Dark Guardian:


  Ammar Habib


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used factiously, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

  Copyright © 2017 by Ammar Habib

  Cover Art by Fiona Jayde

  This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited without the express written permission of the author(s).

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Edition: November 2017

  First Printing: November 2017

  ISBN: 978-0-692-93048-9

  For more information, please visit:


  Other works by the author include:

  Dark Guardian

  Dark Guardian: A New Dawn

  Memories Of My Future

  To sign up for Ammar’s newsletter and receive updates on his writing, please visit:


  Dedicated With Love To:

  My beautiful mother, Farah, for always picking me up when I’m down,

  My incredible father, Ahsen, for teaching me to never quit,

  My fantastic brother, Nabeel, for being my best friend,

  & my awesome family and friends for their continued support,

  This book is also dedicated to:

  My kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Dorothy Rayburn,

  My first grade teacher, Ms. Julie Kibodeaux,

  My second grade teacher, Ms. Sue Scott,

  My third grade teacher, Ms. Grace Hatfield,

  My fourth grade teacher, Ms. Rachel McClendon,

  My high school English teacher, Ms. Gena Herrera,

  & my English professor, Dr. Joy Kennedy-O’neil,

  For each inspiring me to write in their own way

  Table of Contents

  List of Characters

  A Message for You

  Recap of Dark Guardian & Dark Guardian: A New Dawn

  Chapter 1: Hunter

  Chapter 2: Peace Time

  Chapter 3: Saying Goodbye

  Chapter 4: Approaching Threats

  Chapter 5: A Time of Peace

  Chapter 6: New Threats

  Chapter 7: Battling Monsters

  Chapter 8: Ambush

  Chapter 9: Dangerous Maze

  Chapter 10: Escalation

  Chapter 11: Wounded Royalty

  Chapter 12: Hunted

  Chapter 13: Scorched

  Chapter 14: Betrayal

  Chapter 15: A Fair Trade

  Chapter 16: Reinforcements

  Chapter 17: Beginning of the End

  Chapter 18: Take Care of Them All

  Chapter 19: The End of All Things

  Chapter 20: In Peace

  List of Characters

  The Guardian & His Allies

  Ethan Daniels (The Guardian)

  William Jones (Ethan’s closest friend)

  Katrina Weaving (Ethan’s wife)

  Adam Wise (William’s protégée)

  Ivan (Katrina’s bodyguard)

  Government Officials

  President Villanueva

  King Maximus

  Ethan’s Family

  Jonathan Daniels (Ethan’s older brother)

  Cathy Daniels (Ethan’s sister-in-law)

  David Daniels (Ethan’s grandfather, deceased)

  Brett Daniels (Ethan’s father, deceased)

  Naira (Ethan’s adopted sister, deceased)

  A Message for You

  Dear Friend,

  I would like to thank you for your support of The Dark Guardian Series over these past few years. An author is nothing without friends and readers who are always there to encourage and support him. And for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I truly hope that you have enjoyed witnessing the story of Ethan Daniels as much as I enjoyed creating it. Seeing him transform from a lost soul to a hero and then to a legend was a journey that is truly remarkable and has many lessons for all of us, myself included.

  Writing Dark Guardian, Dark Guardian: A New Dawn, and Dark Guardian: Legends has been a real pleasure. Since starting to write the series in 2012, the characters that brought this story to life have become friends of mine. The hardest part about writing what is likely the final installment was the knowledge that the story of Ethan Daniels was finally reaching its end. As difficult as it was to write a fitting end to this part of his journey and say goodbye to these amazing characters, I am very pleased with how this story concludes.

  However, none of this would have been possible without friends like you who supported this series at every stage. I am honored to have been able to share the story of Ethan Daniels with you.

  Thank you.

  Your friend,

  Ammar Habib

  November 2017

  Recap of Dark Guardian &

  Dark Guardian: A New Dawn

  Four years after disappearing, Ethan returns to Crown City, a place that was once an ideal city, but is now overridden with crime and corruption. After inheriting his late grandfather’s fortune, he has several run-ins with his estranged father, Brett, and brother, Jonathan. He is also reacquainted his childhood friend and love, Katrina.

  Ethan dons the mask of a vigilante in a hunt for the city’s biggest crime lord, Anthony Griffin. Allying himself with an accomplished soldier, William, he wages a violent, one-man crusade against the cartel and the corrupt police force. Ethan blames Anthony for the death of his adopted sister. To fight this war, Ethan utilizes his vast resources and arsenal of weaponry, along with the superhuman strength, combat skills, and instincts that he received from a mysterious sorcerer named Daken while he was away.

  However, the further he wages his crusade, the more it begins to destroy him on the inside. But Katrina’s love saves him from the darkness of revenge before it consumes his soul. What began as a mission for vengeance turns into a quest to bring back justice and end the criminals’ reign of terror over Crown City and the nation of Tripton.

  After weeks of searching, Anthony Griffin discovers the identity of the vigilante called the “The Guardian”. He hatches a plan to kill everyone close to Ethan. When Ethan is captured by Anthony, Brett is killed in front of him. Breaking free, Ethan kills Anthony after a brutal fight. Ethan learns that Anthony is also a soldier of Daken with the same abilities as Ethan, and that this was all an elaborate plan by Daken to turn Ethan into one of his many slaves.

  Soon after Brett’s funeral, Ethan tells Katrina that he must use his abilities to restore Crown City and the country to their former glory. Then, he will hunt down Daken and stop whatever wicked plans he has. Katrina promises to wait for him.

  Ethan’s alter ego, The Guardian, has become a symbol of hope to the nation. Ethan and William bring together many of the nation’s prominent citizens in order to begin the revolt that will end the reign of corruption.

  Two years later, the non-violent revolution that is spearheaded by The Guardian is nearing victory. A famous businessman and ally of The Guardian, Villanueva, is on track to become the nation’s next president. During this time, Ethan and William have operated as the city’s protectors and have cleaned up the streets. Corrupt officials are being killed off by The Guardian or put to trial, and peace is on the horizon. But wi
th their backs against the wall, the wicked people of Crown City begin to wage an even bloodier battle for survival. Meanwhile, Katrina is in her home city of Zimba and is running her grandfather’s company because of his ailing health.

  A series of events lead Ethan and William to believe that two skilled killers may be on the loose in Crown City. Because Ethan is stretched so thin, William takes on the task of finding them. Katrina’s grandfather’s health suddenly deteriorates, leaving him on the brink of death. Hearing this, Ethan decides to go back and be with her with victory so close. But William is killed. During his hunt for William’s killers—Vixen and Danior—Ethan brings aboard a young man named Adam to his cause. He soon learns that Vixen and Danior are both enhanced soldiers of Daken and learns of a plot they’re hatching to end everything that Ethan had worked so hard for. After being lured into a trap, Ethan is able to take down Vixen and Danior with the help of Jonathan and Adam. However, Ethan learns that Daken has a dark plan for which he is amassing an army of super soldiers like Ethan.

  Shortly following the battle, Ethan finally leaves Crown City and marries Katrina. But soon after the wedding, Vixen reappears along with several more of Daken’s enhanced disciples and attacks the city. Ethan is quickly overpowered but is rescued by William (who apparently faked his death to go deep undercover unbeknownst to Ethan). Ethan, William, and Katrina battle Vixen and her army at the docks. After a brutal fight, Vixen’s entire army is taken down before Ethan and Katrina barely defeat Vixen. However, during the battle, Ethan is ousted as The Guardian.

  Days after the fight, everyone goes their separate ways. While faking his death, William learned of a place for Ethan to start his hunt for Daken. William takes over the mantle of The Guardian with the help of Adam and the financial assistance of Jonathan, who takes control of Ethan’s companies. Villanueva is elected president in a landslide. Katrina and Ivan, her friend and bodyguard, go to a remote location where they’ll be safe from Daken’s grasp. Ethan leaves with them there, but soon sets off to finally find Daken and end him.

  Ethan Daniels (The Guardian)

  Chapter 1


  “Get to work!”

  The scorching, African sun slowly descended towards the horizon, but the heat remained unbearable. On these vast fields, countless women, old men, and children were hunched over as they picked the fields. Their feet bled. Their hands blistered. Their bodies begged for water. But their plight garnered no sympathy.

  Numerous men, dressed in militant uniforms, towered above them. Holstered pistols hung from their belts while they carried rifles, machetes, and whips. They walked amongst and kept their vile eyes on their recently captured slaves.

  A young, dark-skinned boy’s cheeks were wet with tears. He did not understand why all this was happening. Last night, he had been asleep in his own bed. But then the soldiers came and they destroyed everything. He had not seen the comforting faces of his mother or father since then. Now, he was covered in bruises and sweat. Legs numb, he felt the threat of collapsing at any moment. Too weak and scared, he lagged behind the other workers. All he could do was pray that an angel would rescue them.

  One of the militants with devilish eyes and a long scar on his cheek swiftly kicked the young boy, sending him sprawling into the tall plants. “Move!”

  The boy crashed head-first through some of the tall vegetation and onto the rough ground. Pain rang through his body and stung his rib cage. His basket fell from his hand, scattering all its contents.

  The militant stood over him, stick in hand. His merciless voice reached every corner of the field. “Get up! Get up before I break you in half!”

  Unable to move, the child wept.

  The soldier raised his rod… but the weapon never came down.

  The boy’s prayer was answered. From the tall grass, his liberator silently appeared. The figure was covered in dirt, but under that dirt was the uniform of The Guardian. His red and black mask showed no expression. His dark cloak hung off of his shoulders and went down to his feet. A hood of the same color was thrown over his head casting a shadow over his masked face. He wore a fitted, red and black tactical suit that displayed his physically powerful build. Two black stripes formed an ‘x’ on his torso. Russet colored boots went halfway to his knees and brown gloves nearly reached his elbows.

  His right hand held a long, bloodied dagger. He stalked up behind the militant just as the stick swung for the boy. But before it could make contact, The Guardian reached out and grabbed the militant’s wrist, stopping it midflight. Without giving the militant a chance to retaliate, The Guardian brutally ended him with one swift move of his dagger.

  Not hesitating, The Guardian threw the corpse onto the ground. The young boy stood wide-eyed. In an instant, everything had changed. Slowly, his gaze left the dead man to look up at his savior.

  Under the mask of The Guardian, Ethan’s eyes remained focused. Ethan crouched down, looking directly at the boy, and brought his finger up to his masked lips, signaling for the boy to remain quiet. Reaching out, he patted the boy’s head as he spoke in the native language. “Stay here. I’ll free the rest of your friends and your parents.”

  The young boy nodded as he took the small flask of water that The Guardian handed him.

  Turning away, The Guardian became invisible in the tall vegetation. He sensed everyone around him. Without using his eyes, his instincts felt each and every living soul, distinguishing between captive and captor.

  He silently stalked through the grass with machine-like precision. No person, no animal, no bird, and no insect could detect him. He was the perfect predator.

  Quickly arriving upon another militant, The Guardian remained unnoticed. He paused. Just like the previous six militants The Guardian had already crossed, this one seemed preoccupied. He was likely thinking about getting back to the warlord’s fortress soon.

  Waiting for the perfect moment to strike, The Guardian patiently lingered in the vegetation. His gaze stayed locked on his target, one hand resting on his dagger’s hilt. His breathing controlled, his body stayed motionless. Finally, the other militants were all turned away. The Guardian leapt out like a tiger. Reaching out from the grass, The Guardian expertly grabbed the guard from behind, slung him onto the ground, and stabbed him square in the throat. The militant did not even have time to scream.

  The Guardian moved from the corpse. He remained calm; the rescue mission did not affect his mental or physical state. His only thought was of saving these villagers the way he should have saved his sister long ago.

  He quickly, but noiselessly, maneuvered his way through the tall grass. His sharp senses continued to pick up every movement and sound the guards or prisoners made. Only five minutes ago his assault on this field had begun. As of yet, no one was alerted to his presence, but he knew that it was only a matter of time before somebody noticed the missing guards he had taken out one-by-one. He would have to dispose of the remaining six men quickly if he wanted to avoid any loss of innocent lives.

  His senses picked up where his next two victims were. They leisurely stood together with their backs to the tall grass. Eyes on some of the captive villagers, they looked as if they were assessing the prisoners’ performance.

  The Guardian arrived to a halt and remained hidden a few feet behind them as he unsheathed a second dagger. He was close enough to smell these two sentries. With his inhuman strength and speed, he stepped up and out of the grass and mercilessly plunged the daggers into the back of—and straight through—either neck. The motion was swift and powerful, leaving neither man a chance to react or scream. Using his daggers, The Guardian dragged the bodies down into the vegetation.

  Two more down. Four to go.

  Hunched over the bodies, he sheathed his bloodied daggers. With so many guards down, it was only a matter of time before someone discovered a corpse and raised the alarm. But Ethan was not about to give them the opportunity to fight back. The Guardian removed two pistols from his belt’s holster
s without looking down.

  He took off the safety for both weapons and rose to his feet. As soon as he did so, a sound cut through the air: yelling. One of the militants stood over the slaughtered body of his dead comrade as he waved his gun in the air, signaling to the others that they were under attack. But he was immediately silenced by a single bullet to the brain. The Guardian took aim at two more targets, and by the time the first body hit the ground, his comrades joined him in the afterlife.

  The last militant looked at The Guardian. He was only forty yards away and horrifically stared directly at the two barrels aimed at his head, unable to comprehend what was happening. And now it was far too late.

  Without a word, the guard threw his rifle aside, signaling his surrender. His horrified face glared at the masked face of Crown City’s famed Guardian. Continuing to tremble uncontrollably, the guard un-holstered his pistol tossed it onto the ground. The Guardian took a few steps towards him, but did not lower his weapons. He looked at the now free prisoners. “Which one of you is the leader?”

  All the villagers were on their feet. Just like the militant, they couldn’t fathom what happened. Their eyes filled with disbelief as they stared at the costumed stranger, the dead militants, and the last guard. For what seemed like a long time, none of them said a word. Finally, an old man slowly broke the silence. “…I… I am.”

  The Guardian looked in his direction. “Tell your people to wait here until nightfall.”

  The man did not reply.

  “Are you with me or not?”

  After several moments, the man nodded. “What will happen at nightfall?”