her alone for so long, nor did she care. She simply wanted him to absorb whatever he could of her, and leave. She had no fight in her at the moment.

  "What happened?" he demanded.

  Aria clenched her jaw as she pulled the nightgown further up her arms. She ground her teeth against the throbbing of her body. She refused to answer him, refused to let him see that she was at all disturbed by his presence. Suddenly he was before her, his hand seized hold of the nightgown as he attempted to pull it away. Aria held on to it, unwilling to relinquish anything to him. However, he was far stronger than her, and he wasn't as injured. In the end, she lost.

  She glared furiously at him as her hands fisted impotently in her lap. It took everything she had not to scream in anger and frustration; she hated this powerlessness, this inability to fend him off. "What happened?" he demanded gruffly.

  "Like you don't know!" she snapped.

  His mouth compressed in a severe line, a muscle twitched in his cheek. "I wouldn't be asking if I knew. What happened?"

  Aria refused to back down from him, refused to cower beneath the weight of his heavy stare. "Your bitch happened," she retorted forcefully.

  Disbelief registered on his face, his mouth parted as she felt his eyes wander over her again. Though it was far more of her body than any man had ever seen before, she didn't give him the satisfaction of turning away or trying to shield herself from him. He already thought her far weaker than him; she wouldn't support his theory by shrinking from his gaze. "Are you talking about the girl that was here earlier?"

  Aria didn't appreciate being played with. Especially not right now. Right now she simply intended to go back to sleep and give her body a chance to heal before it was assaulted again tomorrow. "Yes, that girl," she replied with a sneer.

  The prince's gaze traveled over her once more. Aria was surprised to realize that he appeared incensed by what he was seeing. "Why did she do this?"

  Aria shrugged, wincing as she ins
tantly regretted the action. She clamped down on the small cry that almost escaped. Inhaling sharply through clenched teeth it took her a moment to be able to speak again. "Because she can. I am just a blood slave after all."

  That muscle was throbbing now as his nostrils flared. "You may be a blood slave, but you are my blood slave." Aria refused to meet his gaze; she kept her hands folded before her as she focused upon the back wall. "Stand up," he commanded gruffly. Aria didn't move. "Get up!"

  The words were practically snarled at her, but she still didn't move. She had been beat down enough over the past week, she would take whatever small victories she could get right now, and disobeying him was one such victory. She didn't think about the fact that he could do whatever he fancied to her right now. She didn't care anymore, she would withstand whatever he did to her, withstand anything they threw at her until she was able to break free.

  He made a low hissing sound, and then his hands were upon her arms. She was surprised by how tender his touch was as he lifted her to her feet. Aria's eyes snapped back to him, her mouth parted in surprise as she gaped at him. He placed her on her feet, his hands rested on her arms as he took a step back. Heat flooded her face, embarrassment suffused her. At least on the bed she had been somewhat hunched over and sheltered from him, but not anymore. She couldn't stop her hands from instinctively fluttering up to try and cover herself, but he pulled them easily aside.

  Aria fought back waves of annoyance and despair as she stood before him, her body almost completely exposed for him to see. Yet, he didn't leer at her, didn't stare at her as if she were inferior to him and unworthy. His fingers trailed over her ribs, running over the edges of the dark bruise that was obvious through the thin material and against her pale skin. Though she kept her face impassive, she felt her body instinctively flinch away from his touch as it neared her broken rib.

  His hand stilled upon her skin, his palm flattened gently upon her. "Your rib is broken."