Page 12 of Pyramids

Page 12


  All my life, O light of noonday.

  It must be fascinating, said Teppic. Ptaclusp looked sidelong at the high priest, who nodded.

  It has its points, O fount of waters, he ventured. He wasnt used to kings talking to him as though he was a human being. He felt obscurely that it wasnt right.

  Teppic waved a hand at the model on its podium.

  Yes, he said uncertainly. Well. Good. Four walls and a pointy tip. Jolly good. First class. Says it all, really. There still seemed to be too much silence around. He plunged on.

  Good show, he said. I mean; theres no doubt about it. This is. . . a. . . pyramid. And what a pyramid it is! Indeed. This still didnt seem enough. He sought for something else. People will look at it in centuries to come and theyll say, theyll say . . . that is a pyramid. Um.

  He coughed. The walls slope nicely, he croaked.

  But, he said.

  Two pairs of eyes swivelled towards his.

  Um, he said.

  Dios raised an eyebrow.


  I seem to remember once, my father said that, you know, when he died, hed quite like to, sort of thing, be buried at sea.

  There wasnt the choke of outrage he had expected. He meant the delta. Its very soft ground by the delta, said Ptaclusp. Itd take months to get decent footings in. Then theres your risk of sinking. And the damp. Not good, damp, inside a pyramid.

  No, said Teppic, sweating under Dioss gaze, I think what he meant was, you know, in the sea.

  Ptaclusps brow furrowed. Tricky, that, he said thoughtfully. Interesting idea. I suppose one could build a small one, a million tonner, and float it out on pontoons or something. . .

  No, said Teppic, trying not to laugh, I think what he meant was, buried without-

  Teppicymon XXVII means that he would want to be buried without delay, said Dios, his voice like greased silk. And there is no doubt that he would require to honour the very best you can build, architect.

  No, Im sure youve got it wrong, said Teppic.

  Dioss face froze. Ptaclusps slid into the waxen expression of someone with whom it is, suddenly, nothing to do. He started to stare at the floor as if his very survival depended on his memorising it in extreme detail.

  Wrong? said Dios.

  No offence. Im sure you mean well, said Teppic. Its just that, well, he seemed very clear about it at the time and-

  I mean well? said Dios, tasting each word as though it was a sour grape. Ptaclusp coughed. He had finished with the floor. Now he started on the ceiling.

  Dios took a deep breath. Sire, he said, we have always been pyramid builders. All our kings are buried in pyramids. It is how we do things, sire. It is how things are done.

  Yes, but-

  It does not admit of dispute, said Dios. Who could wish for anything else? Sealed with all artifice against the desecrations of Time- now the oiled silk of his voice became armour, hard as steel, scornful as spears - Shielded for all Time against the insults of Change.

  Teppic glanced down at the high priests knuckles. They were white, the bone pressing through the flesh as though in a rage to escape.

  His gaze slid up the grey-clad arm to Dioss face. Ye gods, he thought, its really true, he does look like they got tired of waiting for him to die and pickled him anyway. Then his eyes met those of the priest, more or less with a clang.

  He felt as though his flesh was being very slowly blown off his bones. He felt that he was no more significant than a mayfly. A necessary mayfly, certainly, a mayfly that would be accorded all due respect, but still an insect with all the rights thereof. And as much free will, in the fury of that gaze, as a scrap of papyrus in a hurricane.

  The kings will is that he be interred in a pyramid, said Dios, in the tone of voice the Creator must have used to sketch out the moon and stars.

  Er, said Teppic.

  The finest of pyramids for the king, said Dios.

  Teppic gave up.

  Oh, he said. Good. Fine. Yes. The very best, of course. Ptaclusp beamed with relief, produced his wax tablet with a flourish, and took a stylus from the recesses of his wig. The important thing, he knew, was to clinch the deal as soon as possible. Let things slip in a situation like this and a man could find himself with 1,500,000 tons of bespoke limestone on his hands.

  Then that will be the standard model, shall we say, O water in the desert?

  Teppic looked at Dios, who was standing and glaring at nothing now, staring the bulldogs of Entropy into submission by willpower alone.

  I think something larger, he ventured hopelessly.

  Thats the Executive, said Ptaclusp. Very exclusive, O base of the eternal column. Last you a perpetuality. Also our special offer this aeon is various measurements of paracosmic significance built into the very fabric at no extra cost.

  He gave Teppic an expectant look.

  Yes. Yes. That will be fine, said Teppic.

  Dios took a deep breath. The king requires far more than that, be said.

  I do? said Teppic, doubtfully.

  Indeed, sire. It is your express wish that the greatest of monuments is erected for your father, said Dios smoothly. This was a contest, Teppic knew, and he didnt know the rules or how to play and he was going to lose.

  It is? Oh. Yes. Yes. I suppose it is, really. Yes.

  A pyramid unequalled along the Djel, said Dios. That is the command of the king. It is only right and proper.

  Yes, yes, something like that. Er. Twice the normal size, said Teppic desperately, and had the brief satisfaction of seeing Dios look momentarily disconcerted.

  Sire? he said.

  It is only right and proper, said Teppic. Dios opened his mouth to protest, saw Teppics expression, and shut it again.

  Ptaclusp scribbled busily, his adams apple bobbing. Something like this only happened once in a business career.

  Can do you a very nice black marble facing on the outside, he said, without looking up. We may have just enough in the quarry. O king of the celestial orbs, he added hurriedly.

  Very good, said Teppic.

  Ptaclusp picked up a fresh tablet. Shall we say the capstone picked out in electrum? Its cheaper to have built in right from the start, you dont want to use just silver and then say later, I wish Id had a-

  Electrum, yes.

  And the usual offices?


  The burial chamber, that is, and the outer chamber. Id recommend the Memphis, very select, that comes with a matching extra large treasure room, so handy for all those little things one cannot bear to leave behind. Ptaclusp turned the tablet over and started on the other side. And of course a similar suite for the Queen, I take it? O King who shall live forever.

  Eh? Oh, yes. Yes. I suppose so, said Teppic, glancing at Dios. Everything. You know.

  Then theres mazes, said Ptaclusp, trying to keep his voice steady. Very popular this era. Very important, your maze, its no good deciding you ought to have put a maze in after the robbers have been. Maybe Im old-fashioned, but Id go for the Labrys every time. Like we say, they may get in all right, but theyll never get out. It costs that little bit extra, but whats money at a time like this? O master of the waters.

  Something we dont have, said a warning voice in the back of Teppics head. He ignored it. He was in the grip of destiny.

  Yes, he said, straightening up. The Labrys. Two of them.

  Ptaclusps stylus went through his tablet.

  His n hers, O stone of stones, he croaked. Very handy, very convenient. With selection of traps from stock? We can offer deadfalls, pitfalls, sliders, rolling balls, dropping spears, arrows-

  Yes, yes, said Teppic. Well have them. Well have them all. All of them.

  The architect took a deep breath.

  And of course youll require all the usual steles, avenues, ceremonial sphinxes- he began.

  Lots, said Teppic. We leave it entirely up to you.

  Ptaclusp mopped his

  Fine, he said. Marvellous. He blew his nose. Your father, if I may make so bold, O sower of the seed, is extremely fortunate in having such a dutiful son. I may add-

  You may go, said Dios. And we will expect work to start imminently.

  Without delay, I assure you, said Ptaclusp. Er.

  He seemed to be wrestling with some huge philosophical problem.

  Yes? said Dios coldly.

  Its uh. Theres the matter of uh. Which is not to say uh. Of course, oldest client, valued customer, but the fact is that uh. Absolutely no doubt about credit worthiness uh. Would not wish to suggest in any way whatsoever that uh.

  Dios gave him a stare that would have caused a sphinx to blink and look away.

  You wish to say something? he said. His majestys time is extremely limited.

  Ptaclusp worked his jaw silently, but the result was a foregone conclusion. Even gods had been reduced to sheepish mumbling in the face of Dioss face. And the carved snakes on his staff seemed to be watching him too.

  Uh. No, no. Sorry. I was just, uh, thinking aloud. Ill depart, then, shall I? Such a lot of work to be done. Uh. He bowed low.

  He was halfway to the archway before Dios added: Completion in three months. In time for Inundation. [12]


  You are talking to the 1,398th monarch, said Dios icily. Ptaclusp swallowed. Im sorry, he whispered, I mean, what?, O great king. I mean, block haulage alone will take. Uh. The architects lips trembled as he tried out various comments and, in his imagination, ran them full tilt into Dioss stare. Tsort wasnt built in a day, he mumbled.

  We do not believe we laid the specifications for that job, said Dios. He gave Ptaclusp a smile. In some ways it was worse than everything else. We will, of course, he said, pay extra.

  But you never pa- Ptaclusp began, and then sagged.

  The penalties for not completing on time will, of course, be terrible, said Dios. The usual clause.

  Ptaclusp hadnt the nerve left to argue. Of course, he said, utterly defeated. It is an honour. Will your eminences excuse me? There are still some hours of daylight left.

  Teppic nodded.

  Thank you, said the architect. May your loins be truly fruitful. Saving your presence, Lord Dios.

  They heard him running down the steps outside.

  It will be magnificent. Too big, but - magnificent, said Dios. He looked out between the pillars at the necropolic panorama on the far bank of the Djel.

  Magnificent, he repeated. He winced once more at the stab of pain in his leg. Ah. Hed have to cross the river again tonight, no doubt of it. Hed been foolish, putting it off for days. But it would be unthinkable not to be in a position to serve the kingdom properly.

  Something wrong, Dios? said Teppic.


  You looked a bit pale, I thought. A look of panic flickered over Dioss wrinkled features. He pulled himself upright.

  I assure you, sire, I am in the best of health. The best of health, sire!

  You dont think youve been overdoing it, do you?

  This time there was no mistaking the expression of terror.

  Overdoing what, sire?

  Youre always bustling, Dios. First one up, last one to bed. You should take it easy.

  I exist only to serve, sire, said Dios, firmly. I exist only to serve.

  Teppic joined him on the balcony. The early evening sun glowed on a man-made mountain range. This was only the central massif; the pyramids stretched from the delta all the way up to the second cataract, where the Djel disappeared into the mountains. And the pyramids occupied the best land, near the river. Even the farmers would have considered it sacrilegious to suggest anything different.

  Some of the pyramids were small, and made of rough-hewn blocks that contrived to look far older than the mountains that fenced the valley from the high desert. After all, mountains had always been there. Words like young and old didnt apply to them. But those first pyramids had been built by human beings, little bags of thinking water held up briefly by fragile accumulations of calcium, who had cut rocks into pieces and then painfully put them back together again in a better shape. They were old.